ANA 8 便に搭乗して…「や~ん!何これ? 旧い機材じゃん!?」って、思わず叫んだ。
「でもこっちのシートのほうが、何処に何があるか判ってる… って、偉そうでゴメン」
確かにメガネ入れの場所を憶えてる程度には利用させていただきましたが…。でも、このシートってレッグレストが超短足仕様なんだよね。儂の足(ズボンの股下たったの 30 インチ)でも延ばしきれないって、どんだけ~!?
これで iPhone と iPad の両方がネットに繋げられるわけなんですが…
ANA のネット接続は UA よりも遅い。ざんねん。
PING反射が1秒以上(笑)、下り 5.8 Mbps、上り 0.85 Mbps です。音響カプラーよりは高速です。
クリュグの MV だけではなく、この NH8 便では 2004 年ものをサーブしているというので、是非。
ミレジメもエチケットが MV とほとんど同じで、ヴィンテージだけを追加してあるあたりが渋い。
シャンパーニュ・クリュッグ 2004シャンパーニュ、フランスクリュッグ メゾンでは、あらゆるクリュッグ ヴィンテージをその年固有の特徴を表現するシャンパーニュとして造っています。クリュッグ2004 は、きわめてバランスのとれたシャンパーニュであり、ブリオッシュと蜂蜜の軽やかな風味はやがてオレンジ、レモン、マンダリンといった新鮮な柑橘類へと移行し、エレガントなフィニッシュによって引き立てられます。アミューズやアペタイザーとともにお楽しみください。シャルドネ / ピノ・ノワール / ムニエ
以上、ANA のお品書きから無断で抜粋。
でも、高温熟成がかかったような、シェリーっぽい香りがしました。この熟成具合は… 岡山へお持ちして『麻布』で開けたドンペリ 1996 年とソックリです。もちろん、ドンペリとクリュグですから、それぞれの特徴ははっきり異なっています。この比較によって儂のセラーでの熟成も順調なり。と安心。
「えっ? 高温熟成と申しますと?」
「obaKoba さま… ソムリエ資格までお持ちなんですか!?」
「とんでもない! 単なる受け売りです!!」
…と、さすが ANA のパーサーさん達はソムリエ資格をお持ちなので、会話のレベルが高いです。
ANAオリジナルスティック 鯛のマリネ 出汁ゼリー 砂肝のコンフィー マッシュルームのデュクセルと椎茸マリネ
バゲット ケールフォカッチャ ファンデュ セーグル ノア
「ケールとフォカッチャ! 儂の苦手な食べ物ふたつ合体してるじゃん!」
甘海老 フェンネル オリーブオイル キャビアとともに
・甘海老 フェンネル オリーブオイル キャビアとともに
・ビーフブレザオラとラタトゥイユ トリュフ風味のオイル添え
・野菜とサーモンのミルフィーユ トマトゼリー寄せ パプリカソース
和牛フィレ肉のグリル 黒にんにくソース コーンのガレット [438 kcal]
黒舌平目のオマールムース包み マリニエールソース [360 kcal]
Black Sole Wrapped Lobster Mousse with Mariniere Sauce
しかしてその実態は… 英文のほうが正解でした。(笑)
オマールムースの黒舌平目包み マリニエールソース ←訂正してみた。w
メロングラニテ ココナッツソース
「じゃあ、さらにそこへ、バニラアイスを ド~ン と載せてくれますか?」
届いた実物が、こちら… そういや、往路もバニラアイス載せでクリームあんみつにしたな。(笑)
コーヒーをいただいている時に隣席の 1G で何かしているから、きっとベッドを設えてくれてるんだと思ったら…
少し悩んで・・・ 丸っこいパンを真ん中で水平にカットして、マーマレードとバターをはさんで。
従いまして… メインはオムレツです。 なお、和食で納豆御飯の選択肢も、もちろんありました。
そんでまたGコンコースのいちばん先っぽに到着。NH ってここばっかし…。
メロングラニテ ココナッツソース バニラアイス載せ
これ、ほぼ予想通りの味わいですが… 上等なメロンのジュースを凍らせたものに、ココナッツミルクとバニラアイスの風味が乗ってきて、とても美味しかった。これなら5~6杯はいけそう。
目がさえてしまったので 1K の席へ戻って iPad でアニメを観ていたら「お飲み物は?」と聞かれ…
あ、そうそう。ANA のおしぼりは不織布のままです。
ストロベリージャム、マーマレード もしくは ハニー もございます。
ハンバーガーというか、スライダーみたいですが… これ、なかなかいけてました。
▶NH8、NH110、NH112 はこちらのお食事をご用意しております。
モッツァレラチーズとパンチェッタのオムレツ トマトヴィネグレット
▶NH10、NH12 はこちらのお食事をご用意しております。
モッツァレラチーズとパンチェッタのオムレツ トマトヴィネグレット
以前はトリュフ入りのオムレツにあずかれましたが、ANA ファーストの朝食は今でも高品位です。
もちろん美味しいですが、ことフルーツに関してはユナイテッド航空のほうが熟したものを供します。きっと市場で「もう熟しすぎて売り物にならない」ギリギリの奴を買い付けているからにちがいありません。そのためか「UA 機内食のブルーベリーにカビが生えていた」とかいう話題はネットで途切れることがありません。www
長~い通路をトラベレーター※ を使って半分楽をして、でも2本目は点検中なので歩いて。(怒)
※トラベレーター: 空港に設置された動く歩道のこと。チャンギ空港で聞き慣れていたけど、イスタンブール空港も同様だったので、この名称を採用♪
トルコ風呂、ミートボール or ざる蕎麦喰って、ホテルのラウンジでまったりして、以上。
I want to make a request before I leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteThe reason why I often comment on this blog is, first and foremost, due to the high level of text and images. But the second reason is for my selfish maintenance of my poor English skills. You kindly respond in English, which must be somewhat annoying for you. Therefore, you are welcome to leave my comments untouched. However, if your kind heart is worried about me, and leaves other readers' comments unanswered, it makes me feel guilty. Please don't worry about me, and please reply to others. Of course, this is only if you could have free time...
Regarding your visit to Japan, it seems that not only the inbound ANA flight 7 but also the outbound ANA flight 8 didn't let you know beforehand whether the new or old equipment will be allocated. On the way back, it was unfortunately the old equipment, but as a blogger, you can introduce both the new and old equipment, so it wasn't too bad, was it?
"The equipment was changed at the last minute. We sincerely apologize," said the chief purser, but I'm curious about the reason for the change. The first-class occupancy rate was 2/8 on both SFO/NRT and NRT/SFO trips, so did the new equipment get assigned to a higher demand route that requires a three-class aircraft, such as New York or Los Angeles?
Furthermore, the chief purser said, "You're so knowledgeable that you can use the glasses case right away. That's impressive." But with the new equipment, the convenient place for the glasses case was made to fit a tablet, right? As someone who constantly needs glasses, it's nice to have a place for them within easy reach of the seat, and especially for someone like me who doesn't use tablets, the old equipment seems more suitable.
The seats in this old equipment have very short leg rests, don't they? I can't imagine your legs being short, but you mentioned on your way with the new equipment that "the screen is too far, and it's a bother to stretch my hand out," so there must be quite a difference between the old and new one.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the seat you got was 1K as usual. Even when boarding ANA, you're still a United MileagePlus Lifetime 1K, aren't you? (lol).
Yes, I also think the size of the personal monitor in front of your seat in this old equipment is easier to view... With the new equipment, the monitor seems too large or rather, its presence is too overpowering, and even not-so-interesting programs might forcibly catch my eye. (I might be told to change the channel in that case).
Pajamas, a cardigan, and noise-canceling headphones were provided, but you returned all unused. Even if I didn't use them, I'd likely take the pajamas and a cardigan home. Ah, but you've already received many, so you wouldn't want any more, right? I used to have first-class amenity kits from JAL, China Airlines, and others lying around my house, and even now, I'm using some as small item holders in my suitcase, but first-class amenity kits are out of reach now.
By the way, did they give you two keys for Wi-Fi connection because you returned all the items like pajamas? Or did the thoughtful chief purser quickly spot that you use both an iPhone and iPad, and wanted to make sure you could connect to the internet comfortably...?
The aircraft carrying you soon departs, accompanied by a farewell from the ground staff as promised. Yes, I also feel that this is undoubtedly a forced practice by the airline... It's pitiful for the ground staff at Narita Airport, but at least they're not made to dress up in Momotaro costumes or made to wave around giant peaches like at Okayama Airport, so I guess it's okay?
ReplyDeleteAfter taking off, it's time for Krug. I had always assumed that the Krug on board ANA's first class was only the Grande Cuvee, so I was surprised to learn they even have a vintage nearly 20 years old. Was this particular ANA 8 flight just randomly stocked with a 2004 vintage? Or do other first class flights also have such pleasant surprises? Either way, just comparing the general market price, wouldn't this Krug 2004 surpass JAL's first class Salon?
As you pointed out, this vintage is clear if I read the label carefully, but it's subtly not emphasized, which feels classy.
The attendant asked, "How about the 2004 vintage?"
You answered, "It has an aroma like it's been subjected to high-temperature aging, but it's nice."
Attendant, "Pardon me? What do you mean by high-temperature aging?"
You, "It has a Sherry-like flavor. I heard this is a characteristic of high-temperature aging."
Attendant, "Mr. obaKoba... do you even have a sommelier qualification?"
You, "Not at all! I'm just repeating what I've heard!!"
While I understand that ANA's purser and their team have sommelier qualifications, the level of conversation becomes elevated because of the depth of knowledge you indeed have in the first place.
The bread for the Western course you chose to pair with the matured Krug has arrived at your seat.
ReplyDeleteYou: "Ah, may I take a picture?"
Attendant: "In that case, I'll arrange it so that you can see all the varieties..."
If they were this considerate, I'd feel a little awkward if I were in your shoes. Well, maybe it's okay because the occupancy rate for first class is 2 out of 8?
The other guest in first class on that day opted for the Japanese course, so you're the only one eating Western food. If you hadn't reserved any specified meal in advance, I'm sure the Western food on board this first-class flight would have all the items on the menu, and all just for you. I wonder what happens to the remaining Western food that you didn't eat? Oh, the same goes for the Japanese food for the other guest... Well, there's no point in me worrying about that. But what if this was United Airlines?
Once you've received your bread, there are three choices for the appetizer. As expected, the attendant did NOT offer, "In that case, I'll arrange it so that you can see all the varieties..." for this appetizer (lol).
By the way, regarding the English phrase "Black Sole Wrapped Lobster Mousse with Mariniere Sauce", if I interpret it normally, "Wrapped" indeed means "wrapped" (lol), implying that the black sole (a type of flatfish) is wrapping the lobster mousse. Therefore, what appears on the outside of the dish must be the black sole, so your point was correct, and the ANA's translation is off (again lol).
It appears that you've finished your Krug with "Black Sole Wrapped Lobster Mousse with Mariniere Sauce" which was implying that the black sole is wrapping the lobster mousse (lol). But you surely didn't drain an entire bottle of Krug, did you? Midori-san knows a former ANA flight attendant who joined the company during the bubble economy era. She told me a story about washing her hands onboard with leftover Krug. No matter how expensive Krug is, I might wonder why she would do such a thing. When I asked, she said that there was a kind of urban legend among flight attendants at the time that washing hands with Krug made them shine. Or perhaps it was just a bit of fun?
ReplyDeleteYou have four options for dessert, but it seems you can eat as many as you like. (lol)
Melon Granita with Coconut Sauce
Orange Mango
Baked Fromage
You; "So then... 'Melon Granita' is just natural iced melon, isn't it?"
Attendant; "Yes, it's refreshing, so we serve it with a little coconut cream."
You; "Then, can you load it with vanilla ice cream?"
Attendant; "Of course, it's fine. I'll bring it with ice cream on the granita then♪"
Yes, the "Melon Granita with Coconut Sauce topped with Vanilla Ice Cream" is ready!
Hmm, this feels exactly like the vibe of United's ice cream sundae. But personally, I'm more intrigued by the 'Cream Anmitsu with Vanilla Ice Cream' that you ordered on your outward journey (lol).
Yes, when you were having your coffee, you saw the attendant doing something at the adjacent seat 1G. You assumed she was setting up the bed... and you were right.
ReplyDeleteI see, the level of service in first class is certainly preset, but the occupancy rate also plays a part. If the occupancy is 4 out of 8 seats, theoretically one seat can be used exclusively as a bed for each passenger (though I don't think they would use the seats so tightly). Moreover, it must be a relief for the attendants not to have to rush to make the beds while passengers are forced to be standing.
It seems like a very comfortable full-flat bed that would allow for a good sleep, but you only lay down for about 2 to 3 hours. You mentioned that you felt quite well-rested even in such a short time, are you a so-called short sleeper?
You said you woke up and went back to seat 1K to watch anime on your iPad, when you were asked if you'd like something to drink... On my few experiences in JAL first class was also like this, as soon as I start to rustle around in the full-flat seat, I’m immediately asked if I'd like something to drink.
At this point, I can't help but remember Akiko Hoshi, the elder sister of Hoshi Hyuuma, who always supported her father and brother's training from behind the scenes. Although she's often remembered as "the person who cries in the shade while watching her brother," she's actually mentally very strong, a solid and intelligent woman, a contrast to her brother who is prone to getting easily shocked and flustered. Perhaps these are the qualities needed to be a dedicated attendant in first class for ANA or JAL?
I see, United Airlines’ attendants rarely come even when you press the attendant call button, whereas with Japanese airlines, they come even if you don't press it. It's quite the opposite indeed. If you were to go directly to the galley of ANA First Class and ask, "Could I please have a coffee?", would they get upset, I wonder?
ReplyDeleteNowadays, it's standard for guests in lounges and buffet restaurants to make their own coffee with a machine. It does seem to have a somewhat mechanical (?) taste, but it's impressive that they can still enjoy a variety of coffees without trouble. I considered introducing one to my clinic, but I was concerned that the maintenance might be a hassle and decided against it.
By the way, the breakfast, which is the second in-flight meal, consists of "two types of bread with butter". It seems a bit stingy considering that there were about four types for dinner, so I wish breakfast was just as varied. Or is a butter roll and a croissant enough for breakfast? Along with the bread, they provided marmalade and honey, which personally feels nostalgic. My paternal grandmother loved both, but the problem was that she always insisted that I, her grandchild, eat them too. As a child, I had a bit of a resistance towards marmalade since it tasted bitter to my tongue. Now, I try to enjoy it while remembering my grandmother.
Your creation (?) of cutting a round butter roll horizontally in the middle, sandwiching marmalade and butter, and eating it like a hamburger... this looks quite good. If I were to have it, I would pair it with fragrant coffee, fresh orange juice, and perhaps a fresh salad. That would be more than enough for me.
The main dish for this meal appears to be omelettes on flights arriving in the morning, and pasta on those arriving in the afternoon. Indeed, if you're arriving in the afternoon, your second in-flight meal will inevitably be lunch, so they've made it a bit heartier. Subsequently you chose the omelette as the main, but if you go with Japanese food, you can choose natto rice. That's very like a Japanese airline. In the past, Westerners would probably have been disgusted by the sight of Japanese people slurping down natto, a food that certainly doesn't look or smell good, while mixing it all up. But now that Japanese food is recognized worldwide, perhaps that feeling of disgust is fading.
ReplyDeleteStill, this main dish, an omelette with mozzarella cheese and pancetta... Thanks to you cutting it open near the center for the sake of your blog photos, even I who haven't actually eaten it can almost taste the flavor of the bacon on the melty cheese. Wow, so you had a truffle omelette before? The breakfast on ANA first class remains as high quality as ever.
The fruit that concludes this meal must be delicious, of course. But when it comes to fruit, does United Airlines provide riper ones? If that's true, is it because United is purchasing fruit from the market that's just on the brink of being too ripe to sell? Are they searching for the ripest ones for their valued customers, or is it just a cost-saving measure? (I don’t regard the former, lol)
You said there's an endless stream of discussions online about "mold growing on the blueberries in UA in-flight meals"? If that's true, that's definitely too ripe.
To tell you the truth, when I first read this text, I misread this part as "mold was growing on the BLUE CHEESE in UA's in-flight meals", but I quite naturally accepted it thinking "Ah, that seems like something that would happen with United". I'm sorry, United! (lol)
Ah, so when flying from Narita to San Francisco, the selection of favorable air currents and a route close to the shortest distance results in such a course. I remember when I was in elementary school, I couldn't quite grasp which route was the shortest to Europe and the U.S. when looking at a flat world map. When I was in junior high school, I found out that the flights to Europe and the U.S., which couldn't fly directly at the time, went via Anchorage. I wondered, "Why do they go through a northern airport like Alaska?" But looking at the globe, it somehow made sense.
ReplyDeleteAnd I see that ANA Flight 8 arrived at the very end of G Concourse. I heard that at San Francisco Airport, United Airlines and ANA's international flights use "International Terminal Concourse G", while United Airlines' domestic flights use "Terminal 3". So, when transferring from Japan to various places in the U.S. via San Francisco, whether I’m on United or ANA, I arrive at Concourse G in the International Terminal, then move to Terminal 3, right?
You reminded me of something with the "travelator". There's a patient at our clinic who is a big fan of the manga "One Piece", and every time he visits, he talks about it. Sometimes he even shows me the actual pages, and the other day there was a "travelator", just like the moving walkway you rode on. I was impressed that even in a manga there would be such electric moving facilities, but then it turned out to be powered by slave labor below, which was quite inhumane. As usual, I digress.
Your return trip to Japan was a very engaging piece of work. Thank you for writing it.
I apologize for again bringing up something unrelated to the article, but yesterday, we received two ceramic bottles labeled with gratitude: "Limited Appreciation Label" from Kyoya Shuzo.
ReplyDeleteFirst, on the wrapping paper, the words "relief from the heat" were written, and upon peeling that paper away, there was a red sticker with "Thank you" written in black on the outer box.
Expressing gratitude seems to be a sentiment shared by both of us. Dr. Doi's "obaKoba Sweet Potato Shochu Selection" appears to be thriving. On the other hand, my "obaKoba Sweet Potato Shochu Selection" had already dispersed, so the timing was impeccable (lol).
In any case, I am nothing but grateful. We look forward to seeing you again.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteThank you for the heads-up. I also received a beautiful message from Dr. Doi.
It’s just after 3 months since I received endoscopic observations and as per I replied to Dr. Doi, it was a great stress relievers for me that the result is sufficient at my age, no skeptic tumors nor anything detected. This is totally helpful news for me because my health insurances will be replacing to Medicare from next Friday. Thank you again for giving this opportunity before my enrollment of Medicare.
And I keep watching severe weather forecasts of Japan, especially the Western side with heat and monsoon, what I can do was sending jars of Kame-Shizuku.
Furthermore, my actual birthday will be just around the corner – four weeks later. To celebrate my achievement of the start of the life of leftover (a.k.a “senior”). I arranged shipping you two jars of Kyoya’s 2023 fall limited edition. If they do it right, it will arrive at you on my birthday. And please mention Dr. Doi – due to the website of Kyoya, they strongly recommend finishing the jar as soon as possible because this particular jar is not designed for long-term preservation, so Drink Immediately!! (lol)