で... 6月はEZEに続いて、また SSSS が当たったよ...。
宝くじもこのくらい頻繁に当たれば嬉しいのに。でもここチャンギですから、Uniformed Service IDで優先搭乗しておいてから検査を受けました。軍人IDを提示していたのが判ったようで追加検査はおざなり。すぐに終わってラッキー。
さて、シャンパーニュを注いでいるのを見て... エチケットが変化しているので撮らせてもらいました。
Alfred Gratien Brut NV アルフレッド・グラシアンって、聞いたことなかったんですけど。英王室御用達と思しきマークが入っているし、ユナイテッド航空で出すからには小規模な生産量のRMということはないだろうし。エペルネで造ってるようだけど、そこそこの大手なんでしょうか。風味はあっさり系で強いアタックもクセもなく、シャルドネもピノ・ノワールもムニエもみ~んな混ぜました、な味。樽香と酵母臭が結構乗っています。
Chicken roulade, spicy garlic sauce チキンの肉巻き、スパイシーガーリックソース
冷製の前菜なのでとりわけ美味いも不味いもないけど... SFO発より上手だと思います。
Pistachio-crusted tuna, mozzarella, balsamic reduction 鮪のピスタチオまぶしにモッツァレラ
King prawns, green papaya, cucumber, chili-mango dressing
Roasted duck Soy sauce, noodles, shimeji ローストダック、醤油ダレで平麺&しめじ、スナッピー
Roasted pork loin ローストポーク
Pan-fried haddock fillet 鱈のフィレ
Matar methi paneer 印度チーズ料理(ベジタリアン)
Sautéed prawns salted egg-pumpkin cream sauce, noodles with shredded vegetables
Braised beef cheek 牛ほほ肉の煮込み
Chicken breast stuffed w/bacon and sage 鶏むね肉のベーコン&セージ詰め
Vegetable kofta 野菜の団子(印度ベジタリアン)
Malabar chicken curry Briyani rice, sir-fried green beans with coconut
マラバー・チキンカレー ブリヤーニ、ココナッツ風味のグリーンピース、ナン
「イスラミック」で本格印度料理を食べてきたので、さすがにあれにはかなわないけど... 機内食としては、イイ!
Roasted pork loin ローストポーク
Pan-fried haddock fillet w/prawns 鱈と海老のパンフライ
Braised tofu 豆腐の煮付け(印度ベジタリアン)
そして、セカンドミールはいつでも中華粥ですが... SIN発はちゃんと具が変わるんだよ!
6月は... Chinese congee Minced chicken 中華粥 鶏そぼろ
パンはクロワッサンが最初から乗ってきて... 欲しいって言わないのにもうひとつ置いていった。
Chinese congee Shredded chicken 鶏のそぎ切り
8月はふたたびクロワッサンだけど... 粥の具材は海老。
Chinese congee Sautéed shrimp 炒めた海老
黒胡椒を振った後でぱっちしていますが... 食べてみたら生姜のパンチが風味を助けてくれました。
直方体で6面全部を囲んだバターたっぷりのタルトっぽいサクサク生地に、台彎品種の甘~い日干しパイナップル。これ... 美味しくて家人と分け合って食べ尽くしました。そんで次回は自分で買おうと思って店舗の所在を調べました。なんのことはありません。オーチャードの高島屋S.C.の中に入ってます。次回から毎回オーチャード通いだな。
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I’m very sorry to hear you say that your better half has undergone surgery.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for now…
From your viewpoint who had been a high-class associate of WorldPerks by NW, UA is relatively excellent at inflight meals, isn’t it ?
Following the time of the obtaining by DL, your WorldPerks record has been reformed into SkyMiles (not SkyPesos…lol), right ?
Since you’re still gathering some miles by some credit cards, you sometimes got KL’s or AF’s award flights, I imagine.
Of course I know your elementary plan of action is that you’d pay out accumulated MileagePlus miles for NH’s F or for boosting to Polaris.
In the end, it’s very happy for you that carriers which take part with Star Alliance are favorable compared to Sky Team or One World.
best denki
Best Denki sensei,
DeleteThank you for your kind words, and I’m sorry for giving you the worries. Now my better-half survived the surgery and became a Bionic (please note: I’m not talking about a microchip in iPhones. Otherwise I can say ‘Borg’ if you are Trekkie) on hip joint, and the rehab starts from tomorrow!? What a country and health care system!!
My oral born grafting is being scheduled on next Friday but the recovery must be much slower. Anyhow, I lost 7 lbs. in this weekend by behaving a caregiver. 'Healthcare Diet' worked very well. (lol)
By the way, when the i.v. completed and the machine started beeping, I controlled the machine because nurses didn’t show up for a while. (It's super-easy for IT guy) The nurse found the i.v. was already completed and the machine was shut off appropriately, she really upset about me because I’m not a Registered Nurse by Sutter Health Systems… *sigh*
And the person over the phone yesterday, who is asking the oral medicines for my better-half, asked me ”What is glipizide?” seriously… I replied her it’s a kind of sulfonylurea, and she didn’t understand it either. Then, I explained it works on langerhans beta islands to inhibit the potassium channel and invite more calcium to the beta islands for releasing more insulin. She totally gave up. What a…
Back to the questions and answers.
Compare to NowthWorst, everybody is serving better meals. Didn’t I tell you when I took the business class on NW, they served me Una-Don but the rice under the eel was like 干し飯, dried and preserved, even it was yet cold. I even was disappointed when I was in upper deck, the first class on NW in good old days, their meals are quite considerable on their first class.
After several flights by NW, I had to fly from NRT to EWR by ex-UA on main cabin, but the meals they served were significantly better than NW. I might had the best Delicious apple as an in-flight meal there.
And I still have my World Perks Visa Platinum by Citibank Japan, which is now Delta Skypesos by Sumitomo-Mitsui Prestia. That credit card keep my Skypesos account up and running, and gives me fly over Europe in business class every other year. (But because it’s Sky’Pesos’, required award-miles are getting higher and higher. That’s exactly why it’s so called Pesos.) I flew over Genève by AF/KL, visited Istanbul by AF and TK (thankfully endorsed to TK80 for outbound!) then the next trip to IST will be KL via Schiphol. KLM Dutch is my favorite since WorldPerks. Their hardware is considerably old but the hospitality and meals are good. In next December, my trans-Atlantic flights will be B787-9 so it’ll be sufficient, I expect.
As of the end of September when I came back from Narita, I completed my mileage-run for 1K® 2019. November flights to NRT will be the first class on NH and the December to IST will be KLM business class, both are award tickets. I travel hard with United but the rewards are fun. I’m just around the corner to be Lifetime 1K®. ;)