・3rd Ave. にあった、Gangnam 강남 Chicken 朝鮮鶏屋 → ケバブ屋 ハラール・ガイに
・朝鮮鶏と同じブロックにあったメッキー Chipotle → SAJJ 地中海ファストフードに
・同じく朝鮮鶏と同じブロックのシーフード CFood Crush → まだ後継は決まらず
・B St. の映画館前にあったハンバーグ、Roam Burger → まだ後継は決まらず
まるで春秋時代の中國のようで、怖いです。この先 シンの始皇帝:|| が現れたらもっと怖い。←中毒
逝ってしまったのは 2nd Ave. and B St. の角にあるタイ料理店、King of Thai Noodle です。
そういえば、下写真のガラスに映り込んでいる建物はシーフードの人気店 King Fish でしたが... ここも逝った。
選択肢が減って4th Ave.の一軒(ここもオーナーが変わった)だけにならなかったのは幸運?
これ、デヅニーのぞうさんだよね? 耳、おおきいし、目、青いし...
シリコンバレーの北端でも後進国並みに Intellectual Property Infringement(知的財産権の侵害)があります。
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you that the elephant violates Disney trademark infringement seriously.
The new restaurant in San Mateo must follow all legal requirements to avoid infringing on the Disney's intellectual property rights.
As a matter of fact, you took the time to bring such a matter to us readers, and you can also bring this to Disney’s attention.
Why don’t you send an email to tips@disneyantipiracy.com to provide more information about the suspected infringement ? (lol)
I know it’s none of your business…
best denki
Best Denki sensei,
DeleteNow it’s over for more than a decade so I can tell you… it WAS my business. I was in charge of licensing and protecting intellectual properties at Sega of America Inc. and sega.com because I was in charge of MIS (aka IT), Business Development then Mobile Division. One of our partnershipped companies was DI (Walt Disney Interactive). When I was attending their office close to Burbank airport, I was often misrecognized as Japanese Karate-ka or voice-actor by taxi driver, or I was asked my personal opinion about their new movie featured with a creature which has six hands and legs from outer space, lives in Hawaii with flat-nosed sun-tanned girl… (you-know-who)
Therefore, I do have right contacts at The Walt Disney Company, indeed. But it’s not my business anymore! (lol)