これでもうアタテュルク空港を利用するのは最後か... と思っていたけど、また移転が遅れそうな噂も。
駐機場の景色は... 手前にLCCが少しいるけど、やっぱりトルコ航空だらけ。
泡がしっかりしていて、上手。チョコチップクッキーと胡桃のロクム(Turkish Delight)をもらってきました。
お味のほうは... ファーストクラス・ラウンジのセルフサービスに置いてあるバターチキン食べた風味の記憶と遜色ありませんでした。つか、チキンカレー程度の物体はわざわざ造り別けないと思うので同じ品質だと思います。
おなかがくちくなったところで、用足ししてから本日の出発ゲート、Z20 に向かいました。
毎月通ってるから慣れたけど... UA発着ゲートとラウンジが離れてて、ちょいと不便なんだよね。
そして... ゲートに向かっていたら、FRAのUAゲートエージェント Hちゃんに後ろから「もうお帰りですか~?(笑)」って声かけられました。1月もHちゃんに出逢っていて、今日は彼女がZ20のGS接待担当。僕も『FRAは私の庭』と豪語させていただけるだけあって、GS様と一緒の扱い(つか、GSの前)に優先搭乗させていただけました♪
ReplyDeleteI fundamentally know you’re not only very happy with inflight meals but also eating a box lunch sold on a Shinkansen bullet train or Matsuri-Sushi at Okayama station (lol) when in Japan.
Snacking some foods when in motion above 300km/h must be an amusement for you, right !?
I hear some customers’ assessment-echoed polling say Turkish Airlines is chosen as best in Europe.
When the airline is compared with Asian ones, it can’t beat some opponents in Asia.
However, inside the aforementioned and specific European area, TK is able to overcome other competitors without difficulty, I guess.
Yamada denki
Greetings from Turkish Airlines’ CIP Lounge in Ataturk. :))
DeleteThis must be the final experience at Ataturk airport. They will do a “Great Move” on April 5 to 7, all the flights from/to İstanbul will be managed by the new İstanbul Airport. It will be fun to see a brand new facility but it’s a bit pity to say sayonara to this old facility which I experienced well.
Now, yes. I do love eating something in a vehicles, trains or aircrafts because it’s an unusual experience, compare to a breakfast at home or fancy dinner at fine dining restaurants. Did I have Matsuri Sushi at Okayama? I’m not sure because I don’t like Chirashi Sushi style soured rice with dead fish... what I liked the most at Okayama was Omusubi Kororin bento. That one was ringing my bell a lot, felt like I were joining excursions in my childhood.
Turkish Airlines is good. For me, they are as good as ANA. This is a difference of perspective, sensei. For example, if I were a Muslim and ask halal meal, ANA will serve me a piece of banana. TK’s European flights are not special but good enough for me. The meal choice is always kofte or mantou but both are halal compliant and tasty. Other European carriers can’t do this, I think.
SQ, TG, NH or Gulf areas’ carriers are good, but you can’t compare apples to oranges...
Now my next visit to İstanbul will be new airport. I’m a bit excited but simultaneously worried, especially the access to and from airport. Fortunately I have Adnan, but the airport is close to Black Sea... sounds weird to me.