Friday, February 17, 2023


予告通り、トルコ航空 TK79 便でイスタンブールからサンフランシスコへ戻った2回をご紹介します。


コロコロバッグを転がして歩くと、普通に歩いても 15 分はかかります。

おかげで乗り遅れ寸前の PAX が続出して、出発遅延します。


ボーイング 777-300ER です。IST⇄SFO 間は1日2便で、遅い方が大きい飛行機。

77W 機材は少し旧くなってきていて、例えば2回目はこんなでした。


この空港ではジェットウェイがふたつ接続され、ビジネスクラスの乗客は前のドア から搭乗できます。ドア1のジェットウェイ入口に STRICTLY BUSINESS CLASS ONLY って表示が… 乗客の民度が知れるわね。
いちばん前から後方を眺めたの図。B787-9 とは対極にある、ひろび~ろした空間です。

儂がもらったのは2回とも一番前の通路側、1J でした。


荷物を納めて、オーバーコートを預けると… ウェルカムドリンクを5種類くらい持ってきます。

1J に座った状態で横を見ると… こういう景色になっています。
左側の 1A/1B まで全部見渡せます。B77Wでこれだけ広々した空間の機内は珍しいと思います。


お隣の窓側 1K にやってきたのは、1回目がレジェプ・タイィップ閣下が優しくなったようなおじさんで、しょっちゅうスマホを座席の隙間に落としてしまい(やった。4回以上やった。2回は自分で見つけられなかった)、しょっちゅう落としたスマホを探していました。おかげで儂はアテンダントさんにお願いされて、暫く反対の通路側 1G に移動していましたが、その間はアテンダントさんにお飲み物もらったりしてチヤホヤされていたので、全く無問題です。

2回目にやってきたのは、典型的なトルコのおじいさん。つまり肥っててデカい口髭生やしてて、のっそりした爺さん。メルハバ♪(こんにちは♪)って挨拶したら、Are you Iranian? って聞き返されて、思わずプチ切れて爺の猪首を締め上げたい気分になりました。その爺さん、ずーっと咳しっぱなしだったので、手持ちの咳止めミントキャンディを差し上げて黙らせました。その後消灯したら… 寝るときの習慣なのか、上半身ランニング一枚になるから体臭がムンムン飛んできてドン引きでした。結局、どうにも咳が治まらずに後方のシートへ移動していきました…。

それにしても「おまえイラン人?」…は初めて聞かれた。トルコにいると… キルギス、アゼルバイジャン、ウズベキスタンあたりは普通に聞かれます。特にキルギス人は日本人みたいなので、口髭たくわえてるとほぼキルギス人だと思われてしまいます。日本人だと絨毯売りつけられるから、かえって楽だけどね。(笑)


安全ビデオを観てプッシュバックされて… 飛行機の先っぽカメラに切り替えたら…
なんか…「どけよ。(怒)」みたいにドヤ顔で偉そうな 777(?) が、真っ正面にいました。



そんで… 滑走路まで二十数分タクシングしていきます。ホンッッットに無駄に広い空港!!
目の前はこんな。2回目なんか、沖止めするみたいな雰囲気の場所へやってきたのでビビっていたら… 融雪剤を主翼に吹き付ける作業を始めました。おかげで離陸したのはゲートを出てから 45 分後くらいでした。




オットマンの上の iPad ではネ口ンガが電気喰って暴れてます。画面がちょっち遠いけどここしか置き場か無い。

ところで…中東っぽい形状の SP(ソルト&ペッパー)の、開け方が最初思い出せませんでした。先っぽのタマネギみたいな場所をひねっても、どう見ても一体化してるし。底の蓋を外したらドバッと出てきそうだし…。
結局、SALT とか PEPPER って書いてあるシールを半分剥がすと、その部分に穴が空いていました。

誰も手を付けていないトロリーが撮影できる。これがシート 1J の最大のメリットです。


2回目はパンプキンスープも所望♪ …またシソ・ウルトラマソ観てるし。w




無難に美味しいですが… キュウリやオリーブの呪縛からは逃れられません。






 ラムチョップ ラタトィユ添え





試してみたら… 田舎のお菓子みたいなぼやけた風味で、それほど美味しくなかった。

B77W だと、こういうベッドパッドを敷いてくれます。

このトルコちゃんの B77W は、シートは180度フラットになりますが、水平になりません。かといって滑り台シートではなく、わずかに頭の側が持ち上がっていて、オットマンのほうが低い姿勢になるんです。でも儂って水平フラットでも頭のほうを5度くらい上げて寝るの人なので、これで丁度いい感じ♪





まるで ANA に乗ってるみたいですが、アテンダントさんが濃いから、寝ぼけていても判ります。(笑)

到着ギリギリまで寝ていたい PAX もいるために、暗くしたままでお食事スタートです。






場末のキャバレー照明、キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━ !!!!!

いつの間にか窓側の 1K に座っていますが、咳が止まらない爺さんが他の席へ移動しちゃったから空席♪

爺の咳にちょっとビビッって、帰宅後3日間 Covid の抗原検査を続けましたが、陰性でした。

そして… 窓の外にポイントレイズの先っちょが見えてきました。


そんで… 飛行機の先っぽカメラを Forward / Down のカメラに切り替えると... ぉぃぉぃ。
『生のSFO』を見物できたのが貴重だったけど… 空港の真上を通過してるし。

そのまま SFO上空を通過したら、サンノゼのほうで旋回して進入経路に乗ります。

これが見えたら、1分ほどで 28L か 28R 滑走路にタッチダウンです。砂箱のある 28L で降りました。

タクシングして G9 ゲート前にやってきたので、先っぽカメラを「前方」に切り替え。


その後、顔認証 10 秒で入国審査終了。階下のバス停で SamTrans 292 系統に乗って帰宅しました。


今度はどのトピックにしようか考え中。昨年11月に乗った ANA 7/8 便のビジネスクラスかなぁ。


  1. But come to think of it, I, who used to be so negligent in leaving comments, have undergone a drastic change and now leave comments excessively, like the saying, "It never rains but it pours".

    As expected of a "Japanese man who never breaks promises," you have introduced us to the two flights back to San Francisco from Istanbul on Turkish Airlines TK79, just as you had promised.
    By the way, if it were me, I would want to enjoy the gourmet food on board, so even if I were allowed entry into the business class lounge, I would never eat until I'm full, and would just have a single carbonated drink or so.
    Maybe it's because I'm frugal.

    For some reason, flights to the United States always seem to be located far away from the lounge area. Is this similar to how flights to Okayama from Haneda Airport are given priority at the gates located at the far end of the airport?
    Of course, it only takes about 10 minutes to walk there, but even on domestic flights without any additional baggage inspections, delays can occur due to last-minute passengers.
    Even though passengers who board on time may look at them with disdain.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      > "It never rains but it pours"

      well… more common sayings would be… “when it rains, it rains cats and dogs.”
      Years ago, one of the car insurance company made an ad showing cats are falling from the sky and cat litter is used for anti-slip… that ad was very funny but immediately suspended by the complaints from the humane societies.
      Anyway, welcome back, doctor. ;)

      > Maybe it's because I'm frugal.
      No. You can control yourself, period. Me, I can’t control myself at all. As a result, I became chubby and severely diabetic… but I do enjoy my life, as you know. ;)

      The gate locations for US flights are quite similar situation in FRA, MUC or HKG as long as I remember. That’s because of the extra security. US carriers are always the primary target for terrorists. Japan doesn’t make enemies except North Korea, but United States fights with bunch of antichrist countries and regimes, hence those enemies target US entities such as US citizens and/or US organizations including air carriers… *sigh*

  2. The first thing that surprised me was that there are two flights a day between IST and SFO. There must be much demand.

    Although the aircraft is said to be 8 and a half years old, it may be an average age except for the wealthy airlines in the Middle East.
    Certainly, a younger aircraft provides some peace of mind, but considering that the Japanese airline has not had a single accident death since the jumbo jet accident in 1985, proper maintenance is still the most important aspect for safe flight. Is Qantas Airways an example of this?

    1. Turkish Airlines covers over 300 destinations worldwide including the former members of Soviet Union. .Some of them are Türk countries – means those used to be a part of Ottoman empire then became a part of Soviet. And TK still flies over Russia… then SFO is the closest airport to Silicon Valley, (no. San Jose is not really an ‘effective’ international airport)
      I took earlier flight by B787-9, and later flight by B77W, but the main cabins of both flights are pretty packed surprisingly. There are certain amount of Turkish immigrants in California. But they are somewhat identical to Latinos and Latinas physically – both look Mediterranean and if Latino guy is US born, it’s very hard to differenciate because both will receive circumcision. (lol)

      TK also has a bit tired aircrafts like Airbus A330-200, -300 or A320, A319… etc.
      However, US destinations are very competitive for them. Bunch of European and Mid-East carriers are connecting the States to South Asian countries such as India or Sri Lanka. Therefore TK has to assign brand-new equipments for these competitive routes, I guess.
      Some nonstop flights are given by UA,DL and AA but one-stop connection is being provided by lots of carriers i.e. BA, AF, KL, LF, or TK and other Mid Eastern carriers.
      I think the evidence is; I saw bunch of ‘curry eaters’ (sorry for the racial expression…) in the boarding areas and main cabins every time.

  3. It's quite impressive to see the sign "STRICTLY BUSINESS CLASS ONLY" at the entrance to Jetway at door 1. It must be because many economy passengers try to enter from door 1 without regard for the rules.

    Putting aside the relationship between the Ottomans and the Ottoman Empire, it's a nice touch that they bring around five different welcome drinks. However, it was a bit inconvenient to be asked by the attendant to move to the opposite aisle 1G each time the person in seat 1K next to you dropped their smartphone in the seat gap.
    Even so, you were pampered with drinks and the attentions of the attendant during that time, so it was still a wonderful gesture.

    As for that typical Turkish old man who came by the second time, he was overweight and had a big mustache, but is that your type of guy? It was a bit disappointing when he asked if you were Iranian in response. Furthermore, he coughed continuously and had a strong body odor while wearing only a sleeveless running shirt. He was certainly a difficult neighbor.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      When I board at SFO or NRT and if two jetways are connected, they are simply showing “←Business Class” and “Economy→.” That extra warning at IST suggests the passengers of this air carrier are somewhat special… I also surprised by the followings which I don’t see US or European carriers. (not sure in Japanese carriers though)

      - When the airplane touched down. They clap.
      - As soon as touched down they stand up and withdraw bags from overhead bin.
      - Main cabin passengers are trespassing Business class for find a toilet.

      I simply recognize them as ‘Red Necks.”

      The smartphone dropping daddy is okay-ish, except he made several phone calls by using WhatsApp or Skype, the VoIP phone calls… I recognized him as a red neck as well.
      The chubby bold mustached grandpa is… unfortunately, he’s off from my strike zone. I can’t tell why but somehow, I wasn’t enchanted by him. Except when he took off outerwear and sweaters and started showing off his hairy body after the lights were turned down… nothing happened though. (lol)

  4. I didn't know that Kyrgyz people are said to look like Japanese people. Would I be mistaken for a Kyrgyz person now that I also have a mustache?

    From the camera image at the front of the airplane, it looks like the Iraqi Airways equipment is quite bossy, like saying "Move aside (angrily)." I remember seeing an Iraqi civilian airline at Narita Airport before, I think it was a B747SP bound for Baghdad via Beijing. The short and unattractive silhouette, like that of a Tsuchinoko (which I have never seen), was impressive, and I'm pretty sure the aircraft was quite old.

    It's a really big airport if it takes over 20 minutes of taxiing to reach the runway. They must have to blow deicing fluid on the wings. I didn't think Istanbul was very cold.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Yes you are, and your senior Fiesta-member Dr. F for sure. I was told several times that Japanese men are so smooth hence they can’t have mustache. That is totally misunderstanding about Eastern Asian. Tey really don’t know Japanese is the hairiest Eastern Asian. But Kyrgyz are a bit hairier even they look very close to Japanese… I saw several Kyrgyz masseuses in Turkish hamam and they have hairier chests than me, but the face really identical to typical Japanese guys.

      I don’t have any involvements with Iraqi but Iranians… I was about to visit Tehran via Beijing (it was B727!!) but just before a month prior to my trip plan, the Islamic Revolution occurred in Iran. (far site)

      I thought Tsuchinoko is one of the specialty in Okayama…. Like Kabutogani.
      So weird creatures are still living in Okayama… simply amazing!

      istanbul Yeni Havalimanı is… very, very and very large airport. The facilities are meaninglessly large, and the distance between gates to runways is inconveniently, insufficiently and unbelievably far! When I complained about this inconvenience of new airport, 99% of Istanbul local guys reply me “well…Erdoğan loves it.” I am seriously concerning whether Türkiye stays democratic country or not…

  5. You were too scared to take pictures because you were worried that they might cancel the flight if the airplane's wings were frozen. But once you were able to take off properly... all I had to do was eat and sleep♪ As expected, you are used to traveling.

    Are the nuts they give you warmed up like on United Airlines?

    Certainly, the biggest advantage of seat 1J is being able to take pictures of the untouched freshly made dishes that are sitting on the trolley.

    By the way, you don't like salmon, but you do like smoked salmon, don't you? That's the opposite of me.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      I was seriously scared if the flight is cancelled because there are no close-by good hotels around IST. If the flight is cancelled in FRA or SIN, or even in NRT, I am happy because I don’t have to worry about sufficient accommodations I would stay.

      Good point, doctor… THE NUTS ARE COLD!!

      However, I can’t ask attendants “Would you WARM MY NUTS, please?” If the attendant who’s taking care of me is a guy with big mustache, then it’s lovely. I will ask their nuts… or heating up my nuts for sue. (lol)
      But those heavily severely and super-thick eye-lined girls… they will kill me for sure.

      It is interesting you like fresh salmon but no fancy to smoked salmon??
      As a gastronomic physician, you should reverse your favorite items because smoked salmon are surely anisakis free!!
      Although I was born and raised in a fishermen’s town in Futtsu, I couldn’t eat most of raw fish until my mid-school age. Smoked salmon is one of the exceptions I could eat and enjoy in my childhood era. Ah, that’s also because I got infected on my kidneys and prohibited to eat something salty for years… Fortunately now, my kidneys are healthy, up and running and effectively draining bunch of sugar… sounds unhealthy? no wonder I’m taking canagliflozin (SGLT2 inhibitor)!

  6. Even though the dessert trolley had arrived, you ordered exactly the same menu for both the first and second servings. After enjoying the dessert, in business class, they kindly prepare a bed, just like a high-end hotel's turndown service. It seems like it would be comfortable to sleep with a bed pad.

    I also read about this before in an article. Since airplanes in level flight are flying with a slightly lowered nose, it is more ergonomic for the seat to be raised slightly on the head side rather than completely horizontal even when it is 180 degrees flat. Additionally, since you are the type of person who naturally raises your head by about 5 degrees even when lying horizontally flat, it's a perfect fit for you, isn’t it?

    1. Yamada Denki sensei…
      Are your customers (a.k.a. patients) okay? I’m worrying about them since you keep posting comments so frequently…

      In regards to the dessert items, I also asked attendants the same varieties – Turkish traditional sweets with dondurma, Turkish icecream. This is to reconfirm I am flying with Turkish Airlines and I will or I had deeply involved with Turkish culture.

      The “bed pad service” is becoming common in business class, I think. ANA also does the same, and even by United, pads are available “upon request.”

      And… yes, you are right. The commercial passenger airplanes rise the nose slightly, therefore the full flat and level seat feels “lower head.” Additionally, keeping my head a bit higher prevents my lound and annoying snores. (lol)

  7. I apologize for the content unrelated to the article, but a gift from you has just arrived at the clinic. It's a pile of delicious-looking Hei-Chin-Ro's seafood and meat buns! Of course, I shared them with Dr. Akira Doi and the staff. There was even a card attached that said, "I hope you're doing well. I look forward to continuing our relationship." The feeling is mutual.

    By the way, Hei-Chin-Ro was born in Yokohama and has been in business for about 130 years since its founding. It is the oldest surviving Chinese restaurant in Japan. It's been around since before the sinking of the Titanic (I watched the 3D remake of the Titanic yesterday, so that's my reference point).

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Thank you for the info. Those Butamans (not Vitamins) by Heichinro are the most favorite Chinese pork buns within my friends and a family. Please enjoy the season’s appetites.

      Unfortunately, the headquarter restaurant of Heichinro in Yokohama Chinatown closed their door last year… But web store is still up and running, keeping their quality which is quite impressive for me. Hope they stay their tradition for years…
