Seared shrimp Lemon-tyme cream sauce, pappardelle, pumpkin
クリームソースがいけてるし、パスタも茹ですぎ感はなく上出来です。さすが移民の2割はイタリア系の国で調理されただけのことはあると思います。ただ、エビが若干ザリガニっぽいような...。出汁はよく出るからいいんだけどね。あと、パスタはパッパルデッレと呼ぶには幅が細くね? デュラムセモリナ粉の風味が感じられず単なる強力粉みたいで、なんとなく讃岐うどんみたい(笑)だったかも。ソースとの相性が悪くないので可、とします。
チーズは全滅。La Bourgogne で出てくるチーズとは大違いで、なんかみんな品質が怪しいものばっかりで残念。
やっぱ、チェリーはひとつだよね。赤い丸い中心があると、使徒のコアみたいでステキ♪ ←中毒
流行ってるだけではなく、南米のパリと呼ばれるブエノスアイレスで搭載されただけのことはある...って思ったけど、FRA/SFO便で出てくるものと全く同じようで区別できない。きっと米国の Flying Food Group から調達して運んできて、復路で供してると思う。トルコ航空のバクラヴァも名店ギュルオルーの製品を積んできてSFO/ISTとかNRT/IST便で供しているから、きっと同様だと推測しました。
Fresh seasonal fruits Served with cereal and milk
もうひとつの選択肢はフリタータ、キッシュみたいなオムレツですが... ユナイテッドのオムレツだから、回避。(笑)
この後はGlobal Entryで入国審査は十秒ほどでしたが... 海外から戻ってくるとセキュリティで TSA Pre✔が使えない。
ReplyDeleteI’m relieved to know that you don’t mind my language points in question.
Considering that you’re bilingual, it seems reasonable it’s not yet anything important nor bother for you to convert Japanese to English, and vice versa.
And you also know that I’ve never lived abroad in my life before and have learnt English only as study for the entrance exam, hence my English is far from being practical.
Anyway, please allow me to keep on writing weird English…
Certainly I’d like to make declaration that the U.S. airliners have become aware of the fact ; their in-flight businesses in the way that Delta ONE or United Polaris draw attention of the customers and produce more excellent incomes.
However, their feature of service isn’t able to surpass highly appreciated Asian or Mideast carriers such as EK, NH or SQ.
Of course I haven’t tested the new Polaris.
Though, bed linens and food services have been inevitably and definitely made better.
Despite everything, renewed meal services are invariably fun for you.
best denki
Best Denki sensei,
DeleteSensei, as per we discussed several times, your English is brilliant. For example, you didn’t have any difficulties when we’ve met and had dinner at Westin LA, or the letter you wrote to the CEO of Amex was no correction needed. What you need is just be confident, doctor. Then I apologize my broken colloquial language with American slangs I primarily learned verbal English in England but am already contaminated by Northern Californian accent… (or some people misrecognize me as 4th generation of Hawaiian)
It is always a controversial issue – U.S. air carriers versus Asian ones. For me, my personal perspective, I prefer U.S. carriers’ friendly and down-to-the-earth hospitality rather than Emirates or Singapore’s well considered services and Japanese Omotenashi. Especially I cannot appreciate JAL because – I think I told this story several times already; I encountered the attendants of Japan Airlines were loudly chatting about their passengers how those old farts were ugly and creepy, in a charming bistro in Left bank of Paris. I couldn’t believe they don’t care their company went bankrupt and revived by spending Japanese citizen’s taxpayers’ money! What a shame!! I could easily identify they are not ANA but JAL by using of their jargon “SS” and “AS.” Believe me my close friend’s girlfriend was a parser, and she achieved 先任チーフパーサー which is the title only used in that corrupted and bankrupt company.
Okay, enough said. Usually, I do prefer United rather than Asian air carriers. However, I take ANA flights once a year to enjoy the difference of hospitality. It’s just like I can’t eat hamburgers everyday and need to have ramen once a week. (LOL)
Polaris™ Lounges are newly introducing hence the experiences are fresh and in higher quality. However, the Polaris Business in the airborne is already started degrading. For example, duck was quickly burnished from the main dish choices, wine tasting experience was ended. Polaris chocolate wasn’t given on the flight 837 from SFO to NRT last week, etc. Furthermore, I saw Oh-My-san’s today’s article which is introducing the Polaris First meal services – the main course looks like exactly the same as they offered in Polaris Business… well, United’s first class is going away very soon and finally it will become a real Continental Airlines with the name of United. *sigh*