生涯マイルが 2,782,916マイルまで貯まり、私の計算によれば(←T学園の同窓生一部の皆さんには爆笑w)来年9月の UA837便で成田に着いたら 3,000,004マイルに達し、生涯マイルは3ミリオン超え、生涯 1K® 確定。
この View Upgrades をクリックすると、予約一覧のタブに PlusPoints upgrades という項目が増えていました。
移行後、アップグレード確定して使ったのが 360 PlusPoints、残り 440 ポイントのうち 70 ポイントが利用予定になっています。これだとまだ 370ポイントも余っています。(9月の成田線復路は Premium Plus 席を予約したので、ポラリスビジネスへのアップグレードは 30ポイントだけで済んでいます)
移行前、RPU/GPU の使い残りは RPUが16枚、GPUが1枚でしたが... 来年1月まで有効期限の RPU 12枚も PlusPoints へ移行される時に一括で 2021年1月までに期限延長されたみたい。嬉しい。これじゃ使い切れない♪
せっかくだから、今度から始まる Skip Waitlist 特典に PlusPoints を注ぎ込もうと思いました。で、Skip Waitlist 特典のことをもう少し調べてみたら... 出発の30日以内が対象だそうです。1ヶ月前じゃいい席みんな獲られた後じゃん! しかも時期とか路線によるでしょうが、Skip Waitlist 特典って片道あたり 140ポイント以上とかメッチャ必要らしい。(怒)
今日のフランクフルト発 UA927便で、挨拶に来てくれた International Purser(UAはチーフーパーサーをこう呼ぶみたい)の M さんは、十数年前に家人と旅した当時同じFRA/SFO線の UA901便で出逢った方でした。
「oboKobaさま... あら、あなた... 凄く見覚えがあるんですけど?」
「チーフになったの? おめでとう! 僕も来年 Lifetime 1K になるよ♪」
「(爆) 貴方、ユナイテッド航空に乗り慣れすぎてます!これじゃ生涯1Kになるわけです」
I sold my soul to UNITED.
ReplyDeleteLet me think why you sold your soul to the Satan which might be United (lol).
At first, you really have lived there in San Mateo, close to SFO that is the important hub of United.
Second, United’s FFP ; MP may have a good balance of the costs and benefits though I haven’t carried out any investigations on management policies compatible with other carriers’ ones.
If so, you didn’t realize it is too costly to worry about mileage running to maintain your 1K status on United.
I don’t know whether or not my speculations written above are reasonable, however you’re getting closer to the goal ; lifetime 1K.
Yamada denki
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteSince I decided to achieve Lifetime 1K®, this means I contracted with Saturn, a.k.a. United Airlines. (Note: I used another spelling of daemon on purpose because of the name of game console)
Your guess was correct, sensei. I recently flew by Northwest Airlines when I was in Tokyo and visiting Florida every other month to see my better-half. I tried to resume flying under WorldPerks even I moved to SFO-based, but NWA and Continental were not so convenient choice at that time. Then I switched to MileagePlus, after 12 years with MileagePlus, Continental surprisingly followed me, and became a real ‘owner’ of MileagePlus. (lol)
WorldPerks was a very good FFP when I was in Tokyo. Their system had a back door… when I purchase a ticket at their Tokyo office in Imperial Hotel and paid by Citi WorldPerks Visa, I’d been immediately upgraded. Or when I returned from SFO to Narita, I showed my WorldPerks Gold Visa card then the check-in agent misrecognized the card and upgrade me and told me “I’m afraid to tell you Mr. obaKoba, but we only have row 18, where is smoking seat. Is it acceptable for you, sir?” I was so delighted because I still was a smoker and it’s a business class! Such a nice airline.. except the meal service was a hell. (LOL)
My very first experience with United was a very long haul flight at that time, Narita to Newark nonstop. It was a business trip before $ega so I had to fly on economy, but I was so delighted the meals United served were much, much better than NWA. Those were absolutely edible! Despite the good meal services by UA, the vast majority of flight attendants are elderly…
In any cases, I hope United recovers from this coronavirus tragedy soon…