Wednesday, May 25, 2016

2016Feb.Istanbul 20 - Sultanahmet area

Another afternoon, I briefly walked thru the most popular tourists' spot, Sultanahmet.
This is the Blue Mosque, Sultanahmet Mosque. Very gorgeously built.

Here's the picture just enter the gate.
This is a huge mosque. I could enter there but I have already made it several times, and the concern of safety, I didn't enter this time.

Around this area must be the place of terrorism happened, but no flowers, nothing. All look normal.
Pansies are blooming, tulips are not yet... then if I carefully see the areas, there are numbers of policemen taking care of this area.

I was walking to Hagia Sofia (now it's museum)... then found this gazebo like thing.
Don't ask me what this is... but supposedly, it's perhaps a fountain for people clean their legs, hands and mouth before entering the mosque, just guessing.

Besides the purpose of the usage, I was amazed by the decoration of its ceiling.
Look!! the ceiling is this much of colorful, precise and meticulous decoration! Isn't this amazing!?

It's a short stay in this area. I already enjoyed here and went back to the tram station.
Before returning, I took a exterior of Hagia Sofia. This is the building I can see from my hotel room. Istanbul is such a exotic city with eclectic cultures. I really love here. (no, not only because of bunch of mustached guys around)


  1. obaKoba-sann,

    I’m very fascinated by brilliant, accurate and detailed ornament of the roof, too.
    I know what you mean by ‘a exotic city with eclectic cultures’.
    Istanbul must be one of the world’s tremendous topographical intersections.
    As the common saying goes, “Istanbul is a place where East meets West”.

    Thank you for demonstration of the city’s essence.

    best denki

  2. イスタンブールでも特に観光案内には良く出てくる場所ですね。400年以上前にこんなでかい建物を作るなんて・・・いずこの地にもこのような建物が有りますが、その当時の権力者の力って、一極集中してたんですねえ。細やかな装飾が未だに残っているなんてすごいなあ。
