Saturday, March 9, 2019

Tokyo 2019 Feb. (1)




ああ、そうだよ。 いつものあさごはんだよ。 マンネリで同じ物を頼んでるよ。

いつもは『チェダー&スイスチーズ2種にベーコンのオムレツ。プレーンのメダリオンパンケーキ』です。でも届いたのは... チーズ2種にダイスカットされたハム。パンケーキはブルーベリー入りでバターとメープルシロップも無い。このほうがカロリー控えめ。体にはやさしい! と自己暗示をかけ、ウエイトレスのおばちゃんを恨まないようにしました。

「え? 朝からデザートあるの?」

おばちゃん、ミスオーダーしたけど、良い奴だったから許す♪ と上機嫌で階下へ。

う~ん、コーヒーがぬるい。 猫舌の僕にもぬるいから一般人はちゃぶ台返し確実なぬるさ。

あちこちでほころびが出てきたようなSFOのポラリスラウンジですが、United Club よりまだましですし、他社のラウンジと比べてもまだまだ悪くないと思います。最初が良かっただけに劣化が目立つのが残念。



  1. obaKoba-sann,

    Speaking of Uber, I noticed some Uber Eats delivery bicycles here and there on the streets during my stay of this month in Tokyo.
    They would like to boost their trademark’s description in a creative method, on the other hand it made me consider the way of thinking of cyclists and their safety at the same time.

    I hear all wheels can be monitored by the cyclist completely with a computerized motion picture display which gets lively once the pedal-driven vehicle is in motion by being made ready with some LED operation.
    I also hear that 3 dissimilar messages for protection from accidents, ‘SEE ME, GIVE ME SPACE and CARE FOR ME’ are presently increasing on the roads in Tokyo.

    With restricted supplies drawn upon by either material method or nonmaterial intelligent work with digital science, the Uber Eats would not only be perceived throughout Tokyo but also in some major cities such as Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, etc. (excluding Okayama, of course…lol).

    What do you think about the Uber services ?
    I’d like to know the present situation in the US.

    Sorry for wandering from the Polaris Lounge and thank you in advance.

    Yamada denki

    1. Yamada Denki sensei…

      Does Uber Eats deliver by bike!!?? What a country… Also, I found there’s no real ride-sharing. When I checked my Uber App in Japan, it’s all normal taxis, no Pool, Uber X, Uber Select, Uber Black, Uber XL Uber Black SUV, etc. That’s boring. Not a real Uber services in Japan. Instead, it’s trustworthy – the driver doesn’t f*ck passengers or under influence of good stuffs. (lol)

    2. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Just FYI.

      Skytrax just announced World’s Top 10 airports.

      2019 Skytrax World Airport Awards
      1. Singapore Changi Airport -- Singapore
      2. Tokyo International Airport (Haneda) -- Tokyo, Japan
      3. Incheon International Airport -- Seoul, South Korea
      4. Hamad International Airport -- Doha, Qatar
      5. Hong Kong International Airport -- Hong Kong
      6. Central Japan International Airport -- Bay of Ise, Japan
      7. Munich Airport -- Munich, Germany
      8. London Heathrow Airport -- London, UK
      9. Narita International Airport -- Tokyo, Japan
      10. Zurich Airport -- Zurich, Switzerland

      Surprisingly, HND is ranked in 2nd and NRT is the 9th, FRA is out of the list… no wonder. (lol)
      I am surprised LHR is ranked 8th. Skytrax is not trustworthy for me, now. :))
