Monday, August 27, 2018

SIN 2018 Jun-Aug (1)


ここ、プラナカン料理の Chili Padi とホテルからほぼ等距離にあります。ジョーチアット通りを右折して1ブロックで Chili Padi、同じ交差点で左折したらこの朝6時半から開いているという店に到着します。

ここんち...「シンガポールでいっちゃん美味いロティ」でトップに輝いてたりします。ホテルから徒歩圏なので是非試してみようと思って調べると... 週末に行ったら1時間待ちとか、午前10時には売り切れる日もあると書いてある。たかが朝ご飯のロティで1時間待ちは『その価値はある』と書かれていても、エアコンが無い場所だから敬遠です。そこで金曜日の朝9時ごろに行ってみましたが、行列はなく、前のお客さんの注文を数個焼いているだけでした。

Mr and Mrs Mohgan's Super Crispy Roti Prata という長い名前の店ですが、賓和餐室という店の間借り。
道の角で印度人のおぢさん&息子と思しき二人がロティの生地をこねている。先週公開された記事でシドニーの Mamak というお店が紹介されているはずですが、ここんちのほうが素朴で「それっぽい」雰囲気がムンムン。


そんで、いろんなものを練り込めるのは Mamak もここも同じ。以下のメニューで選ぶと、それを焼いてくれます。

このお店... 道の角に面した部分が「モーガン夫妻のロティ」ですが、それ以外は中華系。注文も分かれています。コピC(エヴァミルク入り珈琲)をアイスで注文して代金を払って適当な空席で待っていると双方から注文品が到着。


プレーンみっつなら... 3ドル!?  240円のあさごはん!でもそのためにエアコン抜きで1時間も待つのは、いくら美味しくても僕的にはありえません。

ちょっと割いて中を写してみたけど... あまりよくわかんなかった。(苦笑)
これは確かに美味しい。でも露天だから午前9時だともう暑い... 食べ終わったら背中が汗でぐっしょり。


これがシンガポールでのベストだとすると、シドニーの Mamak もいい線いってると思います。あれも美味しかった。


また食べに来たいですが... 僕は蒸し暑いのが苦手なので普段の旅程だと金曜の朝しかチャンスがありません。


  1. obaKoba-sann,

    You visited Mamak in Sydney a few times and you’re getting used to lining up before entering the restaurant.
    Fortunately, you could get in Mr and Mrs Mohgan's Super Crispy Roti Prata without being part of long line in hot and humid circumstances.
    Though, queuing of guests is a favorable indication which is proving the flavor of their dishes is tasty, isn’t it ?

    Apart from making line, you were able to take photos within the eatery with their prior permission.

    Roti prata seems crunchy just in certain minute period after being cooked on hot plate. For that reason, dining rotis in the diner where they were baked as you were in Singapore should be the superlative approach.
    You had to choose ‘to go’ them to avoid being part of long queuing in Sydney, the hotel you stayed at was luckily at around a few minutes distance, accordingly you could take pleasure from pretty crispy roti in your hotel room.

    I know you haven’t visited Malaysia before.
    In spite of that, you’re assured as of now to recognize a fine feature of roti prata by the knowledges in Mamak and Mr and Mrs Mohgan's Super Crispy Roti Prata .

    best denki

    1. Best Denki sensei,

      Yes, people making a line are a good sign for the taste and cost-performance. However, I don’t want to make a line under this steamy weather or just like in Moscow. It doesn’t have worth doing that without I’m behaving a penny pincher, but fortunately I am good enough to afford certain quality and price of meals.

      And the permissions of taking pictures, I have learned about intellectual property or the right of portrait when I was at the Institute of Photography. It’s a very worldwide consensus to be followed though some ignorant blogger like Oh-My san’s degraded copy in Setagaya keeps showing children under 14 who are the kids of his former co-workers. I don’t think he receives permission to upload the kids’ picture over the Internet… so idiotic and unacceptable!

      In regards to the texture of roti prata, your guess was quite right. It’s just French flies by hamburger restaurants. After several minutes elapsed, it goes miserable. It’s really fresher the better. However in Sydney, I was keener to Nasi Goreng therefore the getting soggy roti prata wasn’t a big concern.

      Then here’s a small correction. I have been to Malaysia. Not KL, but Kota Kinabalu, Northern Borneo. The place is far from KL and close to Brunei, but it’s a territory of Malaysia. :P
      I anyway have to try visiting KL in the near future, but Istanbul and Singapore are so attractive and pleasant for me. Especially the trip to Turkey is so good right now. The currency exchange rate is ~40% stronger for me. ;)
