最初の写真は... 拙ブログでは時々出てくる『達磨鸚哥』と『静岡新聞』のお習字。写真撮ってたら「これ何て書いてあるの?」って聞かれたから,Chubby stubby parrot and Shizuoka newspaper. と答えました。聞く奴を間違えたな。w
そう,ユナイテッド航空の旧 Global First ラウンジに入場しました。国際線Gゲートの United Club とシンガポール航空の SilverKris ラウンジがポラリスラウンジに改修されているため,スターアライアンスが運行する国際線長距離便のビジネスクラスとファーストクラスの搭乗券を所持した乗客はここに入場できます。スターアライアンス・ゴールド会員やユナイテッドクラブ会員は入場できず,第参ターミナルのラウンジへ行けや。とシッシッされます。
スナックの豊富さ,内容の充実さは United Club と明確に差を付けてあります。
モエとフレッシュOJを使ってミモザを造り,スナックを少々もらってきて... あさごはん。
エスプレッソマシンにはいちおう illy の豆が使ってあるので,機内のコーヒーよりまともです。
そのうちに UA837 便は出発していきました...。
成田まで,御安全に。2月にはお世話になりますから。さて,フランクフルトへ向かう UA58 便も搭乗時刻が近づいてきたので,ゲートへ向かいました。
ReplyDeleteBefore I leave comments, let me get some things written below straight ;
Will UA finally finish the Global First Lounge ?
If they will, is that not just because they are removing Global First, but also because they are optimistically unclosing the Polaris Lounge that might give prominence to having menu items separately in dining ?
After reading the article, the bottom line of my impressions concerning the Global First Lounge SFO is as follows ;
In general, the lounge should be a notable advance above the United Club that may be a chaos.
Still, the lounge actually might not be competing in expectation of intercontinental F lounges’ operations.
Though UA begins the Polaris Lounge in SFO, I distrust it should be more excellent than the present Global First Lounge you stayed at.
I wish UA would surpass my suspicion…
best denki
Best Denki sensei,
DeleteSince all of Boeing 747-400 aircrafts have been retired, there might be some GlobalFirst(sm) remaining on the ex-United’s Boeing 777-200 Transocean routes, I guess. Due to the news sources, United stops selling GlobalFirst as of May 1, 2018. United Polaris Lounge is a part of their “Polaris” branding, that’s I’m understanding. It’s already opened in Chicago O’Hare airport and they say it’s better than United Club, which I translated; it is better than United Club but can’t beat First Class lounges or other carrier’s lounges at all. See what happens in this summer…
The ex-GlobalFirst lounge in SFO is slightly degrading the foods and drinks, but for me, it’s surprisingly up and running close to the quality of original. However, as sensei pointed out, too many passengers and completely packed situation is quite miserable. They even limit and deny the entrance for the passengers who are eligible to be there, during the peak time. I saw that situation once.
Bottom line, as usual, if you expect something fabulous by United, you will be betrayed. Therefore, when you take United, you must be pessimistic and giving up anything good will be given by United. Then, there might be a better service and quality you negatively expected. This may be a good training to be a Buddhist, isn’t it? (LOL LOL LOL)