Wednesday, May 4, 2016

« Visiting Istanbul

FYI: I'll be visiting Istanbul, Turkey from 4th to 9th of May. During my trip, I may not be able to reply your messages.
Sultan Ahmet Camii (Blue Mosque) in Feb.2016

State Department keeps sending me warnings regarding the terrorists' attack but I've already booked my air tickets, hotel room and dining tables. I'm a bit scared of. Anyhow, I have to be careful in the busy streets, tram cars as well as securing my passport. I lost my passport in Istanbul last year hence the same tragedy should not be happened again... But my biggest concern is the brown and thin-flat insects, he-who-must-not-be-named, in the hamam (Turkish bath). I even met him in chilly February (I successfully terminated him because he was slow under the low temperature), but I really don't want to see him again!

The good part is; I can fly under summer schedules so the flights and duration are much better than February.  Relaxation in hamam and having good meals are the concepts on this trip. Itte kimasu.☺

During my absence, scheduled articles will be automatically posted but I may not be able to reply the comments. Apologize in advance.


  1. ここにコメントを入れるのでしょうか?

    1. Dear Atsushi ai- Sendai,
      はい〜♪ そこでOKです。 昨夜は入国審査で前にシリアのパスポート持った家族がいて、僕の番まで1時期半以上待たされました。

  2. ここに入れるのねっ…よっこらしょ…

    1. Dear masa師、
      日本語のコメには日本語でレス返すつもりですが… あんだけ海外出張かましてて分筆が専門で… ちょっとイタイんでね?
      あ、日本はもう翌日ですね… ぬこあつめの合言葉を取得しなくちゃ。

      トルコって居心地いいけど少し不便。Buskin Robbins (31 ice cream) が無い。アイス食いたいのに、ビロ〜ンと伸びるアイスしか見つからない! タピオカ入りのフレーバーアイスティーも無い。素朴なチャイばっかり。(号泣)

  3. obaKoba-sann,

    There must be a high warning from social mental confusion, esp. in Istanbul.

    There is considered to be an intense threat of suicide bomber attack against UK and US, from groups stimulated by the warfare in Iraq and Syria.
    You should be careful at this time.

    Take a good look araund you 24hrs a day !
    Have a nice trip !!

    best denki

    1. Dear Best Denki sensei,
      First of all, apologies for my previous replies I noted "best dentist sensei." That was by automatically corrected by iPad.

      And thanks for the heads-up. In fact, I keep receiving messages from State Department like this.

      "We strongly encourage U.S. citizens to monitor local media for updates, maintain a high level of vigilance, be aware of local events, and take the appropriate steps to bolster your personal security."

      I'm certainly being careful when I take public transportation and checking around me if someone has fluffy beard with dark eccentric eyes, doesn't give eye contacts. :))
      Furthermore, I am hiding from my nationality, pretending to be an innocent Japanese. I'm quite confident I can pretend Japanese perfectly but not sure about "innocent" part. (Lol)
      Anyhow, I just had big and tasty breakfast, now taking tram to old town side to explore a new hamam.

      Thanx again!!
