Tuesday, December 10, 2019

From Istanbul

左の建物はイェ二・ジャーミィ(シン・モスク の意)。そして空には海ニャーニャー。
写真はこのブログで激レアな、iPhone 11 Pro からの撮って出し。



このホテルの Frequent-Stayer Program があったら、最上位かも。

ナイトシフトの新人くんに「ついにお会いできて光栄です!」って言われ、面食らいました。このホテルと食堂の従業員で僕を知らない人はいない、と聞かされていたそうで… 嬉しいのを通り過ぎて、なんか怖い。

 垢すり → オイル → ソープ の3セグメントを普通は一人で担当するのを、3人がかり。
 そう、三位一体の攻撃。 ←四天王寺高校を知っていた毒者、お迎えが…(くどい)
 泡踊り(ソープ)が終わって休憩していたら… 目の前を『熊徹』みたいなのが横切った。

ではでは、毒者の皆さまにおかれましては、次は ANA のFめし記事を御高覧くださいませ。


  1. obaKoba-sann,

    Now is the really hard time for all human beings on the globe.
    I’m very sorry to hear you say you’ve got a brief written communication from the hotel’s proprietor which stated Karaköy Rooms has been being closed till anyone don’t know when.
    Therefore, you reserved Intercontinental Istanbul alternatively.
    As I told you, I purchased an Ambassador since IHG made me available or accessible to the tier by paying decent sum of money.
    At that time, I had had around 10 reservations for IHG, mainly to take part in medical conferences which were supposed to be held at some destinations in Japan,.
    Though, I had to cancel most of them due to global pandemic of acute respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

    I’d like to wish for happiness of everything, including Karaköy Rooms, you, all your families and relatives…

    Yamada denki

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Hope you didn’t encounter any hidden-positive patients so far… but there are only 10 cases in Okayama as of today, it’ll still be lower risk. Then your neighbors, Shimane and Tottori, don’t have any cases… so, those areas even can’t be corroded by coronavirus because there’s not enough populations?

      Actually, what the owners of Karaköy Rooms told me was; they close the hotel business, but they’ll keep the restaurant business when government allows resuming it. That decision was so tough for them because they experienced temporally closure by the government about several years ago, then they could successfully survived that difficult period. I was with them on that closure period for 2-3 years and then returned staying there; our relationships have been reinforced a lot. But such strong relations couldn’t win to SRAS-CoV-2… shame on bat-eaters in Wuhan.

      When I booked InterContinental Istanbul, I encountered special offers to be an Ambassador 3 times, the final one was even offering the discount for the first year at $100, but I refrained from those. As you know, I used to keep Ambassador membership for several years… then I found it is enough for me being IHG Platinum member because I don’t stay InterContinental hotels so often, but the other brands such as Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn and most frequently, Hotel Indigo.
      Followed by the InterContinental in new town, I also booked Crowne Plaza in old town so that I can compare which is more convenient for me to stay a week. InterContinental is gorgeous but the location is pretty much isolated from the local’s favorites… Because I usually melting into local within a day or two (lol), it may be more convenient if I stay in the busy area, without pick-a-pockets or tourists’ traps. See what happens.

      San Mateo is under “Stay Home” order for 3 weeks, and it extended until May 5.
      I am so frustrated.
      I wanna fly.
      Porco Rosso said「飛べない豚はただの豚だ」then I’m just a pig right now…
