ローテーションしてすぐ眼下は... おはかがいっぱい。
...だから Colma って地名?(Coma=昏睡)
牛を選んでいたら、ショートリブ炙り焼きにモレイユのソース... ちょっと悔しいかも。
あの妙に黄色いカレーソース + おにぎりのように詰め込まれた白飯は、少しイヤ。
なので、2食目は フルーツ&シリアル にしてもらいました。

ReplyDeleteWhen we talked about the fact that SKYTRAX picked Polaris Lounge SFO in the way that it was suitable to ‘the best 100 business class lounges around the world’, you told me you believed SKYTRAX should’ve chosen at least 1 inside the US and as a result, Polaris Lounge must’ve been the last although the most approving lounge unhappily.
Besides, concerning the credit card sales initiative, I hear United’s operator can make decent money if he/she favorably let a customer registered.
Otherwise, he/she would carry out nothing, right ?
According to this article, doing brunch at Polaris Lounge SFO might sometimes be changed.
Fortunately at this time, the quality doesn’t seem to be degrading as usual at United, does it ? (lol)
In short, United is thought to adore currency accepted from their customers as exchange for the services lastly.
Let me get back to ‘New Premier Qualification Requirements for 2020’.
Starting 2020, he who desires to hold Premier® 1K® should take to the air at least 54 sections along with paying out somewhat 18,000 USD, or should merely spend 24,000 USD.
Isn’t it stupid for such a customer who wants to keep Premier® 1K® !?
Still, since you have reached (or have been reaching ?) a goal of 3MM Flyer, you’ll be able to accept Lifetime 1K, which means you’ll be free from such ridiculous concerns forever.
Of course, there’s one thing that I’m worried about as you know… United may make their ruling different repeatedly.
Yamada denki
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteSKYTRAX had to pick one from North American regional lounge, and then the possible choices are United Polaris, Amex Centurion or Singapore SilverKris. I think SilverKris was already chosen in Asian Lounges for sure; therefore Centurion or Polaris is the possible options. However, there are Centurion Lounges in South America and other regions, United Polaris was the only appropriate resort to introduce, I expect. There are so many lounges in The States and Canada but the pick-up process was ‘elimination method.’ Such a pity continent…
United MileagePlus credit cards by J.P. Morgan Chase are well promoted in United’s flights. These days, every single time, parser announces MP Explorer Visa card after the take off. What I heard, but not confirmed, is; if the attendant successfully made a passenger enrolls MP Visa, she/he will earn $200. (Again, not confirmed)
The breakfast choices at the Polaris lounge dining room, three eggs omelet is always there but otherwise are changing maybe quarterly to prevent frequent visitors (like me) bored. However, I miss the previous items like mango coconut sorbet. This time I tried Egg Benedict because it’s usually my favorite breakfast menu, so I thought I would be okay with sour-dough breads, and it was okay-ish.
For United’s Premier® statuses in 2021 are designated for people who drop lots of money for United. People who fly on Polaris, full-fare Economy, and/or upgrading with quite an amount of co-payment, are welcomed. Find cheap flights and gather distance (miles) is not welcomed anymore.
This air-carrier, under God, shall have a new birth of program — and that Premier® status,
of the people …with money,
by the people …with money,
for the people …with money,
shall not perish from United.
God bless United. (LOL)
…and yes, Million Mile Flyer program remains the same, fortunately. I checked this rule besides the rest of changes. :P
For the trips in 2020, I have already bought for achieving 2.99 million miles. Due to my calculation, over 3 million flight will be SFO/NRT or SFO/KIX in mid September. If Sensei accepts my visit to Okayama, it will be a party! ...with endoscopic biopsy? (LLOOLL)