ブログはまだ完全復活できませんが… 今まで撮り貯めた写真で徐々に綴ろうと思います。
クラウンプラザ・イスタンブール Old City です。かつては Windham ブランドでした。
旗が4本建ててありますが、片側はトルコ国旗と Crowne Plaza のロゴフラッグ。
エルトゥールル号 Ertuğrul とかテヘラン脱出とか東日本大震災とか、いつも仲良しなのに…。
団体さんが来たりしてタイミングが悪いと、レセプションのスタッフがテンパッて非常に愛想が悪くなります。TripAdvisor でも GoogleMaps でも、そのへんが一番ボロクソにレビューされている点ですが、新しいマネージャさんが就任したりして、3回宿泊しているうちでもだいぶ改善されてきていました。
ここんちは Crowne Plaza ブランドですが、プール、スパ、クラブラウンジ等があるため5つ星のホテルです。
このホテルがあるラレリ Laleli 周辺って良いお食事処が少ないし、外はシリア難民のお姉さんが体を売ろうとするし、日没後はあんまり外出したくない。で、味はイマイチでも結構ここで食べていました。
毎回 IHG ポイントでの特典宿泊でしたが、差額を払ってクラブルームにアップグレードしてもらい、ラウンジアクセスを付けてもらっていました。1回目は 3309 号室で、静かで寺(ラレリ・モスク)からのアザーンも聞こえてこないのですが、朝は下の街路の雑踏が少し聞こえる。2回目・3回目は 3304 号室をもらったら、窓の下はちょうどレストランの配置なので雑踏は聞こえないものの、寺からのアザーンは少しだけ届きます。
部屋の中は… 3309 号室を撮影してあります。
ある日はバクラヴァを 0.5kg 買ってきたら、丸テーブルの上に…
テレビジョン受信機は壁掛け液晶。英語放送は CNN が入ります。
儂って普段、旅行中にはあんまり TV を観ません。
でも大地震後は CNN と TRT(Türkiye Radyo Televizyon=トルコの NHK)に釘付けでした…。
時差ボケで未明に目が覚め、ルームサービスを頼むのもアレなので、リンゴとバナナを消費しました。そしたら、翌日にきちんと補充されていたのはビックリでした。面白いからフルーツ全部を失敬してトルコ風呂屋に持っていき振る舞って、部屋に戻ったら… 空の皿が片付けてありました。以後『ちょびっとだけいただいては補充をうける』という実にセコい愉しみを見いだしました。(爆)
今年に入って大幅に改善されたのは、Wi-Fi です。
下の写真、左側は昨年10月 3309 号室入口でのベスト、右側は今年の2月 3304 号室で。
最初の宿泊時、Wi-Fi が途絶えたり圏外になるのが残念で、クレームでもないけど指摘しました。そしたら予約担当マネージャさんから「来年 Wi-Fi 設備を更新します」と伺いましたが、その結果がこんなです。3304 号室は執務机の前に CISCO のアクセスポイントが設置されたので、PING 反射は 5ms! ここんちで一番ざんねんだった Wi-Fi 速度はすっかり改善されました。Wi-Fi 圏外だったクラブラウンジでも、下り 100Mbps 程度出ます。
ぢつわ個人的に、蜂の巣にはT学園時代からの軽いトラウマがあるので、あんまり好きくないです。それになんで蝋みたいな蜂の巣を、有り難がって一緒に喰わなくちゃいけなのか疑問。普通の液状ハチミツのほうはほぼ毎朝試しましたが、非常に美味しかったです。他には『マスカルポーネ』と題したトルコのクレム・フレイシュ Crème fraîche 風クリームも置いてありましたが、絶妙に美味しかったです。もちろんチーズとオリーブは各10種類近くあります。
早朝にチェックアウトした時撮影したので、儂のスーツケースが写ってますが… 場所はいい雰囲気です。
これが… 2月になったらこの場所が閉鎖され、中二階に新しいラウンジが設置されました。
カードキーが「カチッ」と言ったところで、ドアノブを廻すべきなんですが… 上に付いている縦型のドアバーを引っ張ったら、とれちゃいました。もぎ取ったドアバーは内部のソファにそーっと置いておきましたが、半日経ったら治っていました。…すまん。
儂はスタッフさんがいない 隙を狙って 時間帯に、珈琲をもらって iPad でネットとか CNN を観ていました。風呂屋から帰ってきてからやってきて、長椅子みたいなソファでそのまま寝落ちしちゃって、起こされたのは内緒です。
さて次はどうしよう。トルコ航空の SFO ⇄ IST 直行便2往復の写真変臭でも始めますか…。
I’m happy to know you’re thinking of gradually updating the blog using photos you have taken so far. And I’m surprised to know you visited Istanbul three times ( ! ) within a short period from October 2022 to February 2023.
ReplyDeleteI agree Crowne Plaza Istanbul Old City which used to be Windham brand, whose building is quite old and needs renovation soon.
I understand it's a mysterious structure where four L-shaped buildings are combined.
However, as you pointed out later, having only one entrance is slightly inconvenient, but it's convenient for meetings.
I can see four flags, with one side showing the Turkish flag and the Crowne Plaza logo flag. As you say, the two flags on the opposite side are the flag of PR of China and Japan.
Why do the hotel like a lot of red color ?
I also wonder why the flags of PR of China and Japan still remained the same though both the Turkish flag and the logo flag were at half-mast ?
The point most poorly reviewed on TripAdvisor and GoogleMaps has improved significantly during your three stays with the arrival of a new manager, with whom you became friends, of course (lol).
In spite of becoming friends, you often made complaints to him with the later appearing purple chairs (lol again).
Considering that it is a 5-star hotel with a pool, spa, club lounge, etc., it doesn’t seem reasonable this is a Crowne Plaza brand.
There are no such stylish and convenient facilities in Crowne Plaza in Okayama.
Well, what should you do next ? I hope you would start editing photos of Turkish Airlines' SFO/IST two round trips...
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteIt’s not completely certain I resume posting the articles here, but I anyway start retouching pictures as well as writing some captions on them.
During the severe pandemic period mostly in 2021 to 2022, I flew over Greece or Spain because it was relatively easier to enter these countries, and I like Mediterranean atmosphere including people’s behaviors. Then, after visiting Athens 7 times and Barcelona 5 times, I really missed Turkish friends so I visited Istanbul last year, and found my most favorite chief masseuse became a co-owner of traditional Turkish bath. I started visiting that hamam and immediately addicted. As a result, I visited Istanbul three times and I’ll keep visiting. (lol)
The huge disaster happened unfortunately during my staying period, and as per I noted, they respected the tragedy by half mast. But they might feel guilty or some sort if they also make CPP and Japanese flags down, we guess.
The ‘hardware’ of Crowne Plaza Istanbul Old-City is quite outdated, but staffs are trying to cover that weakest point by ‘software’ power, such as giving away extra water or amenities in the evening, or taking care of their customers as much as they can. After all, I exchanged business cards with three managers and a bell captain, and two managers are super friendly now. I just made another reservation at here in next November, the reservation manager immediately put me in my favorite room (or better) with club lounge access. Establishing friendships is always helpful for my trips. ;)
If you say so, ANA Crowne Plaza Okayama was comfortable and convenient enough for me though. Japanese accommodations have great hospitalities anyway so that they always can beat other properties in overseas.
Btw. This week I made an appointment with my primary doctor because I feel I got GERD… I started 20mg of s-omeprazole for every 12hrs by my own decision but the symptom doesn’t improve. Hope it won’t be a malignant tumor on esophagus which took my big-boss Mr. O’s life… and I wish if I can visit your clinic in the near future. I am being horrified if I would receive endoscopes at here in California.
DeleteI just completed editing and retouching 45 pictures for TK290 SFO/IST by B787-9.
After disclosing this article, I will try retouching pictured for the return flights - TK79 by 77W.
The hardware of Crowne Plaza Istanbul Old-City seems outdated, though if the staff is trying to make up for it with their excellent service, we can say it’s a good hotel, can’t we ?
ReplyDeleteYou say two of the managers are now super friendly with you.
As a result, when you just made a reservation, and the reservation manager immediately put you in your favorite room with club lounge access.
Building relationships is always helpful for your trips, isn’t it ?
I’m relieved to hear you say ANA Crowne Plaza Okayama was comfortable and convenient for you, with having great hospitality and beating other properties abroad.
If the symptoms do not improve even after taking PPI every 12 hours, it could be a serious case of GERD or there is a possibility of another illness, regardless of whether it is esophageal cancer or not. If you don't like to have endoscopy in California, come back to our clinic.
As you can see from our renovated clinic website, Dr. Akira Doi, who is much more technically advanced than me, will perform a precise examination.
Yamada Denki sensei…
DeleteYes, this Crowne Plaza branded hotel is tired and outdated. But indeed it’s a good hotel because most of the staffs are very friendly, especially they found the guest is Japanese. When they found the guest is Chinese… I don’t see the serious situation but Turkish staffs are very nice to Japanese, quite average to Chinese and Western people. My point of view might be filtered but I saw Japanese group tourists were well taken cared.
Establishing friendships in foreign countries, or over the Internet are quite helpful for my life as well as at the friends side, as you know. ;))
In regards to my “GERD-like” symptom, it is somehow uncomfortable when I took certain amount of foods or liquids but when stomach is supposedly empty, that “something stuck about 10cm above from where I should press for CPR” feeling is almost gone… I anyway speak with my primary doctor about this situation on Tuesday.
However, when I spoke with my mom last night. She strongly recommended me to have an extended trip to Okayama in next March… I told her my March schedules are pretty much packed, so let me speak with the doctor in Okayama if I can visit him in late May or early June, when I stay in Japan for two weeks and currently no plans. So, after next Tuesday, I might contact you my email regarding my digestive problems. …but I already found you will be day-off on June 3rd, due to you new website… I anyway will write to you, sir. Furthermore, I will see Atsu-san and Oku-shama in March. May I ask them to come with me to Okayama to have similar fun?
In summary of your "GERD-like" symptoms, you experience discomfort when consuming certain amounts of food or liquids, but the sensation of blockage in the upper chest area disappears when your stomach is empty.
ReplyDeleteIs that correct ?
I also have a pretty packed schedule in March.
Indeed, I am scheduled to go to Toyama on June 3-4 for the 48th Educational Lecture Meeting of the Hokuriku branch of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. https://www.jsge.or.jp/member/meeting/shibu/hokuriku
Please email me again for further details about coordinating our schedules.
Thank you, Yamada Denki sensei.
DeleteI just sent you an email so hope my Japan trip schedules work for you...