*This article is written both Japanese and English for readers' convenience.
On the unbelievable day of the vote for President this year, heavily tattooed UPS guy brought me two overnight packages.
J.P.Morgan Reserve Visa Infinite というクレジットカードです。
The parcels are J.P.Morgan Reserve Visa Infinite credit cards.
いままで使っている J.P.Morgan Palladium Visa Signature と,見た目はまるっきりいっしょ。箱はパラジウムカードより縦横とも約1インチ小さいだけで,よく似たデザインです。
Those cards are quite identical to J.P.Morgan Palladium Visa Signature card which we are currently using, and the package is similar too, just an inch smaller than Palladium's one.
Both Palladium and Reserve cards come with Metal and Plastic versions. As a nerd of credit cards, I have measured the actual wait of metal cards. Reserve is at 0.9440 oz. and the Palladium is 0.9360 oz. so the difference is within 1%, which supposedly is in an error range.
カードフェイスはこんなです。違いは右下のVISAロゴが Signature から Infinite に変わっただけです。
This is the card face. Only the difference is VISA logo mark on the right-bottom, Signature is replaced with Infinite.
実はカード番号も Member Since が2012年なのも,パラジウムから引き継いだために同じです。でもさすがにカードの期限や CVV2(裏面にある3桁のパネルコード)は変更されていました。
Card numbers are the same, even "Member Since" from 2012 because this is a successor to the Palladium Card. However, the expiration date and CVV2 (the 3-digit Panel Code in the rear) have been changed.
このリザーブカード... 見かけはそっくりですが,カードの付帯特典がとても良くなったんです。
Although the Reserve Card is quite identical to the Palladium Card, the bundled perks and privileges have been significantly improved.
最初は J.P.モルガン・リザーブの存在を知らずに,CHASEの支店でこっちの宣伝を見かけたのです。
Firstly, I didn't know anything about J.P.Morgan Reserve but I saw this product at Chase, the ad behind the teller.
この Chase Sapphire Reserve という新しいカード,クレジットヒストリーが良好な人にはもの凄い人気で,券面の印刷が間に合わないほどの申し込みが来ているそうです。なぜなら... 新規加入するとボーナスで10万ポイントもらえます。CHASEのポイントは1:1でユナイテッド航空の MilegaePlus 特典マイルへ変換できるので,10万マイル稼げます。しかも旅行とダイニングは1ドル3ポイントもらえる!白タクwのウーバーや民泊の Airbnb でも1ドル3ポイントもらえるし,スタバのコーヒーでも1ドル3ポイントです。
This new product, Chase Sapphire Reserve, they say this product became incredibly popular for people who have excellent credit history. Chase even didn't have enough tangible cards to be printed and provided. Because it comes with 100,000 points of enrollment bonus, which can be converted 1:1 to United's MileagePlus miles, means cardmembers can earn 100,000 miles! Furthermore, 3X points on travel and dining, even when you take Uber or stay at Airbnb properties, you can earn 3 points per a dollar, a cup of coffee from Starbucks will be earning 3X as well.
I want this card. This must be the most recent killer-product from Chase.
…と思ってネットで下調べしたら,Chase Sapphire Reserve ではなくて J.P.Morgan Reserve という,なんとなく聞き覚えのあるようなカードをヒットしました。見た目は今持っているパラジウムカードそっくりなうえ,パラジウムカードは今年いっぱいでサヨナラ,みんなリザーブカードに置き換わるという情報が流れていました。しかも新規会員は投資信託銀行の J.P. Morgan Private Bank で1,000万ドル以上の預金がある最上顧客だけが誘われるそうで「普通の銀行」な Chase Private Client にはもう発行されないということです。しかし幸いにも,既にパラジウムカードを持っている会員だけはリザーブカードへ交換してもらえるという話でした。
I started searching over the Internet about Chase Sapphire Reserve. Then I also found "J.P.Morgan Reserve" which sounds somewhat familiar with. Then I learned its card face is very identical to Palladium Card which currently I carry, and I also heard a scary rumor; Palladium Cards will be discontinued and the account will be converted to this Reserve Card within this year. And if someone wishes to apply this new product, s/he must park more than 10 million dollars at J.P. Morgan Private Bank, customers of Chase Private Client cannot apply or receive invitation. However, fortunately, the current Palladium cardmembers will be converted to this Reserve card.
カード切り替えのおしらせも来ない... これはかなり焦りました。そこでパラジウムのカードサービスへ電話。本人確認が済んで用件を聞かれていきなり
「原則パラジウムカード保持している会員は今年の年末までにはリザーブカードに切り替わる予定ですが... 年末は旅行やダイニングのチャンスが多いでしょうから,1ドル3ポイント欲しいですよね~?w」と軽く返されました。そのままリザーブカードへの切り替えを激しく希望したら,ものの数秒でおしまい。
I got cold feet then... there is a rumor telling that "conversion list" of cardmembers who will receive Reserve cards exists. If you are not on the list, you will be dropped off. As of last week Friday, I didn't deposit over 10 million at J.P. Morgan Chase, nor did I hear nothing about this new product from Chase either. Hence I called Palladium Card customer service. The representative checked I am the actual member, and then asked me how he could help me. I immediately asked whether I'm on the "conversion list" or not. He didn't answer my question directly but told me all Palladium cardmembers will be basically converted to Reserve cardmembers. I strongly requested him to convert my Palladium Card to Reserve Card as soon as they can. The rep replied me; he does understand the situation. We are in the holiday season and I want to earn 3X points ASAP. It took several seconds to convert my account. Then he told me the new cards would be arrived by next week Tuesday, and he was right. Besides, unfortunately I couldn't earn 100,000 bonus points since I have converted an old account, not applying a new card. But I am still a happy camper because I can start earning 3X points at Airbnb or McDonald's, and this new card is only available for the wealthy people who have over 10 million dollars at J.P. Morgan Private Bank.
さて,カードフェイスに戻って...。 パラジウムとリザーブはここが違います。
Back to the card face comparison... this is the difference between Palladium and Reserve.
上がリザーブ,下がパラジウム。米国では Visa U.S.A.だけが発行している米国で最上級の Visa Signature ブランドが蔓延していますが,Visa International が発行する Visa Infinite はまだ珍しいカードです。Infinite は世界標準でVISAブランドで最高峰ですから,ちょっと有り難みが増えたかも。
Upper one is Reserve, lower one is Palladium. Visa Signature is the highest card by Visa U.S.A. and this brand is pretty common these days. But Visa Infinite brand by Visa International is still rare in the States.
There is a cost-down in the rear. Palladium Card comes with laser-etched signature but Reserve card is equipped with standard signature panel as shown below.
The pigeon hologram by Visa remains the same. It remains the same for years - since I was involved mastering this hologram in London. (sigh)
カード番号が変わらなかったせいか Apple Pay のアカウントもスムーズに切り替わりました。
Apple Pay account has been updated smoothly because the card number remains the same.
パッと見た目は変わっていませんが,VISAロゴマークが Signature から Infinite へ変更。
It looks nothing updated but the logo mark of Visa has been replaced from Signature to Infinite.
CHASEへ電話したのは先週の金曜日。電話してから Chase Online でクレカの口座を見たら...
Just after finished calling Chase on Friday, my Chase online account has been changed immediately.
(JPMorgan Reserveという口座名は自分で好きに付け替えられるので無視願います)
There is a screen where I can check credit cards' benefits as shown above. (please ignore the title "JPMorgan Reserve" because I can nickname it whatever I like)
上スクリーンショットの Card Benefits から飛んだ先は,すでに J.P.Morgan Reserve に切り替え済み♪
Jumped from the above screen, the benefit page has already been updated as J.P.Morgan Reserve.
Because I could confirm the conversion was successfully completed by watching this screen, I could spend calm weekend.
J.P.Morgan Reserve は簡単に言ってしまえば,Chase Sapphire Reserve と J.P.Morgan Palladium の2枚のカードに付帯される特典を1枚にまとめてしまったことです。プライベートジェットの利用とかはなくなりましたが,United Club 正会員権とか Priority Pass 会員権などの空港ラウンジ会員権も付いているし,レンタカー保険のカバレージがプライマリになったし,Visa Infinite のカバレージに切り替わったので旅行やショッピングのプロテクションは手厚くなりました。(もっとも,VISAのこういう保証は American Express の The Platinum Card® にはかないません)
Rough conclusion; J.P.Morgan Reserve Card is 2-in-1 of Chase Sapphire Reserve and J.P.Morgan Palladium. Some benefits like chartering Private Jet is missing, it still comes with United Club membership as well as Priority Pass, the airport lounge access program. Because Visa card brand has been replaced to Infinite, rental car insurance became primary, travel and shopping insurances and protections have been modified. (however, these benefits by Visa cannot beat The Platinum Card® by American Express at all)
Reserve Card... I was really waiting for this kind of product. It looks the same but much better point earning benefits.
Previously, I was talking to myself I would not churn Palladium Card because of airport lounge access, but now all the useful benefits are given. I was lucky I didn't give up Palladium membership. From now on, I will be depending on these Flashy-Metal and Brown-Plastic cards for travel and dining opportunities for sure.