Monday, October 10, 2022

IHG 100% Bonus

インターコンチネンタル・ホテル・グループの IHG One で、100% ボーナスポイントのプロモが始まりました。
プロモの期限は来週金曜、10 月 21 日です。

100% のボーナスは IHG One では最大限のオファーで、年数回、短期間実施されます。例年のタイミングからすると今回が多分今年最後のオファーで、次回のチャンスはバレンタインの時期でしょう。

IHG 系列のホテルを頻繁にご利用の毒者さんは、お見逃しなく。

1 comment:

  1. I missed out on this IHG 100% Bonus offer. You say it's the best offer IHG has, and it's offered for a short period of time a few times a year. And you add that based on the timing in previous years, this is probably the last offer of the year, and the next chance will likely be around Valentine's Day. If there was also an offer in February and I missed it too, as someone who uses IHG hotels moderately but not frequently, it's a shame. Is it divine punishment for neglecting to check this blog for a long time? (lol)

    By the way, I recently learned that IHG is headquartered in the UK. They operate over 5,900 hotels in more than 100 countries under multiple brands such as InterContinental, Holiday Inn, and Crowne Plaza, and are the world's largest hotel company in terms of total rooms, with most hotels independently owned and operated. As a result, they lack a unified brand feel, and I personally had the impression of a "hodgepodge," but it wasn't far from the truth.
    That was just a side note.
