Thursday, June 29, 2023

Nozomi 14 to Shinagawa




「すごい! このみっつ全て今日お勧めのお弁当ですよ!!」
「え? え? どゆこと??」

千屋牛 すき焼き重、おむすびころりん、えびめしデミカツ丼、の3点みごとにオススメ品でした!!

すごいぞ、儂。なかなか くいしんぼ?

あとは緑茶も買って、新幹線の機内で食するものを確保した後は… あさごはんからだな。

何が食べられるのか見てみたら… 朝からカレーが飲める!!
すごいぞ岡山、朝からカレー!! でもたったひとつ気になるのが、福神漬けの色が変…。

喜々として入店して、壁際に着席したら… 内部はこういう景色です。






でもたったひとつ… 福神漬けの色が見本どおりに、やっぱり変。
これ… 福神漬けじゃなかった? 普段漬物を敬遠するから判別できません。


みょーん! とやってきた N700S… これはひとつ前の、のぞみ12号でしょう。
今回、新幹線の写真撮ってて気づいたのが… 天井が洗ってない。でした。
TGV とかユーロスターに比べて綺麗にしてあると思っていたけど、てっぺんは洗ってなかった。

到着予定を見ていたら、反対のホームに「こだま」が来るみたい。もしかして? と思って、黄色い線ギリギリに立ちすぎて駅員さんに警告されたけど、こだまの到着を待ってみました。

やったね! 感染ジャー、キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━ !!!!!
他がみんな 700 系ばっかりなので、この一本だけものすごく異質。

せっかくだから横っつらも撮ってみたよ。なんだかボーイング 757 みたい。(笑)
やっぱり丸っこい。でもこのほうが「速い電車感」が出ています。見かけは速そうでも、座席数がボックススタイルの 700 系と同じにできない。予約システムの都合で引退させられちゃったのが可愛そすぎ。

下りホーム側には、塗り方が少し変な N700 もいました。こっちも天井洗ってない…。

そして、のぞみ14号がやってきました。復路も最新機種の N700S を選びました。

搭乗したら… 思ってたよりも空いていたというか、土曜日でもこんなもん?

もらった席は、1D です。また最後部で山側の窓側。
山側を選ぶのは、1) 直射日光が射し込まない。 2) 運が良ければ富士山が見える。からです。










開封したら… こんなです。

でも、イカ墨かと思ったごはんは… 濃い色のソースをたっぷりからめたごはん。色は凄いけど味はあっさり。



昔ならフルサイズのカレーの後に駅弁みっつ楽勝でいけてましたが… 寄る年波には勝てぬ。

駅弁をやっつけ終える頃には… もう京都タワーが見えてます。


スプーンがこんだけしか刺さらない… しかもスプーンが立つの図。(笑)

やがて浜名湖を過ぎる頃にはアイスも食せ、カメラをかまえていたら… 帰りは残念!!
先っぽが見えない!! さきっぽ見えない富士山なんか、富士山じゃない!!(ぉぃぉぃ…)

でもみんなまだマスクしてるよね… 儂、マスクしないから嫌われてたかも。


そうしてから、新幹線が発着する隣の 13・14 番線へ。



  1. I can't accurately count how many times you have visited Okayama, but each time you bring various superlative wine and plenty of souvenirs, and it makes me feel somewhat guilty. Okayama holds no personal connection or relevance for you, coming all the way from Chiba, so I can't find the right words to thank you. In fact, until about 20 years ago, we had no connection whatsoever, so I can only express gratitude for the internet society.

    Your return Shinkansen train is in the 10 o'clock hour. Since you had a paid but no-food journey on the way here, I assume you will be purchasing ekiben for the return trip after passing through the ticket gate. I believe I saw this bento sales corner yesterday, but when I look at the pictures again, there are various types available.
    However, buying three ekiben? What's even more surprising is that you plan to eat curry as breakfast before consuming these ekiben on the Shinkansen! Oh, I often use this cafe called "Muscat" to kill time, but I didn't know it was labeled as a "Cafe Bar." It made me wonder, "In Okayama, do they call it a bar as long as they have alcohol?" Such a thought popped up, which is quite unexpected from a local resident (lol).
    Personally, I've only ever ordered the regular version of the "Morning Set" at this cafe. I knew they had a curry version of the Morning Set on the menu, but I have never dared to try it. Thanks to you, I was able to see it now.

  2. By the way, regarding the color of the Fukujinzuke pickle that accompanied the curry in the morning, I believe the light brown Fukujinzuke is the original color when vegetables are pickled in seasoning, while the red Fukujinzuke is colored using food coloring. I think when curry was introduced to Japan, they imitated one of the Indian condiments, red chutney, and started serving sweet and spicy Fukujinzuke with a red color. I remember that when we were children, it was always a bright red color. This may be the origin of coloring it red. However, due to the recent health-conscious trend, Fukujinzuke, which contains plenty of food coloring, has been avoided.

    The interior of this Muscat cafe, as you pointed out, does seem quite plain. Hahaha, it does have a "cafeteria-like atmosphere" that doesn't match the image of a decent main station on the Shinkansen, just as you described.

    You: "I'll have the curry rice, please♪"
    Staff: "Until 11 AM, we can only offer a half-size curry as part of the Morning Set..."
    You: "(I was thinking of ordering two Morning Sets)"
    Well, you were about to order a full-size curry while already holding three ekiben!?

  3. Regarding your comment, "I noticed while taking pictures on the Shinkansen this time... the ceiling is not clean," and your question about why the roof of the Shinkansen is so dirty and whether there is a way to clean it, the roof gets dirty due to the tear of the pantograph and overhead wires. Even with the automatic cleaning machines in the train depot, the rotating brushes cannot clean the roof because of the presence of the pantograph. So the dirt accumulates, and the only hope is that the tear particles are washed away by water or rain. However, when the trains undergo major maintenance at the factory, including repainting, the roofs are cleaned and become pristine after leaving the factory.

    Indeed, the 500 series Shinkansen trains are quite unique. When you are taking pictures of the side, I can see why you would compare them to a Boeing 757 (you always compare things to airplanes, don't you?) (lol). The roundness is even more noticeable when we're onboard. The cylindrical shape of the body section, designed for high-speed operation, slightly narrows the living space near the windows. Additionally, to address the issue of micro-pressure waves at speeds exceeding 300 km/h, the body height is maintained at the same level as the 300 series while reducing the body cross-sectional area, which affects the passenger cabin to a lesser extent. The reduction reaches about 10% compared to the 300 series, resulting in a distinct circular body cross-section. When you mentioned that it gives a feeling of a faster train, it is indeed the result of this unique shape.

    I noticed that you always choose the window seat on the mountain side when riding the Tokaido Shinkansen. I see, you choose the mountain side because 1) direct sunlight doesn't shine in, and 2) if you're lucky, you can see Mt. Fuji.
    Reading the blog of your senpai at Shonan, I often think that for people living or originating from the Kanto region, Mt. Fuji is undoubtedly a significant presence. Of course, even for those of us living in western Japan, Mt. Fuji holds a special place, but since we can't see it directly with our own eyes on any clear day, it may carry a slightly different weight for us.

  4. JR Central has announced that it will end the wagon sales on the Tokaido Shinkansen's "Nozomi" and "Hikari" trains by the end of this October. According to JR Central, the reasons for this decision include the increase in passengers bringing their own food and drinks into the trains, as the product selection in stores around stations has expanded. Moreover, sales had dropped to roughly half of what they were in the fiscal year 2008 by fiscal year 2018, before the COVID-19 pandemic. Another factor is the need to address a future labor shortage.

    On the other hand, with the end of wagon sales, "Nozomi" and "Hikari" green cars are introducing a new service. In this service, passengers can scan a QR code installed on their seats with their smartphones to order meals or drinks, which will then be delivered to their seats by the train crew. Perhaps it feels similar to the GranClass service on the Tohoku and Hokuriku Shinkansen lines?

    What's concerning here is what will happen to your beloved "Amazing Hard Ice Cream." Not only you, but many online voices were lamenting the loss of this product following the news of the end of wagon sales. Comments like "I'm disappointed that the ice cream I looked forward to when riding the Shinkansen will be gone" and "I loved the special feeling of buying and eating the rock-hard ice cream" were seen on the internet. I hope that you'll still be able to enjoy that ice cream at least in the green cars on your next visit to Okayama.
