Friday, September 22, 2023

Introducing aeroLOPA


例えばユナイテッド航空 UA837/838 SFO ⇄ NRT 線シート選択で出てくるマップは、こんなです。(PCの場合)

飛行機乗りのみなさんは、 というウェブサイトで、こちらを御覧になっていたはずです。
同じ 77E(ボーイング 777-200ER)でも、SeatGuru だと座席の形状がよりリアルで、どこが良い席か、選ぶべきではないのはどの席か、等をサジェストしてくれていました。

上述が過去形なのは… もうアップデートされていないからです。

SeatGuru が TripAdvisor に喰われ、TripAdvisor が Expedia からスピンアウトした頃からダメダメになりました。

さて… どうしたもんだろう?…と思っているこの頃、新たに出てきたサイトがあります。

aeroLOPA という名前のサイトですが、同じユナイテッド航空の 77E 機材を見ると…
SeatGuru のように赤・黄・緑のサジェスチョンが無いのも、バルクヘッド好きの儂には気持ちイイです。

いくつか欠けている機材とかがあるみたいで、まだ完璧ではありませんが… アップデートはされています。

例えば、ようやくポラリス・ビジネスクラスのシートがレトロフィットされたボーイング 767-400ER は…
ほら、ちゃんと 1-1-1 アブレストになったコンフィグレーションが 76U として載っています。

SeatGuru が復活しない限り、今後はこの aeroLOPA のシートマップを参考にしたいと思います。

ただ… 儂のこの先の予約はイスタンブールと成田ばっかり。
なので機材は UA の B772 と、TK の B789 だけで、マップを見てもしょうがないんですけどね。


  1. こんにちは。


    1. オーマイさん、ご無沙汰しております。

      この aeroLOPA、なかなかいいですよね。航空会社によって機内の配色が変えてあったり(ex. TK はベージュ&グレー)するのが、ちょっとした事ですがリアリティが増しています。
      ただ、SeatGuru が復活してくれたほうが使い勝手が変わらずに便利なんですけどね。

      > 最近は海外よりも近場の温泉行ってます。



  2. This article seems to be an introduction to a website called "aeroLOPA" related to airline seat maps. It appears to target aviation enthusiasts and frequent travelers. Given the specific details about certain flight routes and equipment, it might come across as rather technical for regular folks like me who seldom travel internationally.

    The article does mention the website "SeatGuru" and discusses the differences between it and the newer site "aeroLOPA". This would be particularly useful for readers who might have used SeatGuru in the past.

    One point emphasized is that "aeroLOPA" represents seat layouts and shapes more realistically. This could potentially enhance the experience for users selecting their seats.

    Your personal opinions and experiences are woven into the narrative. This adds a human touch and relatability to the article.

    Towards the end, there's a comment: "It's pointless looking at the map, isn't it? ". Your typical light-hearted humor shines through, bridging the gap with your readers.

    Overall, while the article serves as an informational piece for a specific audience, your personal touch and anecdotes make it more engaging, facilitating communication with readers. But then again, your upcoming reservations are just between Istanbul and Narita, aren't they? 😂

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      On aeroLOPA, the website has “About Us” section and it reads as follows.

      > Welcome to aeroLOPA
      aeroLOPA was born in 2021 out of an obsession of aircraft seating charts spanning over twenty years, originally inspired by the beautifully crafted diagrams published by many of the North American carriers in the 1980/90s. With the transition to digital publishing, airlines now tend to display only the most rudimentary amount of information, often highly abstract in presentation.
      > Our goal is to provide you accurate aircraft seating plans that flesh out the detail, the nuances, and unique conditions so you are better informed when it comes to selecting seats on your next flight on American Airlines, British Airways, Finnair, or Iberia.

      So… this website is relatively new, only two years elapsed and it supposedly established to cover the aircrafts belonging to One World. Therefore, the varieties of configurations are yet imperfect, but they cover the newly assembled or retrofitted seatmaps which is a great plus.
      I didn’t check thru yet but the aircrafts I will take are sufficiently covered, I guess. During my trips to Istanbul in Summer, I found Turkish Airlines replace the aircrafts and doesn’t respect the paid seat assignments. Due to those sequential disappointments and bad operations, I won’t purchase seat assignments from TK anymore, and I will not refer those Airbus A330’s by TK… Instead, I will fly direct connection between SFO and SIT so that what I have to check are only B789 and 77W at this moment. (Eventually A350?)

      And United’s 787’s and 777’s? Those seatmaps are already in my brain, so no problem at all. (lol)

  3. お〜っ、Seatguruの衰退にはそういう理由があったのですね。今後はaeroLOPA使います。でもSeatguruには広告ありましたがaeroLOPAにはない。どうやって儲けてるんだろう。

    1. m e m o さん、

      SeatGuru が普通に便利だったんですけどねぇ... TripAdvisor が買収すたあたりから、やる気なしなしになってましたよね。TripAdvisor が喰ってからはオーマイさんがウザがっていたように、レンタカーの広告がポップアップしてやっかいでした。

      areroLOPA のほうはまだ2年目ということもあって、損得勘定でやってるようでもなさそうです。


      > Hola. If you enjoy this website, find our content useful and wish to support us, please feel free to buy us a virtual Espresso. Your support provides immeasurable help as it allows us to keep the site running and add fresh content.
      > Thank-you


  4. The website "aeroLOPA" was established in 2021, stemming from its founder's passion for aircraft seating charts that spans over 20 years. It's likely that the founder was inspired by the detailed seating diagrams that North American airlines released in the 1980s and 1990s.

    Even in the Showa era, when looking at JAL and ANA timetables, the diagrams had a unique charm. However, with the shift to digitalization, not just North American but also Japanese airlines tend to offer only generic and uninspiring basic information these days. In contrast, aeroLOPA aims to provide seat plans that capture the finer details, features, and specific conditions, making them much more engaging.

    Though the website has only been around for two years, and might not be complete, it's valuable that it features newly assembled or retrofitted seat maps.

    Regarding Turkish Airlines, it seems there were some issues with seat assignments in the past. Are you planning to avoid using this airline in the future? Also, with your upcoming direct flights between SFO and SIT, it appears you'll be particularly interested in the seat maps of B789, 77W, and possibly the A350.

    Of course, for United Airlines' 787s and 777s, you already seem to have thorough knowledge of the seating charts, so there's no concern there. It goes without saying.

    This website is likely to be an invaluable tool for users who are looking for detailed information when choosing their aircraft seats.

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      When you were enchanted by the diagrams of JAL and ANA, I think I was being enchanted by Thomas Cook Timetables and imaging traveling around the world… and it happened unexpectedly. btw. Thomas Cook Timetables were published in Japanese from 2000 to 2009, due to Wikipedia but I didn’t know that! It didn’t help my language skills but was good to know the name of cities in Europe.

      The TK gate agents in IST and AMS are not helpful, not friendly either. However the other services are way beyond the average. UA wins about the friendliness but overall, TK is as good as SQ or NH, or I would say they are not so “mechanical” like East Asian airlines. Thus, I still prefer Turkish Airlines flights because this is the best way to arrive Istanbul. Surprisingly, visiting Istanbul is more important and impressive than the flights, unusually.
      In winter season, all direct connections between IST and SFO are held by B789, so I can enjoy one of their most recent aircrafts although I like those “open-air” style seating on 77W or A333/332. I don’t experience A350 yet, but the seat itself would be similar to B789, I guess.

      For United, Boeing 787-8, -9 and -10, plus 777-300ER and 200 are the typical aircrafts for crossing oceans, so I remember most of seat configurations. However, United is now starting newer version of Polaris Business services, “Polaris 2.0” soon so I am anticipating trying that.

  5. After reading your response to my comments, I was once again struck by your passion and interest in aviation and airlines.

    It's evident that you are well-versed in various airlines and related information, such as Thomas Cook Timetables, JL, UA, TK, SQ, and NH. I'm further impressed by your in-depth knowledge, ranging from the types of aircraft to their services and seat configurations.

    You express specific opinions and impressions based on your own experiences, like your dissatisfaction with the service of TK's gate agents or the quality of UA's service. This provides not just a list of facts, but conveys evaluations and sentiments grounded in your personal experiences.

    You've mentioned the allure of visiting Istanbul and have expressed knowledge and preferences about particular types of aircraft, which underscores the depth of your interest.

    Overall, your profound knowledge and enthusiasm for aviation came through clearly. I believe aviation enthusiasts and those who love to travel would find your writing particularly engaging.
