Monday, February 20, 2023

NH7 SFO→NRT B787-9


ただし機材はボーイング 777-300ER (77W) ではなく、ファーストクラスの無い ボーイング 787-9。


ファーストではないからダイヤモンド会員より後の搭乗。UA の Lifetime 1K としては屈辱的。
でも初夏の帰省では機材が B77W に戻されるので、ファーストの座席 1K を予約しています♪ 

さて… 搭乗すると、こんな景色です。

でも、1-2-1 アブレストでスタッガード配列になっているので、なかなか快適。

もらった席は… 8A。ドア2搭乗口のすぐ後ろ。ホントは 1A を試したかったけどブロックされてました。

アメニティ類は座席の上に全部、ぞんざいに放り投げてあります。これ、COVID 下での運用だからみたい。

ANA のビジネスクラスに乗るのって、すごく久しぶりです。確か以前乗った時は、サイドテーブルが青いブツブツの、なんだか床みたいな素材で出来ていて引いた。…という頃でした。


8A のシートに座って、まっすぐ前を向くと、こうです…。

窓から外を眺めると… 目の前はエンジン。ユナイテッド航空の B772 でドア2直後の 席 9A と同じ景色。
エンジンは GEnX ではなく、トレント 1000 シリーズ。

ロゴマークが偉そうです。GE が GEnX で真似したら、まるで冷蔵庫。(笑)

SFO の地上係が出発する飛行機に手を振って見送ってくれている!!??

こんなの、成田の出発以外で初めて見ました。(HND 他は利用してないから知らない)

きっと… きっと… 全日空サンフランシスコ支店が SFO 職人に無理を言って「出発時は見送れ。手を振れ」って強要したんだ。間違いありません。だからエンジンが起動したら、見るからに面倒臭そうな仕草で、リスペクトなんて全く感じさせずに「あ~、やれやれ…」って電動カートに乗り込んでさっさと引き揚げていきました。

まぁ、SFO ではそれが普通だけどね。IAH の奴らみたいに地面に唾を吐かないだけまともだよ。

28L 滑走路の手前でストップして、到着便の着陸を待ってました。

その後、我々の出発です。8A の位置からでもこの程度は見えました。

そのため、横向きの 1L / 1R は、来月あたりから補修工事で順番に閉鎖されます。
ただでさえ混雑・遅延の激しい SFO、来月下旬から普通に 15 分くらい遅延するらしい。

さて、浮いたら西の方へ舵を切って… 太平洋岸が見えてきました。

B787 以外の機材だと、理科が苦手で頭悪そうなおばさんがシェードをチラチラ開けて、機内が明るくなったりするんだよね。でも 787 は液晶シャッターで、離着陸時は全開放、消灯中は全閉の状態でロックされるから、好き♪ 一方で、窓外の写真は色相がシアンに偏るしピントが甘くなるしで、撮りにくいです。


そういえば、御不浄は… こんなです。こっちは右側、座席 7L の後方の便所。
便所に窓がある♪ ニオイが気になったら、窓を開けましょう♪♪  ぉぃぉぃ…


便所アメニティは… 歯ブラシ、マウスウヲッシュ、あぶらとり紙、等々。
特にこの、あぶらとりがみ Face & Body Sheet はアルコールがキツくておやじ脂をよく取り除いてくれます。もしトイレの外でやったら…めっちゃドン引きなくらい、このシートで体を拭いていました。

機内 Wi-Fi は、B787 なら標準装備ですよね。


ただ、体験的には… 成田線のネット接続ってあんまり速くなくてガッカリ。











飲み物は「ANA 香るかぼす」の炭酸割りで。微炭酸でうすら甘くて、爽やかな酸味で食欲が出てきます。

3種のキノコのマリネ、枝豆 です。

ブレッド 2種のブレッドをバターとオリーブオイルとともに


アペタイザ ロブスターサラダと生ハム トリュフのポテトサラダ添え
ポテサラはハムの裏に潜んでいます。ロブスターサラダはロブスターの身がけっこう入ってて上出来。一方でポテサラのトリュフ風味はイマイチ。生ハムは… ビジネスクラスだから、こんなもんなの?って程度。


メインディッシュ 牛フィレ肉のステーキ ポルチーニパンチェッタソース


シート 8A って、ギャレーから直近なのもメリットで、心おきなくいろいろ頼めます♪

デザート アイスクリーム チーズ フルーツ








これ、ヘーゼルナッツクリームとダークチョコ Hazelnut Truffle Square ですが、欧州で汎用なもの。




やがて、日本の EEZ に近づく頃に目が覚めて。


このへんで起きている PAX に2回目のミールを配布し始めます。




 Grilled Goldstriped Amberjack with Soy-based Sauce

…そんで、事前にネットで調べたら… ヒラマサの事でした。




分量的にはかわいらしいですが… 到着前の軽いお食事ということで。
小鉢 ほうれん草と北寄貝のお浸し
主菜 銀ひらす幽庵焼き



てか… このカップソーサーは揺れたら簡単にひっくり返りそうな形状じゃない?



成田抗争の残骸? 確か…ついこないだ、ようやっと強制撤去されたんですよね?




そして、ゲートに到着。お隣はユナイテッド航空の機材、もしかしたら UA837/838 便です。
ぁぁ…3月はユナイテッド航空だなぁ、でも機材はもっとオンボロの B777-200 だなぁ。

ANA とかトルコちゃんとか、楽ばっかりしてると、ユナイテッド航空に我慢できなくなりそう。


そんで… 検疫というか入国審査というか… 新型コロナへの対応がなんだか凄かったです。



まるで駅前でティッシュ配ってるみたいに、『目的地に着いたらすぐに出歩くな』とか書いてある注意喚起の紙を渡してくるし… しかも日本語。もし儂がキルギス人で日本語読めなかったら無駄ぢゃ!


こちとらとしては、スマホに Visit Japan のQRコードを表示させているんですが、スキャンしません
そんで自動ゲートくぐったのに「申告品はありませんか?」って… 馬鹿なの?

これだったら、フォトショップで適当に合成して持ってきても全然オッケー♪ ぉぃぉぃ

で… ビザ不要になったからなのか、入国審査場が激混み

コロナで TPP の期限が切れちゃったけど… 自動ゲートで『特定登録者カード』を挿入したら… 警報が鳴るし。(汗)



「申し込んだんですが… コロナで更新が途中で停止しちゃってます」


4階の郵便局で 2,200 円分の収入印紙買って、行くつもりだしぃ… とは言えません。
で… 荷物引き取って郵便局で印紙買って、3階の二次審査場へ… 閉まってるし!?



 What happened, sir? ←儂でも聴き取れる程度に上手かった





「えっ! 日本語がうますぎて日本人かと… はいそうです。アメリカの方です」

みんな私服だけど… そもそも入出国在留管理庁の職員ってユニフォーム着てないのか。

「かくかくしかじかで… 印紙買って颯爽とやって来たら、シャツター降りてるし」


「1時間前に入国したのにもう出国? パスポートの残りページが少ないですが」
「そしたら、ご帰国…であってるのかな? の際に、30分くらい早く審査場へ来てください」





  1. You casually mentioned "a little bit about the content when I went back home from November to December, which has been about three months," but it's not just a little bit, it's packed with information. If you were a senior in Shonan, it would probably be about 10 articles worth of content (sorry, senior)."

    It has been announced that the ANA San Francisco-Narita route will resume daily operations, but the Haneda route has not yet resumed. While it's good news that the daily operations have resumed, it's a bit disappointing for you, who used to take advantage of ANA's first-class using United Airlines miles, that the equipment used is a Boeing 787-9 without a first-class cabin instead of the Boeing 777-300ER (77W).

    The boarding process at SFO is for those with disabilities, those with infants, Diamond members, and then business class, but where would you board if there were a first-class cabin? Would it be the same as Diamond members?

    Oh, it turns out that the Lifetime 1K members of UA board later than Diamond members. When you visit Okayama, you can get revenge by booking seat 1K in first class since the equipment will be switched back to the B77W.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      What Shonan Oyaji-san (a.k.a. atu-san) really doing is “Continuation is power”(継続は力なり)and he is consistently posting articles which I truly respect him. In contrast, I’m on-and-off on this blog quite frequently…

      Now the pandemic is almost over (nock the woods…), so the flights between SFO and Japan are resuming quickly. HOWEVER, ANA is still assigning B787-9 for winter season this year – means, no first class in winter! I anyway don’t pay for it, I just book with MIleagePlus miles. (lol)

      If the first class is available, first class passengers are able to board with Diamond members. Therefore, on this ‘no first class’ flight, only Diamond members can board prior to other passengers except disabled or babies… Star Alliance must establish so-rumored Star Platinum, “Above Star-Gold” status with better operations for UA1K/GS, ANA-Diamond, HON-Circle or PPS Club members, I hope. Then… I would earn a lifetime Star-Platinum!

      For visiting Okayama, I definitely take Japan National Railways for sure.
      Why do I have to fly over the airport where surrounded by Tsuchinoko??

  2. I'll write this down before I forget, but when I was running the clinic alone as a single doctor, I had to handle everything by myself, so I couldn't really sit in front of my PC.
    Now that Dr. Doi is here, he takes care of about 90% of the endoscopic examinations. Thanks to him, I'm able to work quite comfortably. However, he goes to Kurashiki Chuo Hospital every Tuesday, so I have to do my best alone today (lol).

    Now, let's get back to the article. The latest international business class has a 1-2-1 staggered layout. The seat you received was 8A, right behind door 2.
    I heard that JL and NH always block 1A for VIP use and only release it shortly before the flight if no VIPs are boarding. Did any passengers end up boarding 1A on this flight?

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      I was about to ask 「先生…お客さんほったらかしで大丈夫?」but now I understood Dr. Doi is sacrificed… well, he’s taking care of most of customers (a.k.a. patients) except Tuesday… but today is Tuesday, doctor!
      btw. I totally forgot today is a holiday (president’s day) and made a line at Kajiken, the new ramen shop… I spent an hour for having a bowl of Aburasoba at there. But the good was, Tim the owner of the shop, found me and came out, chatted with me for a while even his shop was super busy.

      In regards to the blocked seat assignments, yes, ANA usually blocks seat 1A and my flights weren’t the exception. Turkish Airlines also blocks seat 1A but their case is for baby basinets. I didn’t expect so many babies in business class, but there are always at least one baby in business class on TK flights…
      I didn’t check who’s sitting at 1A every time. If I saw him/her and if I couldn’t get bulkhead seat assignments, I might choke or stub him/her… oh, one of the case was totally an exception. When I sat 1K in ANA first class years ago, seat 1A was taken by Mr. Antonio Inoki. Even he was old, I couldn’t choke or stub him, I guess…

  3. Indeed, in my mind, "you and ANA" were synonymous with first class, so seeing you in ANA's business class is not just a rare sight, but also feels like a first-time experience for me. Is the blue speckled material that you mentioned as being similar to the floor still used in the company's domestic Premium Class?

    It's only natural to feel a bit disappointed when comparing the service between first class and business class, especially considering the huge difference in regular fare. Fortunately, since your evaluation standard is based on United Airlines' service, ANA may look good in comparison, right?

    By the way, is "Friendly Sky" still United Airlines' catchphrase? Even if it's not currently in use, "friendly" can have various meanings, so it's a good catchphrase for United, isn't it?

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      When I book an award flight to NRT (no HND for me… too close to Sega), I primarily search ANA first class. Then United Polaris because usually it needs less miles than ANA business class. Under this pandemic, ANA suspended first class for SFO. Therefore I booked SFO-ORD-NRT route in first class by MileagePlus in May, but fortunately ANA opened first class between SFO and NRT, so Thanks to ANA I could switch to nonstop flights. However, I think I lost an opportunity to experience new “Suite” first class seat on 77W… unless otherwise they does an upgrading ship-change. (no, no thanks to downgraded ship-change, please!)

      I briefly checked ANA premium class for domestic flights… but they look newer than those ‘dotted blue floor material.’
      The seat reminds me “Club ANA” which was a torture for me even I have short legs. If someone taller than me, like my brother in law who is 6’ 1”, should stay in ‘fetal attitude’ on that seat. Every time when I took first class, I complained the leg rest is too short hence I was very curious the leg rest has been modified or not on those “Suite” compartments.

      “Friendly Skies” (please note the plural) is always United’s ‘Motto.’ United is always friendly – means, they don’t think passengers are customers but just friends, don’t have to give better attentions or affections, neither, never, forever… I regret I sold my soul to United.

  4. I was a bit surprised to see that the engine was right in front of you when you looked out the window. Even in the 8th row, it's still relatively towards the back of the plane. I guess that just shows that they're prioritizing seat pitch even in business class.

    It was also surprising to me that the ground crew at SFO waved goodbye to the departing plane. I thought that this kind of ritual was unique to Japan. When I saw the image, I even thought that the Japanese staff at ANA's San Francisco branch had disguised themselves as the ground crew at SFO. I feel that this ritual is gradually gaining more attention on domestic flights. At Okayama Airport, it's common to wave goodbye, but sometimes the staff dress up in a Momotaro costume and wave a big peach around. I truly feel that it's a tough job and I'm grateful for their hard work.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      How you can do this… is the clinic occupied with Kanko Birds? No customers at all?? I’m scared to visit there… but I won’t be there in Tuesday. Lucky me! (lol)


      In regards to the engine locations, if you think about the wing shape of Boeing 787 series, the main wings are triangular shaped, wider connections to the body hence the engine positions can be forward side, I think. Also, because of this wing shape and the materials, 787’s don’t need winglets.

      The jaw dropping (lol) bye-bye gesture was inspired from Japan for sure. I hope this ceremony become common in airports, like Oshibori is everywhere in good premium class (doesn’t mean ANA, but commonly First or Business classes) cabins around the world.

      Cos-play of Momotaro and a big peach is over-performed, but it’ll be very suitable for ANA’s subsidiary, PEACH. (lol)

      I was wondering how Momotaro can born from a big peach… the grandma surely certainly and definitely cut him in half if he was inside of the peach.
      Same thoughts in the story of Take-Tori! Princess Kaguyahime must be cut in half by grandpa if she resides in the bamboo segment… I am too logically correct hence I couldn’t enjoy those stories in my childhood…

  5. I also feel that the runway, especially at airports in the US, tends to deteriorate quickly. As a country that's a major player in aviation, the frequency of airport usage is on a completely different level from Japan, isn't it?

    By the way, ANA was the first airline in the world to introduce the B787 for commercial flights, and the first route it was used on was the Haneda to Okayama route. I'm not sure why the Okayama route was chosen, but I speculated that it may have been due to the fact that in the event of an unexpected incident during flight, there are other airports such as Chubu, Kansai, and Itami that can be used as emergency landing sites, and Okayama Airport has a relatively low number of arrivals and departures, which would not disrupt other aircraft during landing accidents. When I first boarded the B787 on the Okayama route, I was confused about how to use the LCD shutter on the window. However, once I got used to it, I found it to be convenient because it automatically locks in a fully open position during takeoff and landing, and fully closed when the lights are off. The aircraft also feels relatively less dry and noisy, which made me feel that it truly is a state-of-the-art piece of equipment.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      SFO is a busy airport, but it has four runways. Narita only had one runway (now one and half (lol)) or Haneda only has three and one out of three are not commonly used when I was living in Haneda… so some of Japanese airports or old Hong Kong Kai-Tak airport have much frequent landing and departing, I guess. When I was living in Haneda, thefrequency was almost every single minute.

      I do remember ANA is the chartered airline for 787’s launch, and the first commercial flight was Haneda to Okayama, replacing B767-300. But that particular airplane was painted weirdly… not an original, normal ANA paint but looked like something else… an aircraft from unknown developing country. I also saw green painted ANA which painted in green instead of blue, they say that plane is using ‘sustainable’ 2nd hand cooking oil… but the aircraft itself looked like the one from somewhere unknown mid-eastern developing country.
      The first 787 was 787-8 which one looks more chubby stubby shaped… United has some of those, and now those aircrafts are connecting between SFO to small pacific islands, IAH to Caribbean islands, or EWR to the island in Atlantic Ocean. 787-8 is perfect for long haul but less occupied routes.
      There are many pros and cons for LCD shutters but my biggest concern is the lifespan of those twisted nematic LCD’s.

  6. Addendum:
    The aircraft used for the first B787 route, the Haneda to Okayama route, was initially intended to be repurposed for international flights, so new international business class seats were installed for the domestic Premium Class, which of course were not in a staggered layout. The aircraft you rode on may have been the same one that I rode on several times on the Okayama route in the past.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      So… ANA does the same like United.
      UA puts international configured planes for domestic connections, mostly coast-to-coast flights. I carefully choose those availabilities if possible, between SFO and IAD/EWR. However, UA changes the plan quite frequently. For example, my reservation of SFO-EWR in May has been replaced from 77W to 772 and the seat selection 1A has been replaced to 1L. (yes, 1A is taken for pilots’ rest) Or even worse, 772 Polaris has been replaced with “can’t believe still flying’ P&W engine equipped 777-222 old ones for mostly Hawaiian routes these days…
      Sometimes, sitting on the old seat configurations is a fun if the flight is short. Old seats reminds me some good (and sometimes bad) memories…

      Oh, one more thing about the pros on Shinkansen bullets. I can’t buy and enjoy those ‘physically hard to eat’ icecream (シンカンセンカタイアイス) in the airborne. (lol)

  7. In my mind, "United Airlines equals warmed nuts" and "Japanese airlines equal warmed Oshibori." If even Turkish Airlines has gone back to warmed Oshibori, it's definitely sad to see the original Japanese airlines using such cheap and thin ones.

    I'm sure there's a business class lavatory located at the front of the plane, but the one at the back is located behind seat 7L on the right side. So, there is no seat 8 in the back right side?

    As expected of a Japanese airline, the plane is equipped with a washlet. It turns out that Turkish Airlines also has washlets. I once saw on a TV program that a foreigner who had lived in Japan for some time went back to his home country and forcibly brought back a Japanese-made toilet because he wanted one so badly.

    1. Oh my…
      I would say…it looks as if a dam has burst and a storm of comments rushed in, hence I'm very worried about whether the customers (patients) are being properly taken care of.
      Doctor, I beg you, Please Work!!

      Nothing wrong with Turkish or United. The issue is ANA was still following the COVID restrictions which vast majorities of airlines already ended. I wouldn’t say higher rist of contamination is acceptable, but insufficient and ineffective ‘clean policy’ harms people rather.

      The lavatory in front of 8A, actually it’s located behind 7A, where is front side of door 2, wasn’t available when I needed to shot insulin. I begged attendants to use the restroom for injection, then they allowed me to use right side because the left side was too many boarding traffics… this is typical Japanese attendants’ behavior. On TK or UA, they are more than happy to use the closest restroom for such time sensitive medical use, but Japanese are more respecting the manual… (btw. What I’m injecting is Sanofi Pasteur’s Lantus®, 24hr long lasting ones. (lol))

      Because over 50% of aircrafts’ toilets are made in Toyama, typically B787s’ ones are over 85% if I remember correctly, Washlet® is the attractive option for passengers, but not for air carriers like United. Washlet is so common in Japan (I heard from WSJ that the electric power consumed by Washlet’s heaters need one thermal reactor… amazing!) but barely few of those are in the States, and vides are already installed in Europe.

      I have Washlet in my home, whichis gifted from Top-Gear-san. We really appreciate it.

  8. The in-flight Wi-Fi is standard on the B787, but it's not free in business class. If you're flying first class, do they give you a coupon for free Wi-Fi? Enjoy free Wi-Fi on your next visit to Okayama in first class.

    In-flight meals are probably the biggest enjoyment for not only frequent flyers like you but also for passengers like me who rarely fly. Therefore, as mentioned before, I usually refrain from eating much in the lounge before boarding.

    If the cabin is more than just business class these days, I imagine you can pre-order your main dish. In first class, you probably won't miss out on your favorite menu item, but on long-haul routes with many business class seats on European and American routes, there may be some misses, so it's probably a useful system. But I wonder what would happen if you were asked, "Mr. ObaKoba, we have you down for beef, is that okay?" and then you change your mind and say, "Actually, I think I'll have the Washoku." Would that be okay?

    Also try the beef steak with rice, miso soup, and pickles on your next visit to Okayama in first class.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      I totally expect you are doing multi-comments on purpose… not just Kanko birds are surrounding you but spending time in front of your computer. I’m so sorry Dr. Doi is so sacrificed…

      Yes! The Japan trip in May I don’t have to pay anything for in-flight Wi-Fi. But you believe or not, United offers free Wi-Fi for everybody if they only use SNS i.e. iMessage, WhatsApp, etc.

      On ANA first class flights, so far I couldn’t ask Japanese meal twice because I was the last person who can pick one… because it’s always an award flight. If it were United, I am the highest priority as 3MM flyer that can choose meals, but the selections are always pity…
      ANA has a very good guess for passengers’ meal selections, usually. On this flight, I expected they would prepare over 60% of Washoku for business class passengers. They might have AI to suggest the balance of availability from the passengers’ data such as nationalities, gender, age, etc.
      I think I told you before, that when I flew from NRT to LHR by ANA, they offered Katsu Curry for main cabin. (yes, the secretary mistook my reservation…) At that time, I frankly asked attendant how many percentages of curry dishes they prepared. The answer was… 85%!! No wonder the smell of curry covered up the cabins (therefore I can’t trust those explanations of air purification for COVID) and one business class passengers really upset and shouted why he can’t have curry in business class… in Western Japanese accent. www

      If I remember, let me try beef steak with rice and miso-soup in first class. Their white rice is very good because the rice cooker is in the front galley!! (When I told this rice cooker equipped ANA story, most of listeners think and believe I am disrespecting All Nippon…)

  9. Why do they write "bread" instead of just "pan"? Does it sound fancier that way?

    While prosciutto looks tasty enough to me, I would be happy to see the difference on your next first-class flight.

    I'm not sure if the reason the flight attendant was a bit hesitant is that you look like Kuro-chan or not, but Kuro-chan has become a popular and controversial figure these days, and he cannot be ignored.

    Even in business class, it seems that the dessert cart doesn't come around during dessert time, and they distribute them individually according to orders. I see, so seat 8A is the closest to the galley. I feel like you always occupy the seat that gets served food first.

    By the way, do all ANA cabin attendants (in business class and above, of course) hold sommelier qualifications?

    If you order Hagen-Dazs vanilla and say, "Wow, it's Hage-Datz!" for a self-deprecating joke, it would be great if you could get a laugh, but what if you couldn't?

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      As Japanese standard, パン is the commonly used word rather than ブレッド. Either way, Japanese accents are very localized and won’t work well in overseas… probably ‘pan’ would be better and commonly used/work in Europe, and it even works in English speaking countries as well.

      The quality of prosciutto might be tough to tell by photography. The most important part will be how the ham is matured well and properly, that is mainly ‘smell.’

      I am not as hairy as Kuro-chan and I am not as chubby as him either… but the bald head and a mustache reminds him immediately, some told me and I was so disappointed. I ma much more charming and more beautiful than him!! The similarity I have would be I’m as ‘trashy(クズ)as him.

      I am not sure but vast majority of flight attendants, not all of them though, have sommelière (pls note: ソムリエ is not gender neutral word like pâtissière) certifications, I guess. I previously heard from Ms. F who became senior chief parser of ‘Crane-Circle’ airlines that certification of sommelier, cheesemeister and high TOEIC/TOEFL scores are not required but ‘strongly preferred’ to be an attendant who takes care of C/F cabins.

      If I slipped(すべる)my self-bombing joke, I would be simply quiet for a while…

  10. By the way, cream is not the best accompaniment for coffee. As a person living in western Japan, the best accompaniment for coffee is still Fresh (a coffee additive derived from vegetable oil). The brand for Fresh is definitely Sujahta.

    When the meal course is over, they bring a bed pad to make your sleeping area like Turkish Airlines, don't they? With additional pillows and even a down comforter, you should be able to sleep soundly.

    I see, your important injection is being used when you secretly go to the lavatory. That injection requires a certain level of cooling, but as an experienced traveler, you probably use a simple cooling bag as well. If you need a refill for your injection during your visit to Okayama, please do not hesitate to let us know.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      The ‘Fresh’ by Sujata is my favorite too even it’s made from plant based oil. The funniest and upsetting experience was at the café in Tsukiji Hongwanji. Café de Shinran (LOL!) was under ‘purification week’ when I visited there. Then they offered soy-milk instead of Fresh by SUjata!! I laughed at and asked the serviceperson and the manager what a hell you are doing in front of Amida Buddha. As you know, Sujata products are already plant baed therefore they didn’t have to replace it to the disgusting soybean milk… I do hate such marketing behavior without customers’ view and feeling.

      The quality of ANA’s bad pads are identical to TK’s ones. Surprisingly, United’s bed pads are very good if you can get one – those are not available for all passengers, first come first serve unless otherwise you are GS/1K. And ANA and UA provide two pillows- small one and larger fluffier one. TK only gives the small original one which is pity for most of passengers, but I’m fine. Because I don’t use duvet, I roll it up and used as extra pillow. United has one of the best bedding materials by Fifth Avenue Sucks.

      I don’t have to ‘cool’ my insulin pens once it’s started using…my ones, Lantus Solostar by Sanofi Pasteur, can keep in room temperature for two weeks. Therefore what I have to take care is to avoid espousing higher temperature. I am using VIVI CAP Travel Case which is small land handy, the presentation video was impressive – the manufacturer used burner to roast the capsule to be blackened, then they measure the temperature inside… voila! the inside is still under 40 degrees in Celsius which is amazing.

      I will have VIVI CAP’ed pen, as well as adults’ diapers and Maalox when I visit Okayama.
      My concern is the control of my blood sugar; if can I shoot insulin as usual, and if my blood sugar went too low – I feel shaky when glucose went lower than 80 or 70, then can I take Pocari Sweat or something to beef up the sugar level? – I planned to ask this question in Okayama but this might be a good chance.

  11. When asked what you would like to drink, you replied, "I'd like cold green tea and carbonated water." It's no wonder on a Japanese-speaking flight. The flight attendant brought them separately as you requested. Please try making the same request on your next United Airlines flight and report back on whether they bring a "carbonated green tea" and what it looks and tastes like.

    I also know about hiramasa, but I've never heard of hirasu. Well, as long as it's delicious, the name doesn't matter.

    The pre-arrival meal is certainly cute in terms of quantity. But don't larger-sized Westerners (including you?) complain about the amount? Oh, I just remembered the working-class couple from your previous article who were delighted with United Airlines' in-flight meal and said, "This is the first time I've had such a delicious meal. United is the best!" I hope that happy couple is still doing well today.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Unfortunately, United Airlines doesn’t have cold green tea onboard… and fortunately or not, carbonated green tea is available in California. (Yuck!)

      ANA is so ‘sophisticated’ and make fish’ name as fancy as possible, I think. Why don’t the y explain it as “Buri like fish” or some sort…

      What I heard and certainly I feel the same that in the airborne, people don’t demand so much meal because of less moving, lower air pressure etc. Only those “strong-built Canadian couples” enjoy numbers of hot sandwiches… that was the very exceptional situation I’ve ever seen so far. If that ‘working-class couple’ (I never used that very politically incorrect expression… but you did!!) was on ANA, they might be threatening attendants to raid as many as meals as leftovers… I guess they already got stroke or pancreas cancer, and left because they ate too much. Amen.

  12. Oh, before you point it out, let me answer first. Dr. Doi is conducting a full examination now, so the old man can take it easy during my duty. That being said, I still have to perform one emergency endoscopy.

    As a person living in western Japan, I cannot understand why someone who has lived around Tokyo pronounces "ohitashi" as "oshitashi" and "Asahi Shimbun" as "Asashi Shimbun."

    I see, it looks unnatural to you when there is no paper between the coffee cup and saucer. Come to think of it, I think they used to have paper at Starbucks in Canada when I visited before. They don't seem to do it much in Japanese cafes, but I can understand why they would want to use it on a shaky airplane. United Airlines may provide some of the things that ANA does not, so it's understandable that it's a bit of a fresh surprise for you.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      I hope doctor Doi won’t plan to poison you… Amen.

      My father and grandma were Edokkos or say, Tokyoites, and they couldn’t say “Asahi Shimbun,” “Massugu” or even “Shiohigari.” So when my father picks on my mom’s Chiban accents, I sometimes revenged on behalf of my mom by asking father “Tell me the common word of ‘gathering shellfish on the beach’?” then my dad replied me “Hioshigari.” I can’t imagine why my dad and grandma can’t speak properly those words… I would be more appropriate to be an announcer of NHK. I also heard this is the similar method of indentifying Koreans after the big earthquake in Tokyo in Taisho era, then people lynched them… Amen.

      The flight attendants of United Airlines are sometimes very creative and well thinking. A paper napkin between the cup and saucer soaks up the spills as well as avoid the noise. Another creative behavior by United’s Ca is; hanging coffee bean bag in the restroom as a deodorizer. I was really embarrassed why a coffee bag is hanging in the toilet… but smelt good. (lol)
      United employees are smart enough to improve something for passengers WITHOUT asking the company. In contrast, ANA attendants are working hard and right but don’t do anything beyond their manuals… this is the basis of the difference between Friendly Skies and Inspiration of Japan – Americans are friendly, and Japanese are omotenassyi.

    2. It's already 24 comment counts so far and... まだ終わらないつもりでっか!?(汗)

    3. 明日はもう横浜インタコの記事公開でっせ!!

  13. Okay, understood. This is the last comment (lol).

    In response to your question, it depends on the patient's diabetes control, but for those who are reasonably controlled, they would typically take half the usual amount of insulin on the morning of the endoscopy. However, in the event of hypoglycemia, it is not recommended to rely on sports drinks like Pocari Sweat for a quick recovery, and instead, it is advisable to take portable glucose supplements. Of course, once you arrive at our clinic, please leave everything to us. We will handle any necessary treatment. But if, unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse, then you can leave it to ISO-san, so please don't worry (sweat).

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      I am really surprised you have read all of my replies… that IS amazing!

      And I am so sorry I totally forgot you are the pro, so you can give me an i.v. instead of Pocali Sweat. Furthermore, I totally forgot Japanese i.v. is not just salty water like American ones…
      And actually, I don’t have any ‘portable glucose supplement’ at all. I don’t think US doctors prescribes that kind of stuff for the patients unless otherwise they are type-1 DM and/or receiving short-work insulin shots…

      It would be convenient for my sister if I left in the close date to my father’s memorial so she doesn’t have to see iSO-san so often. But I wish to enjoy visiting Turkish bath for fun a bit more time… honestly, as often as possible until I release the ‘red ball,’ the sign of the game is over.
