Friday, May 12, 2023


アリの群れをかいくぐって搭乗したトルコ航空 204 便は… ボーイング 787-9 での運航です。

ドア2Lから登場して、ビジネスクラスを見渡すと… こんなです。
トルコちゃんの B787-9 機材は色使いが2種類あるみたい。こっちはグレーっぽい色調のほう。

で… 2K に予約を入れてあったけど、最後部の 8K に移動させられました。
誰に 2K を奪われたのか後で様子を見に行ったら… 空席でした。故障していたみたい。

いつも前方をもらっていたけど、8K もなかなかイイ!



さて… 座った足元には、フットレストにスリッパが置いてありました。


シートは、こんな「コクーン」スタイルになっています。B787 では偶数席が窓寄り。
この座席… B777-300ER(77W)の開放的な座席とは対極にあって、どっちもどっち。

もし隣席に話のはずむトルコ人のおじさんが来たら、断然 77W のほうが好みです。(笑)

ボトル入りの水やアメニティバッグを仕舞うのには便利。AC と USB 電源もあります。

どうしても邪魔にしか感じないのが、この読書灯… みっつも着いてるし。

ボーイング 787 の標準的なトイレ。実際はもっと青い照明です。



オレンジ&ベルガモットのコロンを振りかける度、トルコ航空の便所に入った気分♪ (笑)





タクシングしてるのに、アメニティを配りに来ました。DENON のヘッドフォンは断って。
こんな千鳥格子の記事でできた HACKETT という英国のブランドをもらいました。


日が暮れるので、もうシェードを降ろして… って、B787 だから自分で操作しなかった。

ピンセットでつまんで配布するユナイテッドでさえ布のおしぼりに復活しています。5月下旬に ANA ファーストに乗る時には、不織布をやめて普通のおしぼりに戻って欲しいです。


アーモンド、ヘーゼルナッツ、ピスタチオ… 松の実も入っていました。



「まだ全部の種類が残ってるわよ♪」 って言われても、なんだかざんねん。(苦笑)




で… 前菜のカートが来たら、もうほとんどカラッポです!!








カットしてみて… ガッカリ。


帰りはひとつでいいよ! いま、バクラヴァと一緒にアイス欲しいんだよ!!





おはようございます。 …って、現地時刻は午後ですが。

アテンダントさん達、目を覚ましている PAX を見つけてはジュースを配っていきます。









カプチーノと… キャロットジュース





パーソナルモニタを前方カメラに切り替えて… まもなくタッチダウン。

機内からリムジンのディスパッチャーへ WhatsApp で遅れる旨は伝えておいたけど…






  1. I remember reading an online article before the COVID-19 pandemic that mentioned ANA had introduced several Boeing 787-10 aircraft, which were the extended version of the 787-9, presumably to be used for domestic flights (possibly as a successor to the B777). However, due to the high demand for international flights at that time, they had modified these aircraft specifically for international routes. Shortly after that, the pandemic hit, and I'm curious about what happened to those aircraft, along with the A380s that ANA had introduced for the Hawaii route around the same time.

    Indeed, you are familiar with Turkish Airlines. This was because you immediately noticed that their B787-9 aircraft had two different color schemes. I wonder if you know about Turkish Airlines even more than United Airlines currently?

    Oh, even though you had a reservation for Seat No. 2K, they moved you to the rear, 8K... And you even went to see who took your seat later on. Fortunately, there was an empty seat due to a malfunction, so it worked out for you (lol).
    Furthermore, you said, "I always used to get a seat in the front, but 8K is quite nice!" It's as if you have the spirit of "never giving up even if you stumble" (lol). But it's a bit disappointing that when it's time for the appetizers or desserts cart to come around, it's almost empty since you're the last one in line!

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      I remember All Nippon is the launch partner to Boeing 787, and the world’s premier 787-8 was provided to ANA, then they fly it to OKJ. That was phenomenal.
      But these days, SFO is mostly filled with B787-9 and if I saw 787-8, it’s so chubby stubby.

      I checked the configuration of B78X by ANA by SetGuru. Surprisingly, it only has 10 rows, 38 seats of business class. Majority of B789 has 9 rows, 32 seats. The most recent “Room” seats are only available for B77W so far, no significant difference even with the staggered seats. But this will be changing once ANA starts retrofitting the Room to all 787’s.

      I am getting familiar with the aircrafts of Turkish Airlines. It’s quite easy for me because they only has B77W and B789, no other variations with Boeing 7X7 series. But Airbus is a completely different story. THY has four variations of A330-200 plus A330-300. Those A330’s are the headache for me… I will take A330 flights between AMS and IST in summer but they easily swap the aircraft with different seat abreast… so unless otherwise I book 1A,B or 1J,K (I have only one 1J reservation), my seat assignments may vary EVEN I HAVE PAID FOR SEAT SELECTION!!

      Yes, I was super envied if someone, the big shot potentially, demanded 2K and THY put me behind. So I went to 2A and… the seat is broken. I am so satisfied and relaxed. (lol)
      In regards to the meal availability, I was too tired to argue about he foods. As you saw, we were waiting for two hours for the departure… so thirsty and hungry. Oh, United may be better under such situation. I am quite sure United’s attendants immediately start serving chocolates and cookies with water or coffee. Because UA attendants experienced such troubles VERY frequently. (LOL)
      And fortunately, they still had excellent quality of foods, except well-done beef. I will start avoiding beef from their meal selections… pastas are good. I have to remember it because I automatically skip the vegetarian options. I’m such a meat eater…

  2. At least in the slipper storage bags of ANA's domestic premium class, there isn't enough space to store shoes (I don't know about international flights though). In that regard, Turkish Airlines' ones, judging from the images, seem spacious and convenient.

    I'm not very familiar with the detailed differences in aircraft equipment, but if we compare the B787-9 and the B777-300ER, the latter is indeed a bit more spacious, I suppose. By the way, you showed me this before, but having three reading lights seems excessive, doesn't it?

    Oh, Turkish Airlines' Boeing 787 aircraft also have “washlet” in the toilets. I've seen travel videos of Waikiki, and it seems to be a trend for hotels in that area to install “washlet” when they renovate. In fact, many Japanese tourists specifically request hotels or rooms with “washlet”-equipped toilets.

    Wow, not only Turkish Airlines but even United Airlines used Morton Brown products, huh? They must be popular. By the way, I didn't know that Turkey was the land of nuts. Almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, pine nuts... My mother likes pine nuts, and my wife prefers macadamia nuts, but they're both a bit expensive.

    Hahaha, you can actually order meals in Turkish in which mostly you learned in a Turkish bath.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      ANA first class used to have very nice and sturdy slipper bags so I kept using it – use the bag for Polaris slippers or the ones from InterContinental. But I don’t know the current supplies. I will make sure about it ten days later. And FYI, I am currently using a slipper bag by Lufthansa first class, navy colored waffle cross, very sturdy and strong. That one is the best from all airlines I took – LH, NH, UA, TK, SQ, AF and KL so far.

      B77W is wider than B789. For example, if I sat seat 1L in United Polaris, seats look the very similar. However, I cannot store my daypack on the footrest in B789, even the bulkhead has wider footrests. Also, B77W has taller sealing and stronger air flows, if I compare United. THY has totally different seats. Very open and spacious but no privacy on B77W, but I personally love the aircraft. You will see the story on the day of my arrival at Okayama.
      For me, the best part of B789 is a personal air flow. B77W’s don’t have it so if the temperature setting is high, I will be seating. And THY’s reading lights are insufficient for me… the light is yellowish and I don’t need three of them. The seat designer got some bad drugs too much…

      In Japan, 98% of toilets are equipped with Washlet®, that I heard (and those require humongous electric power equivalent to whole one thermonuclear reactor!)… but basically the problem in THY is… 1) passengers are not familiar with it, they might think it’s a bidet but in the aircraft? …is it okay playing “Mile High Club” in this aircraft? (LOL) 2) Cabin attendants don’t know what those are, and they don’t clean them AT ALL. These are the reason I refrain from Washlet in the sky. (but I’m okay with mile high club if it’s available.

      Morton Brown was available in United First about… more than 20 years ago. Just after I joined MileagePlus, they switched to something cheaper. Also, believe or not, even in United Business, a candy box by Godiva chocolate was in the cabin after the first meal service. Even in United Business, I could enjoy white daifuku mochi in the sky!! Those were good old days of real United Airlines… before the merger.

      Türkiye is very east end of Mediterranean Sea, therefore the dry heat weather can harvest pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds, etc. I think good pine nuts are from Greece… a part of Türkiye under Othman empire (I should not say that). For pistachios, Iran was the best. I still remember my Iranian friend brought me pistachios and caviars before the Islamic revolution.
      And yes, most of my knowledge about Turkish meals were given when I’m in hamamlar, and it works very well. I love it!!

      The presidential vote will be next Sunday… I keep my fingers crossed for no coups, no riots, no fire grenades nor no water cannons. ...inshallah

  3. So, you chose the beef as your main course, and of course, you still want to put soy sauce on it. Your Chiba DNA won't disappear even if you become an American... It just reminded me, you used to bring packs of soy sauce with you when traveling, didn't you? Did that habit change?

    For dessert, of course, it's baklava. Even us readers can picture the sights of the strait at Istanbul. But it's a shame they didn't have Dondurma ice cream. It's probably like United's ice cream sundae for you, right? (lol)

    The cabin attendants are attentive, going around distributing juice to passengers who are awake. It's like the service we’d usually expect from Japanese carriers.

    Even though you didn't ask for it, the cabin attendant said, "I'll leave two croissants for you♪" And even though there were plenty of black bread, white bread, and whole grain bread left, she left two croissants... And you ate all of them. You think the cabin attendant is probably enjoying herself, just like feeding a pig.

    From this exchange, it suddenly reminded me of Elton John's album released in 1973, "Don't Shoot Me, I'm Only the Piano Player." How about putting up a sign next to your seat saying, "Don't Feed Me, I'm Only the Diabetic Patient"? (lol)

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Soy sauce is the best condiment around the world. I traveled lots of places but I can’t find anything better than soy sauce. And the world got introduced the flavor, it’s made from soy beans hence it’s totally vegan, French, Italian, of course Californian… all the chefs started using soy sauce, at least teriyaki – look! MS Word accepted my spelling of “teriyaki.” (lol)
      I didn’t change my habit but… that portable 本膳 is only available from Tsukiji Tamura. Now you know why.

      THY also serves looks-yummy chocolate cakes or tiramisu, but for me, I have one choice – baklavalar. If I look back, baklava rules my trips… on my very first trip to Türkiye was with my better-half-san, the middle man of carpet seller introduced us Karaköy Güllüoğlu as the best in town, the I was immediately addicted. Next time when I decided to visit Türkiye alone, I started looking for a property close to Güllüoğlu baklavasi, then I found a petite hotel Karaköy Rooms, and their ground floor was Karaköy Lokantası. Staying in Karaköy area, the new town side, my ‘territory’ was getting wider and wider, I tried different hamamlar one by one to find the best for me – no touristic, no demand of tip (I tip anyway though), and filled with local mustached daddies. Some hamams got shut down by pandemic but mostly survived fortunately. Then the best happening for me was; my favorite masseuse became an owner of traditional hamam where I started attending. Further stories will be coming within two years… I still have five reservations♪

      The attendants of THY is very friendly yet polite enough, serving whatever the passenger needs, or do their best. ANA is also good but I feel they are a bit too ‘sticky’ because I was well trained by United’s abandoned play…

      Yes I am a diabetic patient but the quality of foods, quality of life is more important than my length of life… “short but having fun” sounds better than long healthy life with eating leaves and seaweeds without sex. But if I complain like this in front of my primary doctor, he sighed and said “My job doesn’t work out based on your opinion.” He repeats this phrases if I said “having healthy life with bearing some funs, then what if I was ended by traffic accident?”
      This would be the eternal dilemma for the persons in charge of healthcare services.

  4. I can't say whether soy sauce is the best condiment worldwide since I haven't traveled to as many places as you have. However, since you were born and raised in Chiba Prefecture, there might be some bias in your assessment because you've been familiar with soy sauce since childhood. Still, I also acknowledge that soy sauce is one of the condiments that Japan can be proud of.

    As an internist, we often advise our patients, especially those with high blood pressure, not to consume excessive amounts of miso, soy sauce, and pickles. Just the other day, I encountered a new patient, a woman in her 70s, who complained of feeling dizzy. When I tried to measure her blood pressure, I couldn’t, meaning it exceeded the limit of the regular blood pressure cuff. In other words, her blood pressure was off the wall, over 300. During the interview, she mentioned that she makes pickles at home every day and consumes them generously with soy sauce with tasting miso soup. It was estimated that she was consuming more than 50 grams of salt per day.

    When I became a physician in 1984, about two-thirds of strokes were caused by cerebral hemorrhage. This suggests that the Japanese population at that time had a high salt intake. However, as salt reduction guidance became more widespread, cerebral hemorrhage decreased while cerebral infarction relatively increased. In other words, instead of salt intake, dyslipidemia and diabetes became the main targets for stroke.

    Still, I can understand why you always carried the portable "Honzen" soy sauce with you. If a beautifully grilled steak was placed in front of me, I would also prefer to drizzle the soy sauce that can only be obtained from Tsukiji Tamura rather than a heavy sauce.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Well… I was raised with soy sauce so I am very much contaminated with it… yet, I disliked the production processes. In my local area there are sake, miso and soy sauce breweries. When I was an elementally school child, I had a chance to enter and watch the manufacturing processes of those but… manufacturing of soy sauce was somewhat nastier than others because the smell of the yeast? Is somehow different, I didn’t like it, I was about to through up. Sake brewery was nice. I always received some pieces of ‘sludge’ (sake cake?) so I could make ama-sake at home. Because some alcohol remained in there, it’s a kind of ‘forbidden pleasure’ for me as a kid.

      Wow… hypertension is really a severe problem for body. But believe or not, my blood pressure is not too bad. Usually high is around 120 and low is lower than 80. When I was high school student, I was skinny and having a problem of low blood pressure. However the low pressure and slower breath worked well for marathon. In the photographic institute they have weird tradition – everyone, all new students are the Must, plus senior students as well – have to ‘walk’ or ‘run’ from Oume to Nakano campus. My friend gave me a ride to measure the course… it was over 45km, more than a marathon! Then… the orientation for this game, we were explained we have 9 hours to return the campus. We start at 9 am then the goal is open until 6 pm. Then… I asked a simple question. “If I run and complete early, what should I do?” then the answer was “You may go home after the goal.” Since then my midnight jogging started. (lol) and as a result, I was the 9th of winner, I complete the course within 3 hours 40 minutes. But… the bottoms of my feet were all blistered. (sob)

      Whether you make it or not, we will have steak dinner at Wellington’s in New Sanno on June 1st. We can choose from four different sauces – Housemade Worcestershire, Béarnaise, Roasted Garlic Demi or Chimichurri. Furthermore, there are sides of Sautéed Maitake & Eryngii Mushrooms, Dollop of Garlic Herb Butter, Foie Gras and/or Premium Sea Salt Trio (Himalayan Pink, Iranian Blue, and Maldon Sea Salt). With such a varietal options for enjoying aged beef (filet mignon is butter-aged!!), I don’t think I still need soy sauce. (lol)
      And, depends on the availability but if it’s there, I will ask Oku-shama (Senior-san’s wife) to try “40 Oz Bone-In Tomahawk Ribeye.” It’ll be about 1kg without the bone…(lol)

  5. If, during your outward trip to Okayama, there happened to be very nice and sturdy slippers in ANA's First Class (assuming it wouldn't be a burden for you), I would be delighted to receive them as a souvenir. After all, I won't have the opportunity to fly in ANA First Class for the rest of my life.

    Since we've touched on the topic of airlines, let me digress a bit as usual... As I've mentioned to you before, I am considering retiring in three years. I haven't yet thought much about my life after retirement. I intend to hand over the clinic to Dr. Doi, so it's uncertain whether I will continue practicing medicine in another facility, such as a health examination center or as an industrial physician for a company. Here, let's set aside work and focus on contemplating overseas travel, which I haven't had much opportunity for in over a decade.

    If we consider the premise of being unemployed (which means a significant decrease in income), I hesitate to spend a large amount of money on air tickets from my own pocket. However, enduring long hours in economy class is also a hardship at our age, and I don't want to go to great lengths to travel abroad.
    In that case, it seems that my source of travel as a land-based mileage collector would be limited to AmEx Membership Rewards points. Currently, I have around one million points, and they are likely to increase a bit more in the remaining three years.
    I would need to transfer the points to foreign airline loyalty programs. Currently, AmEx Japan's partner programs include Asia Miles, Etihad Guest, Emirates Skywards, Flying Blue, Privilege Club, Qantas Frequent Flyer, KrisFlyer, SAS EuroBonus, Royal Orchid Plus, Dynasty Flyer Program, SkyMiles, Finnair Plus, Executive Club, and Flying Club, all with a transfer rate of 1250 MR = 1000 points, and there is no transfer limit.

    The problem lies in ANA and JAL, which are the most convenient for me. ANA allows transfers at a rate of 1000 MR = 1000 points, but there is a transfer limit of 40,000 points per year. On the other hand, JAL does not have a transfer limit, but the transfer rate is unfavorable at 2500 MR = 1000 points. As you know, the miles of both airlines are valid until the end of the month in the 36th month from the month of activity. If we're not careful, they could expire without being used, making it challenging for us to use them efficiently like you do.

    That was a digression once again.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Seriously?? Do you want a giveaway slippers from airlines?? …Okay.

      I just stored two slippers – one from United Polaris, another is from Turkish Airlines. I still have enough chances to receive these ones. Then, as I do usually, I put one pair of slippers in my daypack so I can replace ANA’s slipper to United’s ones. Or I will beg attendant to give me one more pair. (lol)
      ...Now the problem is; not enough room in my bag. Two bottles of wines are so bulky.
      I have to discard the wines or I have to give up bringing my underwear to Okayama. (lol)

      In terms of your retirement and the second life, what I can advise you is; life is a one-time game. If it’s game over, the game is over. There’s nothing more, no reincarnations, no such thing “G o d.” My theory of the life of glass-hopper (lol) based on this.

      So… sensei, if you really think about the mileage runner can be your next life, you can do that. But please remember, the airline rules, we have to follow the rules they set, and the hurdles are getting higher and higher. For example, if we try earning the lifetime elites by Delta, we have to fly 6 million miles! I saw 3 million miler’s tag at ANA’s first class lounge in NRT, but I don’t know the benefits…

      And yes. For us, long haul flights have risks of DVT/PE and business class is so expensive after the pandemic… even airlines themselves are researching, tries and errors the profitable way to serve, that’s the story I read on Reuters today..

      My better-half-san and I also have 2.5 million of MR points and considering how to use them. Firstly better-half-san wanted to shoot wild pigs (not me) in Australia or in Türkiye, but when I seriously searching the travel plans, the wish has been cancelled.
      But during my research, I clearly found transferring points to airline’s FFP is much more beneficial than purchasing air tickets by points, usually. However, our Platinum Card is Business Platinum. The biggest advantage is; if we book by MR points thru Amex Travel, 35% of points will be back!
      Unfortunately you can’t have this opportunity on your Centurion Card, the best airlines’ FFP will be:
      - transfer to KrisFlyer to book SQ
      - transfer to Quatar, Etihad or Emirates and book their seats. Qsuite is highly rated.

      The bad ones are SkyMiles (a.k.a. SkyPesos), Flying Blue or Jet Blue.

      And I do know ANA and JAL has transfer limits. But you can transfer to Qantas then book JAL, or transfer to KrisFlyer then book ANA. Not so impressive benefits there though.

      It is famous that
      - use Turkish’ Miles&Smiles to book United’s domestic flights like Hawai’i
      - use Avianca LifeMiles to book Star Alliance flights.
      But Amex doesn’t have these options… I am still learning the best way to maximize the usage of MR points but in our case, simply book thru Amex Travel to receive 35% back.

  6. Yes, ANA placed an order for 50 aircraft as the launch customer of the Boeing 787, and the development of the aircraft began. From what I remember, they first operated the world's inaugural commercial flight on the Narita-Hong Kong route. Just a few days later, they also started operating domestic scheduled flights on the Haneda-Okayama/Hiroshima route. I'm still not sure why they chose the Haneda-Okayama route, but it was a source of pride for no apparent reason (lol).

    Shortly after the launch, I intentionally aimed for flights operated by the B787 and traveled to Tokyo. Since it was originally introduced as an aircraft for international flights, even in the premium class, it had comfortable lie-flat seats. I distinctly remember feeling like I got a good deal. However, it's unimaginable that I would be able to fly on the latest state-of-the-art Boeing aircraft before you, except perhaps for the Concorde, which is no longer in service. Oh, wait? Have you never flown on the A380? In that case for me, how about at least trying the business class on ANA's Hawaii route, since first class seems expensive?

    By the way, I believe the A380 is not in operation at Haneda, right? It's probably because there doesn't seem to be enough space at Haneda to accommodate that huge aircraft, so it inevitably operates from Narita. For residents of Okayama like me, Narita is a somewhat inconvenient airport, not like for you whose mother is a resident of Chiba.

    I also think the B787 looks a bit chubby. In that regard, the B777 looks sleeker. But the stretched version of the B787-10 might appear a bit sleeker, I guess?

    I'm truly impressed by your extensive knowledge and experience regarding airlines. Your insights into airline seats and services are remarkable. I always enjoy hearing your travel stories and information about airlines.

    By the way, I'm really looking forward to your visit to Okayama this time. I'm excited to hear about your air travel experiences and your stay in Okayama (especially your impressions of the endoscopy). Also, I would be happy if you could share your recommendations for places to visit and food to try. Your recommendations are valuable and informative for me.

    Lastly, regarding today's Turkish presidential election, I also sincerely pray that there will be no coups, riots, fire grenades, or water cannons. I hope for a peaceful election and the establishment of a stable society. Insha'Allah.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      I remember the first 787-8 by ANA was proudly painted with weird design… tiger striped ANA Blue. ANA sometimes does very strange paint variations like three strangely colored sea turtles on A380’s, green painted SAF fueled 787, and now… Pikachu Jet!
      HND-OKJ is being connected by B767, right? So if it’s upgraded to 787 even with domestic seat configuration is nicer. But 787’s have much better benefits for long haul flights – higher humidity and air pressure, cabin windows can be controlled by attendants, well designed air flows… etc.

      I am not curious about the aircrafts made by Airbus since I heard the very strange noise caused by fly-by-wire; under the floor… it sounds like Robocop is under the floor! Also, the faces of Airbus are not good-looking. Boeing aircrafts have much more handsome faces.
      So, I am not so curious boarding A380, but I am still curious boarding on B747-8i.

      In regards to the A380’s impossible arrival at HND, the biggest reason is runways. Also, the jetways (boarding bridges) are not designed for A380, I guess.

      If you are in Japan and mostly flying with domestic routes, I don’t think you experienced Boeing 757 a lot… probably you took that on LAX-MCO once. B757 looks skinny long aircraft… especially 757-300. Oh, Donald Trump’s private jet is 757… (puke)

      And again, Oh-My-san is my guru. He has much broader and deeper knowledge and experiences of airlines. I’ve just stuck with United, sold my soul. That’s why they are so friendly to me. If I encountered a not-so-friendly attendant, I tell her/him that I sold my soul to United then they changes their behaviors much better – in very high chance.(wink)

      My recommendations are based on my ‘favorite’ and my ‘fetish’ behaviors, so you can refer some but you have to remember my suggestions are strongly biased to – as you know. (lol)

      Now the presidential race has been started… also in Thailand.
      I am also praying for takimoni-san and his family is safe and no impacts by this voting…

  7. The aircraft paint job I remember from ANA is the "Marine Jumbo". To commemorate the cumulative total of 500 million passengers since its establishment, a design competition was announced for elementary and junior high school students in 1992. The winning design was from a sixth-grade girl living in Chiba Prefecture. She drew a humorous depiction of a whale covering the whole plane, adorned with other sea creatures.
    This event inspired her to become a designer. After graduating from Chiba Prefectural Funabashi High School, she went on to study design at Chiba University's Faculty of Engineering, then completed a postgraduate course at Chiba University's Graduate School of Engineering Design. She joined a company called ADK Holdings and seems to be actively working as an art director now.

    Although I never had the opportunity to board the "Marine Jumbo", I saw it several times at HND and it left a strong impression on me. Initially, the "Marine Jumbo" was to be repainted back to regular colors about a year and a half after its introduction, in line with its maintenance schedule.
    However, due to the impact of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake which disrupted the Sanyo Shinkansen and Sanyo Main Line, ANA had to fully mobilize its fleet. This led to a delay in repainting and the plane made it to Okayama Airport. I think this was probably the first and last time a B744 landed at Okayama Airport. It was also a moment when the 3000-meter runway of Okayama Airport, which had been criticized as an unnecessary length, proved useful as an alternative when major disasters occur and land routes are cut off.

    Before the pandemic, flights from HND to OKJ were mainly operated by B767 as you pointed out, and occasionally even B777 came in during busy times. Now, B738 and A321 are the main aircraft, and B767 only occasionally makes an appearance. This seems to indicate that aviation demand has not yet recovered. The B787 doesn't come at all, a sad state of affairs, almost as if it has forgotten that it made its debut on this domestic route.
