シェンゲン領域加盟の26ヵ国は、下の地図で青い色に塗りたくられた国々です。(© by Wikipedia)
【 united.comに記載された英文まま】
We will continue to fly our regular schedule from Europe to the U.S. through March 20. After that, we expect to fly daily to Zurich, Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, Manchester and Edinburgh, maintain multiple flights to Frankfurt and Munich, and operate 18 daily flights to and from London, three to Dublin and four flights a week to Lisbon, all while continuing to monitor demand. Schedule changes will take place this Saturday, March 14. At that time, customers will be able to check the status of flights beyond March 20 on united.com or the mobile app.
往路のUA58便、SFO→FRA のポラリスビジネス席がガラッガラで、アップグレード枠がPZ9と出ました。
今朝、予約キャンセルやら変更でテンパってる 1KDesk へ電話して、アップグレードかけてもらいました。
「お待たせしました。後はシートセレクション... あれ?3A になってる...」
「(爆) 1K®会員ってユナイテッドのシステムに詳しいヒト多いけど、あなたダントツ!」
でも復路はどうなるか不明。FRAは複数路線維持するって言ってるし、復路もガラガラで座席 3A が予約出来てます。もし欠航して旅程を変更されても、大西洋横断便はポラリスビジネスに座らせてもらえるでしょう。
運航を停止する期間は、3月14日(土) の午前8時(+5 UTC)から ~ 4月17日(金) までです。
なんか... こうやたらめったら邪魔されると、意地でも飛びたくなってきた。
うまいこと往復ともアップグレードできちゃって、好みの座席 3A が確保できちゃった時点で、どうせこんなことになるんじゃないかとは思っていたけど、ガッカリですよ。まだユナイテッド航空のウェブサイトにはTK便のキャンセルが反映されていないので、SFO出発の72時間前になったら 1K Desk へ電話してみることにします。
ReplyDeleteAnybody in the air travel company doesn’t seem to regard air trip as probable or likely to retrieve pre-COVID-19 scales of intensity or amounts or quality any time shortly.
I hear people in Europe are switching from planes to trains.
I don’t know whether similar displacement is likely to occur in extended spatial locations such as Asia and North America which are without across-the-board underlying base or foundation esp. for railway.
The governmental financial rescues for airlines around the world may bring impermanent feeling that comes when burdensome is reduced, but will not basically save the industry.
Of course, we don’t want the industry including United to fall into abrupt failure of function or complete exhaustion.
The businesses and the wider system of production, distribution and consumption would be unendurable if great deal of travel were to discontinue.
Otherwise, COVID-19 should become the big conversion point toward more sustainable aviation.
Yamada denki
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteThe reason why Europeans are now traveling by trains rather than airplanes is because Ms. Greta Thunberg. That steel-made high school girl keeps trying to attend international congresses by sustainable way which is yacht, train, raft, paraglider, etc.
The US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY, D) proposed “Green New Deal” for earth-conscious and sustainable future, but it’s completely opposite to Trump regime and the Republicans blames on her as far-left socialist… from my perspective, nothing wrong with socialist except Xi or Putin regimes. Oops.. I have to be careful for receiving poison beverages… (can’t laugh)
The current solutions to be sustainable is a bit too expensive hence people keep digging the fossil carbons and burnt them off, make earth to be Venus. Don’t worry too much about it. Venus might have lives on its atmosphere even it’s covered with CO2 and extremely hot. We may be able to live in the future Terra!
At United Airlines, they introduced Eco Skies® but they can’t keep it seriously now. The financial recovery from the pandemic is the primary issue. Hence our atmosphere will be polluted and hearten up, future children will hate us a lot. Sorry kids, that’s our fault… :P