Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Buenos Aires 2018 (1)




クロワッサンはサクサクで上出来です。ここで食べ付けると、もう United Club へは戻れません。


もしここで Windピーws 10 とかのラップトップを起動させたら、間違いなく Spanish Inquisition ものです!
(スペイン宗教裁判を知らなかった毒者、Monty Python's Flying Circus を観なさい。(爆))

僕はおおきなテーブルから電源を取って BOSE QuietControl やアップル製品を充電。

そしてニューアーク行きの大陸横断便に搭乗。ヒューストン経由の方が時間的には早いですが、生涯積算マイルを稼ぎたい(笑)のと、EWR/EZE線が復活したばかりなのでEWRSWのスペイン語バイリンガルなパーサー Georgeさん達に遭えるかも?と期待しました。結局Georgeには遭えませんでしたが、結果的には面白いシチュエーションになりました。


コーク・ゼロシュガーにしました。New Improved Taste って書いてあるけど... まぁ、ライトコークよりはマシ。



到着して... EWRって、OTGって会社が運営する「タブレットで注文」システムになっちゃった。



  1. obaKoba-sann,

    Before anything else, and as usual, you visited the Centurion Lounge by American Express in SFO.
    The counterpersons keep your name and face in mind, don’t they ?
    If it’s yes, that is a little bit frightening for you...

    Whether or not the site is crowded is actually based on the timing, though if it’s early in the morning, the lounge should be less busy, right ?

    An array of beverages is presented in the region exactly afterwards the registration, isn’t it ?

    If you want some foods, consequently the refreshment compartment supplies acceptable feature of meals.

    In your unassuming assessment, the lounge is best in SFO.
    Yet SQ's lounge is not able to defeat the Centurion Lounge, is it ?

    And finally, you got on Economy Plus.
    I have one thing to ask you, are the whole alcohols free of charge in Economy Plus ?
    I know at least you, 1K member, are able to accept delivery of alcoholic tickets that arrives with 1K materials.

    Are heated meals consistently amusement to receive even though they’re quite unreal and distasteful ones ?
    However, the chicken on the flight seemed beyond your predictions.
    In the end, UA/CO Property is becoming aware of what their customers are asking strongly and how to behave towards them more excellently.

    You could be made aware by UA of the simplest method to be a Buddha through bringing 4MM and GS membership to successful conclusion (lol).

    best denki

    1. Best Denki sensei

      SOME of the receptionists at Centurion Lounge SFO remember me, i.e. the lady in the early morning shift and a smart guy in the night shift. Besides, vast majority of them can’t remember me because Centurion Lounge is now a ZOO. Seriously, we have to make line to receive a glass of mimosa, or the snack/food corner looks like “soup kitchen.” (if you are not familiar this phrase, please imagine 炊き出し for homeless people at Christian church… (ah, I’m such a T-boy!))
      Anyhow, the point is, airport lounges are not the resort of 1% people but for everybody, and Centurion Lounge by Amex is not an exception… -sigh-
      If I enter the lounge before 7:00 am or after 9:30 pm, it’s not too busy. Otherwise, it’s a zoo. Or some people figure, it’s a DisピーWorld!

      Oh, and answering sensei’s question: everything people anticipated is after the check-in at the reception, except you remember the password for Wi-Fi connection.
      And please forget about SQ lounge in SFO. That is yesterday. No such thing SilverKris in San Francisco longer… it’s closed and conquered by United Club, or more accurately say, United Polaris™ Lounge and it’ll be available from this summer.

      I found a timely article on Wall Street Journal.

      From WSJ: [米空港ラウンジ、かつての隠れ家 今は大混雑]
      > Airport lounges were once a perk for business travelers and high spenders, a haven from the chaos of modern travel. Then more rewards credit cards started offering lounge access. And what was once an oasis now is more like a mall food court.

      Actually… No.
      Food courts are way better because of the food quality, unfortunately.

      In regards to your question of the beverage services in Economy Plus, it depends.
      First of all, this is the price lists by United.
      1. Non-alcoholic beverages are complementary.
      2. House red and white wines, and beer are complementary on premium transcontinental service (a.k.a. “p.s.”)
      3. House red and white wines, and beer are complementary on trans-Atlantic flights; flights between the United States and Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru; trans-Pacific flights between the United States and Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan.
      4. Half bottle of premium wine, spirits, premium spirits and liqueurs are available on the payments by Credit or Debit Cards. No cash sales available.
      Then, alcoholic beverages are complementary for Global Services and 1K® members on domestic flights. For international flights, they can use alcoholic beverages coupons came with annual member kit.
      Sorry for the long answer but this is the coverage based on your question which is not so specific..

      Warm meals are very important if the airplane landed on the iceberg or cold sea. Survival rate is really depends on the body temperature and the stamina, as you know better than me. Therefore I eat at least some munches so that I can keep myself up and running, getting rid of other passengers and survive myself first! (yes, I’m contaminated by President Trumピー. (LOL))
      And “Chicken or Pasta” is the ultimate selections like; Which do you eat? curry tastes like poop, or poop tastes like curry?? Then, chicken is my choice when I compared to the pasta prepared by United, which is a real craピー.
      However, on this particular flight, no meal choice is available. Then the connecting flight is the “ultimate selections.”

      As you described, I will be enlightened by United soon… I am pretty sure I will be accomplishing to Satori earlier than iSO-san for sure. Thank United!! (LOL)
