Monday, May 21, 2018

Buenos Aires 2018 (12)

セキュリティで TSA PRE の対象外になるし、リバティ空港はCLEARが無いから並んで... でも無事通過。


機材は p.s. 便のものではなく、旧コンチネンタルの国際線用 B757-200 で、United Business は16席だけ。


配布されたメニューは p.s. 便の雰囲気のままですが、premium service の文字は消えました。


またOJとillyのコーヒーですが、Half & Half, please. が通じる合衆国の国内線♪


クロワッサンかシナモンロールの配布も来たけど... この内容でそんなの食べないよ。(苦笑)

スフレ... ポークソーセージも従えてます。塩味が嬉しい。
アイシングとベリーソースが甘ったるしいのが、いかにもUSAですが... もう慣れた。








SamTrans 292系統の時刻表は... 11時10分!? いちばん先っぽの88番ゲートからバス停へダッシュだ!
・・・予想的中。11時15分過ぎに Hillsdale Mall 行きのバスが来ました。30分待たずに済んだ♪


ブエノスアイレスへの旅行記はここまでです。この後はまたイスタンブールだけど... くどいよね。(笑)


  1. obaKoba-sann,

    The last part of your trip to BA is a coast-to-coast flight, EWR to SFO.

    You’re embarked on B752 p.s. as Group 1, aren’t you ?

    Was the aircraft recently selected for United's p.s. service that was put from JFK to EWR ?
    I remember you formerly tried p.s. a few years ago from JFK to SFO, that was yet previous United’s three class flight and you were in UnitedFirst® cabin.

    You had seat 3E in the UnitedBusiness® compartment.
    Was the UnitedBusiness® cabin of p.s. flight alike former CO’s international BusinessFirst® one, truly ?

    I noticed some downgrading as you often mention ; at the first segment to Barcelona in 2016 of a coast-to-coast flight SFO to EWR, Newark, NJ., the menu said “Cereal and Banana”, though this time, only “Cereal” (lol).

    Are private display and the air show the same as International equipment, too ?

    I also remember the English Tan colored amenity kit was supplied on p.s..
    Isn’t this exceptional amazement alive, yet ?

    Moreover, I can recall poor service on p.s. ; Go Go Inflight Internet service.
    The real network rate of motion was unsatisfactorily lazy, wasn’t it ?
    Is such a situation improved now ?

    BTW, on p.s., do they supply the starter, taken the place of the main dish ?
    If so, is it unlike on domestic flight ?
    I still recall in former UnitedFirst® cabin, CAs merely serve all items at the same time.

    How does your CA serve breads ?
    Because I’d like to check it, please ask Ms. CA for taking picture of bread basket next time, sorry…

    best denki

    1. Best Denki sensei,

      I am already Lifetime Group 1 since I achieved 2 Million Mile Flyer!! Yee Hah!
      And sometimes, when I show my Uniformed Service ID, gate agents allow me to pre-board if they are not so familiar with the actual rule – such person has to wear a uniform when they board. I can confess once, just once, I tried mumbling “well… people at intelligence department usually don’t wear uniforms.” then the gate agent made a big smile and welcomed me for pre-boarding. (shh!!)

      In regards to your question of B752 aircrafts, you are totally misunderstanding, sensei.
      You may see the difference between International 752 and former 752 for p.s. here.
      Version 1 is the International and Version 2 was so called “p.s.”
      And the type of personal monitor may vary – really depends on the aircraft number which indicates old or new, or ex-United or ex-Continental.

      The English Tan colored amenities by COWSHED are already history. Both for International and p.s. have been ended by 2015 and switched to Olympic version metal cans, followed by a cylindrical paper box then the most recent is navy colored fabric. Significantly degrading part of Polaris™ and p.s. indeed.

      I couldn’t use Go-Go Internet because of the ship-change. Go Go is only available Version 2 of B752, so I cannot comment about it.

      Also, I cannot comment about the meal service of p.s. because they are under transition period of terminating the service name of “p.s.” as well as I flew by Version 1 B752, and the meal services for morning are totally different from afternoon/evening flights.

      Due to my understandings, all the breads they serve within 48 continental states are prepared by Flying Food Group. Generally speaking, it really depends on the factory located in the city. At SFO, croissants and pretzels are okay, garlic breads are undercooked. At ERW, croissants are devastating, and other breads as well. From Frankfurt, surprisingly, the pretzels are shabby. Then, Narita, all the breads are okay for Japanese tongs but not sure for real-Americans.
      And it doesn’t have worth taking picture fir those craps served by United… frankly confessing. I just do those for my blog, please don’t trust I really eating the whole craps seriously. (LOL)
