引き続き投稿順序がシッチャカメッチャカですが… ユナイテッド航空のサービスが COVID 真っ盛りの状態からどこまで回復してきたかを御覧にいれたいと存じます。
3月中旬、サンフランシスコ → 成田線のユナイテッド航空 837 便を利用しました。
同じ成田行きを並べてスポッティングする SFO 管制官って馬鹿なの?
危惧した通りに、NH7 の搭乗者が間違って UA837 のゲートへ押し寄せていました。
夏ダイヤになったら全日空の7便もB77W、ボーイング 777-300ER になります。
この看板の麓で搭乗待ちしていたら、さすが進駐軍が駐留する國へ逝くだけあって、現役の軍人が数名いました。GS 様は 4 名、1K® は十数名いました。でも来年度からは 1K が半分くらいになると期待しています。
今回もらっていたのは、最前列バルクヘッドの 1L です。
前のギャレーにいるアテンダントさんが若干ウザいものの、儂には機材 B772 ではここがベストです。
上から順に:AWAY ブランドのアメニティセット、冷え冷え枕、薄い毛布、フカフカの枕。
この時のヘッドフォンはソニーの XM5 をかぶっていました。
「いつもユナイテッド航空をご利用ありがとうございます。1K 会員さんは第弐希望は必要ありません♪」
なので、ブルーレイ買って iPad へダウンロードしてあったから、機内のは観ませんでした。
T-Mobile ユーザーは機内 Wi-Fi が無料になりました!!
いま家人が中華圏へ行っていますが、香港線でも無料なので、今度から 25 ドルくらい安上がり♪
MileagePlus 会員なら SNS や iMessage は無料ですが、メールとウェブが使えるように TCP/IP ポートが開いてくれると、航空アプリの Flighty もフルスペックで動くようになります。Flighty は SNS のポートでも少しは動作する賢いアプリですが、ウェブのポート 80、8080 が開いていると遅延が酷くてもフルに動作してくれます。さすがは航空機用に特化されたアプリだと感心しました。
PING 反射はもちろん遅くて 728 ms、下り 5 Mbps 強で、上り 2 Mbps 弱でした。
で… このへんで『虹の凶兆』が。
機長からの PA で「一時的な暴風雨が発生しているため、滑走路が閉鎖されました」だと?
プッシュバックされた午後2時の、Flighty のスクショ。
UA837 より 30 分くらい遅い出発の NH7 便も、その頃出発のトルコちゃん 290 便もまだ順番待ちでした。
これ。SAFETY TRAINING って塗装されている機材がありました。
あれを使って… 酸素マスクの争奪戦とか、スマホが発火して阿鼻叫喚なさまを訓練するんでしょうか?
そして、ここはもう元に戻る事はないのでしょうか… 前菜もサラダも主菜もいっぺんに配給されました。
目が覚めて御不浄へ行ったついでに、ミッドフライトスナックを見たら… チーズの売れ残りを発見!
なお、KLM もどちらかといえばユナイテッド航空に近い、消去法での選択です。
Appetizer: Shrimp with creamy cocktail sauce and marinated cucumber
前菜: 海老 クリーミーカクテルソース、マリネしたキュウリ
Salad: Baby red leafy green salad with English cucumber, fennel and bell pepper
サラダ: 紅いベビーリーフのグリーンサラダ 英国胡瓜、フェンネルとピーマン
紅いグリーン… そんなタイトルのゴルフ漫画が昔ありましたが…。
Entreé: Seared turbot fish fillet with maltaise sauce, grilled asparagus, blistered Cape gooseberries, cauliflower and rapini croquettes
主菜: タルボットのフィレ マルテーゼソース、グリルしたアスパラガス、ホウズキ、カリフラワーとラピーニのコロッケ
Dessert: Ice cream sundae Vanilla ice cream scoop with assorted toppings
デザート: アイスクリームサンデー バニラアイスクリームにお好みのトッピングを
iPad でデヅニー作品を観ながらのお食事でした。
Assorted cheese plate with crackers Gouda, Grand Cru Gruyére, Butterkase, grapes and crackers
チーズプレートとクラッカー: ゴーダ、グリュイエール、ブッターケーゼ、葡萄とクラッカー
そしたら… パーサーさんがコークゼロと一緒に、こんなカードを持ってきてくださいました。
到着の約 100 分前になったら、2回目のお食事配給のために機内が点灯しました。
この「ココットエッグ」は、最近の SFO 発便では久しぶりの当たりです。
チーズソースがからまったココットエッグとは… カットしてみるとこうなっています。
パーサーさんへ御礼を申し上げて降機すると… 速攻で検疫チェックです。
obaKobaさま、ユナイテッド航空の 1K 会員を長らく続けてくださり、感謝します云々… と書かれていました。
Before Arrival: Gruyére-cocotte egg with mushroom fricassee and cherry tomatoes
御到着の前に: グリュイエール=ココットエッグ マッシュルームのフリカッセ、チェリートマト
フルーツサラダは苺だらけ。SFO 発のユナイテッド航空でこれは、嬉しい驚きです。
陸地が見えたら… 茨城のどこかの海岸線が、工業地帯&風車の行列になっていました。
逆噴射の最中、窓外には NARITA の植え込みが見えました。
第5サテライトは、ANA の青いシッポがいっぱい。
到着が遅れる旨は、機内から妹へ TEXT を打ってあるから安心。
I have written about this many times before, but being made to read such a long masterpiece all at once makes me feel guilty in some way. It might be because I am frugal, or maybe because I am used to your senior's relatively short articles (Oh, of course, I don't mean to speak ill of your senior, because I am impressed by his "persistence is greatness" attitude).
ReplyDeleteIs your posting order random? I'm not worried at all because my comment order is also random, so it will eventually match up at some point (lol).
As I have mentioned before, I am impressed that not only United Airlines but also other major airlines have recovered so well from the COVID pandemic. I hope my clinic can also recover without losing ground...
On the United Airlines Flight 837 from San Francisco to Narita that you boarded this time, you were able to secure a business class seat. Consequently, we readers were able to enter the Polaris Lounge as well. Oh? Is it true that you cannot enter the Polaris Lounge if your upgrade to business class fails?
Whenever you enter this lounge, you always head いきなり to the dining area. In Japan, there was a chain restaurant called "いきなりステーキ" (I have never used it), but it seems to have lost its popularity. As you wrote before, Singaporeans are easily bored, but I think Japanese people are the same.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteThere are different styles of writing blogs. Shonan Senior-san’s one is really a diary so that the records are fresher and short. Mine is much more event-driven hence the articles images are edited all at the same time, followed by embedding letters. (I wouldn’t say ‘texts’ because of the quality. (lol)) As you know, mines are graphically heavy as always.
I am trying to post those pictures chronologically but some of the events are ‘fresher the better’ so those issues, such as “just now at United Club NRT,” are more productive for some readers, I thought.
At this moment, most of airlines except Japan and China are well recovered. In other words, they don’t pay much attention for Covid-19 since it became less lethal varieties. Japan is the strictest country remaining for concerns of the personal hygiene… it’s a good thing but from foreigners’ point of view, it’s somehow weird and ‘too much’, or if I can say, it’s a behavior of third world country.
I booked a certain schedules by the availabilities of booking class PZ. If any PZ capacity is open, I will be immediately upgraded when I book, so did I. Therefore, I don’t worry about the eligibility of Polaris Lounge. However, after the pandemic, United Club at SFO is quite improved as well so I don’t care whichever I can enter. But, if I entered Polaris Lounge, I do visit the dining room which even Centurion Lounge doesn’t have one yet.
Oh… I entered Centurion Lounge SFO last week and it’s improved a lot. It’s a timely information so I will break the chronological sequence again and post it soon. (lol)
For me, いきなりオムレツ id good enough. I have heard the name of いきなりステーキ but I also heard I will have to eat the beef steaks without sitting on the chair, then I gave up immediately. My grandma frequently told me that the behavior of “standing and eating” is the very poor working class people, so I should not go to such kind of restaurants. Therefore, I never disclosed to my grandma I love stopping by Tachigui-Soba at Kisarazu station. (lol)
When I stay at a hotel and breakfast is included, I usually eat at the hotel restaurant, but otherwise I rarely pay out of pocket for it since it's generally expensive. In those cases, I opt for a more affordable cafe around the hotel. This week, my wife and I will be staying at the Strings Hotel Tokyo InterContinental, but we will probably skip breakfast at the hotel and go to one of the many affordable cafes in Shinagawa Station instead. This is a bit disappointing, even though I am an IHG Ambassador Platinum member. In this regard, HHonors Diamond is superior, and it's great for HHonors Diamond members like me living in Japan that breakfast is still included in countries other than the US, despite such benefits being removed in Hilton properties in the US for some reason.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I've gone on a bit of an introduction, when I do use hotel restaurants for breakfast with included options, I usually ask for a customizable omelette and order with "all the toppings."
Just a quick question, but the military gets to board before anyone else, right? If so, then is it military -> GS -> pregnant women or those with children under two or people with physical disabilities -> 1K in that order?
This time, you received seat 1L in the bulkhead of the first row. If the aircraft is a B772, this is the best seat for you. However, with four GS members, did they manage to secure such good seats (they're the first to take meal orders, the dessert cart comes to them first, and the foot space is wide and quiet, farthest away from the engine) for themselves?
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteSensei… IHG Platinum Ambassador is not the highest status but HHorrs Diamond is.
If you expect the best rewards, you have to pursue IHG Diamond or Royal Ambassador.
Or simply stay over 40 nights a year so you can select an annual membership at Club InterContinental. (Thank you again, Sensei. I changed my trip plan in July to stay at Crowne Plaza Istanbul so I will achieve 40 nights this year, which gives me lounge access for year 2024!)
So… you usually ask “everything” for your omelets. I am a picky person and I am not feeling fancy to caramelized/fresh onions or some kinds of cheeses, mushrooms and cheddar/provolone cheese are enough ingredients for my omelets.
Q. the military gets to board before anyone else, right?
A. No, Sensei. As per the Sign (7th picture on this article) tells, pre-boarding sequences are as follows.
1. Disabled passengers
2. Active military personnel (therefore I am not eligible, officially)
3. GS
4. Children age 2 and under, with their family
5. 1K®
Wheelchairs are boarding first, then military dudes. The higher priority for the troopers is because they usually carry bunch of big bags which is carry-on items limits or exceptions. US military is the largest customer base for United Airlines, and they are serving for USA.
Also please note; no such category “Pregnant” (for the politically correctness, we now use “Expected Mothers” instead). Unless otherwise they deliver the baby, parturient doesn’t have any priority on United. But I don’t want them to give a birth in the airborne… (FIY: if they did, the baby will have a right to be a US Citizen. Yoo Hoo!)
Because I am 3 million flyer and lifetime 1K, GS customer can’t steal my seat selection, basically. But if the customer is a member of Chairman’s Circle, which is the real highest membership in United, is possibly able to get rid of me and take seat 1L.
On ANA, the seat 1A is always blocked for these highest status passengers.
On United's B772, 1A is blocked as crew rest. At United, employees are the gods.
"Of the (workers') Union by the Union for the Union" is the motto of United Airlines!!
I am not sure the meal selection priority for GS, but it can be precisely as follows…
1. Chairman’s Circle
2. Global Services
3. Million Miler 1K
4. 1K
However, there are enough meals to assign for these childish and selfish high status customers, I think. Previously, I offered my Japanese meal selection several times but actually the attendants manages it well, or the passenger next to me refused to receive my mercy. (LOL)
It's true that Shonan Senior's blog is written in a diary format, and even though I live in Okayama, I feel like I'm living in Shonan. Your blog, on the other hand, is exceptionally beautiful in terms of the images themselves, and without any flattery, I feel like I'm looking at the Katei-Gaho magazine. (Of course, that sophisticated magazine would never feature a house with horses, Batman, Robin Hood, and even a silly Spider-Man on its roof... but my wife is a regular reader of the magazine, so I thought about writing in the "request column" on the reader card at the end of the magazine, asking if they could interview the owner of that house. But for my wife's honor, it's probably better to give up... lol).
ReplyDeleteI see, there's a dining room in Polaris Lounge where you can eat for free. That's good news for many lounge visitors. However, if I were in that position, I would probably just drink carbonated drinks and call it a day. I still prefer to eat meals on board. This is the same when I'm on a train; even if I'm not hungry, I feel like eating a Ekiben or a sandwich. But if I were in a situation where I had to go to sleep immediately after boarding, I would probably eat and drink as much as I could in the lounge.
You entered the Centurion Lounge at San Francisco Airport very recently. It's unlikely that I will use that lounge, but as an AmEx user, I'm curious about it. According to your information, it has improved quite a bit, but I wonder what the benefit is for AmEx, given that they're focusing so much on that lounge. I can understand why airlines would focus on lounges, but I'm not quite sure about the benefits for credit card companies. Of course, it may have to do with AmEx's origins as a travel company. In any case, I'm looking forward to your article on the Centurion Lounge.
Dear okoy-sensei,
Delete(Sorry for changing your alias. I found this old one from my old blog and was fancied)
In regards to the 金玉満堂, that’s just an article or two to keep reporting someone’s real home with quite ‘impressive’ decorations. I saw the owner who is around our age, but I refrained from contacting him too deep… I just talked to him the decoration is quite impressive.
From my perspective, the foods at Polaris Lounge are better than meals onboard. The onboard meals are usually overcooked, or significantly prepared – means, for example, salads are very well prepared to prevent food poisoning. My friend who used to be a dispatcher of NWA, told me he never eats their salads because they sprinkle ‘almost-pesticide’ chemicals to keep salads look nice and fresh… scary, but I eat anyway.
Bento boxes on Shinkansen are the kind of exceptions, for me too. That is a ceremony and must-have item when I ride Shinkansen for more than one hour. Usually I don’t use Shink within an hour so Bento box is a must-have. And don’t forget another essential item – “too hard to eat soon” ice creams by Sujata. (lol)
Due to your request/demand, I just finished editing the pictures from Centurion Lounge SFO as of March 30th. This article will be the next and will be posted on Wednesday 12th. (your 0:00 am on Thursday, 13th) so please stay tuned. Surprisingly, there are two signs with Amex’s black cardfaces…
Now I am going to bed. Tomorrow is my annual physical checkup. I will get blood tests including RPR or PSA, or EKG and so on. I already spoke with my primary doctor I will receive endoscopic exams in Okayama, then he strongly agreed my opinion and prefer with my decisions.
I took my s-zopiclone + melatonin about a half hour ago, so I’m getting sleepier, so I skipped my desert tonight – a piece of Mame-daifuku mochi. However, I do know I can’t cheat my result of A1c, even tomorrow's glucose level goes lower…
In IHG, Platinum Ambassador is not the highest status and it seems that Royal Ambassador is still higher. It's true that in HHonors, Diamond is the highest status, but in my experience, the actual service for elite members is somewhat lacking. As you have also experienced, IHG Platinum offers more consideration from hotels towards elite members, whereas it is hard to feel the same from HHonors Diamond. That's why I prefer IHG over Hilton.
ReplyDeleteSince it's impossible for me to stay over 40 nights a year at IHG, it would be more practical for me if you could obtain an annual Club InterContinental membership on my behalf and post an article about it. It seems that you will be able to meet the requirement by staying at Crowne Plaza Istanbul in July. I hope the 2-night stay at Crowne Plaza Okayama is included in the count.
I understand that you don't want fresh onions or certain types of cheese in your omelets. Currently, fresh new onions are being displayed on supermarket shelves in Okayama. I like them very much.
I see, it's natural that passengers with disabilities are given priority over military personnel on active duty. When you unfortunately sprained your foot, were you suggested to use a wheelchair? If you had accepted the offer at that time, you could have boarded the plane before the military personnel and GS.
If the reason why military personnel are given priority is because they usually carry big bags, then it makes sense. It's more reasonable for airlines to board passengers in wheelchairs, which take up more space, before military personnel.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteI agree with you, Sensei. IHG franchised accommodations are treating Platinum members as much as possible, due to my experiences so far, and it’s certainly exceeding from other hotel chains.
Yes, thank you again for those unexpected two nights count at Crowne Plaza Okayama. This is the motivation I decided to keep my annual membership for lounge access in 2024 and I have booked 45 nights so far.
At CdG airport, because my behavior looked so severely injured, security checkers assigned me as a disabled elderly. I didn’t complain about it and I was th every first passenger to the Air France aircraft, although they didn’t allow me to use the jetway for first class… I told them my seat is just behind the first class, but they were utterly strict. Now here’s another reason I dislike (or strongly hate) Charles de Gaulle airport.
At United boarding process, pre-boarding is pre-boarding. 1K® priority is early enough for me and I don’t complain about it if I got business class so I don’t have to worry about the luggage space in overhead bins.
I often see those soldiers are carrying large, khaki-colored canvas bags with them. And there might be a certain reason they can’t check those bags… but because they can’t wo they don’t want to check-in those bags, they carry around closely.
Regarding "金玉満堂," I probably won't get to see it with my own eyes in the future, but it definitely has a strong impact. When I show the pictures from your article to my clinic staff, they all express their admiration. I recall in a past post on this blog that you encountered a woman at the bus stop who happened to come out of that house. I think that woman must have been quite bewildered, but I feel more inclined to interview her than the owner of the house. Of course, she probably wouldn't accept my offer.
ReplyDeleteCome to think of it, it's much easier to prepare meals in the lounge on the ground than to make them specifically for the low-pressure cabin at 10,000 meters above sea level. The selection at the Polaris Lounge is probably richer than the meals served onboard. I didn't know that so much pesticide is sprinkled on the salads served onboard to prevent food poisoning. Even if it does prevent food poisoning, it would be a problem if you became poisoned by the chemicals (lol).
Speaking of NWA, it's nostalgic. My first overseas trip and my honeymoon were both on NWA from Itami to Honolulu. The first time I went to Hawaii, the exchange rate was about 250 yen to one dollar, so I was charged a pretty high rate by NWA for economy class on a B747, and I stayed at the Queen Kapiolani Hotel with an old room air conditioner hanging from the ceiling. For my honeymoon, we stayed in the attic of a NWA B747, and that was my first time flying business class, so I have fond memories of it (although looking back now, it was far inferior to the United Polaris that you currently use).
From okoy-sensei,
P.S. When I read "Dear okoy-sensei," I wondered who you were referring to. Maybe even you have fallen into confusion due to dementia? (lol) Actually, I'm the one who is more likely to have dementia...
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteIf your clinic staffs got amazed, why don’t you arrange a ‘company trip’ for Singapore? Then all of your staffs will be appreciated such arrangement. Don’t forget stopping by Tian Tian Hainanese Chicken when you visit 金玉満堂, followed by the sweet shop named 金玉満堂.
WorldPerks by Northwest Airlines was my first FFP and I kept gold status, followed by platinum elite when it was announced. At that time, I kept flying between Tokyo and Miami/Fort Lauderdale to see my better-half-san. Even I took first class, I was so disgusted by the meal service by NWA. I had a chance to have Una-don but the attendants don’t know how it should be served, the edge of the rice bowl had a ring shaped crystals which used to be rice grains, or the eel became something different thing… Once I had an opportunity to take United fright from EWR-NRT, I was so amazed by the quality of foods. In old and good era, meal service by United is way better than NWA. Also Continental’s SFO-EWR flight serves beef stew which was superbly yummy. We don’t see those enchanting meal services anymore, especially after the pandemic.
And I really miss Boeing 747’s. B77W or B78X are large but not so much ‘fun to ride’ anticipations like B744 had. Lufthansa or Korean still have 747-8i but I’d rather board previous versions if available… I loved Godiva chocolate box is sitting on the flat space above the spiral stairways. That is another good old days by United…
Well… it wasn’t a dementia but I was checking up the previous blog posts in Ameba. Then I found okoy-sensei, urati-sensei or those “Variant Strains” representing you. Alfa, Delta or Omicron… they are still novel coronavirus. Similar situations here; there are so many aliases but only you are sitting in the behind. (lol)
By the way. I got a message from Gohyakunen-gura that they've just shipped the boxes of other Variants of novel shochu. It'll be arriving in a day or two to Okayama so please do a Fair Share with Dr. Doi. ;)
DeleteAre you suggesting taking our clinic staff on a trip to Singapore, with the main purpose being to visit the famous 金玉満堂? (lol) Of course, we should also make a stop at the Tian Tian Hainanese Chicken, but the order of which to visit first is important. Depending on the order, the memories concerning Singapore of our clinic staff could be quite different. (lol)
ReplyDeleteNorthwest Airlines holds a special place in my heart as it was the first foreign airline I ever flew on. At the time, the company was still called Northwest Orient, and I couldn't help but wonder why they included "Orient" in their name. I joined their WorldPerks program after the name changed simply to Northwest Airlines and they merged with KLM. During that time, the airline's frequent flyer program was quite fluid, and I was able to earn miles on my WorldPerks account by flying on Continental Airlines from Okayama to Guam, as well as on Aloha Airlines from Honolulu to Kona. By the way, I just remembered that back then, the logo of United Airlines was also displayed at Okayama Airport (!), perhaps due to their connection with Continental Airlines.
As part of WorldPerks, I could also earn 500 miles on any domestic flight in Japan by sending my boarding pass, regardless of the airline. I never quite understood the purpose of this strange campaign or what benefits it had for Northwest Airlines, but it continued for many years.
I also remember my first time flying first class, which was on a Northwest Airlines B744 from Kansai to Manila. Looking back, the first class cabin was somewhat unimpressive, but I still recall the excitement I felt at the time.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteVisiting Singapore is always a fun – good foods, good places to see, and 金玉満堂.
If you seriously plan to visit Singapore with your employees, I am more than happy to join and being a tour guide as well as a translator. Probably my broken English works better than yours in Singapore. Oh, I pay my air fair and accommodations by myself.
Northwest Orient is their brand/marketing name, somewhat similar to Continental Micronesia (CM is a subsidiary of CO though). Both airlines are keen to Asia Pacific routes from the mainland of United States. After all, including KLM, WorldPerks was acquired and merged to Delta SkyPesos but Continental themselves were escaped from the merger nad acquisitions, bought out United and became a major member of Star Alliance. And yes, I remember there used to be 東和国内航空 codeshares with CO and passengers can earn 500 miles. That’s a history.
When I moved to California, I was still an elite member of WorldPerks, I always took CO flights to EWR when I had to fly over NYC. Then… it was too tough to keep WorldPerks traveler, I switched to United in 1999. Then from year 2000, I keep my 1K® status except 2009 just after the Lehman shock.
So Sensei… you visited Hawai’I much more frequent than me. If you like a always summer island and everything more affordable than Hawai’I or Guam, again… Singapore is a clever choice of destination.
When I take NWA to Detroit, Minnesota St Paul or Memphis, the aircrafts were always B744 then connecting aircraft to MIA or FLL were always B757, 737 or A320. And… the snacks in the airborne were always a bag of baby carrots!! I am not a livestock but they do think all the passengers are. I was so disgusted about it.
BTW. The Black Cat Express couldn't deliver at your clinic this morning... it reads:
Delete持戻(ご不在) 04月12日 10:59
I'll forward you the information by email.
When you check the status with Kuroneko...
ReplyDeleteReturning of Packages to Office after a Failed Delivery Attempt (to be absent) April 12th, 10:59 AM
Okayama Saidaiji Delivery Office (Okayama Saidaiji Higashi)
Well, for some reason, our clinic didn't receive any packages this morning.
Of course, that's a big lie. The truth is, two sets of sweet potato shochu called "Denen Envelhecida" (700ml, with alcohol contents of 25% and 40%) arrived before noon today. But I don't tell Dr. Doi about it (lol). If he sends a thank-you email, that means we'll have shared it equally. If not... Namu Amida Butsu, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
We still have a month and a half until your visit to Okayama, but if you keep bombarding us with presents like this, we won't be able to close the clinic and run away during night (lol). Either way, we will cherish it dearly.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteSo… Kuroneko-san is leaving the false report for the delivery? I thought Sagawa does such often but Kuroneko-san is faithful enough. Anyhow it’s great to hear you received those different packaged Shochu bottles.
I was simply curious that the same manufacturer of those authentic and traditional ceramic jar packaged YMO-Shochu are also in different presentations – much more contemporary glass bottles with KLM-like (lol) labels. Please let me know if you find certain defenses and/or preferences on these glass bottled ones.
I am not so worried about the reachability to Dr. Doi. As per you saw my email, it’s carbon copied to Doi-sensei as well.
Just FYI. 南無阿弥陀仏 in Jodo-Shiunshu California, usually chant it down as Namo Amida Butsu. Furthermore, iSO-san and I are belonging to Shingonshu and we chant 南無大師遍昭金剛.
> We still have a month and a half until your visit
From my point of view it’s only a month and half… and before goint Japan I will visit BCN.
Let me try not receiving monkey pox before I visit Okayama.
Although I have never visited Singapore before, if I wasn’t reading your blog, I would have continued to have the impression of it being a "lovely city-state with delicious food and sights to see". However, since I learned about 金玉満堂, my impression of Singapore has somewhat changed. It seems like there is not only a captivating but also a profound world there?
ReplyDeleteIf I seriously plan to visit Singapore with the staff of my clinic, there would be no one better than you to serve as a tour guide and translator, so I would be more than happy to have you join us. Of course, we would cover your airfare and accommodations expenses, provided that our tax accountant approves it as necessary expenses (lol).
I see, Northwest Orient was so enthusiastic about expanding their routes to the Asia-Pacific region from mainland America since their establishment that they used that name. Thanks to you, I finally remembered that Northwest, including KLM, was acquired by Delta. If my memory serves me right, I don't think Delta was operating jumbo jets until then. After that, it seems like the jumbo jets that Northwest was using were repainted with Delta's livery and flying for a while, but soon they were all sold.
On the other hand, United Airlines was operating jumbo jets quite frequently, weren't they? I remember the JAL60 flight that I often took when traveling to the United States, which was from Kansai to Los Angeles, used to be a jumbo jet, but so was the United34 flight, which departed at almost the same time and flew from Kansai to San Francisco, so I remember it well. For some reason, the passengers of the United flight always formed a long line in front of the check-in counter, and it was clear that there were significantly more people from various countries compared to JAL, making me feel like it was a typical American airline. Nowadays, this flight seems to be operated with a B777.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteWhether who pays for the air expense, Singapore does worth visiting at least once in lifetime. People immediately expect staying at Marina Sands, the weird shaped hotel with infinity pool, but that’s not necessary. There are much more fun food experiences in the residential area, including Durians if you wish.
Please note: WorldPerks have been divided. Northwest was acquired by Delta and then became SkyPesos, but Continental merged with United to bring their customers to MileagePlus. KLM has been acquired by Air France then they are a part of FlyingBlue. It looks confusing but CO is the survivor from the hell of SkyPesos or SkyTeam.
Of course United’s aircrafts are mostly Boeing. Because United Airline was a part of Boeing Company, taking care of commercial flights by Boeing. Delta doesn’t have such strong relationships with Boeing, their wide body aircrafts are now mostly A350.
I think United gave up NRT to be their hub, now twice daily flights from SFO are one for NRT and one for HND. KIX is also covered but no extension flights. SIN, HKG and TPE are covered by direct connections from SFO or LAX, other destinations like BKK are discontinues. Since United merged with Continental, they are more keen to profit-driven except Pacific islander areas. Hawai’I, Micronesia or Polynesian destinations are well covered because of by governmental requests and fundings.
I see, I think I'm starting to understand why Continental Airlines did not keep its own name despite acquiring United. It was a strategy of "take the profit over the fame" by adopting the name United, and they could become a major member of Star Alliance, rather than belonging to another alliance. Continental Airlines was smart. United was probably ahead of Continental in terms of fleet size and passenger-kilometers flown before the merger, but Continental's financials were probably better.
ReplyDeleteThe name Toa Domestic Airlines brings back memories. I flew on their international route from Kansai to Hong Kong once and I remember there was a rice cooker installed on board. I think the A300 was the first wide-body aircraft they introduced in order to aim for international routes in the future (and that's why they changed their name to Japan Air System). At that time, Airbus was trying to sell the A300 at a low price just to break Boeing's stronghold, and TDA not only took advantage of that, but also reused the Airbus colors in their livery as if they were cutting corners.
In the end, TDA was also absorbed by JAL. When I was a resident, I had a pilot patient from Japan Air System. He boldly declared, "We're now the third largest airline in Japan, but we'll do our best to become the number one airline!" I still check the name tag of the captain when I fly with JAL today, wondering if he might be flying the plane.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteAt the time of merger, Continental was so successful and profitable by flying B757 for trans Atlantic routes. From me as a the passenger of old United, flying over the ocean with Boeing 757 is so insane, it must be 777 or 747, otherwise the newly debuting 787 because of the ETOPS, but actually Atlantic routes are short enough for 757 id they can divert Greenland or Iceland – still scary in winter though.
Continental has an IATA ticketing number 005, which is smaller than Delta’s 006. United has 016 so I was wondering why they don’t keep 005. I think it’s strongly linked to the company name, so they couldn’t pick 005 and United together. Most of people don’t care about IATA number but the name of air carrier.
I remember Toa was sporting the purchase of A300. After all, they got acquired by JAL and no SlyTeam alliance left in Japan… That’s another reason Delta doesn’t focus on Japanese market but Koreans instead. I am always have an issue of getting award ticket by SkyPesos because I can’t find NRT nonstop flights, and KAL is one of the popular airlines within SkyTeam hence I can’t find a good schedules as SFO ⇄ ICN ⇄ NRT. That’s why I spent quite an amount of miles for Athens trip last February… It is pity Malaysian is not SkyTeam alliance bu OneWorld… although they are a friend of WorldPerks. I have to find a best way to spend SkyPesos somewhere else.
I see, it was difficult for you to maintain your WorldPerks elite status when you had moved to California. However, you had foresight and switched to United early on, which allowed you to enjoy the benefits of lifetime 1K status today.
ReplyDeleteIt is shocking to hear that you were unable to maintain your 1K status for the first time in 2009 after holding it since 2000. As someone in the medical field like myself, I didn't really feel the impact of the economic crisis at the time, as I didn't benefit much from the bubble economy but also didn't suffer much from the crisis.
Yes, I do visit Hawaii more frequently than you do (although it's only been around ten times). There's no other place that resonates with me as much as Hawaii. Guam is hotter and doesn't offer the same level of resort appeal as Hawaii. As for Singapore, I haven't been there, so I can't comment, but I personally feel that California is a much wiser choice. I visited San Diego only once for DDW (Digestive Disease Week) and had a good impression of it. The climate is very comfortable, and it feels bright and open (although I may have only seen the surface level), and at least to me, it felt more suitable than Miami Beach. So, overall, I have a positive image of California, and that's a common sentiment among many Japanese doctors as well, as it's often the first choice for studying abroad. Especially for someone like me, who used to listen to "It Never Rains in Southern California" and "Hotel California" as a music-loving youth, it feels like a dreamland.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteSince SFO is a big hub for United, gathering miles on MileagePlus is the easiest way for me to fly. And then, as a result, I flew over 3MM, slowly, slowly achieving 4MM for lifetime GS.
That Lehman shock didn’t impact our business immediately but did lately. We are in hobby business industry hence such impact slowly damaging our markets. Pandemic is somehow similar situation but people started staying home, nothing to do so some of them chose working on the glass crafts, then our merchandise maintains sufficiently.
For me, I visited Hawai’i three times so far, only Oahu as well, that destination is not really for me. It’s somehow somewhat irritating my feeling when I walk on the street of Waikiki, everybody talks to me in Japanese… no wonder I am genuine Japanese but simultaneously I am US citizen… One of the hilarious situations on the street was; a stranger offers gun shooting experiences. I said “Sure if I can shoot you as a target.”
IN our Japanese American community in San Mateo, grandmas thought I was a 4th or 5th generation Hawaiian. I replied to obachans “No, I am a first generation immigrant from Japan” but their answer was “No way. You can’t be Issei. The first generation can’t speak English at all!” …grandmas are disrespecting their parents, I felt. I also asked back “But why me as a Hawaiian? Am I chubby enough to be a Hawaiian?” Grandma just giggled as a reply. (lol)
The rainy season is over here, I guess. It’s cold in the morning but no rains. Soon everywhere is drying up and lesser humidity and comfortable. Also, because of the heavy rainy season this year, we don’t have to worry about drought and water consumptions.
Yes, even for me, despite having only used SFO once, I could feel the significance of it being a major hub for United. The sight of numerous United aircraft lined up was truly impressive. My first trip to the mainland United States was in 1991, and even the transit stop at ORD when I flew from Narita to New Orleans was equally spectacular. I could also grasp the enormity of U.S. hub airports, and I vividly remember being surprised when the PA stated, "Due to congestion of arriving and departing aircraft, we will be circling the airport for about 30 minutes before landing."
ReplyDeleteYou have already achieved lifetime 1K status by flying over 3 million miles with MileagePlus, and as readers, we hope to witness the moment when you slowly but surely reach 4 million miles and attain lifetime GS status.
It's a little surprising that a frequent traveler like you has only visited Oahu Island in Hawaii. Even just Waikiki alone is a popular tourist destination for Japanese people, but the allure multiplies when I add island hopping to my itinerary.
Personally, I have only visited the Kona side of the Big Island. While the hotels in Waikiki are generally outdated with small rooms and facilities, the hotels on the other islands offer a different experience. For example, my favorite, the Hilton Waikoloa Village, is a luxurious resort perched on a vast property overlooking the beautiful bays of the Big Island. Within breathtaking tropical gardens and nature, I can fully enjoy my time with 14 restaurants and bars, two championship golf courses, stadium-style tennis courts, and the only interactive dolphin program on the island. Additionally, exploring the hotel grounds on mahogany boats or comfortable trams allows me to make the most of my trip. It's the hotel I would most like to visit after retiring.