Friday, April 28, 2023

Cup Noodles

また、緊急じゃないけど… 面白すぎるので差し込み記事です。


日清食品アメリカが… 発狂したとしか思えないような物体を限定発売しました。

Cup Noodles Breakfast - Maple Syrup Pancakes, Sausage and Egg
カップヌードル・ブレックファスト ー メープルシロップ・パンケーキ、ソーセージ&エッグ

確かにアメリカの Greacy Spoon と呼ばれる、こういう朝食を供するレストランでは、パンケーキにもソーセージにも、玉子にもメープルシロップが全体的にかかっちゃっていますけど… それが、カップヌードルに

パッケージ下部に記された Ramen Noodles in Sauce の文字がどうしても信じられません。

恐ろしすぎてやめておこうと思いましたが、ネコをも殺す好奇心、さらに Limited Edition には弱い儂…。

Campbell(F) さんによればヲルマートのウェブで限定発売らしいですが… 
興味ありすぎて eBay で落としました


で… 届いたんですが、これを独りで食する勇気が出ません

火曜日に Campbell(F) さんがお見えになる予定なので、人身御供 御一緒しようと思います♪

【記事脱肛後記】同居人さんはヲルマートから24個買っていたそうです。さすが本物の DQN です!



そして… 食べました。美味しいランチの後だったせいもあって、評価はかなり厳しめです。もし数日間何も食せずに飢餓状態になってから試したら、もう少しだけ好評価になった可能性は残っています。

室温の水を内側の線まで注いで、1000W の電子レンジで4分チンする…。

こ、これは… アメリカの激マズいカップ焼きそばの造り方じゃないかっ!?



さっそく、肉と玉子が水分を吸って膨らみ始めてる… 見ていて、ややキモい。

…で、チンしちゃってから、1300W のフルパワーで熱してしまった事に気づきました。
造り方の指定では 1000W なので、ちょっとだけパワーが強すぎたみたいです。

普段なら到底人様のお目に掛けられるようなシロモノではありませんが… このカットは外せますまい。
言い訳がましいですが多分 1000W で調理しても大差ないと思います。もう一回試す気はありません。

出来上がりを待ってくれていた Campbell (F) さんと、さっそく試食してみました。




「ソーセージの味がする… あ、材料に豚肉使ってる!」


でも… でも… すげー人工的な風味。

結局、 Campbell (F) さんも儂も、お互いに2口ほど食べたところで先に進めませんでした

消化器内科の先生方に美味しく召し上がっていただくのが、いいかも♪ (ぉぃぉぃ… 出禁になるぞ)


  1. 最近、日本国内の商品も結構種類が増えて、見分けがつかなくなってますが・・・それにしても、この企画?商品はさすがに、有り得ない商品ですな。食味を想像・・・できん・・・。

    1. あつ先輩!

      こちら、トリセツというか… 造り方を読んだ途端に、日清アメリカの Chaw-Mien、カップ焼きそばを思い出しました。カップに半分くらいしかブツが入っていなくて、湯を茹でこぼすのではなく、レンチンで飛ばすという恐ろしい調理法です。もちろん出来上がりのお味も凄いです。


    2. ohoo,大変だ!危うく、5月に広尾に行っちゃうところでした・・・メモ帳の記入が間違ってた・・・

    3. あつさん、
      奥しゃまもご出席確定ですね? 今から楽しみです♪

    4. いつもおんぶにだっこ状態で申し訳ない、でも、楽しみにしてます、宜しく!。

    5. えっ!? このカップヌードルを楽しみにお待ち頂けるとは…。←文章の読めない奴

  2. Hmm, while your "not urgent but too interesting to pass up" article definitely catches the attention of us readers, as a bimmer myself, I'm feeling somewhat conflicted about BMW potentially descending to Cup Noodle levels (or maybe ascending to them?). (lol)

    I've never really seen American food news, but it's interesting that they're featuring this limited edition Cup Noodles released by Nissin Foods USA. First of all, the title itself, "Cup Noodles Breakfast - Maple Syrup Pancakes, Sausage and Egg," is just mind-boggling. Why breakfast? Couldn't it have been lunch? Starting with that question, and with sausage and egg being somewhat understandable, but maple syrup pancakes? I can understand you being curious enough to try it.

    Oh, I see now - the "sausage and egg" part is actually done in a proper American breakfast style (surprisingly impressive). So in American restaurants, both pancakes and sausage, as well as eggs, are all doused with maple syrup?

    Well, well, well, you bought the limited edition product off of eBay, despite it being available on Walmart's website. I'm curious, was the total cost of $24 for six cups with free shipping actually cheaper than going through Walmart's website?

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Well the story of that weird colored BMW unexpectedly happened, but this instant noodles was purchased on purpose. However, I didn’t plan to bring this to Okayaama when I placed an order. Trust me.

      The news of this limited edition noodles came out on the Google Chrome new tab. Usually mine is filled with the topics of air carriers, fast foods or watches but maple syrup flavored cup noodles is one of the weirdest news so far.

      “Two or three stacks of Pancakes with Two eggs your favorite style, Bacon or Pork links (sausages)” – this is a stereotypical breakfast menu at the ‘greasy spoon’ café or restaurants, including Denny’s. this kind of dish is also served with hashed brown potatoes or toast, coming with a jar of maple syrup (or caramelized sugar syrup, depends on the quality of restaurant). We Americans pour the maple syrup not only for the pancakes but also ALL OVER the meal, the entire dish is flooded by maple syrup. Now you know the reasons why there are so many Americans are under typ-2 DM and cardiovascular problems.

      At, it was already sold out when I read the news… but the roommate of Campbell(F) san successfully bought 2 dozens of this cup noodles. Ando for me, I expected this would be the one of eccentric products by Nisshin USA, I thought I don’t need so many, probably two or three.

  3. You mentioned that, as a blog topic, these instant noodles are sufficiently affordable compared to noise-cancelling headphones, but at $4 per cup, it's quite expensive when converted to Japanese yen. It seems to reflect the current state of inflation in America.

    You didn't have the courage to try it alone, so you brought Campbell(F)-san along with you. She's impressive for being willing to taste it with you.
    However, the cooking method is not just "add boiling water and wait for three minutes"! You have to fill it up to the inner line with room temperature water and heat it in a 1000W microwave for four minutes... It's strange that there's only a little less than half the cup filled with ingredients, and there's a line indicating how much water to add just above it. Perhaps they left some room for expansion to prevent overflowing when microwaved?

    As soon as you poured in the room temperature water, the meat and eggs absorbed the liquid and began to expand... It's not so much gross to watch as it is suitable for emergency food, isn't it? (lol) After heating it in the microwave for four minutes as instructed, the appearance is not particularly appetizing. As you said, it's frustrating to consider this as a type of ramen, but it could be eaten if you think of it as a type of UFO-like yakisoba. It's definitely a "food that requires a change in perspective." (lol)

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      It is not super expensive for a cup of Nisshin noodle is at $4. At Japanese supermarkets, Tokyo negi (the leek like white one) costs $5 for a bunch, or when I go to ramen shop, I usually spend $20-25 for a bowl of ramen. Exotic foods are relatively more expensive based on “demand and supply” rules.

      Unfortunately, I can’t trust my palate so it was planned Campbell(F)-san would join the lunch on Tuesday, so I planned to make her a sacrifice, and she was happy to be.

      Cooking procedures of this Cup Noodles Breakfast reminds me the similarity of Nisshin Chow Mien which tastes awful. Therefore, when I found the cooking method – put room temperature of water up to half of the cup, microwave without the lid for several minutes… generating a kind of gavages, so I was more concerned about “food loss” or damaging my food disposer.

      One of the thing I was amazed is; Sausage and Eggs look very similar to original Cup Noodles. It looks as if they put 謎肉 and freeze dried eggs as they do for original. Noodles part is the very different from original. When it’s cooked, I was so concerned and disgusted by those translucency noodles with the smell – has a hint of heavy metal. (no, not a music one)

  4. You and Campbell(F)-san tasted the noodles and found it difficult to evaluate due to its highly artificial flavor. Looking back, I remember having the same impression when I first tried Cup Noodles in sixth grade elementary school. It had a strange taste that I had never experienced before, almost like eating food from the future. Perhaps even this "artificial flavor" has become a current soul food for the Japanese people?

    Hahaha, are you planning to bring the remaining five cups back to Japan as souvenirs on your next visit home? What? Maybe it's better to let the gastroenterologists enjoy them? Oh, you meant to say "gastroenterologists," not "gastroenterologist," so let's have Dr. Doi taste them as a representative instead of me (lol).

    By the way, if we had received the noodles, you would love to hear our thoughts on them, senpai. Oh, the junior's visit to Okayama is at the end of next month... What? Did you make a mistake when filling out the notepad? If it's just a sign of aging, that's fine... (lots of sweating)

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Anyhow, if I don’t forget thse in my home or Narashio, I will definitely bring two cups to Okayama with me so you can ENJOY the real. Can’t you bear until then? (lol)

      The flavor of the sauce on this cup noodles is… indescribable. We never had this kind of products as a edible ones, and we still survived after ate some. So, it’s not poisonous! (lol)
      Americans are taste blind. However, even for the people of taste blind, I don’t think this is edible, acceptable or… anyway, you will have an opportunity to experience how Nisshin USA is significantly different from Western Japanese headquarter. (Sega of America was very different from Haneda headquarter as well, when I was there)

      I am so sorry, doctor. There is no difference between "gastroenterologists," not "gastroenterologist" for me… So, The Gastroenterologists will have a chance of gastronomy!! (lol) Curious? But don’t kill cats, please.

      Shonan Senior-san will receive the same biochemical weapon from me, so you can share the experiences together!

      Please Stay Tuned… wwwwwwwwwwwww

  5. こんにちは

    「日清焼そばU.F.O. ポックンミョン 濃い濃い韓国風甘辛カルボ」


    1. オーマイさん、おひさです♪

      これ、凄すぎて iSO さんにお渡しして御家族が御浄土送りになるとやばいので、代わりにオーマイさんに預けましょうか?(笑)

      > 日清焼そばU.F.O. ポックンミョン


      > スーパーでのごり押しが気持ち悪い。


      > メープル風味のパンケーキ味、同居人さんは大丈夫なのでしょうか。


      > アメリカ行った時に手に入れたバター夫人


  6. What? Are you really bringing these mysterious cup noodles to Okayama? You've always been so conscientious and sent two bottles of the finest sweet potato shochu of the same brand, but this time it's okay if you're not as strict, just one cup is fine. I'll never hog it all to myself, I'll give it to Dr. Doi with a heavy heart (lol).

    The fact that even a gourmet like you can't describe the flavor of the sauce on this cup noodle means it's truly indescribable. But at least we know there are no toxic ingredients, since you and Campbell-san (F) survived even after eating it (lol).

    By the way, I heard that even with cup noodles made in Japan, the taste is different between the eastern and western regions. Ohmyua-san would know more about this, but if you could limit your USA-made cup noodle to just one for Okayama, I'd like to try a regular cup noodle that's sold in Tokyo if possible. Of course, I wouldn't mind if it's sold in Chiba either (lol).

    I see, for you there's not much of a difference between gastroenterologist and gastronomy. In that case, we gastroenterologists should be more interested in food. Your blog posts are very informative in that regard, and it seems we'll need to keep a close eye on patients so they don't become too curious about these unusual foods (lol).

    If Shonan Senior-san also receives this USA-made cup noodle from you... I hope that the biochemical substance in it stimulates his hippocampus (if that's even possible), and improves his schedule management skills!

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      It might be more fun for this limited edition of Cup Noodles rather than two bottles of shochu because this American Breakfast flavor will be giving you nightmares for a while, generating stronger memory whichever good or bad. (lol)

      So, again, please rest assured this is edible. So far, both of us – Campbell(F)-san and me don’t have any obvious symptoms from this noodles either. It tastes very artificial but still non-toxic… what a food Nisshin sold!

      We have finally have Cup Noodles Original flavor from Nisshin USA. Until then, we had beef, chicken or shrimp flavors, neither of these are edible for Japanese. I brought shrimp version of American Cup Noodles to Shonan-Senior-san because he was so curious about it. I handed it over when we gathered at Tsukiji and having one of the best foods in Japan. Now, The History Repeats Itself. (lol)

      And if you wish to have original flavor of US and Eastern Japan, let me purchase some but since those cups are bulky and awkward, please don’t expect I seriously bring those besides the fun Breakfast limited edition. So you will be sharing the nightmare or bioterrorist experiences with Shonan-Senior-san, Campbell(F)-san and me.

  7. Based on ohmyua-san's information, I also took a look at the "Nissin Yakisoba U.F.O. Pocky & Myon Korean-style Sweet and Spicy Carbos" out of curiosity. As a fan of the original U.F.O., I find it a bit awkward that they've forcibly added the U.F.O. branding. As someone who is not a fan of Korean cuisine, I find it a bit difficult to try this dish. If I were forced to choose between this and the USA-made cup noodles suggested by you, it would be a very difficult decision, but I would choose the sweet and spicy Korean flavor (even though I don't really want to try it).

    Of course, I have never tried this limited edition USA-made cup noodle, and although I might think that it's surprisingly good if I actually try it (my taste buds are terrible), However, I'm still confident that it's not more enjoyable than shochu (lol).
    While the cup noodle is labeled as "American Breakfast," I definitely don't have the courage to eat it for breakfast, as it would likely disrupt my work day of seeing patients and performing endoscopic exams. If I were to eat it, it would have to be for dinner. Perhaps I could manage to eat it with one of the premium shochus you gave me?

    The American Cup Noodles in shrimp flavor that you gave to Shonan Senior-san might be a bit more palatable. But still, it's funny that you handed him the suspicious food at one of the best traditional Japanese restaurants in Tsukiji. Did Senior-san get fooled by the high-end atmosphere and accept it? (lol)

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      I went to Japanese supermarket now and bought two of Cup Noodles Original. I will try bringing these to Okayama but please forgive me if I forgot or not enough room in my bag.

      For Nisshin, cup noodles without soup are all UFO, I think. But US versions, Chow Miens are not UFO branded.
      This is horrific. They have flavors of Chicken, Teriyaki Chicken, Spicy Teriyaki Beef and Shrimp! Adding the varieties of flavors suggests people like it and requesting somewhat different. Americans are definitely the taste blinds.
      I also double checked the cooking instructions – it reads: Microwave for 5 minutes on high (1000W). so the microwaving is a minute longer than Breakfast Cup Noodles.
      And no worries, I guarantee you will be disgusted by Nissin USA products.

      In regards to Shochu, I apologize I can’t buy Morizo on board. It’s only available on the first class of JAL which I will never try in my life. Instead, in two weeks, Kyoya distiller will ship two jars to Okayama again. And also no worries, I will stop sending shochu all the sudden after I received endoscopies. (lol)

      Please try the Cup Noodle Breakfast for dinner time. It will give you severe nightmare if you taste it with shochu, or your wife-san will be disgusted too. I suggest just try one much then the cup goes into compost (you guys don’t have disposer, right?).

      I can’t compare US Cup Noodle Shrimp flavor to Breakfast… both are something. It’s comparing like bugger to earwax, not orange to apple… and when I handed over the noodles to Senior-san at Tsukiji, I rather behaved sneaky. Some of the colleague gave some attentions but nothing happened. We were big boys already.

  8. After you arrived in Japan, you went out to a supermarket from your family home and bought two of the Eastern Japan version of Cup Noodles (the cups have "Made in East Japan Factory" printed on the back. When I hurriedly turned over the Cup Noodles I had stored at home, it was correctly printed as "Made in West Japan Factory"). You brought not just these two, but an incredibly large amount of souvenirs to Okayama. I was genuinely amazed, thinking, "How did you manage to carry so much all by yourself!? You were supposed to have taken a bus from your family home, how did you manage to bring everything into the bus??" Even more than that, I was impressed by your thoughtfulness.

    I checked the URL you shared with trepidation:
    From the get-go, there are terrifying words like "SPICIEST” “FIRE” “VOLCANIC” “MONGOLIAN". While there's a part of me that's somewhat intrigued, I suspect I wouldn't be terribly unfortunate if I never get to taste this in my lifetime?

    As I've already told you, our brave challenger, Midori-san, managed to eat the entire Cup Noodles Breakfast - Maple Syrup Pancakes, Sausage and Egg. Moreover, she commented positively, saying, "The aftertaste of the unique sweetness, which we don't have in Japan, broadens the range of taste. Thank you for the meal." While her comment might have included a bit of social politeness, it seems that she didn't experience the "disgust" you were concerned about. I wonder if both of us are just outliers?
