Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tokyo 2018 Feb(16)

御年91歳になる我が父が、成田まで高速道路を走って送ってくれます... 嬉しくもあり、申し訳なくもあり。でもこの歳でしっかり車を運転出来ていて、運転免許の返納はまだ必要なさそうなのが凄い。幼少期に「実は... おまえは橋の下で箱に入ってニャーニャー泣いていた」とか、まるで明治の文学作品みたいな揶揄(実家は薄暗くて狭くてジメジメしていたのは確かだが)で散々からかわれてきましたが... 全力投球で進むハゲ、靴のかかとが速攻で無くなるズリズリ歩き、思春期に入って声変わりしたら電話を取る度に(中坊なのに敬語が完璧で)父と間違えられ相手を困惑させる、等々の形質発現を鑑みるに、染色体の23本は確実にこの父から受け継いでいるようです。僕はアメリカ暮らしのくせにクルマの運転は苦手ですが、幼少期からのホログラフィックメモリ(HAL2000に搭載w)並みの記憶力はエタノールの摂取さえしなければまだ動作中ですから、父にあやかって長寿を期待してしまいます。・・・放蕩しまくってるから無理だろうけど。(爆)


なぜかこの建物を撮影する時って、いっつも快晴で空がまっくろに映るんだよね... やっぱ、僕って晴男?


しかも... 親子4人で出かけて3人までがシニア料金というのが、お得でもあり悲しくもあり。(爆)


ただ... 平日の昼間って、ここんちの客相が少し不思議。僕を加えないとガイジン含有率5%未満のことが多い一方で、どう贔屓目に見ても成田の農家のおばさんがTPOが思い切り間違ってるようなおめかしして来て、ランチブッフェを荒らしまくっていると推測されます。僕も百姓学部百姓学科に通っていたので、今では上から目線だとしても百姓を根底から馬鹿にするつもりはありませんが、上顎門歯に施された金歯を手で隠してグヒョヒョヒョ笑う姿があまりにもイタイ。


なんか... イカの断片、ししゃもらしき氏んだ魚、唐茄子に玉葱。

ポテトコロッケがホクホクで美味しい。これで「全日空コロッケカレー」を作ろう♪ とお食事計画を策定。


iPhoneを向けた時には一片くらい奪取された形状だったのに... 既に41.667%(12分の5)しか残っていません!
にく、使ってないのに... ベジタリアン仕上げなのに... やはり恐るべし、百姓の嫁!

ビタミン&ミネラルがい~っぱい♪ なんだけど... お味の方は「青汁」に通ずるものを感じるから、パス。



ブルーシール・アイスクリームが5種類くらい選べます。アメリカってデザート系は死ぬほど不味いけど、なぜかアイスはまともという不思議なお国柄ですが... このハワイから来たらしいブランドは... ちょっちハズレかな。




ブルーシールアイス、ベリー・モカ・バニラのつもりで3色試したら... 白いのがレモンソルベかなんかで失敗。(泣)

帰省して実家に居候したら、帰りはここでランチブッフェ、僕が支払わせてもらえる。という構図が出来ています。Chase IHG Reward Club Select World MasterCard を使うので1ドル5ポイント+施設利用ポイントまで稼げて一石二鳥♪
【脱肛後追記】明日正式発表予定の Chase IHG Reword Club Premier World Elite MasterCard(名前が長いが微妙に違う)だと、1ドル10ポイントも稼げるようになるそうです。ますます嬉しい J.P. Morgan Chase への隷属♪



  1. obaKoba-sann,

    The restaurant is situated on the ground level, which is corresponding to the first level in American/Japanese principles, isn’t it ?
    It’s a relaxed banquet therefore they continually supply meals in the style of setting out on table for choosing for each dining other than having menu items priced separately, I guess.

    As far as I know, there aren’t any indulgent airfield lodgings as such places are generally planned for the groups working together in air carriers and the evacuees whose trips were canceled.
    So, the ANA Crowne Plaza Narita may not be a special case.

    You might have tested some hotels together with the ANA Crowne Plaza Narita, and finally you might have found the hotel is most adequate for the requests of your family.
    One of the important benefits could be “Over 55” assessing financial value that is relevant to the clients elderly above fifty five (counting you and I…lol, though excluding your sister ?).
    Still, the characteristics of the meals don’t seem in poor shape and the personnel are thought to be sufficiently disciplined, in the end actually likable to you all.
    In addition, in the way of a Chase IHG Reward Club Premier World Elite MasterCard affiliate, your IHG rank is secured somewhat in Platinum position and you’re able to make 10X(!) specks/USD paid at the Ceres, and extra 50% additional points by consuming IHG ownership, right ?

    If you attempt to call attention to the bad point of view of the restaurant might be the feature of customers as you mentioned in the text.
    If they certainly are the persons who produce crops adjacent to NRT, I also have to admit they must obey the extension schemes of runways, or they had better bring utilizing airport accompanying possessions to an end.

    Plus affirmative, you’re extremely fortunate to have tremendous father and mother.
    You couldn’t even wish both two of them would lead a healthy life considering their age.
    That must be a happy unpredictable outcome to you.

    I wish you keep such a lucky event from now on !

    best denki

    1. Best Denki sensei,

      Yes, Restaurant Cérès is located on the 1st level and buffet style breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as a-la-carte items. As per you pointed out, it’s a casual dining and the definition of “senior” starts in the age at 55, all members of original obaKoba family will be senior, soon.

      We have tried several hotels around Narita airport, i.e. Hilton, Tokyu, JAL, ANA and etc. then we found this property is the best fit for us because of ease of reach from the highway ramp, lowered senior price criteria and most importantly, the quality of the foods. My Chase IHG card is another significant benefit for me to accumulate 150% of points by using IHG property (thanks for assigning Crowne Plaza Okayama as well) and 10X points from next May if the IHG Premier card doesn’t delay its release. Oh, btw, another huge benefit of this new Premier card is; 4th night free if I book reward nights. I often book by ‘cash-and-points’ but IHG basically convert the cash to points and secure my room as reward nights, so see how it works from next month. (I’m planning to stay IHG properties 7 times within 2018 besides eating at Cérès)

      Then, the negative feeling is by those local customers I saw, without using the airport but against to the runway expansions. In other countries, those people against to the national/federal projects are considered as doing felony charges, put in prison… Japan is such a peaceful country.

      As you saw my DNA test result, it wasn’t too bad. 47% lower from the average of receiving Alzheimer syndrome or no significant risks besides a bit of higher chance of UC. Hypercholesterol and Type-2 diabetes are already occurred but under control by modern medications. :))

      In any cases, this lunch events will be lasting within 10 years so I am trying to visit NRT as often as possible. (and IST and SIN for other reasons. (lol))
