(こっちでは普通に A happy new year! やってるけど、確か日本の風習、そうだったよね? )
お慶ばないかわりに、シェルターから引き取ってきた、ぬこたちのその後 & 近況を少し。
とてもデカいクロネコさん... 20ポンドくらいあります。
そのガタイの良さゆえ、施設では Hulk ハルクという仮名をもらっていましたが... シッポのつけ根のところを掌でポンポンたたいてやると喜んで、ワンワン鳴きます。ニャッ ニャッ って言ってるのかも知れませんが、ワンッ ワンッ って聞こえるので、ワンワンという名前になりました。他には「ヤマト」とか「クロちゃん」とかベタな名前や「Schrödingerシュレディンガー」という量子力学な名前も考えましたが、結局「わんわん」で定着しました。
我が家の他の ぬこ3人を毛繕いして、緊張をほどいて仲良くさせようとしてくれます。
もうすっかり馴染んでソファやカーペットで僕に寄り添おうとします。ただし、僕の隣は... ちーちゃんが丸まっていたり、わんわんが「おしりスパンク」を渇望して寄ってくるので、なかなか希望をかなえてやれません。
他のぬこと遊んでいる隙に、どさくさに紛れて撫でたら… もの凄いもふもふ!
ReplyDeleteSorry for deleting repeatedly...
A happy new year ! (lol)
Unfortunately, this year 2020 is not 'a happy year' at least so far...
I remember at the Muslim place of worship in Istanbul, you saw a red cat with a grey or tawny coat mottled with black.
He/she was believed to be allowed to roam freely rather than being confined indoors.
In Istanbul, you told me there are lots of young cats.
Muslims pertaining to time-honored orthodox doctrines don't tend to own dogs since their clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands and mucous glands of the mouth is regarded as being ceremonially unclean.
Thus, in place of possession of dogs, they seem to have lots of cats in the area or vicinity.
It must be a merriment for you, though your fear might be some wingless bloodsucking parasitic insect.
You can’t be too careful when you play with your lovely cats not to suffer from the terrible pricks.
Yamada denki
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteA happy new year to you too. If you change the perspective, 2020 is still a happy year since human being slowed polluting the planet, some wild lives are coming back and blue skies are back to India and China.
Felines are Muslims’ favored pets compare to canines. The basic idea of this preference comes from al-Quran, which suggests staying away from filth and keeping yourself clean. This translates, the point you told, dogs are not clean because they are drizzling saliva. And then, cats are licking themselves very often and keep their coat nice and clean, they think cats are following al-Quran spontaneously.
However, in fact, because Turkish people are much more ‘relaxed’ Muslims, they drink and having dogs. (No, I meant; having a dog as a pet, not for cuisine)
Yet, vast majority of citizens prefer kitties and there are numbers of free range cats in downtown. Those kitties are not ‘feral’ but ‘community cats’ rather. Local people love feeding those kitties, and I saw well-built cat homes, look like doghouses but more condominium-structured ones (lol), and then foods are always available in front of the cat condo. Being non-owner cat is not so pitiful in Istanbul because people, locals there as well as the visitors like me, are taking care of such kitties. These days, when I travel Istanbul, I always bring cat foods with me.
Now my kitties… Three out of four, Chi-Chan, Parker and Jerry are being a good friend to each other. Especially, Jerry is a young boy and chasing other two as a bigger brother, and the bigger ones are giving educational training to Jerry. Besides, WanWan is a old filthy nasty guy, keeps beating Chi-Chan and Parker when I don’t watch them. I wanted WanWan back to cat shelter because he is being bad to other three, but he is clever enough… WanWan always comes close to my better-half and purring, behaves super adorable. I honestly bring him back to the cat shelter, but when I saw him sleeping on the bed happily, I thought I can’t do that. Now our home is his home too… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯