ガラス一枚ですが... 1月なので外は寒々としていました。
キャンバス地でできた椅子に座って... ここでは喫煙できるように、灰皿が置いてありました。
夜に眺めるとロマンチック... でした。 今は夜遅くまで工事が進んでいて、ロマンチックになれません。
トルコ語でオレンジをポルタカル Portakal と呼ぶので、いかにも柑橘類が穫れそうなポルトガルが語源だと思っていましたが、違うみたい。アイリンさんに爆笑されました。サワーチェリーはヴィシュネ Vişne と言うので、ヴィシュヌ神が語源かも?と思っていますが、聞くとまた笑われそうなのでダンマリを決め込んでいます。
ReplyDeleteI’m attracted in the view from the roof and usual delicious breakfast scenery, but it is the sentences raised on the wall in front of the sixth-floor elevator hall that attracted me most.
“Six represents harmony, balance sincerity, love and truth.
Sixes inspires us to offer compassion and knowingly choose forgiveness.”
Though I prefer Seven to Six, Six by nature brings out answers for us in a serene and blossoming way.
We tend to raise the Six when we demand fragile negotiation if we have to consider susceptible affairs.
I hear the religious significance of figure Six deals with education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge, and particularly illuming our way in regions we necessitate spiritual-intellectual state of equilibrium.
Sixes may urge us to utilize a deep awareness of sympathy for another's suffering and we may get to choose our path with awareness.
Six might relate to the policy of the elegant hotel, I imagine.
Yamada denki
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteBecause my family-in-law is Jewish, what I know due to my experiences is; basically number Six represents Jews and Seven is for Christians. (Additionally, Eight is for Muslims which is easier to identify if you carefully meet their geometric patterns which I am learning for the glass designs) Buddhists? I have no clue… probably Eight because of Eightfold Path or the Dharma Chakra (Wheel of Dharma) represents Eightfold Path. (Ah, English lessons here are such fruitful to learn everything around the world… from holy religious stuffs to nasty naughty things. (lol))
As you know, cos I can’t do the math; I personally don’t like seven because it’s a prime number, quite illogic when it needs to be used under programming… Instead, I love 255 (FFh) or 65535 (FFFFh). I can’t calculate beyond 16bit.
Now that elegant hotel is gone. I even had to cancel the reservation at InterContinental. My next ‘not-cancelled-yet’ trip is for Istanbul and the accommodation will be Crowne Plaza Old Town where used to be Windham… pity.