Sunday, October 1, 2017

Miss Pizza


ここは Miss Pizza という店名の,ホテルの女将さんが「私はいつもここ!」というオススメの店。
気候はサンマテオの夏と同じで,気温が高くても湿度が無いために日陰は涼しいので,ベランダに陣取りました。ホントは扇風機が首を振ってなくて,ピンポイントで僕の方に当たってたから最高♪ (笑)


炭酸水と,さらにカフェイン欲しさのアイスラテを頼んで... 10分ほどでピザが到着。
キノコのピザ Pizza Funghi を頼んでみました。このピザはトマトソースを使っていません。

メニューのイタリア語のほうがなんとか読める。トリュフオイルに浸けたポルチーニ茸,チーズはモッツァレラとゴルゴンゾーラの2種使用。『トリュフ,青カビチーズ,ポルチーニ』というキーワード群にやられて注文したら... 直径30cmくらいあるよ!

Miss Pizza
Evliya Çelebi Mahallesi, Meşrutiyet Cad D:86/A, 34430 Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Turkey
+90 212 251 32 34



  1. obaKoba-sann,

    It might be kind of different from the Italian pizza, but it seems very nice with middle class price and at nice place.

    Pizza Funghi (Fungi?) must be great, with the real gorgonzola and mozzarella.

    Does the restaurant have wide choice of pizzas?
    Do they often use the typical spices of Turkish cuisine on their thin pizzas?

    Even if I consider high Turkish standards, the quality of food is thought to be very profitable to you, right?

    best denki

    1. Hello Best-denki sensei,

      Generally speaking, pizze (correct plural in Italiano. Also, mushroom's plural changes a bit abnormally: i.e. una fungo, due Funghi) styles may vary depends on the region by region even in Italy, furthermore, it can be differed by chefs. In my humble opinion, due to my barely few experiences, pizzas in Rome, Tuscan or Milan... all different.

      At this restaurant, this was the first time I saw Porcini mushrooms are marinated with truffle oil, as well as the mix of Gorgonzola. But the flavor was outstanding for me because I do love those ingredients. And from my point of view, none of Turkish affection could be found on this dish. If I'm correct, thin-crust pizzas are from Northern Italy, typically Milan. Pizzas in Naples are thick, they say - but I can't confirm since I don't visit Southern Italy yet. (and last year I lost the best guide to be there...)

      And yes, they have numbers of different pizzas. Their menu in English can be found at the following URL.
      Lots of tomato-sauced pizzas are listed, right?

      Istanbul is very eclectic city. This is the place West meets East, Christianity/Jewish over-wraps Islamic cultures, and here used to be Constantinople, the capital of Roman Empire. Therefore the foods are very high quality and varieties. This is one of the motivation I repeatedly visit this town.
