オンラインで申請できて、誕生日前に届けてくれたのが、親切なクリッパー カード。
日本の スイカ とか イコカ みたいな、SFベイエリア共通の交通系・非接触式カードです。
今までは青いクリッパーを使っていましたが… 白いのが届きました。
しかも Senior って書いてあるし。w
登録してすぐ $20 プリペイして、あとはクレカから自動的にリチャージする設定をしておきました。
アメリカでは 65 歳になって初めて皆保険に加入出来ますが、全てはカバーされません。
儂の場合は… 医療 + おくすり + デンタル というように、みっつのプランに加入。
いままで毎月約 3,000 ドル、1ドル140円だと毎月 42 万円の健康保険料を支払っていました。
それが、9月からは毎月 350 ドルくらい。毎月 49,000 円の出費で済みます。凄い違い。 §
一番しんどかったのは… 日本國の老齢年金申請。
「2006年にもう国籍喪失したんですが… 在留届は発行していただけますか?」
「儂、厚生年金の加入から、退職後は国籍喪失するまで国民年金も払ったので、『旧厚生年金法』と『旧国民年金法』のふたつに該当して、0120 と 0130 のどっちのコードを書けばいいか判りません」
8月末になって、年金事務所から『租税条約に関する申出書』という書類が返送されました。やばい間違えたか?と思ったら、米国税庁からの書類 Form 6166 が一緒に提出されないと受け付けられないそうです。国税庁へは 85 ドル払って当該書類の発行申請をしていますが、もう1ヶ月半経つのに音沙汰ありません。
日本の年金はおあずけかなぁ?…と思ったら、その下に『年間の受取額が 114 万円以下の方は提出されなくても影響はありません』という事で、『ご安心ください』という文末の台詞に安堵しました。
そして… 自動車運転免許証の書き換えも、今度の誕生日が更新期限になりました。
カリフォルニア州、というか全米では REAL ID と呼ばれる、連邦共通の「顔写真付きIDカード」が 2025 年の 5 月から全面的に採用されるので、どうせ書き換えるなら REAL ID に切り替えた方が賢明でした。
でも… ID の厳格化のために、居住が証明できるものを2通提示しなくてはいけません。幸い、ベイエリアはネット社会なので、オンラインで事前申請して仮許諾とアポイントメントをもらってから、パスポートと一緒に申請した書面を持って DMV(運転免許センター)へ出頭しました。
朝の 9 時 10 分の予約だけど… ゼッタイ混んでると思って行ったら、やっぱ 100 人並んでる。
でもよく見たら… 100人はアポ無しでやってきた人々。アポのある人はすぐ入館できました。
「でもね~… 行くといつも当っちゃうんですよね。登録外して欲しいくらい」
「で… もう一枚オンラインで提示された年金保険の書類は、もっといいの、無い?」
「あ… いちおう、メディケアカードのカバーレターを持ってきたけど。どう?」
「こっちなら完璧♪ 陪審員の召喚状とメディケアのカバーレター。最強の組み合わせよ!(笑)」
体面申請なのでウソこけませんが、体重 190 ポンドで通りました♪(前の免許では 205 ポンド)
でも… 髪の色が「グレー」に変わった。身長も1インチ縮んだ! (苦笑)
ついでに、裸眼視力を検査されて『要矯正』になっちゃった!!若い頃は… 2キロ先のライオンもみつけられる、ホッテントットブッシュマンに匹敵する視力 2.0 以上を誇っていたのに。悔しい!!
「これ… クルマのダッシュボードにはいいけど、財布に入れるの!?」
…と思って、ウェブサイト dmv.ca.gov の FAQ を見たら、
『60 日経っても届かなかったら電話汁』ってなっていました。
顔写真を『トイレ マイナの花子さん』に焼き変えるのも面倒だし。w
こちらもオンラインで予約、NASA のモフェット基地にある ID 発行センターへ行って、更新してきました。
旧いカードの期限を見ると判るけど… 今年の1月28日で期限が切れていました。
「ホントですか!? そしたら誕生日を過ぎたら、改めてアポ入れます!」
でもまた来月になったら、無期限で有効な身分証に切り替えてもらいます。なんで軍人カードが重要か? なぜならこれも合衆国政府発行の身分証なので、パスポートにはならなくても、米国内の移動ならこれで OK。理屈の上ではプエルトリコにグアムやサイパンも行けます。どのみちパスポート持っていくと思うけどね。
パスポートを更新したら、Global Entry も、日本の自動ゲートも更新です。
あ、そうだ。高齢者向けのワクチン接種もいっぱい。Arexvy とかいうのまで増えたし。…もうやだ。
9月1日、メディケアに切り替わったので Arexvy を打ってもらいました。
すごいぞメディケア! 接種は無料でした♪(定価は 325.99 ドル)
でも感染を 82%、重症化を 94%抑えてくれる*そうなので、期待してます。
*上述の数値はグラクソスミスクラインのサイト arexvy.com を参照。
p.s. 昨日のランチはobaKobaさんのお好きなカオソーイでした(ビニール袋入りのデリバリーです。苦笑)。
合衆国政府の方も、昨日になってIRSから Form 6166 申請の件で郵便で通知が届きました。開けてみたら...「あと30日かかるから待つが良い」って書いてあるだけ。しかも、1年度につき1通の通知を寄こすので、全部で25通も全く同じ文面のレターが届きました。合衆国政府も『お役所仕事』では負けていません。(笑)
来月また25通の Form 6166 が来たら、年度毎に並べ直すだけでも大変そう。せっかくなので、来年度になったらそれ全部日本の年金機構へ送りつけてやります。www
カオソイ… いいですねぇ。サンマテオにもう一軒カオソイを出す店を見つけました。そこんちのもスープが濃厚でなかなか良いです。
You've updated your blog after a long hiatus, and one of the reasons you mentioned is the various procedures and updates related to you joining the ranks of the elderly. I feel that this reflects your intention to draw a clear comparison for readers like me, who are the same age as you and become elderly in Japan.
ReplyDeleteThere's a detailed explanation about the 'Clipper Card' in the SF Bay Area, including its specific information, how to use it, and its benefits. This not only provides very useful information for local residents and visitors to the SF Bay Area but also makes it easy to understand the differences between it and, for example, the 'Okayama City Silver Card' that I received from Okayama City.
Expressions like 'Friendly Clipper Card' and 'It says Senior. lol' not only show that you have a sense of humor as always, but the entire piece is written in your usual friendly and approachable tone. Readers would likely find it easy to empathize with your experiences and thoughts and enjoy reading them.
The part about 'I tried burning it into my iPhone's wallet' indicates that, despite joining the ranks of the elderly, you are utilizing the latest technology. This will surely motivate readers of our age to acquire new information and know-how.
Hello Yamada-Denki sensei,
DeleteThank you for your post with kind words as always. Appreciated.
Greetings from İstanbul. I guess your business hours is over. 👍🏻
At my side in InterContinental club floor, my next door is a big suite room but the guy staying there kept coughing all over the night. Then he wrapped up and get off at 5:30 am with loudly closing the door. Furthermore, housekeeping came to the suite room and started knocking on the door and kept shouting “Housekeeping!” at 6 am sharp.
As a result, I couldn’t sleep well… Now I go to Hamam and relax. Probably nap?
On this outgoing trip from San Mateo to SFO, I finally used Senior Clipper in my iPhone, and they charged me $1.00!! Being senior citizen is a fun. (lol)
Have a great weekend to you guys. 👍🏼
It seems you're discussing your personal experiences with the American health insurance system and the procedures for applying for elderly pensions in Japan. Below are the key points and comments I gathered from your text.
ReplyDeleteMedicare in the US is introduced as a national health insurance available from the age of 65. However, it is pointed out that not all medical expenses are covered, hence the need to purchase additional insurance. As per your personal example, by joining three separate plans for medical, medication, and dental, you ended up with four insurance cards. Managing these four cards individually must feel quite cumbersome compared to the Japanese system.
The stark difference between past and present insurance premiums is also emphasized. This serves as a concrete example of how high health insurance costs used to be. It's staggering to think that you once paid around 3,000 dollars a month, which at a rate of 140 yen to a dollar, amounts to 420,000 yen per month. However, it's certainly good news if it's reduced to about 350 dollars, or 49,000 yen, a month now.
The difficulties of applying for an elderly pension while residing outside of Japan are highlighted. Especially the procedure for those who have already acquired American citizenship and renounced their Japanese nationality like you seems to be intricate. Although it is indicated that one can still apply for a pension after losing Japanese nationality, the process is conveyed as being quite intricate.
The phrase "Immigrants are abandoned" carries significant weight. It signifies that as one settles in a new country as an immigrant, access to rights and procedures in their home country becomes challenging. This insight symbolically represents the struggles many immigrants must feel.
Overall, the challenges of accessing societal services such as health insurance and pensions are vividly depicted. Your narrative communicates the importance of navigating cultural differences and overcoming the inherent challenges. Personally, if I were in your shoes, I doubt I could handle it all.
Next, you describe your experiences regarding Japan's old-age pension application process. The contents of the application were intricate, and even after consulting the instruction manual and the website, there were still ambiguities and information that was hard to grasp. You might find that interactions with the Pension Consultation Center were lacking or insufficient, and the added complexities of international procedures, such as the need for documents from the U.S. tax authority, only deepened your confusion. Nevertheless, by the end, you mentioned the relief felt upon learning about the pension amount you would be receiving.
ReplyDeleteApplying for public services and liaising with governmental bodies can differ vastly from country to country. Interacting with systems and regulations of different nations can especially complicate matters. Your account vividly portrays this complexity and frustration. The phrase " Immigrants are abandoned" within your text might suggest some criticism or skepticism about the Japanese system or attitudes. However, rather than emphasizing this, the narrative seems to focus more on specific experiences and challenges faced.
The "Subsequent Note" in the text offers more details on the Japanese pension procedure and the emotions and expectations surrounding it. There's a clear international aspect to the pension application, as indicated by the need to submit a document (Form 6166) from the U.S. tax authority. This brings out the lack of clarity and insufficient information throughout the procedure. Your shock when the documents were returned, followed by relief are vividly depicted, with the exclamation "Did I mess up badly?" underscoring the anxieties of navigating this bureaucratic maze. Toward the end, the potential benefits of the pension, including the possibility of affording annual trips to Tokyo, are highlighted with anticipation.
Applying for pensions or engaging in other public procedures can vary in complexity based on the nation or region. Applicants often find them to be a source of stress. Given that the article doesn't delve into the specifics of the U.S.-Japan tax treaty or the background of Form 6166, readers can easily find it challenging to grasp the details fully. Nonetheless, the emotions and experiences detailed are relatable to many, genuinely conveying the intricacies and emotional toll of dealing with governmental procedures.
The continued part of your article presents a detailed account and information regarding the renewal of a driver's license in the state of California.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, it touches upon the adoption of the REAL ID, set to be implemented across the United States by May 2025. This information is especially valuable for immigrants and travelers, serving as practical advice for those planning on renewing their licenses in the near future.
The part also emphasizes the stringent requirements for residential proof documents, highlighting the validity of jury duty summons and Medicare cover letters as accepted forms of residency proof. This insight can be beneficial for those preparing for their own renewal procedures.
There's a notable stress on the advantages of online applications and pre-scheduled appointments. The clear distinction made between those with appointments and those without appointments underscores the importance of booking an appointment in advance, advising readers to plan ahead.
When it comes to updating the driver's license, many readers will likely relate to the experiences of noting changes in personal attributes such as weight or vision. The discussion around the gap between your past health condition and the present condition will resonate with a vast audience, making the content more relatable.
The narrative also suggests a possible delay in the delivery of the new license, hinting at the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as a potential cause. Given the current societal circumstances, such a mention might strike a chord with other readers who are undergoing similar experiences.
Overall, the part not only offers valuable information regarding the driver's license renewal process but also intertwines your personal reflections and experiences, delivering both informative and entertainment values to the readers.