ここからは、フルルンさん & だいすけさん と一緒に、シンガポールへ出かけた旅行記を綴ります。隔日公開で10月末まで続く予定です。
さて… シンガポールへは SFO からユナイテッド航空の直行便があります。
二人いっしょに入場できる、国際線 G ゲートのユナイテッド・クラブへ寄りました。
右:だ る ま い ん こ (以上、読みは憶測)
ここ… かつてはファーストクラスを利用する客専用のラウンジでした。なので、内装は妙にアジア風というか中華風に凝っていて、ユナイテッド航空のラウンジにしては驚くほどお金をかけています。
まるで 500 系新幹線が、のぞみ から こだま に凋落したみたい。
PET ボトルが禁止された SFO… みんな考える事は同じみたいです。www
なので、使い方を覚えてるから簡単♪ デキャフのカプチーノを淹れました。
淹れてから「しまった! ナチョスとカプチーノって…」と、相性の悪さに気づきました。
品質が… 安売りスーパーで売ってるタコスセットみたいな風味で、やっぱりざんねんでした。
でも、普段から安売りスーパーのスナック食って抵抗力つけてるから、全然平気♪ (爆)
PING 反射はきわめて優秀で、8 ms。
データ通信は下り 38 Mbps、上り42 Mbps と、空港ラウンジとしては上出来。
ユナイテッド・クラブはどこに行っても、Wi-Fi だけは優秀です。
やがて搭乗時間が近づいてきたので、ゲート G1 へ移動。
(16 時間半のフライトに乳幼児を乗せるのはほぼ虐待同然かも…)
Deleteコンチと合併前のユナイテッド航空は、MileagePlusも利点が多かったですし、それなりに機内サービスも良かったですよね。もちろん日系と比較はできませんが、DL、AA よりは好きでした。
ラウンジサービスは… 2019年夏のことになりますが、成田のVIPラウンジ(ユナイテッド・クラブの上階・旧ファーストラウンジ)には、シャンパーニュはテタンジェのNVが置いてありました。ポラリスラウンジも開設当初はパイパー・エドシックでしたので、いちおうシャンパーニュを名乗れる泡を提供してはいました。
Finally, I have reached the start of your travelogue to Singapore with Fururun-san and Daisuke-san. It's my fault for not following the timeline properly, though.
ReplyDeleteCome to think of it, it would be annoying if someone commented on an article you posted more than six months ago, even for you. But let me leave a comment anyway.
You and Fururun-san visited the United Club at the international G gate together. Hahaha, is it the readers' habit to feel nostalgic about the 静岡新聞 even though they haven't actually seen it?
Oh, this United Club used to be utilized as the United First Lounge, right? I remember the 静岡新聞's calligraphy, but I forgot the name of the lounge. By the way, do customers using first class prefer an Asian or Chinese-style interior? It seems that United Airlines were spending a lot of money on first-class passengers when the class existed.
Although the United First Lounge is now just a United Club, I don't think it has deteriorated as much as you described it as "it's like the 500 series Shinkansen has fallen from Nozomi to Kodama."
The 500 series was developed by JR West as part of its efforts to enhance the competitiveness of its own route, the Sanyo Shinkansen, and to achieve even higher speeds. It was an exceptional Shinkansen designed and planned to be compatible with all 320 km/h, including body strength, truck strength, and rail-holding propulsive performance. Although it had a lack of compatibility with other types of Shinkansen, such as having only one boarding gate at the front and rear, it became a popular Shinkansen not only for children but also for adults, adding to the long history of the Shinkansen with its rounded body and unique paint.
JR West has returned evil for good against this iconic Shinkansen, though. It has been downgraded from Nozomi to Kodama as you pointed out, and has been forcibly decorated with poor taste paints such as "Pla-rail Car," "500 TYPE EVA," and finally, "Hello Kitty Shinkansen," which is still an insult to the name of the iconic train. Shame on you, JR West! ... I'm sorry, I got carried away.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteNow I’m catching up a little bit… sorry for the delayed reply. (I don’t think you keep checking here though)
The trip to Singapore with those ‘trio’ was a fun. We also made Sydney as well, and keep looking for other chances to visit somewhere, then Singapore is a perfect destination for us as foodies.
Though it degraded to standard United Club, the décor remains the same. Therefore, the calligraphies of 達磨鸚哥 and 静岡新聞 are still there. Well… I dislike 静岡新聞 these days because that medium teamed up with the governor to delay New Maglev Shinkansen.
> do customers using first class prefer an Asian or Chinese-style interior?
Seriously answering, I have no idea, sensei… about half of the guests are Asians, mostly Chinese so they are okay with that. Caucasian, African or Latin guests might be interested in this décor because major destinations from SFO are beyond Pacific Ocean.
But this is somewhat interesting. They didn’t sell those interior goods like NRT lounge did. I do miss my Koi partition, and wondering how Kon-chan partition on upstairs is doing… hope it remains for the new Polaris Lounge NRT in the future.
Honestly speaking, I do like 500 series Shinkansen by JR West. I even planned an opportunity to take a quick ride from/to Okayama by 500 series Kodama, but I gave up because I might be wearing diaper… (lol) I found Hello Kitty Kodama is still running though I didn’t see Evangelion one in the recent diagrams. (sob)
But, if JR West installs the same seat configurations and abreast on 500 series, the booking system accept the compatibility to N700 series then it can come back to Tokaido as well, I think… the seat might be super narrow and uncomfortable though.