この時のロマンスカーは… 淡いドドメ色で EXE とか書いてある、不思議な車輌。
後ろの2列目に座ったガイジンさんが外の景色で意見交換しているので、ちょっと割り込んで解説しましたが…どうやら ドイツ語がネイティヴみたいなので、お節介すぎたかも。
で… 我々が最前列です。妹がいっちゃん前の席を手配してくれました。
これ、どこだったっけなぁ...。梅ヶ丘? 狛江?
とても懐かしいです… ここには沢山の思い出があります。
この踏切の右側の畑では、65 年の一生でこの一度しか出逢っていない、野良のマムシさんに会いました。
45 年以上経った今でも、あのマムシさんの子孫は元気に百姓を噛んでいるでしょうか。(ぉぃ…)
小田急線に戻って… 百姓学部の農地からトンネルを抜けたら... 正門側です。
しずしずと箱根湯本駅の、もうこれ以上軌道が無い場所まで進んでいくロマンスカー EXE。
でもそれ言っちゃうと、デジタル画像処理に加えてゲームデザインとか IT 関連まで増えちゃった、写大(現・工芸大)でも雇ってもらえそうな部門がいっぱい出来てます。
無事・時刻通りに到着して、駅を出て… 徒歩で昼食の場所を探し始めました。
店内は… 昭和のままでした。
やがて、妹がドライカレー、母と儂が豚汁セットをお願いして… 届きました。
みんな考える事は一緒ね…。しかも入店待ちは OL とか卒業旅行の 2~3 人連れとか、あとは外人ばっかり。
どうです? これなら多分かぶるようなガイジンさんも、なかなかいないでしょう。
行ってみて、その甘味処『茶房 うちだ』さんで昼食をいただく事にしました。
「お兄ちゃん… 蕎麦屋の名簿、消してこなくていいの?」
「ジョセフィーヌ様… ジョセフィーヌ様はいらっしゃいませんかぁ!?」
こんだけ載ってて、おかわりしてもいいわよって言われて 900円?
温泉玉子の微妙な火加減って、好きです。普通の TKG(死語?)よりもずっと美味しいと思います。
これで安心してホテルへ向かえます。甘味処から歩いて数分… 最後が上り坂で大変。
今年 90 歳になる母の方が儂より健脚で、嬉しい驚きです。
> 確か農薬実験業用のアブラムシを集めに行ったなあ
それ、薔薇の茎とかに群がってる黄緑色のちびっこい方ですよね?まさか焦げ茶色で薄べらったい奴らじゃありませんよね?後者は、昆虫学実験に いっちゃんがタップリ持ち込んだので、速攻で逃げた苦い思い出があります。
> マムシは・・・♂♀絡んでいたのを発見して、みんなで観察?
あつ先輩の時にも出たのね!? しかも、つがいで!!??
> 果樹は・・・どこの研究室だったけね?育種かなあ
そういえば、あつ先輩の御友人で山梨で醸造方面にお勤めの方がいらっしゃって、そのあたりに関する内容がブログによく登場してましたよね。みんな引退するお年頃なんですね。校長先生たちやアストラゼネカの先輩も、三越の同期も、もう引退でしょうか… 自営業の我々はもうちょっと頑張れそうですが。(私ゃ引退同然ですが…今日は例外。確定申告で市内を飛び回りました)
I, who am a purebred West Japanese, don't quite understand, but is Hakone-Yumoto to those who live in the Kanto region what Arima Onsen is to those who live in the Kansai region? Also, is the position of Hakone and Atami different?
ReplyDeleteI also have a vague memory of commuting to Suidobashi from Funabashi for about six months as part of my domestic study after becoming a doctor. When I hurried from Funabashi to Shinjuku, I would either take the Chuo Line Rapid after going to Kanda on the Sobu Line, or take the yellow train to Ochanomizu and transfer to the Rapid there. Now, the Sobu Line Rapid goes directly to Tokyo Station underground via Bakurocho and Shin-Nihonbashi, right? In any case, because your mother is elderly, it would be wise to come to Shinjuku from Tsudanuma on the yellow train without transferring as much as possible and ensuring a seat, even if it takes some time.
When I hear "Romancecar," I remember the lyrics of Kozo Murashita's "Romancecar": 「夢を乗せたロマンスカーを何度も見てた寄り添って」...
By the way, I wrote about Hakone-Yumoto above, but is the Romancecar of Odakyu like the Kintetsu Vista Car to those in Kansai? Originally, the Romancecar was introduced for the purpose of Hakone tourism, but as the residences of people working in the city spread to the suburbs, it became used as a commuter train, and there is even a Romancecar that goes directly to the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line.
You were in the front row, and your sister made the arrangements for you. But as you said, I might like it better if the train driver sat upstairs and it felt more like a Romancecar?
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteSensei… you are asking the wrong persons here. Shonan Senior-san and I are born and raised in broader Tokyo area (unfortunately I born and raised in Chiba but my father gave me a discipline as if I were a Tokyoite). Therefore, I (probably, we) have no idea how Arima Onsen is appreciated by Western Japanese. If it’s a high-end and good quality of hot springs and inviting lots of wealthy people, then that’s somehow equivalent to Hakone Yumoto. Gora is also an important area in Hakone since the headquarter of Fujiya Hotel located there.
Changing at yellow Sobu line from/to orange rapid services are famous at Ochanomizu station. I heard from my better-half-san saw the warning sign on the platform, saking passengers to do not dive into the trains during the busy commuting time. Your remaining family would be receiving additional shock from our astronomic number of bill… That sounds very Tokyo as well as the vomits on the stairways in the evening of Shinjuku station.
KInshicho, Bakurocho and Shin-NIhombashi are quite new stations and don’t ring our nostalgic bell. For me, the express trains starts/ends at Ryogoku, where is just in front of Kokugikan (no, not the current one but two generations before).
But next time when we visit Atami, I will put my mom on the green car of Sobu-Yokosuka line then change at Shinagawa. Tokaido Shinkansen starts from Tokyo but that station is not convenient for the users of Sobu rapid services. Sobu rapids arrives at basement level 5 of marunouchi side, then the platforms of JR Tokai is located on the opposite side. It takes 15-20 minutes for transfer which is crazy. However, at Shinagawa, Sobu-Yokosuka rapids arrive at platform #13 and 14, where is just next to JR Tokai’s Shinkansen platform. I wasn’t in Japan when Shinagawa stop is built, but I already learned the best connections.
And I am so sorry I am completely idiot about music, so I don’t know who Kozo Murashita is… I checked Wikipedia and he supposedly a fork song singer, and already passed away. The song Romancecar was replayed on his funeral, it says.
Also I have no idea what Kintetsu Vista car is… hopefully it’s better than Windows Vista.
Romancecar is not only by Odakyu but also bu Tobu. Tobu has Deluxe Romancecar which is running nearby iSO-san’s home. I accidentally took the picture of Deluxe ROmancecar and it will be the first picture of Yakiotri Dinner story which will be disclosed soon.
For me, The Romance Car must be like 3000-series (you are the nerd of these) which operator is located above us, not disturbing the view for passengers. Furthermore, the base of train chassis should be located in between the train bodies if it’s a Romancecar. (very nerdy. It’s a perfect issue for you, right? lol)
I see. As senpai pointed out, this Romancecar is a commuter train that can also run on the Chiyoda Line that I wrote about. Well, if the front car were as big-headed as a jumbo jet, it would be difficult to run on the subway (lol).
ReplyDeleteThe view of T Academy is nostalgic for both you and senpai. I'm sure you wanted to get the front seat of the train and show senpai this view. Oh, I see. The Odakyu Line runs over the practical farm of the Agricultural Department of T Academy. I've heard so much about T Academy from you, so it doesn't seem like a first-time view for me.
Oh, the harvest peaches were handled by senpai's laboratory. Is senpai utilizing the research results now? (lol) It's surprising that such a vast farm exists in Tokyo, and it's a world of wonders with freshwater crabs, aphids, and mamushi(!). And your supervisor even cooked mamushi rice using the mamushi as an ingredient!? Oh, I can't help but make a joyful comment, but I'm not writing anything bad, I promise! (lol) I'm just imagining it, but you two should enjoy talking about your memories of T Academy.
But certainly, if there were the Tourism or Art Department in T Academy, I think you could be hired as a professor. Shall we write a letter of recommendation together, senpai? (Although it doesn't seem to be effective) (lol)
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteBesides you are having fun with T, I just read some news over the Internet telling…
- A professor of Okayama Univ. cheated on his cancer report. How they found it? Because so less mice purchased, and the professor complained he recycled used mice. …Can the report be accurate if he recycles mice??
- People found a Giant Salamander was walking around the street. Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) is a species on the Red List of Threatened Species… Helmet crabs are on the beach, and the giant salamanders are walking the street, what a place Okamyama is!!
Well, I can’t bear visiting Okayama to meet the salamanders or crabs. They must be everywhere around the irrigation canals which is as long as connecting from the city hall of Okayama to Bangkok! (due to the local news of Asahi Shimbun)
Back to the T story, Odakyu line is crossing the pilot farms. Even “T-Gakuen Mae” train station was built by the donation from T and insisted Odakyu to build a station there. Then, T started selling the lands close by as an Academic New Town to invite wealthy and highly educated citizens. That is one of strategy and a reason how the academy can be so rich. It wasn’t only the donations from students and their families, but the clever strategy to selling the lands and developing highly sophisticated town around the school. Isn’t this completely opposite from Okayama? …except the similalities of Mamushi and Tsuchinoko .
I cannot be a professor of the academies. If I assigned such job, I can’t clarify the prevention of sex-hara, power-hara, aca-hara or etc for sure. Give me a professor and I’ll take care of him “very well.” (lol)
p.s. I already took s-zopiclone so I am going to bed now. Oyasuminasai.
btw. S-zopiclone sound somewhat similar to chloropicrin… which is typically used for insecticide, killing nematode to prevent diseases around the roots and underground stems.
Didn’t know chloropicrin? This is a ‘common sense’ for farmers and its an Agriculture 101. Senior-san still remembers it for sure.
Deleteあの… 釣ってるけど吊ってませんから。
佐俣先生の黄色いコスモス… 入学した時には「キバナコスモスって普通にあるじゃん」と勘違いしておりました。黄ばんだ白い花同士を30代掛け合わせ続けたって聞いて、ビビりました。
I had heard about the news you read on the internet before it became public.
ReplyDeleteFabrication of scientific data is something that should never happen, but unfortunately, it will continue to happen in the future. For scientists struggling with performance, data fabrication can be like a forbidden fruit.
I can understand the thought process that leads to fabrication. Often, before starting a study, one tends to make assumptions like "this is the result that will come out," and once the study actually begins, it turns into a desire for "this is the result that I want." However, the data that one intends to produce doesn't always come out.
Then, the thought of "let's eliminate unfavorable data" arises, and it is executed. If even then, it becomes apparent that the desired significant difference cannot be obtained, one ends up committing the act of adding phantom data to obtain the significance.
In that sense, the world of science may be the same as the world of professional sports. Only a few people receive the limelight, and the majority of others disappear without being known.
I am aware that the Japanese giant salamander is on the Red List of Threatened Species, but like the helmet crab, seeing a giant salamander walking around the streets may not be so surprising for Okayama locals. Is it a quirk of Okayama residents? (lol) If you, who used to be a Chiba resident, were wandering around Okayama, you might need to be careful not to be attacked by a giant salamander or eaten by a helmet crab. We Okayama locals have had a habit of walking while being mindful of their attacks since childhood. (big lie)
It was said that T-Gakuen Mae train station was built by donation from T and requested Odakyu to build the station. On the other hand, in Okayama, a new station was built about 10 years ago in front of S-Gakuen on the Sanyo Main Line between Okayama and Takashima. S-Gakuen donated a large sum to JR West for this purpose. Similar things may be happening in various places, but private schools really have a lot of money.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteIn terms of the fabricated data, I was rather more curious about the numbers of mice. At “Mr. and Mrs. Dr. M (a.k.a. M博士♂♀)”’s pharmaceutical venture, I visited their lab and found so many mice in the cages… then I asked the researchers how many mice they have. The answer was “oops… if I remember correctly, currently we ONLY have 4,000 to 5,000 mice here.” I was about to be fainted… I wanted to spray pesticide there.
The Japanese giant salamander was the biggest charm for Dr. Stefan… he didn’t want to ‘pass’ me the language initiative hence he resisted to visit Japan with me. However, when he saw the picture of giant salamander and we can meet it in some aquariums, his biologist’s blood started ringing and the salamander was the biggest motivation to visit Japan. However, he has already left before make it. But I don’t think I have to meet those strange amphibians on behalf of Stefan… I’d rather like to meet Mexican salamander (a.k.a. Wooper Looper (lol))
In Chiba, we don’t have helmet crab but bunch of clams or other shellfish. I learned skin diving before swimming to catch those shellfish for the ingredients of miso soup. (lol) Then… as a result, when I entered Kisarazu High school, where is the first time the school has swimming pool, I found I couldn’t swim in the fresh water!! (lol) Fortunately or unfortunately, we had very severe ‘extra’ classes in summer until we can swim normally in the pool. Instead, I could dive and swim under the water for 50m easy.
The public academies are driven by academic motivations. Private schools are money-driven unfortunately… You told the parking lot of private medical school was filled with expensive foreign cars, but the parking lot of T-Gakuen might be wealthier, I suppose. And every morning, in front of the kindergarten, Mercedes S-class, Porsche or Toyota Century (lol) are coming over, the parents (or sometimes chauffeurs) are dropping their kids. We, whom are joined T from university, were dropping our jaws because of The東京外車ショー was ongoing everyday.
You said that T Academy took a smart strategy of selling land and developing a sophisticated town, which reminds me of the city of Kobe when I entered university.
ReplyDeleteKobe city dug several tunnels in the Rokko Mountains to build a city subway. As a result, a large amount of soil and sand was produced, but it was clever not to simply dispose of it. They buried the soil and sand in the sea off the coast of Kobe, creating the artificial islands of Port Island and Rokko Island (on which Kobe Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers you had stayed at is located), and ran unmanned trams on each of them to create a highly convenient transportation system. Then they sold them as land for apartment and hotel construction. They also sold land along the subway line for residential or industrial use. These series of management skills were so excellent that they were even called "Kobe City Corporation."
Of course, there were probably many venomous snakes and wild boars. I wonder if there were any ツチノコ? (lol)
It's a fun imagination to think of you as a professor at T Academy! It is possible that you might engage in sexual harassment, power harassment, academic harassment, and so on against female students, and take "very good" care of some of your favorite male students. However, I would like to refrain from commenting on how much your appointment as a professor would benefit T Academy (lol).
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteI saw Kobe is doing fancy and sophisticated developing on the mountain and the sea. The Shinkansen Shin-Kobe station is somewhat ridiculous to me though… both sides are tunnels, the platforms are in between the tunnels. Then, going downstairs, we can find a metro service to downtown, connecting to Yurikamome-like automated ride. (I know, I know. Portliner has been developed before Tokyo) But next time, if anything happens, I would like to stay at Crowne Plaza Kobe located just adjacent to Shin-Kobe station. I checked around that station by Google maps and very surprised that the surrounding areas of Shin-Kobe are pretty much developed as well. There were almost nothing around the station when I visited there. I have to check when the Nozomi running by next time, but it may be very difficult… Nozomi doesn’t stop and is passing 200+ km/h at Shin-Kobe. (lol)
I think there are no Tsuchinoko in Hyogo Mountains but Okayama. Tsuchinoko is as famous as muscats, peaches (including The Peach Dude) and helmet crabs representing Okayama.
Now I am deeply belonging to Shingonshu Buddhism, I can’t clarify being a professor of T. It would be fun if I can have fun with other professors though (No young students are welcome). For the girls, I insist them to go pilot farm without working boots so that our favorite Mamushi family can bite them appropriately. Now I do understand why those white working boots are strictly required when entering the pilot farms. (lol)
The first time I set foot at the Shin-Kobe Station of the Shinkansen was on March 2, 1978, the day before my entrance examination at Kobe University. At the time, I was living as a university entrance exam repeater in Kyoto and was planning to go to Kobe by either Hankyu train or the former national railway, but my father forced me to take the Shinkansen saying, "Don't be stingy, just take the bullet train!"
ReplyDeleteIn the first place, I had never been to Kobe before (apparently I was taken to the Suma Aquarium when I was in kindergarten, but I don't remember at all), so the question arises as to why I even took the entrance exam for Kobe University. As you may also recall, from the following year, 1979, the predecessor to the current "National Center Test" called the "Common First Stage Examination" was to be launched. With this, it became impossible to submit applications to multiple national universities, but in 1978, we could still submit applications to as many universities as we wanted. Personally, I felt like "any medical school at a national university will do," so my father submitted applications to Kobe University, Mie University, and Toyama University of Medicine and Pharmacy on his own. I chose Kobe University from those three just based on my imagination.
Going back to the Shin-Kobe Station, as you pointed out, both sides of the station platform are tunnels (the apartment I lived in was built right above the tunnel on the east side, and I could faintly hear the bullet train passing by), and there is only one platform for up and down each, so it is impossible to overtake or avoid trains. In 1978, the subway had not yet been extended to Shin-Kobe Station, and to get to Sannomiya, we had to take a taxi or a city bus. It was truly like a landlocked island even though it was a Shinkansen station.
The ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Kobe, which towers over the front of the Shin-Kobe Station, is very convenient for using the Shinkansen, but unfortunately, the building itself is getting a little old. It was built before that earthquake, so it must have suffered some damage.
As you found out on Google Maps, the surrounding area of Shin-Kobe Station seems to be gradually developing, but since the station is located on the mountain slopes of Rokko Mountain, there is limited land for development. It's just that the location could be a little better.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteI am glad you didn’t take Hikari and skipped Shin-Kobe, delayed arriving the test at Kobe Univ.
My first time Shin-Kobe was with you. At that time, it’s already 12 years ago? Shin-Kobe station looked it’s built just a middle of nowhere… surrounded by green mountains and I could see downtown beyond the narrow valley. But by Google Maps now, the station area is pretty much developed and ANA Crowne Plaza Kobe is built next to the station! I am shocked you described the hotel building is OLD already!? Yet, I prefer CP rather than Sheraton now. …and Crowne Plaza should have club lounge where I can enter! (lol)
I remember the “Common First Stage Examination” because I received the pilot version of that test at Tokyo University of Educations, now it’s closed and the successor is Tsukuba University. If I passed the test, I were one of the first students of Tsukuba. I am glad I didn’t go there… and I can reconfirm I preferred a school has wide campus. (lol)
When I checked all the public schools, I was enchanted by Toyama University of Medicine and Pharmacy because Toyama represents medications, just like Okayama to Muscat (or helmet crab). However, I can’t pass the math obviously, and my schoolmates of Kisarazu said “Don’t go to Ura Nippon.” That sounds disrespectful these days, but Chiba receives lots of sunshine like Okayama, so we were not interested in the Japan Seaside areas with stuck of snow in winter.
Oh, yes. Maybe it's because of my age, but I'm becoming forgetful and it's troublesome. Before I forget, I would like to share my impression of the "Den-en Envelhecida" (700ml, with alcohol contents of 40%) that you gave me. Maybe it's because the alcohol content is the same, but when I tasted it for the first time, I thought, "Huh? Is this sweet potato shochu? It's like drinking a fairly good brandy straight ♪" After a while, the unique sweetness of sweet potato shochu spreads in the mouth, but the aftertaste is not that long, and it has a refreshing taste. I also want to compare it with the 25% version. In any case, thank you for your consideration.
ReplyDeleteWell, as in Hyogo Prefecture, I don't think there are any Tsuchinoko in Okayama Prefecture either (lol). Tsuchinoko is just like Momotaro, an imaginary creature, a kind of like Shohei Ohtani called a unicorn (lol). Although helmet crabs do exist in Okayama… (lol)
By the way, why can't you clearly state that you are a professor at T even though you have deep faith in Shingon Buddhism? Wouldn't it be an honor for Shingon Buddhism to have a professor at the prestigious T University? I don't understand why white working boots are required to enter the pilot farms. Ah, after all, T University is a "secret paradise" for me in many ways (lol).
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteSo… Den-en by Tazono taste somewhat impressive to you. That’s good.
And I have to tell you… unexpectedly, Organic Kame Shizuku is heading to your clinic. This one is a limited version and I am so keen to “Limited Edition” as you’ve seen often, I preordered this organic version to be delivered around my presence in Okayama… but it’s being shipped a month earlier than my expectation. Anyway, there will be one more ceramic jar PER A DOCTOR arriving. Please do the FAIR SHARE.
I expect Tsuchinoko, ammonites or giant salamanders are definitely in Okayama but they are hiding under the canal. After sunset, they come out from the canal, which is as long as connecting from the city hall of Okaayama to Bankok (I love this measurement), and hanging around the street. Unfortunately, one of the salamander was found – he missed hiding himself to the canal because of the heavy rain, I guess.
T Gakuen is another paradise for creatures. Unfortunately we don’t have Tsuchinoko or helmet crabs but quite a good numbers of Mamushi snakes. I can’t believe both Shonan Senior-san and I meet the Mamushi in the pilot farm, with wearing the white boots.
As you know, T University has uniform. The first class uniform is navy blue jacket, white shirt with tie. Second class uniform is jacket with tie, whatever the color is. Furthermore, students in Agriculture are also required to have white coat during in the lab, just like doctors or chemists, plus White Boots during in the pilot farm. White coats make sense because it’s akid of common uniform, but I didn’t know why the white boots… now I know it prevents the bites by Mamushi snakes!! (lol)
The number of mice in the laboratory of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. M being over 4,000 to 5,000 is a remarkable amount for those of us who only know about research facilities in Japan.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was involved in basic research at a university hospital, the care of mice was done on a rotation basis, which was a tough duty. There were also unfortunate Drs. who were bitten by mice.
Other research groups also kept Beagles. Beagles are said to be a breed of dog that is easy to use as experimental animals worldwide. The reasons for this are said to be that they are "voracious eaters", "prolific breeders", "genetically stable, so there is little individual difference", and "have a gentle personality".
My classmate, O-kun, who you also know, mainly studied the brain-gut correlation and collected data showing that the brain and gut, which are important organs for living organisms, mutually influence each other. Therefore, they drilled holes in the skulls of Beagles they had kept and sprinkled various chemicals on their frontal lobes. As a result, all the Beagles in their group had chimney-like tubes on their heads, and we could tell the dogs with chimney were from their group just by looking at them. That was a story from the past...
Oh, I see. The Japanese giant salamander was Stefan's favorite. It's a shame he didn't come to Japan just to meet the salamander. It would have made a fun article. You should not only meet the giant salamander but also hug it in memory of Stefan (lol).
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteI was shocked by the number of mice, but by poisoning those thousands of mice, Carfilzomib was success fully developed and now the patients of multiple myeloma are being treated, which is quite impressive. During the development of that miracle medication, the husband side, Mr. Chris M. often told us the progress – worked superb by i.v., or even worked thru mouth. After all, it’s being used by injection because the chances of side effects are 100%... I was also shocked by this number too. But as always, if the merit overcomes the demerits, that is a useful medication. All the things have lethal doses anyway. (lol)
Chewed by rodents… sounds awful! Just right now, one of our students brought babies of squirrels and out guys put them in front of our entrance… this morning I was about to stamp on a squirrel at the entrance! I don’t know what will we do during the holidays – we will be closed from tomorrow to Sunday. Three days of no-care may generate mummies of squirrel, I warned to my guys but nothing done so far…
Talking about the care of test animals… the hardest one for me was Silkworms. On Sunday, because my apartment was close enough to the lab, I was in charge of crop some mulberry leaves and replace those leaves for Okaiko-sama. I still can’t believe why an invertebrate is being called with “-sama” or ‘-san” with great amount of respects. Now we have nylon. We should stop over-respecting the worms! (lol) But anyhow, when I entered the lab, it was so quiet but I could hear the worms are munching the leaves… that hissy noise was so scary. If I have to do the same obligations, I will definitely wear my Quiet Comfort 45 headset by Bose so that I don’t have to listen silkworms eating the mulberry leaves.
How is O-sensei? I hope he’s doing well. I still remember we gave tortures to prawns before we have them… from Americans’ point of view, that cruel presentation is totally unacceptable. (but still fun for me. (lol))
Should I hug a salamander? I like old and hairy but don’t like a person with such bumpy skin… sorry I am a racist.
I am aware that carfilzomib is a drug that inhibits the function of proteasomes, which are enzyme complexes present in cells responsible for breaking down unwanted proteins and regulating cellular apoptosis. The groundbreaking idea behind carfilzomib, a proteasome inhibitor, is to inhibit the proteasome function within multiple myeloma cells and induce apoptosis, and the fact that it has shown efficacy in clinical settings is commendable.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I don't think we can confidently claim that a drug is useful as long as the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. As you pointed out, if the accumulation of drawbacks reaches a lethal dose before the target disease goes into remission, the significance of the drug's existence would be lost.
Regarding the use of honorifics like "sama" or "san" for invertebrates like silkworms, I have to be surprised by the fact, but I have already been brainwashed by the norms of T Academy, so it feels somewhat natural to me. If it were now, maybe I could enroll in T Academy?
However, when I recall the story you told us during our dinner in Azabu, I realize it would still be impossible, right? The fact that university students have to wear uniforms, maybe that could be a possibility for me too (since we also wore lab coats during practical training). However, at T Academy, there are different types of uniforms that correspond to different ranks, and one must adhere to those ceremonial (or ritualistic?) regulations.
Hmm, it seems T Academy is still an unattainable sanctuary for me after all.