2018年9月25日の17時発、NRT→SFOのUA838便搭乗ゲート 33番は以下の写真のようになっていました。
黒い看板はプレミア1K® メンバー専用。その前方に Global Services® の枡席。(笑)
1.青い看板=最初は Group 1、Group3 の搭乗開始以後には、遅れてやって来た Group 1と2
2.緑の看板=最初は Group 2、続いてGroup 3~5が呼ばれた順に並んで搭乗(呼ばれるまで座ってろゴルァ!)
Global Services®メンバーは1K® が行列する前方に『囲い』が設けられており、そこに誘導されます。
1K®会員にとっては、Group 1 で一緒くたに呼ばれるより優先度が上がったのが朗報。
プリボーディングは、お体のご不自由な方、2歳以下のお子様を連れた生産性のあるw方、Uniformed Services ID をお持ちの方と Global Services®メンバーの方(生産性は不問)の順です。
ひとつ密かにポリシー変更になったのは、Uniformed Services の方は制服を着用している必要がなくなりました。以前はGAの U女史 に「あんたは制服着てないからダメ!」と拒否られましたが、この時は Uniformed Services ID を提示したら1K®より先に優先搭乗できました♪(1K®の先頭にいたから無意味だったが(笑))
Uniformed Services ID でプリボードした時点では、以前のような黒いGSの看板を持って呼びかけるのは廃止されていましたが、もしかしたら以後の搭乗順位は相変わらずGAさんが看板を持って誘導しているのかもしれません。
ReplyDeleteWe Japanese inhabitants have been also informed of changes in embarking on NH’s aircrafts arrangements at their domestic flight boarding gate after 1st of Oct.
Persons who ride in aircrafts conducted by NH will be requested to board correspondingly with the boarding group imprinted on the airport-delivered boarding pass.
Of course the pre-boarding benefit will only be ready for use before each boarding group is asked to board.
#1 passengers requiring assistance with a wheelchair, etc.
#2 Diamond Service Members
#3 Platinum Service Members, Super Flyers Members, Star Alliance Gold Members, Premium Class Passengers
#4 for all passengers
I don’t know if the change will do well, esp. for the shortening of boarding time, at least as of now…
best denki
Best Denki sensei,
DeleteSince I only fly by ANA on the international first class, ANA's boarding priority is not a big deal for me at all, but I don't think they offer pre-boarding priority for Japanese military personnel. That is the significant difference between the country where gave up a war and the country continuously battling with others.
Soon Star Alliance elite criteria will be modified (higher ranking will be added) then the boarding priority must be re-modified again, I guess.
The boarding priority is not only for treating loyal customers but the entire efficiency of the boarding process. Therefore the boarding for window-side and/or tail-side seats are prioritized before the isle-side and/or front rows seats. Main cabin (often introduced as the place for livestock) seating efficiency is a key to be the on-time departure. That’s why the air carriers are doing try-and-error procedures.
Anyhow, as a lifetime Star-Gold and UA Premier® Platinum member (Lifetime Group 1) as well as a Uniformed Services, I will be okay for boarding airplanes on most of the cases.