Thursday, October 11, 2018

United 837 SFO/NRT 2018 Sep











御到着の前に:季節のフレッシュフルーツ シリアル、ミルクと共に



米国の Global Entry 資格を流用して4月下旬に応募し、一次審査が通ったのが7月末。3ヶ月かかった...。
さっそく出国時に使用してみたけど... 日本人専用ゲートがみっつあるのに、ガイジン向けには日本人と兼用のゲートがひとつだけ。このカードって Suica みたいな非接触カードですが、バイオメトリック情報として両手の人差し指を認識させてからゲートが開くまで20~30秒もかかった。

「あの、初めてなので日本語で。」 ←中毒

・・・って監視している入出国管理官の兄さんに通関操作を見守ってもらいましたが、最後の認証がめっさ遅くて心配になるレベル。兄さんが言うには「このプロセスちょっと遅いんです。すいませんが安心してお待ちください...」との事でした。いずれにせよ、今後はアメリカ側で Global Entry、日本ではこの自動ゲートが利用できて簡単です。

(ちなみに、和蘭・南朝鮮・豪州や英国は Global Entry と乗り入れ済。今の険悪な状況だとトルコは無理か...)
昭南島は Global Entry 保持で過去2年以内に2回以上の渡航歴があれば申請可なので、応募しました♪ イスタンブールは10月下旬にシン空港(IGA)が開港予定で、Self Service Gates が用意されるらしいので期待しています。


  1. obaKoba-sann,

    You thought it beneficial to show an in-flight meal when you boarded Narita route in September to the regular readers of the blog written in Japanese.

    It took off from the 28L runway as always.
    The departure was several minutes earlier than scheduled time thanks to the scrupulous Japanese passengers.
    The seat which you got is Shin Polaris 3A of your favorite.

    The amenity has already been all prepared on your seat.
    However, there were no pajamas because it was the flight within 12 hours, wasn’t it ?
    It took to the air over the Pacific coast.
    You could see from the Daily City to the Pacifica of the Pacific coast.
    Because it was at 11:00 a.m., fog is going down towards the sea.
    It’s good for you the SF peninsula enjoys the same climate all the time from early summer to late fall.

    You showed the Japanese food which you made a reservation.
    Since they made mistakes of a reservation twice, they paid you a voucher a lot this year.

    It might be hard to criticize their Japanese food as the difference between your likes and dislikes were intense ;

    The jelly of the tomato seems novel for UA’s Japanese food.
    The combination of the raisin and food boiled is kind of mysterious.
    Though, there is not any sense of incongruity, right ?

    You put dishes vertically for the signal, “I’ve already eaten”, which may be a bit impolite, but next items arrived immediately.

    The rice of the day was not cooked white rice but takikomi gohan.
    You were disappointed a little since you don’t personally like salmon.
    Though, you admitted United chases a sense of the seasons for the time being.

    Thank you for reporting Japanese cuisine on United 837 SFO/NRT 2018 Sep.

    best denki

    1. Best Denki sensei,

      Reporting the Japanese meal on United Polaris® Business class must be very fruitful for potential Japanese passengers to avoid United because of this very unimpressive, weirdly arranged Japanese-like meal will be served. Therefore I am indirectly recommending booking ANA, then ultimately quitting MileagePlus®.
      However, if someone already sold his/her soul to United like me, have to keep flying by United and it would be productive information to know the recent changes or degradation of in-flight meals by United, hence this is such a good reference for the decision making whether book Polaris Business or not.

      And thank you for translating my Japanese document for those who learned English without communicating real English speakers. If I had a copy of RightWriter®, I would be able to evaluate your translation but I expect it is easy to understand for Japanese over 50 with bachelor’s diploma. But I’m afraid to say this translation is devastating for me because it’s killing all of humorous and cynic nuances, everything went very straightforward. No wonder you use International English for medical studies and reports, hence you don’t have to stay in real English speaking world 24/7 with some jokes and witty comments… sorry for this sour reply.

  2. Only edible thing on the UA Premium aka Pseudo cabin are: their warm nuts, pseudo Thai ish chicken noodle, fruits and ice cream, IMO. I am keeping Mileage Plus but will go back flying with the Nice Helicopter company.
    By the way, why did you opt-in for the global entry Japan scheme? Their latest face recognition entry is effortless and usually no queue. Or you just wanted a card?

    1. m e m o-san,

      That was interesting for me the word you used ‘pseudo’ was a technical term for me when I was a holographer and a researcher at MIT. I was studying and researching the pseudo images by using the infringement of coherent lights.

      On the UA in-flight meals, warmed nuts are their signature but now it’s completely degraded; only includes almonds and cashews… and the “Thai-ish chicken noodle” you mentioned supposed to be their Spicy Chicken w/Udon noodles and Thai-style curry sauce, I guess. That one is getting more common for the chicken options instead of that disgusting rosemary chicken breast. Amongst those chicken dishes, a dish of Spicy chicken noodles is the best, IMHO.

      And if you didn’t sell your soul to United yet, as well as you keep your eligibility in Japan, I totally agree with you wish to go back to NH. Lucky you.

      The reason I enrolled the autogate in Japan, is because there are autogetes. (lol)
      For those several years, I was making long line, wasting an hour or two at the Gaijin Gyoretsu in NRT, I really envied that autogate where nobody go thru there. Finally, I saw the news MOJ of Japan started accepting U.S. Global Entry users so I simply applied it. I expect the autogate is the fastest way to go thru the passport control, and the best part is; No stickers/stamps will be placed on my passport so that I can save the space of my passport which is a thicker version, 52 pages total, but already the half of the visa pages are used within 3 years, and I don’t want to go to a post office to ask additional pages.

  3. Oh, make sense, I forgot you are non-J-passport holder.
    I am wishing for J to allow dual citizenships but might come after my time.

    1. m e m o-san,

      After my oath to be a US Citizen, I automatically but involuntarily lost my Japanese nationality due to the law in Japan. Then I went into Japanese consulate general in SF and filed “国籍喪失届.” I didn’t like the word “喪失” but so did I anyway. The clerk at the consulate surprised I am a very rare person honestly reporting. What a…

      As you may know, the issue of dual citizenship is very controversial because someone born in the States and received US citizenship, he/she must choose just one; Japanese or American. But most of them don’t and keep both. Japanese government keeps quiet for this situation but the person, who received a citizenship outside of Japan on purpose, he/she automatically looses the Japanese citizenship…
      I feel this is very unfair, not equally treated. Bunch of former Japanese who are well talented, Novel prize awarded Dr. Tonegawa at MIT for example, was Japanese but converted to the US citizen. I’m not such person, but Japan is obviously losing important people by such strict-but-not-properly-enforced law of nationalities.
