Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Santa Ramen

昔は B St. と8番街の近所にありましたが、今は日系スーパーNIJIYAのあるショッピングセンターで営業。

ランチタイム営業開始直後。1年前くらいは11時過ぎから行列でしたが... もうそこまでの人気なし。
そこそこ客は入っていますが、サンマテオにはラーメン店が増えて、大勝軒、遊楽、ひまわり亭、味千拉麺、その他にもアジア系のなんちゃってパチもんラーメン屋まで数軒が出現。現在の一番人気は大勝軒かな。 最古参のさん太ラーメン自体も2号店の「ラーメン道場」でスパイシーなラーメンを出し、蝦醤を使った3号店「ラーメンパーラー」の3軒に増え、オーナーさんはポルシェ・カイエンを買っちゃえるくらい繁盛しています。


20年ほど前、移民してすぐの頃、当時まだ持っていた(笑)扁桃腺が腫れて高熱で伏せっていた日... 家人が自宅にあった耐熱ガラスのボウルを抱えてさん太の行列に並び、店主の小林さんに掛け合って醤油ラーメンを持ち込んだボウルの中へ作ってもらい、それを僕の病床まで持ってきてくれました。摂氏40度近くの熱で味覚が馬鹿になっていても、少しのびてぬるくなったラーメンを有り難くすすったという、素敵な思い出の味なのです。

なんか... 思い切り変化してる。 頼んでもいないのに、最初から挽肉とローステッドガーリックが載ってる。茹で玉子がウズラだし、メンマが妙に大柄。太肉麺しか食べていなかったので「プレーン」の醤油ラーメンが「デラックス」化しまくっているのは全然知らなかった...。もっとシンプルなのを食べたい時ってどうすればいいんだろう!?


やや太麺寄りの中太麺なんですが、以前はもっと断面が丸く、スパゲッティ用の製麺機で造っているのがバレバレでした。今では断面が角っぽくなってるし、少し縮れが入っています。でも他のシェフさん達からの情報では、どうやら未だに山下さんの製麺所ではなく L.A. のほうの会社に発注していると思われ。

刻んだ脂身がビッシリ... これのおかげで脂の甘さまで感じるくらい入ってます。

食べてきた翌日に写真と文章を変臭していたら... またラーメンを食べたくなったよ...。




  1. obaKoba-sann,

    As you have a very deep memory in the Santa Ramen, you sometimes visit the restaurant.

    Even I remember you still had swollen tonsils and lay down for high grade fever.
    And I’m also surprised to know approximately 20 years have passed since you emigrated to the States.
    Time flies !

    Your better-half joined a queue with a bowl of heat-resisting glass and brought soy sauce Ramen to your bedside.
    What a wonderful memory even if the temperature of the Ramen was nearly 40 degrees centigrade !

    Yamada denki

  2. obaKoba-sann,

    Oh, I’m very sorry.
    I made a mistake.
    40 degrees centigrade was your body temperature, not Ramen (lol).

    Yamada denki

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Chef Kobayashi started Santa when I moved to San Mateo, so this is my soul food in the town, and it tastes not too shabby. My first 5 years in America was miserable – I got tonsillitis every quarter and the health system here is absolutely opposite to Japan… I even was a fever under 40 degrees, Tylenol (acetaminophen) by OTC was the only medication I can take. Under such severe fever, my better-half went to Santa with a big Pyrex bowl and made a line, negotiated with Mr. Kobayashi to make a hot ramen in that glass bowl, brought it to my bedside. Although the ramen became lukewarm, about 40 degrees, (lol) but it was okay for me anyway because my taste buds were not properly functioning because of the fever.
      (Now you know the word “queue” isn’t American English. We don’t ‘queue’ but ‘make a line.’ British and Aussie people queue.)

      Eighteen years ago, after unexpectedly long surgery – 3 hours, (I was told it taked several minutes for kids) the ENT surgeon had successfully taken off my tonsils as well as adenoid which is a “service” she said… then my big snore stopped, my better-half was so delighted by such quiet nights – for a while. Recovery from that first-time receiving general anesthesia, followed by keep eating ice creams for a couple of week, my life was significantly proven. Since then, I rarely have a fever – probably once every other year and the body temperature goes up to 39 degrees, much less than 40.

      When I visited my parents and told the story how my life became easy after the surgery, my parents started crying and apologize because they didn’t give tonsillectomy for me. They said I was a very fragile kid and the primary doctor didn’t recommend such surgery. I was very surprised but understood the situation.
      Now I’m a big boy and no sever fever would happen, except COVID-19. I tried to enroll the trial vaccination, but San Francisco Bay Area is not available for those vaccines by Pfizer or NISAID. We only have a chance of a trial for Remdesivir, but that one is after the infection, which I don’t want to receive, and I don’t like Gilead Sciences at all.
