Friday, September 28, 2018

UA1 Meal 2018Jun, Aug


このメニューは暫く続いていて、4月のFRA便や、6月のSYD便 でも同じものを食べています。




この8月のUA1便は、なぜかポラリス・ビジネス前方ギャレー(1~4列。5~8列が後方ギャレーの担当)にいる5人くらいが、み~んなおぢさんCAでした。機材がB787-9なので旧コンチのSFOSWさん達ですがこんなに沢山ロマンスグレーのおじさんCAがコンチにもいたのか!?と、素直に驚きました。僕は ふけせんですから OJTのピチピチギャルとかには全く興味はありませんから、むしろ手練れで百戦錬磨のCA軍団のほうが有り難いです。

予想通りというか、この「おやぢCA軍団」は手慣れていました。SFO/SINは夏でも16時間20分の長丁場、いつ交替で休憩を取っているのか判らないくらい気配りが行き届いてるし、ミネラルウォーターのボトルを追加や交換に来るし、毛布がはだけて寝ているPAXの毛布をかけ直してあげてるし。なんだか キモい 優秀すぎて怖いくらいでした。

パーサーのおぢさんが来て「Mr. obaKoba? あんたが注文取りの弐番手になってるけど、もうメニュー見た?」
(注文取りの順番をちゃんと守るのは偉いけど... 順番ってPAXにバラしちゃっていいんだったっけ?(汗))


"Yes, my first choice is Shrimp, second choice Chicken, and then prior to the arrival, Chinese congee, please."
"Oh, ha.ha. ha! No wonder you are 2 million mile flyer! Thank you for answering perfectly, sir!"

ポラリスに乗ったら誉めてくれるんだ!←まるで汎用ヒト型決戦兵器のパイロット ←中毒

Pouched Shrimp 茹でた海老、ココナッツ・レッドカレー、バスマティライス、日本茄子にミックスベジタブル。茄子の色が変わっちゃってるけど、ココナッツミルク入りのレッドカレーが美味しい。茄子もやわらかでいい風味がまだ残っているし、パプリカもカレーが一緒で美味しい。シーフード系、特に海老って当たりのメニューが多いね。

もし第弐希望になっていたら... やっぱりあのスパイシーチキンうどんです。まるでかつての「きつねあらーめん」のような固定商品になりつつありますが、不味くは無いからバックアップとしては安心だと個人的には考えています。


「アップルタルトにもホイップ載せてくんね?」って頼んだら... やはり盛りつけというのはCAさんの技量が露骨に出てしまうようです。そしてアイスクリームサンデーはチョコソースとホイップに、アイリッシュクリームを振りかけていただきました。アマレットも美味しいけど、アイリッシュクリームはチョコと一緒なら相性が絶妙です。


アイスクリームサンデーが、ラズベリーのソルベになりました。ホイップだけじゃ寂しいけど、腐敗しかかった苺は嫌いなのでカラメルソースで... あんまりあわなかった。チーズは相変わらずのユナイテッド航空・米国発品質。


ユナイテッドの低反発ジェル枕があんまり気に入っちゃって、機内からかっぱらわない(ダメ、ゼッタイ!)真面目に United Shop から注文したよ。アマゾンで面積比6倍の枕が半額で買えるからそっちも買って、尼の大きな枕を「仰向け寝用」で、ユナイテッドの小型枕 (SKU: UAL1353RA) を「横向き寝用」にセットして安眠しています。

SIN線ではいつも中華粥しか頼んでいません。SFO発はいっつも ホタテ + 海老 に冷凍野菜。





このシリーズ最後は復路のUA2便、SIN → SFO での機内食を6・7・8月と比較紹介します。


  1. I just realized I need to fly United for 4 more years to hit 1 million. That is a lot of flights of me missing the far superior ANA. I think I am gonna give up becoming Gold for life, especially after remembering the taste of congee from your photo.

    1. m e m o san,

      Honestly speaking, if you expect something from United Airlines, you must be betrayed, which is absolutely guaranteed. But if you didn’t expect something positive from United, you would be a happy flyer. Boarding United Airline is somehow similar to the Buddhist monks’ performing the ascetic training…

      In my future article on Oct-15, I wrote as follows.

       ・Global Services®(と、激レアな Chairman's Circle)の乗客は「お得意様」
       ・1K® と、ビジネスクラスへ搭乗するのは「普通にお客様」
       ・Premier Platinum~Gold、Star Alliance Gold の搭乗客は「ちっとは客扱いするかな」
       ・Premier Silver、Star Alliance Silver、プレミアアクセス購入者は「形だけ敬ってやる客」

      Welcome to the friendly skies.

      Therefore, Lifetime Premier® Gold will help you almost nothing, unfortunately. Only the benefit you may expect would be Lifetime Star Alliance Gold but Star Alliance is now planning two additional higher statuses.
      (Reference: Australian Business Traveller on June 4, 2018)
      This means, to adjust the benefits, Star-Silver and Star-Gold benefits might be degraded in the future.

      By the way, Best Denki sensei reported on Sep-26 that ANA also changes their boarding processes. The elite benefits aren’t static because people achieving one million, two millions… eventually you have to pursue the accumulated miles on certain air carrier(s) as well as maintain the higher or highest elite status simultaneously anyway.

      Bottom line, it is entirely up to you which airline is the best for you. Because I am a U.S. Citizen and living close to SFO, I have sold my soul to United Airlines.

  2. obaKoba-sann,

    Thank you for telling us how things have been changing (or degrading) in the Polaris inflight meals.

    I imagine why you don’t quit flying UA in spite of their cleverly (?) distasteful meal/service and why don’t choose other carriers like AA, DL, NH should mainly be the fact that your home ground is SFO.
    I know you used to be an exclusive affiliate of late-WorldPerks, which was a FFP of late-NW with CO and KL.
    Though SFO is truly busy by UA, plus SF Bay residents are forced to believe in ‘Friendly Skies’, finally you couldn’t help going in ‘ the dark side of the moon’ (LOL).

    I also hear the lifetime miles on UA’s MileagePlus can be gathered just by flying UA.
    However, on the lookout for the MM flyer profits on UA must be advantageous for whom frequently flies UA, I speculate.
    Once he/she got to be MM flyer, he/she could share the lifetime Premier Gold / Star Alliance Gold status with his/her ‘intimate person’ such as spouse, (and so on?).

    How deep is the dark side !?

    best denki

    1. Best Denki sensei,

      You forgot the important issue; I used to be flying by Northwest (partnered with KLM and Continental) for WorldPerks who served worse in-flight meals (that was my first disappointment where the first class in-flight meal was disgusting) and/or aircrafts are much more tired than United. (I’m talking about NW, not KL nor CO) However their hospitality was good, even the cockpit crews were very friendly because vast majority of them were honorable retiree from US Air Force. But the place I decided to live in the US is SF Bay Area (SFO) where the hub of United, not a home ground for Delta (former Northwest). American Airlines is a Texan. I can’t communicate with Texan (DFW) accents well… oh, now United is Texan (IAH) too. (lol)
      The domestic flights within Japan, JL was my first choice surprisingly. That’s because NH offered me Uguisu-pan and green tea when I flew over Chitose, I was shocked by such meal offer and immediately decided to fly by JL. This occurred about 40 yrs ago when JL was somewhat healthier and no significant corruption was shown. After that, I saw the ugly conversation in the bistrot in Paris as well as the girlfriend of my best friend was really ugly (her inside. her outside was charming) and she is now Senior Chief Purser educating the SS’s, which I told you, I stopped flying by JL.
      So, at least for me, United is honest and fair enough, extremely friendly compare to Japanese airliners who look superb but their Omotenasshyi are polite but cold, feels 上から目線 to me which is ‘darker’ to me as well. My written and verbal English aren’t good enough but I can communicate with United’s crews with some jokes, hence they treat me even bleaching their company’s rule – i.e. One of the CA offered her personal snacks when I disappointed by the availabilities of mid-flight snacks, that was basically prohibited by their company but she did it because we established good friendships.

      Due to my understandings, the lifetime miles can be accumulated by its airline’s original flights. United miles can be gathered by UA metal, and I believe the same as NH, the accumulation can be by only NH metal as well.
      As per sensei pointed out, sharing the Million Milers’ status with “Significant Other” is the great advantage on United’s Million Mile Flyers’ benefit. Therefore my spouse can share my 1K®, and the Lifetime 1K within 2.5 yrs, I hope.
