さて... まだ1時間以上あるから、シャワー浴びてサッパリしてから搭乗しよう、と思いました。
そのお手元のハードカバー... 『E=mc2』というのは、変わったタイトルの本ですねぇ。w
・・・単純で誰でも覚え易そうだから?(多分そう。 なんて覚えられない)
それよりも... その手と本の間にある黒い物体は何!? もしかして、スマホ!!??
Z22番ゲートまでやってきました。途中でドキュメントチェックのおじさん達に呼び止められたので、搭乗券に貼ってある審査をパスしたステッカーを見せたら Thank you, Sir!! ってニコニコされました。
SFOへ向かう夕方初の便は、ユナイテッド航空がローンチパートナーで買ったボーイング 777-222 です。この時はラッキーで、内装の方はポラリスに換装済みの機材です。(まだ換装終わってない機体もある)
20世紀で最も偉大な物理学者を輩出したドイツ連邦共和国、じつわ 少しおバカかも...。
(そういえば 一石 ein stein 先生、物理は得意でも数学は苦手だったそうです。通ずる所があって好き♥)
ReplyDeleteWhen I first saw the equation ; E=mc2 in my school of medicine days, I was deeply shocked to know the theory of special relativity showed the statement that property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field and a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work are identical physical existence along with being altered into one another.
Mr. Albert Einstein proved that in the physical statement that two expressions are equal, the increased relativistic mass ( = m ) of a body times the speed of light squared ( = c2 ) is equal to the kinetic energy ( = E ) of that body.
What a genius he is !
Yamada denki
Did you learn Einstein’s Special Relativity theory in your medical school??
Deletemmm... that’s because the theory is not directly involved to Healthcare studies like biology, chemistry or zoology, I guess.
In my high-school period, we completed 数学 I, IIb and III in two years, and then the 3rd grade is assigned for the preparation of the entering examinations for Universities where the student wishes to enter and receive degrees such as BA, BS and beyond, if they wish.
But if someone is wishing to enter purely natural or healthcare scientific courses or high-level industrial studies, they takes advanced 物理II or 数学III and has to remember/learn Maxwell's equations to understand how electromagnetic fields behaves within Newton world, then the waved also behaves like a quark – photon.
Luckily, I chose Bio-Chem areas without real organ chop-chop, not encountering “in-situ” dead bodies, as few as possible, so I decided to be majored in plant genetics.
However, I still had to chop-chop some mice, rats, jerbils and hens, I decided to leave T-Gakuen, and my longest period (from kindergarten) most specialized talent – Photography. Then I successfully graduated Summa Cum Laude at The Tokyo Institute of Photography.
Even the score was top of tops at photo school; technical transport of ‘holography’ from England to Tokyo was a hard job. Fortunately, I already learned the minimum knowledge of Maxwell's Equations or Einstein’s ‘Stimulated Emission’ at the high school, my roll was easier than I expected, though my tutor – an engineer from pulse-ruby laser manufacturer couldn’t believe Stimulated Emission was learned at the 3rd grade of high school. “Well, sir, we Japanese learn practical science and math in the early period if the kid is smart enough.” I actually lied but the tutor finally understood. (lol)
Therefore, I very briefly learned Maxwell's equations at 物理II in 2nd degree, followed by over 10 years later at MIT (lol). Then Einstein’s ‘Stimulated Emission’ was also a basis of the studying holography.
By those studies and training from High School to MIT, I remember nothing – Nothing.
At least, the knowledge of wave front controlling technology such as prism effect on the thin-coated materials like AR-Coating on the mirror and lenses are helpful for diachronic glass colors.
So, E=mC2. What the professor for teaching physics told was; The C2, square of Light speed, is a astronomical number but it is a consistent number which you can ignore it if you are under Newton physics. Means, mass = energy. More mass converts to more energy, that’s it.
I loved my physics professor’s instantaneous explanation for the real world.
But I couldn’t understand General Theory of Relativity, which is much more important. But, I still don’t have to take care of gravity lenses, or worrying about the time difference by moving as fast as light speed. (lol)