Thursday, May 3, 2018

Buenos Aires 2018 (2)



で... ホントの御不浄に寄ったんですが、そこまでの経路でSFOからの便を降機してトイレにかけこむルートが完璧に同じ、ゴマ塩のヒゲを蓄えた細身のアジア系おっさんが...。まぢストーキングされてるかと思いました。(笑)

(QuietControl 30は12~14時間しか稼働しない。しかもアンビリカルケーブル使用中は起動不可)

ここでも illy のコーヒーをもらって、クッキーもつまんできて。

搭乗開始20分前にブエノスアイレス・エセイサ空港行きのゲートに行き、Group 1 の先頭に並びました。
そしたら... 僕のすぐ後ろにさっきのゴマ塩頭&ヒゲのおっさんがピタリ!? (大汗)

「それは助かるなぁ。君の座席は?...18Dか!?  僕は19Bだからすぐ後ろだよ。」


レイさんというお名前の方で、Orピーcleをアーリーリタイヤしたそうです。うちの番頭さん達ふたりがOraピーle出身なので聞いてみたら... うちのボブさんがレイさんの事を覚えていました。法務関係のかなり偉い人(上司がCEOのラリラリ・エリソン)だったらしい。

レイさん... しきりに僕がダンスを習うよう勧めます。関節や筋肉に負担をかけずにカロリー消費できるいい方法なので、僕もかなり乗り気になりました。しかもレイさんは CSM(College of San Mateo)のクラスで教えているそうです。





包装には「ファヒータ風味のチキンと米に豆」と書くいてありましたが...トマトソース味のチキンの隣にある薩摩芋みたいな物体は、なんとプランテーン。プランテーンは中米でよく食されるデンプン質のバナナで、加熱調理して食べるんですが... 機内食で初めて出会った。しかも、それなりにいけてて、チキンやコメ、ブラックビーンズと一緒で中米風なお食事。さすがホントは中米が得意なコンチネンタル、これはいい意味で驚き。ただ大麦のサラダは僕的にいけてない...。



いちおうサクサクだったクロワッサン... ちっさ! 安げなジャムは添付されてもバターが無い。

そんで、順調に飛んできたのに... 着陸許可が下りず、上空待機。
ガソリンwが無くなったら堕ちちゃわね? と思っていましたが、ここでかなり遅れてタッチダウン。


合点承知。一緒に入国審査のなが~い行列に並び(でもおしゃべりしてるから時間が潰せた♪)入国後に「ねこバス切符売り場」で「どす・びじぇてす・ぱら・までいルろ、ぽるふぁぼーる」Two tickets to Madero, Please. と切符買って。

「加州は少しでもスペイン語できないと。(笑) でもフランス語できたら同じラテン系言語はOKでしょ?」
「(笑) でも確かにスペイン語のほうが便利だよな。」

などと雑談しながら、今度は Banco de la Nación で安全(偽札をつかむ心配が無い)かつ有利な両替をして、レイさんと一緒にバスで市内へ。バスターミナルにタクシーがいなかったので、シェラトンのベルにチップやってタクシー呼んでもらいました。そのタクシーに「2ヶ所廻って。」って片言でもなんとか通じて、無事にレイさんをホテルに送ってからアパートに到着したのは... もう午後3時!?



  1. obaKoba-sann,

    You amused yourself at the restroom, a.k.a. United Club.
    Isn’t it situated on mezzanine level ?
    You took lift to the upper floor since you had luggage roller bag with you, didn’t you ?

    You don’t demonstrate a picture of the reception, though I can easily imagine folks are commonly making line ahead of the clerks, and some of them are said no for getting in the deficient club.

    I still remember the location was outdated and exhausted, not plenty of AC power channels when you dropped by on the way to Barcelona a few years ago.
    I’m a little bit surprised to see the place really did some remodeling.

    On the whole, you visited there only because you felt a need to kill time and to urinate or defecate (Sorry for too direct expression as I’m a medical doctor…lol).
    And then, you took some pictures for the blog, departed and preceded to the gate, right ?

    I hear there is different United Club in EWR although there may be no big dissimilarity of the characteristics or benefits.
    I'm also glad to know you need not give money for its goods and services personally. Unless my memory is incorrect, your bank pays its annual fee for you.
    Moreover, you’ve got a privilege for free entrance as lifetime Premier Platinum.

    In the end, you got onboard UA979 for EZE.
    Unfortunately you have no upgrading for the part, thus you were staying in Economy Plus®.
    I also remember your preferred area is the second forward seat, not the third, middle isle if the aircraft is B764.

    If nobody else had been on 18E or 18F in the center island, you would’ve sat on 18D just before leaving, and you could’ve taken up 3 consecutive seats to create your Economy Plus Suite®(lol).

    Alcohol beverages weren’t complementary, though you had alcohol coupons, thus you requested Gin and Tonic.
    Appropriately, with sufficient container of tonic water and Bombay Sapphire, you evolved into “a happy camper”.

    UA979 left EWR about ten minutes behind the schedule.
    The flight was supposed to take 12 hrs.
    Indeed, UA979 landed 56 min late, hence the real flight time was about 13 hrs.

    Thanks for your hard work.

    best denki

    1. Best Denki sensei,

      > You amused yourself at the restroom, a.k.a. United Club.

      This sounds like I’ve beaten myself off at United Club… No, though the place is as clean as cruising bathrooms. (LOL)

      At this United Club, there are always 3 receptionists waiting for their customers hence the waiting line for checking in isn’t too bad. And as per you described, 1 out of 4 to 5 parties are declined to enter the lounge. Again, this world is filled with stupids and morons. (oh, by the way. Chief WH staff called Trump “Stupid” and the commentators say stupid is better than moron which is the word used by Mr. Tillerson, the former Secretary of State. I can learn lots of words and nuances by watching Trump Theatre. (lol))

      And inside of the lounge was a bit modified as you found, AC power outlets are well installed for addressing the customers’ demands these days.
      Nothing wrong with saying “urination,” sensei. It may be better than “pee.” And yes. At that time, “nature called me.” (this is the elegant wording, I learned)
      Plus, taking pix for my blog of course. But I didn’t take any pictures in the restroom to avoid any misunderstandings.

      Another Urination Club (oh, I love this arias name. From now on, I might start using this arias instead of Restroom) is currently closed for the update to be a Polaris™ Lounge. On that day, the departure gate of the connection flight was too far from another venue, so I didn’t check the progress of modification anyway but it supposedly open in this summer.

      For the lounge access, Chase is paying my annual fee for Urination Club and Priority Pass. But as I dropped the article from WSJ, there are too many Chase card holders using lounges. Those venues can’t be the restrooms for wealthiest 1% anymore.
      However, 2 million flyer = lifetime Premier Platinum doesn’t help the lounge access. Before the merger, United was giving lifetime Urination Club membership to 2MM flyers but it’s over. Instead, Chase helps me a lot since we bank there over 2MM with disappointing annual percentage yield (interests)… -sigh-

      > I also remember your preferred area is the second forward seat,
      It is amazing you remember everything. No wonder you are a skillful medical doctor.
      Yes, the seat preference sensei remembered is exactly right. I was at 17F but that row is taken by couples and the center seat was booked, I immediately moved to 18D because I found 18E was open. I always do like this; keep watching the seat map and re-checking in quickly to assign myself for the best position. This was a good sample of the success of my behavior. Then, as you expected, I often conquer the 3 seats and arrange United EconomyPlus® Suite for myself. Unfortunately I couldn’t do this but at least the center seat was open, and this is the only empty seat within main cabin.

      I’m always a happy camper if I can get Bombay Sapphire, Baileys Irish Cream or Disaronno Amaretto. I also prefer sparkling wine but United terminated serving bubblies in main cabin…

      13 hours of long haul flight by EconomyPlus isn’t a torture at all if I compare to the flight to Singapore in winter, which takes almost 18 hours to Changi airport. Eventually, I will receive an ‘orthogenetic evolution’ by United flights. :))
