母の食したサラダ... なんか変なバランスだけど、野菜の風味にうるさい母があまり文句言わなかった。
テリヤキソースが、アメリカ人の目からは「フレンチディップ添付の Au Jus(オ・ジュ、と読む)みたい!?」と驚くほどの量ですが、ちゃんと照り焼き味だそうです。日本の味覚、たまーに奥が深すぎます。
こういう料理ってアメリカだと Pot Roast とか、Veal Cheek in the Oven とかに近いんですが、日本のビーフシチューにドンピシャなのが存在しないから、帰国すると「ドンピシャのシチュー」が食べたくなるんです。
以前 Seven-i-Holdings の某ファミレス D○nny'sでビーフシチューを頼んだら、コンビニおでんに使うような牛スジの臭さとか、酵母発酵エキスで調味されていて食べられませんでした。酵母エキスで人工うまみ調味料を避けているんでしょうが、かえって妙なエグ味や後味が残るので、丁度そういうのが食品流通の業界で流行って一般的になる前に渡米してしまったため、多分「徐々に飼い慣らされた」在日の人々より過敏なんだと思っています。個人的には「騙されなくて済んだ」と思っていますが...。
もう到着ゲートまで出てくるのがいくらなんでも嘘くさすぎ!? (笑)
ReplyDeleteI’m truly impressed to know your sister returned to your father-and-mother’s home concurrently with your entire stay as well.
As a result, most of your visiting time was unending household gathering other than one night stay in Kamata.
Let’s get down to the article.
The foods of Steakhouse Don aren’t dreadful at all, are they ?
I can easily imagine the big problem for you must be if the venue is a provincial diner, your father doesn’t let you on.
I also understand you don’t wish to reveal the actual and basic logic that the gathering like having lunch together with total of obaKoba family is probably the kind of thing that only happens once.
For that reason you continually prefer to let each of all chance noteworthy.
Considering that your father is presently over ninety and is being examined at the dept. of oncology regularly, besides your mother is mid-eighty (the same age of my mother) with inflammatory bowel disease, your policy seems really reasonable.
Of course I do keep in mind that Dr. Stefan was dead when you were definitely close to him at the palliative center.
It might be a surprising event you were able to be there where is far away from San Mateo.
I wish the identical luck occurs on you between Japan and US one more time !
Please allow me to have a quiet talk here.
best denki
Best Denki sensei,
DeleteWell, my sister’s family-in-law is living in Machida/Yokohama (physically very close to T-Gakuen (lol)) hence it’s not too far to meet up anyway anytime, and all of the family members she married are so nice, kind, well-considered and wide-mind people, extremely fortunately. Furthermore, she has already finished taking care of her kids and simultaneously her mother-in-law is healthy enough to take care of her husband, so obaKoba family can easily join during my return. Hoever, as an appreciation, I always send a small gift to my sister’s family-in law most of times.
From our point of view, Styeakhouse Don isn’t too bad. Not as bad as D○nny’s by Seven-i-Holdings, at least. Or, entire obaKoba family members are missing taste buds. (LOL)
Telling you the truth, the biggest difficulty for us is; my papa doesn’t like wearing his denture and eats his foods by his gums! (sorry for the TMI… it sounds really awful). Therefore, going to the restaurant where serving nice and tender Salisbury steak (a.k.a. ハンバーグステーキin Japanese), Sushi bar or buffet dining is the easiest answer for us.
Thank you for the kind words for Dr. Stefan. I still really miss him a lot… never seen anybody similar so far – i.e. speaks fluent English, has deep knowledge of biochemistry or pharmaceutical issues as well as gardening, wines and dines… you are one of the outstanding friend close to some of the required criteria, but the most important part (you-know-what) is missing. (LLOOLL)