月曜日。電化された CalTrain に乗ってきました♪
こんど:11 分遅れ
つ ぎ: 8 分遅れ
電化されても、電光掲示板は相変わらずあてになりません。てか、電車に置き換えしている最中なので普段より遅れる。最大で 20 分は遅れる。と言い訳をしています。速い車輌になるのに、なんで遅れるの!?
従ってミシシッピ川より西の『電車』は CalTrain が最初。なんだかなぁ。
今度から国際線ターミナルは電車で、国内線なら 292 系統のバス。と使い分けます。
さて… BART は空港駅でスイッチバックして、そのままサンフランシスコ市内へ。
BART で市内へ向かったホントの理由は、無駄遣い♪
パウウェル駅で降りて、1ブロック歩いて… スヲッチというおもちゃ屋さんへ。
無事に在庫があって、ブランパン×スヲッチ の黒い奴を購入♪
ステキ! 400 ドル+税 で2万ドルの時計にソックリ!!
“Bioceramic is sustainable, eco-friendly and earth conscious. Even the straps are made from used fishermen's nets. Right?”
“Exactly. You know our products very well, sir.”
“The best part I love is… when it’s broken, it can’t be serviced hence going to the landfill.”
今日のお買い物で、コレクションはこうなりました。(Mission to Mercury は背嚢に保管中)
さて… オメガにブランパン… 次に穢されるスヲッチグループの高級ブランドはどれ?
ホームがベタ低い CalTrain。車輌がやや低床式になっても、段差はあります。
急行なので、SF → 22番通り → ミルブレー → サンマテオ と、3駅で到着。
それにしても… スヲッチって入店したら腕時計をガン見でチェックされます。
さて無事に目的を果たしたので、CalTrain の始発駅へ行きます。
最初は MUNI トラムのT線に乗ろうかと思ったけど… MUNI 45 系統のバスに乗車。
ほんの数分、停車5つくらいで CalTrain Depot に到着。
11 時 12 分発だというので、駅に併設の Subway でサンドイッチを買ってきました。
今日はホームに出る時、Mobile Clipper(西瓜やイコカ相当)を読み取りませんでした。車内でも Clipper のスクリーンを見せるだけで、ぬるい。チケットの正規購入率が9割以上いったからでしょうか。
20 年前に、チャリを持ち込んで通勤していたのが、少し懐かしくなりました。
今度は8両編成の先っぽへ行ってみたけど… 遠い!
で… ドアが開く前に、こんなステップが出てきます。
MUNI のトラムでも同じような構造だけど、CalTrain で見たらなぜか新鮮。
搭乗して… 深呼吸。
凄い! 臭くない!!(爆)
でも今度から、サンフランシスコ ⇄ サンノゼを1時間弱で結ぶんだから、これでいいのかも。
バスでは飲食禁止ですが、CalTrain は飲食オッケー♪
でも… せっかくの臭くない車内を、ややサンドイッチ臭くした気がする…。(汗)
将来あの程度の傷つけられ具合、汚され具合で済めばラッキーでしょうが… アメリカだからなぁ。
Caution. The doors are about to close.(ドアが閉まります。ご注意ください)
探してみたら… これが製造メーカーの銘板みたいでした。
会社案内のページに、誇らしげに CalTrain の写真があって、少しイタいかも…。
カーテンの隙間から盗撮♪ ガタイのいい運ちゃんは坊主狩りでもんもんが入った、ヤバそうな兄貴でした。
遅延なく 26 分で着きました。来月 21 日からはバーリンゲームにも停車して、それでも 23 分で運行予定。
ニューヨーク → ボストンで乗ったアセラ・エクスプレスに負けてないかも。
CalTrain は「終点の分まで前払いして、途中降りた駅で返金」するので、
サンマテオで $5.60
ミルブレーで $4.00 返金 = $1.60 の支払い。
BART は JR みたいに降りた駅でチャージするので、$2.05。
MUNI バスは一律 $1.25。
サンフランシスコ → サンマテオ は、$6.60 - $4.00 = $2.60 の支払い。
合計で、7ドル 50 セントの旅でした。JPY1,100 くらい… 高い?
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your report on the test ride of the electrified CalTrain. However, I couldn’t help but notice that the electronic signboards at the station already showed a delay, and the train actually arrived about five minutes late, which was earlier than the expected time. While some delays are understandable, it’s frustrating when the signboards aren’t reliable. If it were me, I might have considered rushing to the restroom at the station, taking into account the expected delay, only to risk missing the train.
ReplyDeleteI occasionally use the station next to Okayama Station on the Sanyo Main Line, and the train approach announcements are constantly blaring. It seems they differentiate between the up and down lines using male and female voices, but just like with CalTrain, the sound must be audible to the surrounding neighborhood from early morning until late at night. And of course, this is on top of the noise from trains passing through and arriving at the station, which must be quite a nuisance for anyone who isn’t a train enthusiast. Of course, I assume people who built or moved into homes around the station were aware of this to some extent in advance.
When transferring from CalTrain to BART, it’s great that you can easily reach the International Terminal at SFO. That must be good news for a frequent flyer like you.
By the way, now that you're a senior, you can ride the bus for just one dollar, no matter where you're going. In Okayama City, they also offer a 50% discount on bus and tram fares for seniors aged 65 and older, as well as people with disabilities. However, to take advantage of this discount, we need a special IC card called "Hareca Half," so the first step is to apply for the card. Since I haven't done that yet, I'm not able to enjoy the discounted fares.
ReplyDeleteReading the description above, it might seem like Okayama City is really trying hard to help their citizens. But based on the reality of the situation, it appears that the use of buses and trams in the city has been steadily declining due to the rise of motorization, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has further reduced ridership by 20-30%, leading to a very challenging business environment. I believe the hidden motive behind offering this half-price discount to seniors is to encourage the use of public transportation and maintain essential transportation services for daily activities like commuting, shopping, and medical visits.
Still, you ride a one-dollar bus to the airport and then fly business class on an international flight—it’s quite an enjoyable contrast, and I can understand your desire to relish that experience.
From the flow of the conversation, I had assumed you were heading to the airport on BART, but it turns out your real aim was to indulge a bit in the city, right? That exchange between you and the store clerk was quite amusing.
ReplyDeleteIn the first part, the product's environmentally friendly features like "sustainability" and being "eco-friendly" are emphasized, but in the end, it's pointed out that "when it's broken, it can't be repaired and goes straight to the landfill," which actually harms the environment—this is so typical of you! In other words, you're pointing out the contradiction of a product that's supposed to be "environmentally friendly" but ends up being discarded without repair when it breaks. Your comment highlights the irony between the product's eco-friendly image and the actual wasteful disposal process.
Moreover, by emphasizing that this "eco-friendly" product ultimately meets its fate in the landfill, you're also making a witty remark about how the product's sustainability claims contradict reality (hahaha).
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteLet me respond some points briefly. I’m feeling sick since I received an updated version (2024-25 formula) of Comirnaty® on last Tuesday…
The schedule of CalTrain is still inaccurate and the whistle is unacceptably loud. But the noises from diesel are gone which is still great. In couple of weeks, the running schedule will be much busier but everything looks fresh and pleasant except the loud whistle.
I enjoy half the price rides of trains and buses but ‘certified’ disabled passengers are free. I am not so envy about that though. The bus rides for medical attendance including flu/Covid vaccinations and the jury duty are free too. Furthermore, SamTrans bus doesn’t charge for the return rides or connections within 2 hrs, or the max-cap is at $2 per a day (2 dollars for a day pass) for seniors. …and if I reserve Uber ride to SFO in advance, it costs $40 + tip so it will be over JPY7,000 which is ridiculous.
The Senior Clipper card, which is white colored one, requires sending your photo ID to crippercard.com but the registration can be done online, the physical Clipper card will be arrived within a week. I even was able to apply a month before my birthday.
After all, my Swatch collections are getting larger and larger… I now have 9 Speedmaster and 2 Fifty Fathoms.
Then I have to confess a small correction – if those Bioceramic Swatch became in failure, the movement can’t be serviced but replaced!! …means, if it’s broken, I can bring it to Nicolas G Hayek Center in Ginza where I can stop by at least twice a year, then ask them to replace the inside of my OmegaxSwatch or BlanpainxSwatch. I would like to try bringing my bioceramic watch to Blanpain boutique and see the reaction of the sales clerk (lol).
Reminding the previous service, I asked an overhaul for my Seamaster at Omega floor there, and then they did replace the entire movement… I think that is the typical service by Swatch Group. (lol) …and the broken movements will be sent to the landfill. (LoL)
So, do you own a Patek Philippe Nautilus? I’m not very knowledgeable about watches, but I’ve heard that its value as an asset surpasses even its worth as a timepiece. A quick search shows that new models can go for close to 100 million yen, and even used ones easily exceed 10 million yen. I’m not sure whether your Nautilus is new or pre-owned, but in any case, you should be careful about theft or loss when wearing it. Though, knowing how cautious you are, I’m sure there’s no need to worry.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that electrified buses run in the San Francisco Bay Area. While "EV buses" are gaining attention globally, I think we rarely see them in Japan's regional cities like Okayama.
You mentioned buying a sandwich from Subway at a station, and that’s the long oval-shaped sandwich, right? I’ve heard that Subway has surpassed McDonald's as the world’s largest restaurant chain, but there are still only two outlets in Okayama Prefecture—one in Okayama and one in Kurashiki, both inside Aeon Malls. Like EV buses, Subway hasn’t quite made its mark in Japan’s regional cities. I bet there are Subway stores everywhere in the U.S.
Burger King seems to be increasing its presence in Japan, but there still aren’t any locations in Okayama Prefecture. This Sunday, I’m planning to cross the Seto Ohashi Bridge all the way to Kagawa just to visit one. I got a discount coupon for two Whopper sets, but when I take into account in the round-trip ETC toll of 3,980 yen for the weekend, plus the cost of premium gasoline for my low-mileage M850i, it feels like a ridiculous errand (lol).
You’ve been feeling unwell since receiving the latest 2024–2025 version of Comirnaty®, the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, right? Based on data within Japan, the most commonly reported symptoms of post-vaccine side effects include "fatigue," "decreased concentration," "sleep disorders," "anxiety," and "dizziness." When people experiencing such symptoms visit medical institutions after vaccination, they are often diagnosed with conditions like "depression," "autonomic nervous system dysfunction," or "chronic nasopharyngitis," rather than receiving a diagnosis of "vaccine side effects."
ReplyDeleteAs a general physician, I can understand this to some extent—it’s currently difficult to prove a direct link between a person’s symptoms and the vaccination. Thus, it’s easier to assign one of the above diagnoses.
In any case, there is no evidence-based effective treatment established for vaccine side effects, so in your case, it seems we can only observe your condition over time. However, if your symptoms persist for several months, it would be advisable to visit an appropriate medical facility.
The sound of CalTrain’s whistle is incredibly loud, isn’t it? Personally, I love the sound of diesel engines, but even so, hearing it 24/7 as a resident along the line would be tough. And with the number of trains set to increase in a few weeks, it would be great if they could reduce the volume of the whistle a bit.
Yamada Denki sensei,
DeleteThe reaction by Comirnaty® is over. Thank you for the words and the suggestions.
This time was the strongest reaction with Comirnaty or Spikevax… but the reaction worst ever was Zostavax by Merk. I couldn’t get up from bed for two days, and then I called my primary doctor. Doctor’s office said if the symptom remains one more day I had to see doctor, but fortunately the severe reaction ended on the third day. After that bad experience I again received the series of Singlix in 2022-23 without severe reactions, and the protection is way better than Zostavax. Now I do hate the vaccines made by Merk. :P
Now I will be ‘slightly’ protected by Comirnaty… but my next trip will be coming Tuesday and it’s too early. I think my immune system doesn’t recreate well by then. See what happens… at least I won’t be charged in hospital, I hope.
In San Mateo, train and bus fares are free for passengers with certified disabilities, aren’t they? In stingy Okayama City, it seems they still charge half price even for disabled individuals. At this point, I don't particularly envy the free fare, but if I were in a position of having a disability, I might feel grateful for it being free.
ReplyDeleteOh, I can somewhat understand why bus rides would be free for jury duty, but it’s interesting that it’s also free for getting the flu or COVID-19 vaccines. This reminds me, about three years ago, there was news from the U.S. where President Biden urged state governments to offer a $100 incentive for getting vaccinated, due to the surge in infections. From a Japanese perspective, I remember thinking that, even though it was to curb the spread, not only offering free vaccinations but also giving out rewards was quite something.
So, bus fares for seniors are capped at just $2 a day over there? In Okayama City, for the "Hareca Half" discount, I also need to submit a photo with my face on it, but there’s no online registration available (though it seems I can apply by mail), and it takes several weeks to receive the card. Okayama City cites the reason being, “Due to the global semiconductor shortage, there is a delay in procuring the IC chips necessary for manufacturing the Hareca Half cards.”
In your last service, when you requested an overhaul of your Seamaster, the entire movement was replaced, wasn’t it? If, as you point out, this is typical service by the Swatch Group, and if the broken movements are simply discarded, then it does feel a bit awkward for them to call themselves "sustainable" or "eco-friendly" (lol).
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I took another look at https://www.obakoba.com/2019/03/tokyo-2019-feb-3.html. This is an article from before the COVID-19 pandemic, but I see that even here I left a comment unrelated to the text—how embarrassing!
The second thing that caught my eye was the building owned by your senior near Tsukiji Station. I’d heard it was renovated and reopened at the beginning of this March, but at the time of this article, it was still the building I remember, and the third-generation owner, Mr. T, was still alive. So much has changed in just five years, of course with the pandemic in between.
It’s a famous restaurant I’d like to visit when the opportunity arises, especially to pay my respects, and it also holds a special meaning for me, as it symbolizes the people associated with T Academy who gather there.
On this day, after dining with everyone at a restaurant specializing in stews and gratins, you went to the 5th floor of the Swatch service center, to the Omega specialty corner, and picked up your watch after its overhaul, happily heading home with it. Your love for watches really shines through in this article—it’s a fun read (Ah, after five years, I’ve finally managed to leave a comment related to the content of the article! (LOL)).