だから私を見てっ! ←アスカ風味
通路を歩く人への「だから私を見て!」の露出度は、B787の旧コンチ・ビジネスクラス席より引っ込んでいて目立たない。特に自分の頭周りが囲われているから「スイート」に座っている錯覚が。でも寝ぼけてうっかり股間をボリボリかいたりなんかしたらさあ大変。きっと通りかかったCAに悲鳴を上げられ、大事な場所に熱湯をかけられる。う~ん・・・ 書き落としてみるといかにもUAで起こりそうなインシデント。さらにタコ殴りにされた後でアザラシの赤ちゃんのように引きずり降ろされるのは確実。みんな気をつけようね♪www
メッチャ遅れた!最初は30分、1時間... コックピットクルーが乗り込んでもまだ遅れてる。
【脱肛後追記】この翌々週も同じ旅程でイスタンブール往復しましたが、UA58便はチェックイン開始直前にUG確定し... 座席はまた「だから私を見てっ!」の10G。もうデジャ=ヴ感が凄すぎ! でも機内での枕は持参せずに済みました。
主菜:Portbello mushroom and caramelized onion raviori Garlic-Parmesan Alfredo, baby Portobello, kale, leeks
ポートベロ・マッシュルームとカラメライズした玉葱のラビオリ ガーリック・パルメザン・アルフレードソース
カナダのメープルリーフラウンジでまた、パッションフルーツジュースとビターレモンの Half & Half を造りました。いけてるからおかわりももらってます。ついでに『フランクフルトでフランクフルト』もいただきました。
で... この日は犠牲祭の休日で空港が大混雑というか大混乱。今年10月で旅客ターミナルがなくなるアタテュルク空港の上空を旋回して30分以上の着陸待ち、さらにゲートのスポッティングで20分も待たされましたが、TKの搭乗券とUA1Kのスタアラ金マークが入った会員証で、トルコ航空のビジネスクラス専用レーンで入国審査を通れたので、一般入国審査場で大行列のさらなる1時間待ちは回避できました。
ReplyDeleteI’d like to inform you that I do feel really relieved to know your better half could survive after joint replacement (owing to bulge orthopedic surgeon…sweat).
Back to how United is changing (or degrading).
According to your reports concerning the Polaris Lounge, though GS members are qualified to enter there, 1K members are not eligible.
So, I imagine there’s greater number of 1Ks on the planet.
United ought to begin throwing out the belonging to MileagePlus of overseas members who do not have under-limits for PQD.
Even though we should consider that overseas members can’t spend PQD by United’s domestic flights, it still seems really improper, doesn’t it ? (Sorry, OhMy-sann…)
The lifespan membership of RCC (which doesn’t stand for renal cell carcinoma…lol) in the way of a person who navigated United’s aircrafts more than 2 million miles (!) was stopped ahead of the takeover by CO.
In spite of not having had lifelong membership of RCC or United Club, you’re compassionately (or skillfully ?) taken care by J.P. Morgan Reserve Card.
That accounts for your duty to be taken several million USD at Chase Private Bank as hostage… funny, though (Sorry, again).
best denki
Best Denki sensei,
DeleteThank you again for your kind words to my better-half. Truly appreciated.
Due to the several discussions on FT, they expect there are about 50,000 GS members and half million 1K® members. If Polaris lounge accepts 1K members, it can’t be luxurious at all. That kinda problem is ongoing at Centurion Lounge SFO because of too many Platinum holders in SF Peninsular.
This is one of the reason United rose the bar to be 1K 2020. Therefore, Polaris Lounge might be opening the door to 1K members from 2020 but the lounges should be pretty much degraded already, I guess. (lol)
Within the States, some 1K members are receiving the status by PQS, Premier Qualifying Segments. If you fly 120 times by United metal, you will be clear the bar to be 1K instead of qualifying PQM. In good old days, the game is over by this clarification.
However, these days, we still have to spend 15,000 PQD which will be $16,000 at minimum if all the flights are domestic. And it can be over $20,000 if you fly between UK and USA airports because of their eye-popping taxations.
I was unlucky I didn’t achieve 2MM Flyer before the merger. Lifetime RCC membership grandfathered and no more such thing even for those totally degraded United Clubs. But I can still enjoy free of charge if I arrange booking over the phone, or Lifetime Group 1 boarding, etc. 2 RPUs are automatically given every year as well althou I don’t use them.
In regards to the J.P.Morgan Reserve card, Chase Private Client (CPC) customers aren’t qualifying the invitation requirements. JPM Reserve Card is now only for the clients of J.P. Morgan Private Bank which is a trust bank, no coverage by FDIC, and the clients must be trading over 25 million dollars or higher. I was so lucky I got Palladium Card which was converted to JPM Reserve, but we only put less than 25 million dollars at CPC. …and those money are certainly the hostage.
But, but, but… CPC is not so bad at all. For example, from last month, they waive all of ATM usage fees around the world. Last month I withdrawn some cash from セブン銀行 in Japan, it costs just less than $2 each time but immediately reimbursed by CPC, at exact the same amount by US dollars. If I withdraw in Turkey, some nasty ATM charges me 5% of transaction, means, if I withdraw $1,000 they charge $50 as commission fee. CPC reimburses this uncomfortable amount too so I can be rest assured. Furthermore, there’s no fee for international wire remittance so I can move some to my sugar pot in Japan. (shhhhh!)