前記事が アテネ → ミュンヘン → サンフランシスコ という経路だったので、エアフラとの比較記事にしてみました。エールフランス航空でパリ乗り継ぎだと、こうなります。
あと… iPhone 14 Pro をアテネ滞在中になくしたので、バックアップの iPhone SE2 (2020) で撮影していますから、単レンズでがんばりました。画質は相当に悪くなっていますから、どうかご了承ください。
もらったのは 2C ですが、エコノミーもビジネスも同じようなペラペラの座席。
3-3 アブレストのセンターシートを殺してビジネスクラスにしています。
ちなみに、トルコちゃんの一部は 2-2 アブレストの立派な座席♪
肘掛けに USB-A のポートがありました。センター席が空いているので肘掛けを跳ね上げていて気づかなかった。
コーヒーもオレンジジュースも「おかわり欲しい?」って、Non. って答えるまで何度でもくれます。
Mont Blanc = 白い山、ですから、このうちのどれかだということで。ぉぃぉぃ…
ゲートを出ると… こんな景色を歩いて、ターミナル2Eへ移動します。
ターミナル2Eには、ゲート K、L、M とみっつあって、それぞれがデカい。
I'm a US citizen. って、アメリカのパスポートを見せたら、顔認識の自動ゲートへ振り返られました。
Lゲートは動く歩道がいっぱいあって楽できましたが… 搭乗は一番遠い L53 ゲート。
機材はボーイング 777-300ER、スカイチーム塗装された機体でした。
儂の席はその直後の、3A です。2列は欠番になっていました。
で、ドア2から乗り込んで前方を見たの図が、上写真です。ビジネスクラスは 1-2-1 のアブレスト。
1列4席しかないファーストクラスは La Premiere ラ・プレミエールという、世田谷の百姓長屋みたいな名前です。
最前列は撮影し難かったので、上写真は 3A です。でも形状はまるっきり一緒。
窓側にあるサイドテーブル上の小物入れを開くと… 真っ赤っか。これがフランスのセンス?
Sachet Confort = 楽になる袋。さっさとやっちまってスッキリして気持ちよくなりなさい。
iPad を置いた状態で、ウェルカムドリンクを受領するとこうなります。
配られたミネラルウォーターは、350ml のエビアンでした。
右の Thonon というブランドの小さい方 250ml は、最初の欧州内線で配られたボトルです。
あんまり広くないけど、お食事のトレーを置くには充分な広さ。でも iPad を置く場所が無くて、サイドテーブルの窓際に置いて、首を捻って観ていました。
iPhone SE2 のカメラじゃ狭いトイレを写しきれませんが、ここが特徴的でした。
で… 右上の、巨大タンポンみたいなものが最初不明でしたが、コットンパフが重なって入ってる。
例えば… 酸素マスクがエッフェル塔の上から降ってきます。
ついでですが、KLM の安全ビデオも充分に変です。デルフト焼のアニメで進行しますが…
さぁメシやメシや~! メシは飛行機乗りの最大の楽しみやからなぁ!←トウジ風味
「?? ご予約は承っておりませんが…」
「申し訳ございませんが、システムに反映されておりません。でも貴方が最初だから、OK よ♪」
Appetizer: Cashew nut and garlic cream, yellow beet and sesame
英訳はアペタイザですが、仏語は Mise en Bouche ですから、アミューズです。
で… 風味はともあれ、この食感の対比は… うちのネコ達が食べているおやつに似ている。食べた事無いけど。
Starter: Smoked salmon fillet, horseradish and chive cream, sweet potato and butternut squash mousseline with pumpkin seeds スターター: スモークサーモン、ホースラディッシュとチャイブのクリーム、甘藷とバターナットスコッシュに南瓜の種
Dish: Duck lasagna, blackcurrant sauce 主菜:鴨のラザニア、黒スグリのソース
「このスイーツなら… 紅茶をいただけますか?」
Dessert: Lemon nonnetta, Opera cake, mango and passionfruit macaron
Hint of Freshness: Ice cream and sorbets
中味はサブレで「トマトとバジル風味」って書いてあるけど... 単なるチーズスティックみたいな味。
到着の 100 分前に機内が明るくなりました…。寝てる人も気にせず、容赦なく明るくなりました。
で… 2回目の機内食、内容はこんなでした。
2回目のお食事でもデセールや口直しが用意されている… さすがフレンチ。(笑)コンテチーズのラビオリもいいけど…チキンがどのくらいまともか気になって、いってみました。
Dish: Chicken fillet, tomato sauce, risotto-style bulgur wheat and buckwheat
サッパリしますが… この機材ってエアフローが調整できないのが非常にざんねん。
サンマテオのダウンタウンが見えて… 公営ゴルフ場とヨットハーバーが見えました。
この 50 秒後くらいにタッチダウン。あとはいつもと同じですが、国際線Aゲートは普段スタアラで利用しているGゲートとは左右対称になっているので少し混乱しました。
あと、Aゲート側には Global Entry のキヨスクが5台しか設置されていません。
以前にアシアナで帰ってきた時、やっぱりAゲートでしたが、Global Entryを使用する人はほとんどいなかったので、とても驚きましたが、今はもうめちゃくちゃ増えているのでしょうね。
Campbell (f)さん、
Delete昨日のGゲート側 Global Entry は完全に壊れていて、See GE Agent. とかいう表示が出ていました。
Oh, so you're still staying in Narashino. Is your mother still doing well? Please make sure to take good care of her. My mother has been struggling with nighttime insomnia and daytime fatigue recently, and as both her son and her doctor, I've been finding it difficult to manage.
ReplyDeleteYou're leaving tomorrow afternoon for the US, so I'll pray for your safe travels. Indeed, the iPhone screen is too small to bother replying. Please feel free to contact me once you've returned home and recovered from jet lag.
By the way, regarding your homework, I went to Azabu with three other people the day before yesterday. There's apparently a meat supplier that the steakhouse has a contract with, who brings in several types of lean meat every day before opening, which the chef inspects. The place of origin, such as "produced in [a certain prefecture]," is hidden at that point, but each beef has a QR code attached to it so that he can read where it's produced after purchasing it. As a result, most of the beef is produced in Kagoshima, followed by Miyazaki, Kumamoto, and occasionally Shimane prefecture. Kobe beef and Matsusaka beef, which are mainly marbled meat and not really what Azabu is looking for, are apparently not on the menu at all, and it seems to be heavily biased towards southern Kyushu beef. I'm afraid this might not be the answer you were looking for, so please feel free to ask a seasoned sommelier directly in May if you have any questions. That is, if we happen to have him there with us on the day we visit the restaurant.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteNow I’m back home but leaving next week to Istanbul. Simultaneously my better-half-san will be visiting China from next week so I have so many issues fixed or settled… sorry in advance if my reply delays again, and I’m sure it’ll be late anyway.
Thank you for your research of the origin of beef. I am delighted vast majority of meats are from Kyushu island because those are the origin of Kuroge Wagyu too. I’m looking forward to have a wonderful dinner experience at Azabu. ;)
As the previous article covered the Athens-Munich-San Francisco route, comparing it with Air France is a great idea that readers will appreciate. It's easy to understand how much the atmosphere changes when the airline or connecting airport is different.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the image quality of the iPhone 14 Pro and the backup iPhone SE2 (2020), as a former pro, you mentioned that "the image quality is considerably worse with a single lens." However, for amateurs like me, the difference is only "noticeable if pointed out." I'd like to hear the opinion of your senior in Shonan as well.
It's good to know that the limousine from the hotel where you stayed picked you up on time at 3:45. As a Japanese who believes that "if I make a reservation, it will be fulfilled as long as I keep it properly," Greece is still an uneasy country.
I've only flown business class on intra-European routes about 10 times, and like this article, the planes had economy seats with a setup to block off the center seat to make it a business class. On the other hand, on domestic routes in the United States, there were only two classes: first class and economy class. As expected, the seats in first class, even in a narrow-body aircraft, were arranged in a 2-2 abreast configuration, befitting of the name "first class." I initially wondered, "Why don't the airlines in the United States have a business class and an economy class?" but I guess it's because it's different from intra-European routes. When I flew in United Airlines' first class from LAX to ORD once, I was on a B767, which is typically used for international flights, and the first class was almost fully flat, so it was comfortable. I'm sure experienced travelers like you can find international aircraft even when traveling domestically in the United States.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteComparing the Star Alliance to Air France, the biggest difference is Qualities of Meals.
On Aegean Airlines, I experienced their business class but economy was the first time, and I was so unimpressed, or disappointed by their meals… the taste is okay but serving situation may be similar to LCC which I never tried and can’t compare anything though. United is friendly as usual but the onboard meals are considerable as usual. The meals on Air France were good, but the service was somewhat similar to Lufthansa which is cooler side… it’s because I am in light complexion. If I were white, their behavior might be a bit better. This is the view from the racist.
Thank you for the kind words in terms of the qualities of the iPhone cameras. For me, just a single lens with lower quality of camera of least control was totally frustrating. Even the cameras on iPhone 14 Pro is sometimes very frustrating and that’s why I purchased “ProCamera” app for simulating professional controls such as shutter speeds, ISO sensitivities, manual focus, exposure control, etc. those info are quite sufficient for me as an ex-pro.
The company I found “Athens Airport Taxi” on TripAdvisor is very trustworthy which is quite unusual in Greece. (lol)
I am very happy to be served by their limo service – for example, because I requested frequently since year 2021, Emma the dispatcher always assignees me a large black minivan Mercedes instead of yellow taxi-cab Mercedes – at least it’s always Mercedes whatever the size is, which is good.
Vast majority of pan-European flights are middle seat vacated 2-2 abreast except Turkish Airlines which has US-like luxurious leather seats.
I don’t know Delta and American but United has “United Business” and “United Economy” when they assign international equipments like 77X or 78X for domestic destinations. But eventually, premium economy seats will be sold as United Premium Plus even on the coast-to-coast flights… that’s totally pity.
btw. United’s 767-400ER’s are now being retrofitted to new Polaris Business seats with 1-1-1 abreast. I was about to take that equipment in May but unfortunately or fortunately, United reassigned B777-200 for theta segment so I won’t be able to experience that one.
Having USB ports in the armrests is the same as in Japan's Shinkansen green cars. In the green cars, the armrests cannot be lifted, so it might be easier to notice.
ReplyDeleteHahaha, indeed, with that pancake sandwich, you might mistake it for a "dorayaki." For Europeans, it might look like a pancake, so it's okay. But cold dorayaki might be a bit disappointing. Your impression, "It tastes disappointing when I eat it thinking it's a pancake, but it's not bad if I think of it as a type of sandwich," might be unique to Japanese people. Furthermore, "It's more like pickled pineapple than ripe pineapple," is also from a Japanese perspective (lol).
They keep giving you coffee and orange juice until you answer "Non." It's like a drink bar at a family restaurant (this is also from a Japanese perspective). Personally, I didn't think it was like "Wanko Soba." Though, it's like Wanko Soba if you were able to take as many cookies and chocolates as you like♪
Hahaha, is Air France trying to fatten you up? Maybe they'll take out your liver and make a delicacy called "Foie Koba" (instead of foie gras)...lol
On domestic flights in Japan, they announce, "We currently have a view of Mt. Fuji on the left side," but in Europe, it's Mont Blanc. Is Mont Blanc such a significant presence for the French? I see, Mont Blanc means "white mountain," so the white mark on the cap of that fountain pen is written as such. I learned something new.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteThese days, we need USB-C power ports instead of USB-A… I don’t have ASB-A equipped electronic gadgets anymore, so I keep C to A adaptor with my USB-C cable. Airlines and trains must pursuer those demands properly, I hope.
The cold cheese Dora-Yaki by Air France was edible, taste okay-ish but lots of unpleasant feelings unfortunately… if they serve it with red bean paste (Anko) instead of strawberry jam, I would replace the cheese with Anko for sure to make a real Dorayaki. Butter is also helpful for Dorayaki because I always put some butter or whip cream on my Dorayaki or Anpan. Japanese sweets don’t have enough fats for American palates. (lol)
Actually, on the flight from ATH to CdG, the attendants offered me coffee or orange juice with cookies and chocolates, those were the Wanko-soba services for me, they feed me whatever they still have in the galley… I am quite certain they were wishing me to take them all then they will enjoy my fatty liver for their favorite cuisine. IN May, please check-up whether my liver is nicely edible or not.
The captain’s announcements are really depends on his/her characteristics, I think. United, Air France, Turkish or even on Lufthansa (lol), captains are giving passengers some outside view information, when it’s available, appropriate and the captain is in a good mood.
The ‘white mountain’ is a renowned landmark for French people, I guess. When I was in Bourgogne, Stefan the Doctor of Swiss always mentioned me when he could see Mont Blanc from his car.
When I started learning some European languages, it helps me to understand some definitions by local words. Mont Blanc is one of them, and comparisons of a certain word, for example, Cat = Chat = Gato = Katze = Gatto = Kedi… it’s fun to remember and sometimes useful because I always explain “I have five cats.” In English, Français, Español, Deutsch, Italiano or Türkçe.
By the way, I don't know if it's because of the WBC championship game broadcast time, but actually our clinic is in a state of complete silence. Just a moment ago, a patient scheduled for an endoscopy at 10:30 canceled her appointment over the phone. Maybe she’s glued to the TV?
ReplyDeleteI remember the curved shape of the terminal building at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. Well, if they hadn't looked closely at your passport, they might have directed you towards the long line of Asian people... It might have been unlucky that you declared "I'm a US citizen." and your declaration led you to be directed to the correct line, unfortunately you fell over and twisted your right foot due to a collision with a passenger who came up from behind. The official and the passengers coming from behind ignored you as they passed by... It's a sad sight that is probably common all over the world, but it was a disaster for you. But this is how both you and I are gradually becoming seniors...
However, it seems that the official who was conducting the security check verbally in front of the boarding gate saw your condition and recognized you as a person with disabilities, so it must have been a severe sprain just from your appearance. It must have been painful. If it were me, I think I would have asked for a wheelchair.
Actually, on a certain Sunday in November two years ago, while having dinner with my wife at a certain izakaya, I suddenly went into cardiac arrest. I remember sitting at the counter, but I completely lost consciousness and when I came to, I was receiving chest compressions from the customer next to me. Feeling pain in my chest, I regained consciousness and yelled, "Stop, stop, my sternum is going to break!" After that, I was transported by ambulance to Okayama Saiseikai Hospital, where I underwent various tests such as head and chest CT scans. My vital signs returned and I was able to return home. I have many impressions of that time, but the most memorable one was "ambulances are comfortable." I was placed on a stretcher without doing anything, taken to a decent medical facility, received treatment right away without waiting, and emergency transportation fees are free. When I was a working doctor, I used to get angry at the frequent offenders who called an ambulance recklessly, but now I understand that feeling well. Japan is too fortunate in terms of medical care.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteThe next article is re-introducing The New Sanno Hotel where is operated by US Navy, Atsu-san, his Wife-san and I had lunch just on the WBC final game… and we heard someone screamed “Japan wins!” when we just got seated on our table… before entering this facility, Atu-san was seriously concerned to enter the property of United States before WBC ends, he even told me what if wait until the game goes over. (lol)
Canceling the endoscopy because of the WBC games?? That is ‘beyond’ the common sense even for US citizens… you may intercourse baseball bat instead of the scope!
As I mentioned again and again, Charles de Gaulle Airport is my least favorite or most hated airport in the world. Previously, the security gatekeeper gestured Karate fighting stupidly, then I called his supervisor and told it was a discriminative behavior. Basically I don’t like Parisian because of their segregate behaviors.
Then why I fly by Air France? Because I had miles on Delta SkyPesos and I wished use it on better SkyTeam member rather than Delta. Next time I will spend it on Korean or someone else if available… oh, no Aeroflot please.
The good part was the guys in front of podium who were asking security questions found me gimping and gave me preboarding priority. Then I could ‘trespass’ed Into La Première class and took some pictures
Sensei… DID you get a heart attack? (this is the common phrase for average people in US)
That gives me serious worries… but your saying “my sternum is going to break!" might be too specific and people can’t understand what’s on here… that sounds like someone who is learning zoology is asking butcher “I need 500 grams of gluteus maximus from swine, please” for pork cutlet.
About several years ago, I also carried into Saiseikai Narashino hospital for my unexpected fever and instable consciousness. I wasn’t so much impressed by Japanese ambulance service but I was immediately scared the ER doctor tried installing me the catheter in my arm vein. If I received similar service in California, the ambulance would cost over $2,000 and it might not covered by my health insurance… US has most advanced healthcare but it costs fatally.
Anyway, please don’t scare me too much and please be well and healthy for your family and friends, including me.
Oh, so you didn't fly first class this time. Perhaps Air France is strict when it comes to award tickets for first class? If they also didn't let you board through Door 1 even though you had a bad ankle injury, it would seem that the airline is indeed prioritizing its first-class passengers. It reminds me of the announcement often heard on Japanese bullet trains: "Cars 8, 9, and 10, including the deck, are reserved for Green Car passengers only. Those without a Green Car ticket cannot even stand on the deck." However, judging from the pictures, the business-class seats with a 1-2-1 configuration look quite comfortable.
ReplyDeleteIt appears that there are only four seats in No.1 raw in first class, with No.2 row missing. I wonder if No.2 raw is kept as a reserve for potential future increase in demand for first class? By the way, is "La Premiere" supposed to be a name like that of an old farm house in Setagaya? It doesn't ring a bell for me.
As far as I can remember, safety videos before takeoff used to be quite dull, but lately, they seem to have become more entertaining, perhaps to capture passengers' attention. Although as a loyal United customer like you, it might be tiresome for you. But having oxygen masks dropping from the Eiffel Tower... that's a bit surreal and fun, isn't it? KLM's safety video is also quite unique and enjoyable. With Delft pottery animations, it creates a Dutch atmosphere while also depicting a large amount of smoke from a passenger's cell phone lithium battery, and the passengers calmly raising their hands to report the problem while the flight attendants ignore them. It's also surreal and fun.
So Japan won the WBC, and it's not an exaggeration to say that it was for Shohei Ohtani. How was the reaction in the US? Anyway, thanks to the game, it seems like I was able to take it easy today.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteAir France only accepts award trip to whom have the high elite status of their FFP, Flying Blue. Since I used Delta SkyPesos, I have no chance to sit in La Première, and perhaps I can’t earn Korean’s first class either.
The business class by Air France is decent. I think the word ‘decent’ is the correct expression because United is better for the hardware itself. I don’t try Delta ONE yet, but I persona;;y don’t like their stitched finish seats. Turkish Airlines’ new business class seats on B787 are too much encapsulated hence it feels narrow, less space. I prefer Turkish’s 77W business class which gives open and special feelings.
The name “Première” has been taken by a farmer’s den in Setagaya for rent. Such a pity and ugly sense of naming their property… no wonder they are the real farmers.
Safety videos are always boring. Therefore the air carriers are trying to make it better attention from their passengers. United and Air France went a similar approach, make the safety video fun and funny. KLM actually asked Potter to bake hundreds of Delft tiles for their video. Even ANA used to introduce thri safety video with Kabuki actors as you may remember…
When I returned my studio, nobody told me congrats to Japan. It’s because I am US citizen or basically the baseball fans are not so interested WBC but seasonal championships. At least, people at The New Sanno were amazed by the final game.
After takeoff, the attendants immediately started moving and began preparing for meal distribution, closing the curtain that separated La Première from the rest of the cabin... It seems like a way of saying to business class passengers that they cannot enter the first class cabin, and that this is not a place for them. For first class passengers, is this a moment where they feel a sense of superiority?
ReplyDeleteYou polished your head with an oshibori, which I read about in an article before as a behavior that is reminiscent of an old man. The following were listed:
1. Wiping his neck with an oshibori
2. The belt being unnecessarily long and wrapping around his waist about 1.5 times so that the tip reaches his hip bone
3. Apologizing to someone while holding the phone receiver with lowering his head
4. Crossing in front of others and saying "Oops, excuse me" while cutting through with his hand
When the attendant came to take your meal order and you responded with, "I have a reservation for the duck lasagna," she replied, "?? We don't have a reservation for that..." Is it not just Greece where things don't always go according to plan? (lol) The attendants of Air France were a bit rough around the edges, but would it have been different if it were first class? Or perhaps, as a French person, they wouldn't want to hear complaints from someone like an Asian? Well, you weren't forced to have a vegetarian meal, and all the other options looked delicious, so let's just leave it at that.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteWhatever the air carrier is, we cannot trespass to the front cabin. This is a common sense.
These days, I believe it’s inspired by Japanese airlines, providing hot towels before the meal service is quite impressive and it’s coming back to most of airlines after the serge of pandemic. But ANA is still giving away the paper oshibori… hope the aroma infused hot towel will be come back in May, after Covid re-classified to class-5 in Japan. …and I am not just an old man but an old fart. ;)
Low quality, deficient computer service is typical French. Can you believe Paris Orly airport was using Windows 95 just a several years ago? Some European countries are not so in advance for information technologies.
However the taste and quality of the meal is quite sufficient, so they are the winner. (lol)‘
Your ultimate comparison regarding in-flight meals is quite interesting. "With United, I choose by process of elimination. With Air France, I have the fun of deciding which one to choose." "When it comes to in-flight meals, United Airlines is way behind." Hmm, quite profound (lol). Your commentary, having known United so well, is very convincing.
ReplyDeleteIt seems the main dish arrived properly this time with the duck (lol). Unlike beef, it's surely properly cooked, so it should be a safe and hygienic dish. And the dessert was generously offered with "Take as much as you like♪", followed by "There are so many types of tea. Take a photo and put it on Instagram♪", and finally "Don't you want other ice cream flavors? The chocolate flavor is delicious too, you know??" It was quite enjoyable and felt like it was United Airlines (LOL).
During your in-flight observation after your meal, you noticed that there was only one sandwich left in the free-choice area. "After being forced to eat so much, they still want more!? How much can Air France passengers eat??" It's quite something, coming from an American like yourself.
Certainly, it's impressive that desserts and palate cleansers were still offered during the second meal, as expected of French cuisine. However, the portion size was smaller this time, maybe. But since it tasted good, it's forgivable.
As the plane prepares for landing, we can see the Golden Gate Bridge, Foster City, Stanford, and downtown San Mateo...These might be familiar sights for you, but they all have a colorful and exotic feel that's unique to California. Congratulations on completing a long journey.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteThe meal choice of United can be described as one word “compromise.” But at Air France, it is fun to consider which meal I should try. It maybe because their wordings and food pictures are better than United and I already learn and being well disappointed what will be coming out from the galley in United.
I think this is because of the level of their clients’ palates. For the food qualities and the tastes, French people are much stricter than US citizens whom have taste blind.
As you may know, poultry must be cooked over 160F degrees for 15 seconds or similar for the food protection management. This gives much tougher and chewier texture for the meats, but if it’s processed right, like stew-style cooking for example, having duck can be fun even in the airborne.
I was amazed and disgusted simultaneously when I asked the flight attendant if I can take pictures, and she showed the teabags and desserts in a right angle for the photo… I don’t appreciate these SNS driven days. Several years ago, on the domestic flight of United, when I asked parser to take a basket of snacks, she got upset and told me to check page 143 of Hemisphere Magazine, where is explaining the prohibition of photography of United properties… hope she finally learned the words “blog” or “Instagram.”
In terms of the desserts, the customizable Ice cream sundae by United is back!! I enjoyed the ice cream sundae on UA838 last week, except the missing of cherries – NRT didn’t have cherries even it was a cherry blossom season, the chief parser joked to me. Anyway, United’s signature dessert is coming back and I love it.
My next trip will be by Turlish Airlines again so it will be boring for the readers of this blog… sorry.
You are planning to go to Istanbul while your better half will be visiting China at almost the same time, and you need to fix many issues for that... Please don't worry about delayed replies to me. Your and your spouse's safe travel along with recovery of injured ankle is the top priority, rather than worrying about such delayed replies.
ReplyDeleteI have also been going to Azabu for over ten years, but your question allowed me to learn about the process of choosing red meat at that steakhouse, and it could be a good reference for exploring new steakhouses. However, it seems that there are no restaurants around Okayama that can surpass Azabu. It was a bit surprising for me to know that the majority of the meat is from southern Kyushu, but it was a reasonable result for you since you knew that the origin of Kuroge-Wagyu is also from Kyushu. Anyway, I am convinced that we will have a delicious and enjoyable dinner experience (including a premium wine experience, of course) at Azabu together.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteThank you for the words. Now the issue is on the left side foot, as plantar fasciitis and it’s probably I applied too much loads on the left side during the healing periods of right side ankle, and the right side is still under healing. I am applying loxinin patch for both feet but it’s quite slippery when I walk. But I am going to visit Istanbul for – relaxing and fun with mustached old guys in hamamı.
Southern most Japan is the origin and the good place of Kuroge Wagyu like me. (Did I ever tell you obaKoba family is from Kumamoto and Miyazaki where the same surname is very common?) But grass-fed beef has its distinguish flavor like Australian ones. If they treat the livestock with good quality of corns or some sort, without overfed of course, then the lean beef can be produced properly.
Honestly, I am anticipating to have a good quality of beef at Azabu, then sensei must be come to Tokyo sometime when I’m around, so that I can take you to The New Sanno again for the real American beef.
Turkish Airlines' business class has luxurious leather seats with a 2-2 abreast configuration like airlines in the US, which is different from other European airlines. In that sense, Turkey is not a purely European country, but rather a hybrid nation with other cultures.
ReplyDeleteI am not familiar with Delta Airlines, but on the following day after I met you at The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites in Los Angeles, I flew in United Airlines' first class on a B767 to Orlando. Unfortunately, it was not an international aircraft. On the return trip, I flew in American Airlines' first class on a B757 from Orlando to Los Angeles, but it was also a domestic aircraft with limited legroom. My impression at the time was that United was slightly more comfortable. However, the connecting flight from Los Angeles to Kansai International Airport on JAL's first class was a fully flat seat, so I felt much more comfortable. However, for the round trip between Los Angeles and Orlando on different airlines, I paid over 400,000 yen. If it were now, I wouldn't make such a crazy itinerary and would choose to fly with the same airline for the round trip. Or maybe, I don't know if such a handy thing exists, but if it does, I would definitely try to squeeze some free upgrade certificates for United's domestic flights from you and get upgraded from economy to first class... just kidding.
Also, I had the opportunity to experience JAL's first class cabin on the Narita to Itami route as a connecting flight when I arrived in Narita. This route often uses international aircraft, so if the international leg is first class, they automatically seat me in first class cabin on the Narita to Itami leg, even though it is a short distance (of course, with economy class service). However, this was a long time ago.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteTürkiye itself is an Asian country but Turkish Airlines is recognized as European air carriers, and they keep being awarded “Best meal service in Europe” or some sort.
I still can’t imagine Amex prepared such insane itinerary – United for outbound and American for return, charges over 3,000 dollars… you didn’t get a right representative at all.
I am more than happy to assign my PlusPoints, the upgrade for your United itinerary. However the chance of upgrade remains the low because the waitlists are based on the actual passenger, not the person who used the PlusPoints. This means, My 1K® status doesn’t affect to your chance of upgrades unless otherwise there is a opening window of booking class PZ.
In terms of the premium cabins by JAL, I heard from Ohmy-san last October that he wasn’t so impressed their business class between HND and SIN. In any cases, I don’t respect Japan Airlines at all
Should I rename myself from "Yamada Denki" to "Mole Living inside your Blog" on this blog? (lol)
ReplyDeleteWhile Turkey itself is an Asian country, Turkish Airlines is recognized as a European airline, likely due to the country's geopolitical characteristics. Still, if they continue to win awards such as "Best in-flight meal service in Europe," it's great news for you, who loves Istanbul, and being a major member of Star Alliance is also fortunate for you.
I'm not trying to defend AmEx, but I think the Rep initially recommended a round-trip on the same airline between Los Angeles and Orlando, but as someone who rarely flies domestic airlines in the US, I wanted to experience various airlines, so I intentionally chose United for the outbound and American for the return. I wouldn't do that now. To be honest, I had flown with United before on Chicago to New Orleans and with American on New Orleans to Miami and Los Angeles to San Diego, so I wanted to choose Delta Air Lines, but I think they didn't operate on that route at the time, so I ended up choosing United and American. I still haven't flown with Delta and I probably never will.
Come to think of it, when I went to London and New York, I flew Dragonair's business class from Hiroshima to Hong Kong, Virgin Atlantic's Upper Class from Hong Kong to London, British Airways' First Class from London to New York, Concorde from New York to London, and Virgin Atlantic's Upper Class from London to Narita. Only the two Virgin Atlantic segments from Hong Kong to London and London to Narita were award flights; the rest were all paid. I wonder how much I paid at the time?
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteMole sensei… it’s more likely the metastasis, addressed one then other ones are under progress, unstoppable and incurable. (lol)
At least the people in Istanbul strongly think they are Europeans. For me, if they moved to California, we cannot differentiate between Turkish and Mexicans… both have thick black mustache and tanned skins, but if I could see around the crotch, I can tell which is which because Mexicans don’t receive circumcisions. (lol) or, old Turkish are shaving around the crotch due to the suggestions by Koran.
Within US air carriers, any experience would be a kind of disappointment for average Japanese, I believe. United vs American is comparing like ear wax vs bugger. Probably the exception would be Mint by JetBlue but I can’t tell because I didn’t take their flights yet.
Sensei… I am so sorry you wasted bunch of money by insufficient itineraries, but at that time, there are no Internet and not much updated information were given, it maybe somehow sufficient because all of routes you told are premium cabins. Next time, just pick NH, EK, EY, QR, SQ, TG, and TK then you won’t be wrong. ;)
Once United really purchased the supersonic aircraft Obachan from Boom, I will try the ride… but it’ll be award ticket for sure. The current concern is: which is earlier – United receive Obachan or I achieve 4MM to be Global Service member for life. (lol)
I'm sorry, even though I wrote "Let's try to avoid as much as possible random and unnecessary comments without relevance" in my previous comment, I will write something irrelevant to the article again.
DeleteCome to think of it, I remember the story behind the name "Yamada Denki" that I'm using now. As you know, I used to use the name "Best Denki" before. Best Denki was a household appliances retail store chain that had the industry's highest market share in Japan from fiscal year 1979 to 1996. They had branches in Okayama as well, and when I built a new house and completed an AV mini theater in the bedroom, I purchased everything from them and used their name. In 2012, Yamada Denki (now Yamada Holdings) became its parent company through third-party allotment of new shares, and you kindly advised me to change the name to "Best Denki" since it was already absorbed by Yamada Denki. So, I changed the name (lol).
And it's about the exchange on the blog of your senior in Shonan, where you were greeted wherever you went in that extraterritorial hotel and were a celebrity even in that hotel. When I went to that hotel with you before, I remember it was a buffet-style all-you-can-eat menu in the large hall, wasn't it? But when you went with your senior this time, it was a course menu at a normal (?) restaurant, right? While you were having your meal, a passing gentleman saw you guys as Japanese and said, "Japan won!" Senior was about to raise his fist in response, but managed to hold back and continued with the meal with a normal face. It must have been a somewhat awkward atmosphere. Furthermore, there was a retired sumo wrestler from Hawaii next to you... I think that person had acquired Japanese nationality, but even so, he was able to enter that hotel properly.
By the way, when I go to Tokyo, I have never been to the branch of Sushizanmai, and I always go to the main store in Tsukiji. Though, I've been more anxious about that longstanding Japanese restaurant T than the sushi restaurant. I dream of the day when I can enjoy cuisine by the fourth-generation Taisho with you as soon as possible.
Yes, at that time, we hadn't even become acquaintances yet. If you were my good advisor at that time, you would have planned a better itinerary for me, but all I had in mind at the time was "I want to use up my AmEx MR points transferred to Virgin Atlantic and also want to ride on the Concorde". As a result, I ended up walking around the cabin in British Airways B744 first class on the London-New York route with wearing the sweatshirts I received from Virgin Upper Class on the Hong Kong-London route, earning disapproving looks from other passengers and cabin attendants...
That airline was Richard Branson's hobby-filled airline, both in a good and bad way. However, personally, I highly appreciate that they were ahead of the industry in realizing unique services one after another, and have unforgettable memories such as their distinctive lounges and massage services onboard by dedicated estheticians. This is a very old memory from the time when Virgin Atlantic was still operating flights to Japan.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteJust FYI: Best Denki is still up and running in Singapore. One of the chain store is at Parkway Parade in Katong. Ohmy-san and I stopped by.
I double-checked the Google Maps and the website is still on. So… Sensei, if you moved to Singapore after your retirement, you can be revived as Best Denki as well. (lol)
The story at The New Sanno will be disclosed on Friday, 31st but I will be in Istanbul so please don’t expect my immediate reply. Shonan Senior-san and Oku-shama gave me a ride to New Sanno, Senior-san parked his car in the basement parking lot, the new entered family restaurant style “Emporium” because that is the only lunch restaurant… other place is more likely a sports bar, and it might be too much risk when Otani-san was pitching in the 9th inning. When we sat, the screams of “Japan Wins!!” were here and there… it might be scary in the facility of the US military, but Mr. Jessie Takamiyama was on our next table so I can be confident. I think Takamiyama-san was served when he was in Hawaii (at his generation, healthy men should be summond to be served) so that he is a US Veteran like me. ;)
Emporium doesn’t have course menu… some starters, soup of the day, sandwiches and hamburgers, and several dishes from the grill. Some Japanese items like Nabeyaki Udon are available upon request. So the establishment is pretty similar to Fami-Resu.
That buffet style brunch at the huge party hall was so called “Sunday Champagne Buffet” the name tells it’s only on Sunday, and reservation is basically required.
I also invited you with iSO-san at the main dining room Wellingtons for a bit more formal dinner. That restaurant has a dress attire, so I had to bring my blazer, but latre I found the dress code is much looser… juts smart casual is well accepted.
After The New Sanno, Senior-san drove to Tsukiji and check the progress of New Tamura building. Then we also visited Hongwanji quick, then we saw several Sushizammai around. Fortunately we confirmed which one is the headquarter restaurant… it’s on Harumi-dori and a block away from the corner of Shin-Ohashi-dori, right?
At Tamura, the 4th generation is Waka-Okami. Don’t forget about 3rd generation of Okami who is Oku-shama’s college colleague as well as me.
I once experienced Virgin Atlantic’s upper class about… over 30 years ago? VS was just started their service between NRT ⇄ LGW. At that time, for me, the service was good but the décor… all the walls were covered with red velvet or fluffy red carpet. I was wondering if I enter ‘ultimately degraded pink salon,’ the décor can be similar to this upper class deck. However, the headset was a giveaway item and the quality was so-so good.
Are you getting ready to leave for Istanbul? Have a nice trip!
ReplyDeleteOh, just to let you know, Best Denki is still operating in Okayama as well. However, it seems that Yamada Denki is the one in charge of its actual business operations, with only the name Best Denki remaining. As you said, it's like United Airlines, which only has the name left. Anyway, it seems that for the time being, it would be safer for me to stick with the name Yamada Denki.
The story about that extraterritorial hotel will be disclosed tomorrow, huh? You seem to have timed your trip to Istanbul just right to escape my comments (lol). Well, I don't expect an immediate reply, and in fact, you're not obligated to reply at all, so please rest assured.
It seems that Shonan Senior-san and his wife drove you to that hotel. So at least Senior-san didn't drink any alcohol, right? It's a feat that I can't do.
I see, Jesse Takamiyama was probably a proud US veteran as well, as he was too healthy to be exempt from military service when he was young and was likely serving at the time.
By the way, that restaurant Emporium, which also serves Japanese dishes like Nabeyaki Udon upon request, does indeed give off a vibe similar to Japanese family restaurants.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteMy better-half-san left SFO this morning, then our accountants contacted me immediately to sign some paperwork filing for IRS.
I checked-in my flight and printed boarding passes, then found TK reassigned me to seat 8K where is very end of business class cabin, but that is the closest to galley and bathroom so I won’t complain. I can steal midflight snacks as much as I can, and I do frequent bathroom access by Typ-2 DM, so it’s rather convenient.
Now out bookkeeper called me and asking my help. I am double-checking and preparing her remote PC, but… she replied she is out for dinner. Now I don’t care whatever happens for our tax return.
So… due to Sensei’s report regarding Best Denki, the name remains but the actual ownership and the operation is Yamada Denki, correct?
The name United remains, but everything else is being controlled from Houston. After the merger, my “one-stop shopping” representative has been assigned when I achieved 2 million mile flyer, and the phone number is Continental Airline’s office! Then I spoke with the rep and asked “Where is headquarter office of United now?” Her answer was “Houston, sir. Continental got everything without operating company name.” This is so similar to Best Denki and Yamada Denki!! (lol)
We didn’t drink any at The New Sanno. We only had glasses of Coke and cups of coffee. (note: usually, the word “drink” is usually narrowly corresponding to alcohol beverages.)
Bot Senior-san was okay about it, he was more concerned his overcooked fillet steak. His fault was; he asked ‘medium’ which is the most delicate sautéing control is required by chef. So, usually, if someone wants to have average done steaks, they typically ask ‘medium rare.’ I love rare so I asked rare and the result was perfect. I am regret I didn’t tell Senior-san he’d better request ‘medium rare’ instead… I mumbled “Medium rare?” at the order but I didn’t insist about it.
I briefly checked Wiki and found Mr. Takamiyama left US after his graduation of High school so he got exempt for the service because he joined Sumo wrestling tournaments and achieved honorable Sekitori level, I guess. Otherwise, there are several guests with him together and if one of them are the veteran, they can enter New Sanno.
After enjoying lunch at the hotel, you headed to Tsukiji to check the progress of the new Tamura building. Your strong feelings of remembering the late third generation and your anticipation for a bright future were not only about worrying about the fate of that long-established Japanese restaurant, but also about the memories of people associated with T Academy.
ReplyDeleteWhen I go to the main branch of Sushizanmai, I usually take the subway, and when I come up from the underground platform, I can't help but see that distinctive building of Hongwanji. Although I'm quite used to it now, I still remember feeling déjà vu the first time I saw it, even though I've never been to India.
Oh, the fourth generation of Tamura is a Waka-Okami, huh? And the third generation, who is also a proprietress and was a college classmate of Senior-san's wife, is also someone to remember. Hmm, I also need to study more seriously about people related to T Academy as I come and go on this blog.
So you experienced Virgin Atlantic's upper class over 30 years ago. I also know that at the time when Richard Branson had just established the airline, Virgin was unable to enter London Heathrow Airport due to blatant political pressure from British Airways, so they reluctantly used London Gatwick Airport as their hub. Of course, when I first flew with Virgin, they were already able to enter Heathrow. When I first flew in Upper Class as a paid customer, I also had the benefit of round-trip limousine (bike transfer also possible!) between Heathrow and the hotel, however when using a mileage redemption award ticket, I couldn’t use the benefit. By the way, I remember staying at a Hyde Park area hotel affiliated with the Westin that had a good taste and a Small Luxury Hotels of the feel.
Yamada Denki sensei,
Deleteprobably I will be quiet until next Thursday after posting this reply.
Mr. Tamura left too early, and not prepared well for the successors at all, I think. For me, we don’t have children but I am now revising our will for the least impact we leave to the people after us. Besides, I don’t have to worry anything after my better-half and mom left.
Therefore, I can enjoy my trip to Istanbul without any worries. ;)
Please stop by Hongwanji next time when you visit Sushi-zanmai, and please stop by Nishi-Hongwanji when you visit Kyoto. Both are the headquarters and sacred temples for Jodo-ShInshu. I am belonging to SMBT, San Mateo Buddhist Temple which is operated by Hongwanji, so even it feels like a cult from a perspective of ShIngonshu, It’s somewhat important for me. 南無阿弥陀仏 and 南無大師遍昭金剛 (Thanks for T, I can also sing some Christian hymns as well. (lol))
Thinking of T, please don’t forget the famous actress Ms. Yakushimaru, or Mr. Chin, the Iron Chef of Chinese Cuisine. We have some renowned people from T. (and so many renowned photographer from Tokyo Institute of Photography as well, but I refrain from it because it’s boring to you. (lol))
Yes, London Gatwick airport was my ‘primary’ airport until I could take BA flights… VA, NH or even CX used to use LGW. What I didn’t like about Gatwick was the connection to Victoria station… there was Gatwick Express, but the services were so unstable, especially in holidays… But I do hate Heathrow too. Five terminals (now six!?) and not connecting well each other?? Heathrow is even worse rather than CdG and that is one of the reason I stopped visiting England. Other reasons? The biggest one is… I can’t follow their English-like language.
Those upper class benefits by VS are similar to the first class by ANA. If the first class ticket is an award one, you don’t receive limousine or luggage transport services. ANA SFO office used to offer limousine services to corporate passengers. Sega of America had blanket contract which promises certain amount of passengers take NH flights to NRT, they offer limousine service for the passenger booked with booking class C or D. (for the return flight, booking class C was required for those extra service) I think those deals are yesterday…
It seems that your esteemed senior, T-san, left too early, without adequate preparation for a successor. In the case of a long-established traditional restaurant of that scale, one would expect succession planning to be in place. Therefore, T-san's passing must have been unexpectedly sudden.
ReplyDeleteWhile I hesitate to compare a small-scale clinic like ours to a traditional restaurant, I believe that hiring Dr. Doi as a full-time physician and eventually passing on the clinic to him is essentially the same. Personally, I still have the feeling that I can continue to work as a physician and an endoscopist for a while, but I cannot deny the possibility of unexpected circumstances, as happened to your senior, T-san. I felt that it was my duty to prepare the path for succession while I am still in good health. This sentiment arises from the awareness that "human life is fleeting," which has been ingrained in me through my professional experience.
However, I have not yet created a will like you have. The reason is that the inheritance my mother received from my late father cannot be fully determined until she passes away (although I can make a rough estimate, of course). In that sense, I don't seem to have the qualification to fully enjoy traveling without any concerns, like you do.
I will be visiting Tokyo again in mid-next month, and I plan to stay at The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo using the Free Stay Gift from AmEx. It will be just one night, so I plan to spend our time at the hotel's French restaurant and bar. Therefore, I won't be able to visit Sushi-zanmai, but if I have the opportunity next time, I will definitely make a stop at Tsukiji Honganji Temple.