Saturday, December 7, 2019

Kirby's Dream Land, Next

今日の記事は帰省日記と順序入れ替え、しかも文字ばっかし。イスタンブールから iPad で書いてるから許して。

思い起こせば… 貨物列車屋の社長をやっていたミュノスちんは、あのあざとい笑いのスマイゼックくんから2015年にユナイテッド航空のCEO職を引き継ぎ『貨物列車のノウハウがユナイテッドにはピッタリ!』とかボロクソに言われ(私じゃないわよw)その1ヶ月後に心臓発作で入院する羽目になりました。僕は知らなかったんですが、翌年、2016年の1月に心臓移植を受けて、退院後に職場復帰を果たしていたんです。

で… せっかく職場復帰して社内をうまく切り盛りしていい感じになってきたのに… あの『ダオたんタコ殴り、アザラシの赤ちゃんみたいに引きずり降し事件』が勃発。初期対応でダオたんを責めるようなツイートやっちまって大炎上。また心臓が止まるんじゃないかという綱渡りをなんとかこなし、今ではスマイゼックくんから引き継ぎした時から UAL:NASDAQ の株価は倍に上がってきました。(買っとけばよかった… 信用できんかった)

ここでバトンタッチするカービィくんは、デルタ航空のプレジデントだったのをヘッドハントされてきたんですね。だからユナイテッドってなんでもデルタの真似っこ状態だったんだね。そして… MileagePlus をデルタでさえ躊躇う金色夜叉の権化みたいなプログラムにルール変更しておいてから、半年かけてカービィくんに橋渡しするわけです。


スターアライアンスの盟主ユナイテッド。その親分はカービィ… 以後、ここでは『星のカービィ』と呼んであげようと思います。(よもや、うちのブログに NOA の Copyrights を入れるとは思わんだ。w)

© 2019 Nintendo. Games are property of their respective owners. Nintendo of America Inc. Headquarters are in Redmond, Washington

Customers now have more free on board snack options as well, with a choice of Lotus Biscoff cookies, pretzels and the Stroopwafel.
ここ読んで『うんうん。そうそう♪』とか相槌打っちゃったけど… 子供騙しみたいな馬鹿舌アメリカ小僧のおやつじゃねぇか!ってプチムカついた。でもビスコフもストゥロープルワッフルも好きだから、実は文句言えない自分がとてもざんねんです。


  1. obaKoba-sann,

    Sorry for deleting...


    A few days ago, ACP (American College of Physicians) sent me an e-mail ; ‘Novel Coronavirus: A Physician's Guide (March 9, 2020 Update)’ with some associated quiz sticks to the end of sentences as usual.
    I’ll show you the quiz ;.

    Who should be contacted if a patient is suspected of infection with SARS-CoV-2? (Select the one correct response)

    1. CDC
    2. WHO
    3. the local or state public health department
    4. local infection control professionals and the local or state public health department

    correct answer; 4.
    Contact both your local infection control professionals, to initiate transmission control measures, and the local or state public health department. Public health officials will assist in determining if a person with suspected infection should be officially consider a Patient Under Investigation (PUI) for SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19.

    How can healthy people reduce risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection? (Select ALL correct responses)

    1. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
    3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    4. Wear a facial mask when out in public

    correct answer; 1. 2. 3.
    To reduce risk of illness from viral illnesses including influenza, the common cold, and SARS-CoV-2, healthy people should wash their hands properly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching their mucous membranes with unwashed hands, and avoid close contact with people who are sick. Masks are not recommended, but people who are ill should be advised to practice respiratory hygiene including wearing a mask if they need to be in a public area such as a health care center, in order to reduce viral transmission through respiratory droplets.

    True or False: Patients with acute respiratory disease under investigation for SARS-CoV-2 infection should routinely be treated with corticosteroid therapy.

    1. True
    2. False

    correct answer; 2.
    Unless otherwise required to treat septic shock or another disease process such as acute exacerbation of COPD, do not use corticosteroids because of the potential for prolonging viral replication, based on lessons learned from observed MERS-CoV patients.

    I'm quite sure you answered all the questions correctly.

    Speaking of ACP, they canceled their Internal Medicine Meeting 2020, originally scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, CA, April 23-25, whose decision is, of course, based on recent reports from the WHO and CDC of rapidly escalating concerns about the COVID-19, and in recognition of the vital role of internal medicine physicians in diagnosing, managing and caring for their patients and communities on the front lines.

    ACP also sent a warm message, “Thank you for your commitment to internal medicine and to your patients, and for all you do every day.”, and the last phrase reminded me, ‘Every customer. Every flight. Every day.’
    As well as ACP, United is focusing more than ever on its commitment to its customers.

    God bless ACP and United !

    Yamada denki

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Even before becoming the CEO of United Continental Hldg., Mr. Scott Kirby already is having a hard time because of SARS-CoV-2 (the name of the virus. The name of the disease is COVID-19, correct?).

      A patient is suspected of infection with SARS-CoV-2, they should start blaming China! This devastating situation was starting from China; of the People, by the People, for the People of Republic China!!

      Healthy people can reduce risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection by preventing any chances of contact with the People of Republic China, or stop eating wild bats!!

      Patients with acute respiratory disease under investigation for SARS-CoV-2 infection should routinely be treated with colonoscopy. Then your clinic will be filled up and choke up with appointments!!

      Ah… I'm quite sure I have answered all the questions correctly!! (lol but sorry for some discriminative wordings, if you felt so)

      There is a company named Gilead Sciences from several miles away from my home and some of our students/customers are working or involving with that company… and they are developing antivirus treatment for SARS-CoV-2, as you know.
      However, I think they are wasting their resources simply… when the effective treatment has been confirmed by CDC and approved by FDA, the virus will be gone. This kind of situations already happened previously, and that’s why the pharmaceutical laboratories are not seriously studying those deceases.
      Studying and developing Hepa-C and/or HIV treatments are much more beneficial for them. After all, pharmaceutical companies are “Companies,” means, a company pursuing benefits and return them to the investors. We should have organizations under non-profitable and spend their burdens for the deceased patients with minimal expense. No, I am neither a communist nor socialist but we do need such kind of system for this world… well, it will be a dream of idiots but we really do need it, I think.

      ...and again, Don't Eat Wild Bats. Whales are Okay. :))
