Monday, December 3, 2018

Tokyo 2018 Nov. (2)

座席番号はいつものように自分へ御褒美の 1K です。77Wのハードには特に変化はありません。

水平飛行に移ると上写真左に見えるカーテンが閉じられますが... 案の定、消灯後もカーテンの隙間からアテンダントさんがPAXの様子を『星明子ガン見』しているのを度々見かけてしまいましたし、用を足して戻る度に新鮮なおしぼり交換。しかもカルダモンやジャスミンでほのかにアロマを利かせたおしぼり...。ここまでやるのか!? と怖いくらいに思ったのは、自席に戻ったらシートベルトが搭乗した時と同じような形状に、つまり「バッテン型」に整えてありました。


去年と違うのは... ファーストクラスのPAXには100MBまでの無料Wi-Fiがもらえるようになっていました。

下り170Kbps、PINGの反射に2秒近くかかってる。このふたつの計測結果だけでIT屋さんなら即座にお解りでしょうが... かなり厳しい、というか実用に耐えない。アリューシャンから南北のクリル諸島(南クリル諸島は敗戦国が『北方領土』と呼称するあたりw)では接続が切れました。たまたまお客様からのご注文をメールでいただいたのをスタジオへ回送かけましたが、回送したメールはどっかに行っちゃいました。

さて、出発後のビバレッジは... ワインリストを見て軽い驚きだった、KRUGを。
Champagne Krug 2004



「う~ん... あの『僕はKRUGです! いい樽使いました! 余韻が深いでしょう!?』っていうKRUGらしい『あざとさ』が無くて拍子抜けしちゃったのが正直な感想。素直な余韻でスッキリ作るのが好きなRMの泡みたい。」
「(笑) なるほど~!今度から他のお客様に聞かれたら「素直な余韻」というのをご参考にさせていただきます♪」


 小海老のカナッぺ ハニーマスタードマヨネーズ風味



Amigne de Vétroz 2016  アミーニュ・ド・ヴェトロ 2016
我ながらスイスへはよく通ったと思いますが... ワインはほぼ故S.A.博士におまかせで、自ら試したがった葡萄品種はシャスラくらいでした。アミーニュという葡萄品種は知らなかったので、テイスティングさせてもらった次第です。

結果... う~ん、あんまし好きなタイプじゃないかも。




  1. obaKoba-sann,

    As you know, I haven’t taken NH’s Intercontinental F journeys.
    I’ve taken NH’s Premium Class at their domestic flights several times a year since JL don’t have F class at their HND/OKJ route.
    NH have been given prizes at various classifications by SKYTRAX, and I’d like to admit NH are outstandingly superior to JL as you’ve pointed out.

    In an honest manner, the tools and fittings of NH’s F might not be extremely superb presently if we examine them in contrast to other rivals.
    Broad monitor and an array of power sources should actually be average or ordinary in C, or sometimes even in Y recently.
    I understand the puzzling point in question must be the insufficient leg space somewhat for you continually at NH even though you’re higher than average Japanese male.
    Needless to say, if the person who rides in F compartment conducted by NH is a Caucasian, the leg rest is excessively short for him/her.

    In spite of such defects, I also know their operating system or service for special guests like you is so superior.
    CAs, esp. in F, are really mannerly but sometimes intimate judging from your past articles.

    Good for you !

    best denki

    1. Best Denki sensei,

      You should not compare a company who is successfully expanding their BLUE wings by their efforts and endeavors, with the company who is corrupted, went bankrupt and recovered by spending taxes from Japanese citizens. I knew a スッチー at her AS period, who was a girlfriend of my close buddy, now I heard she is being a 先任チーフパーサー (I don’t translate this stupid title), educating newbie so called SS. Such kind of people are still completely corrupted and arrogant even the company itself has been officially recovered (again, by people’s public money). Bottom line, Japan Airlines sucks. I think they will go bankrupt again unless otherwise the company replaces all of those rotten employees FOR SURE. Therefore I’m glad sensei business with All Nippon, not those rotten RED wings.

      I don’t fly SQ, TG or those Mid Eastern airlines who are receiving high awards and ratings by SKYTRAKS or Condé Nast, but I totally agree with your opinion – the seat is now a bit tired and time to replace. But even under such miserable environments, the software part such as the hospitality by cabin crew is superb, especially when I spoke Japanese in native level (lol) then there are no significant difficulties with them at all. Instead, the PA in English is a slightly considerable sometimes.
      The foot/leg rest is a historical problem for me since Club ANA. I keep complaining about this short leg support but they don’t modify it so far. I think this seat is designed for people who are shorter than 175cm with incredibly short compass… what a shame. However, it will be modified in the future when younger generation passengers, who got milk and became taller with nice compass, became big shots and start using C and F class. I think I drank milk too much when I was small… but I wasn’t the tallest student in the classroom, I was only 2nd or 3rd tallest at the best, just FYI.

      I keep flying by ANA first class once a year for these several years (and I have booked for November 2019 already), hence I remember the names of previous flights' chief parser and when I start chatting with the current chief parser on board, I usually ask “how’s your co-worker, Ms. XXXX?” then the chief parser on duty turns from her ‘well-trained-artificial’ smile to the real, true and comfortable smile, then continues chatting with me much more frankly. This is one of my typical behavior, or say ‘technique,’ for the icebreaking conversations with attendants. As a result, I can deplane with very positive feeling and good memories.
      No wonder I remember the scores of 行動の記録 in my 通信簿 during my elementary period – the ‘Cooperativeness’ is ALWAYS 'C' but the ‘Sociability’ was 'A' or 'AA', and the result is… here! (LOL)
