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ユナイテッド航空 837便での機内食、2019年9月中旬の内容です。
左上:前菜 茄子の穴子巻き、トマトゼリー、ずわい蟹の黄身酢和え
左下:煮物 鶏肉と里芋、レーズンの赤ワイン煮、青梗菜
右下:小鉢 鮪の漬け焼き、海老の天ぷら、紫蘇酢を使った野菜の酢の物
ずわい蟹の黄身酢和え → 蟹の栗添え。蛸もいるしぃ...
トマトゼリー → 文句言うほどでもないが、なんで練り山葵 載せるかな、載せるかな?
煮物の青梗菜 → どう見ても、ほうれん草か小松菜。エグ味は無いから多分ほうれん草。
鮪の漬け焼き → 何に「漬け」たのか。湯引きしただけに見える。レモン添えてるし...
海老の天ぷら → まぁ上手にフリッターが出来たわね。w
紫蘇酢を使った野菜の酢の物 → まぁ屑野菜で上手にサラダが出来たわね。www
前菜は... ユナイテッドの真骨頂なシュールさが発揮されているので、これはこれで、イイ!(笑)
煮物は... どっか知らない街で飛び込んだ定食屋で出てくる煮物でさえ、これよりいいかも。
小鉢は... 終わってる。見ていきなり終わってる。屑野菜は箸をつけんかった。
二の膳 最初の皿や鉢みっつを下げると、熱いもの持つ用のトングで焼きじゃけが届きます。
主菜 鮭の塩麹焼き、揚げ牛蒡、玉子焼き、人参の煮物、ほうれん草
ごはん 味噌汁、香の物
塩麹って、もう流行はとっくに終わってない? あんまり塩麹の風味もしなかったから、いいけど。
御飯がしめじごはんなのは少し嬉しい。味噌汁は... ここも終わってる、見ていきなり終わってる。
特製サンデー ギラデリのホットファッジやシーソルトキャラメルなど、お好みのトッピングを添えて
Signature Sundae の和訳は、ついに「特製サンデー」などと、イバリ炸裂になりました。
おおきなフカフカの枕は・・・抱いて寝ます。枕を抱き寝すると安眠できるのが判ってきました。...キモい? (笑)
売れ残りアイテムから 世界のチーズ各種 を一皿。林檎とジンジャーエールも一緒に。
新鮮なフルーツ シリアル、ミルクとともに
この頃の SIN / NRT 発の復路からはヨーグルトがいなくなりましたが、SFO発便には乗っていました。
東からの侵入だったので、僕の座っている9時方向の窓に NARITA の盆栽(笑)が見えました。
外国人全般にいえますが... 植木が綺麗に剪定してあると、鉢植えでも庭木でも、みんなボンサイ。(爆)

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ReplyDeleteSorry for deleting…
As we can’t examine dogs in contrast with cats, United is a US airliner and NH, JL are Japanese ones.
United is one of the mega carriers, hence they should carry travelers to some destinations in Japan.
Then, they serve Washoku-ish meal as a part of their services.
On the other hand, Japanese carriers such as NH, JL, etc. tend to lay emphasis on Washoku because the ratio of the Japanese passenger is relatively high in all their flights.
I hear United does not try with that approach for other destinations excluding rice congee on UA1/2 between SFO and SIN.
Judging from the situation, Japanese wholesale might be valuable for United.
Yet, the effects brought about by their efforts for Washoku appear to be utterly ‘considerable’ as you say.
At any cost, United can’t surpass NH about Washoku.
You always report NH possesses the hidden backswords such as ELECTROMAGNETIC and AUTOMATIC RICE COOKER, Japanese CAs who are used to the cooking of Washoku on board, etc.
Though CAs’ on the inflight English PA is hard to listen (lol), Washoku is served in a welcome manner,
You told us you’d fly NH’s F class in the near future and I look forward to reading its article.
Yamada denki
Ymada Denki sensei,
DeleteI’m not sure about the most common phrase… but usually, in SF Peninsular, we don’t do cats and dogs, but apple and orange… a tiny thing I found.
Then, just two small corrections:
1) Chinese congee is being served on SIN flights, as well as all of the Chinese* destinations i.e. TPE, HKG, PVG, PEK and CTU. (*Political issue is ignored)
2) United suspended calling their Japanese-inspired meal as Washoku. Just says Japanese Meal.
As the 2nd correction above obviously tells, United already realized they can’t beat genuine Japanese dishes served by NH or JL. UA's Japanese-inspired meals and Chinese-inspired congee are demanded by the passengers, I guess.
United doesn’t want to spend any extra money, but these are essential to keep Japanese/Chinese involved (or contaminated, by UA managements’ perspective) passengers on their metal.
As the results, Japanese-inspired meals are exposing those unusual or irregular items and/or arranges, and the Chinese congee is not warm enough, sometimes topped with dice-cut frozen veggies which I’ve never seen anywhere else.
So, bottom line, I can’t compare United to All Nippon head-to-head because these two air carriers are completely different. You can’t compare J.K.Rowling to Haruki Murakami, right?
Oh, the ‘rice cooker equipped aircraft’ is always a top fun story if I told that topic to Western people, as well as Washlet installed lavatories. (LOL)
But they are respecting Japanese culture simultaneously – this is the important part.
I’ll take All Nippon’s first class next month, but I am not so confident I will ask Japanese meal because their Western dishes are being improved and tastier. I have already downloaded the menu in November and it reads as follows.
• Saikyo miso-grilled yellowtail
• Fillet of beef steak with spicy Japanese sauce
• Sautéed Chilean seabass with white kidney beans, bacon, tomato and basil soup style
• Braised herb marinated boar chuck in red wine sauce with cheese polenta
• Herb and chickpea cake, saffron rice with ratatouille sauce (V)
• Grilled alfonsino with soy-based miso sauce, Deep-fried shiitake mushroom stuffed with shrimp fishcake
• Grilled fillet of kuroge wagyu beef and five kinds of potato dauphinoise with ginger-flavored sauce
• Barracuda poêlé and turnip flan with botargo emulsion sauce
• Gifu Enaguri -JAPANESE CHESTNUTS GIFU- filling stuffed roasted guinea fowl with cranberry sauce
• Potato, celeriac and onion gâteau style, ensemble of three cheese (V)
This is hard to decide…
But, at least, the 2nd meal prior to arrival will be Natto! As Always!