Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Beyond Expectations Card


もう来年度の 1K® キットが届いたのか?と思って開封してみたら・・・
・・・こんだけ。 もっとも、昨今の 1K キットだってこの程度の内容ですが。(笑)

入っていたのは… 以前 Beyond My Expectations カードとして配布されていたのと同等の内容でした。
よくしてくれたユナイテッド航空の職員= アテンダントさん、ゲート職員、1Kデスク…等 に手渡すための名刺大のカードが6枚と、メッセージカードが入っていました。

メッセージカードは COO からです…。

こちらが Beyond Expectations Card =『感謝カード』の内容。
思っていた以上によくしていただいたら、このカードにその理由、 UA 職員の名前、便番号、1K メンバーの氏名と日付を書いて、当該職員に手渡します。

以前のバージョンはラウンジのお姉さんや、1K Desk の人にも使えました。

こういったカードはコンチネンタルとの合併前に随分もらっていて、毎回使い果たしていました。足りなくなって UA へ電話したら『コピー取って使え』って言われた事もあります。



  1. I translated it intentionally, even though it's a text filled with meaningless rambling that might make you lose your motivation to translate it. Because there might be a reader who still wants to know the meaning, even in such a case. (lol)




    Luc Bonder

    Hmm, it's definitely a text that isn't enjoyable to translate at all. I can understand why you might have lost your motivation to translate it too. (lol)

    1. Yamada Denki sensei,

      Thank you for spending your endeavor translating United’s marketing letter.

      I didn’t point out the issue but for me, sending out this kind of tools under this end-of-holiday season is somehow somewhat ridiculous.

      - Holiday Season of this year is almost over. This is too late. Well… everything is too late by United as always though.
      - if they specifically targeted 1K members, they can put these “Thank You Cards” in the 1K Kit next year.

      …and I didn’t know COO stands for 最高運用責任者. I usually translate as 最高執行責任者.

      Hope the 1K Kit next year would be something ‘positively’ surprising. :P

  2. By the way, I tried translating the 'Beyond Expectations Card' since it seemed easier (lol).

    ご意見を聞かせてね♪ カードを記入したら、それをユナイテッドの従業員に手渡してね。


    以下の 4 択の中から私があなたにお礼を申し上げたいのはこれです!





    The questions I've had after translating it so far are the following four points, and I've also thought about my own answers to each of these questions.

    Will employees use someone's name, such as "obaKoba," without permission to write this card?

    It would be expected that employees do not use someone else's name without permission to write these cards. Such actions would likely be against company policies and could have consequences.

    Is there a checking mechanism in place to expose wrongdoing like the scenario mentioned in question above?

    Companies often have checks and balances in place to prevent misuse of their systems and to ensure that feedback cards are used appropriately. This may include monitoring and auditing processes.

    Is there any benefit for the Premier 1K member who fills out this card properly?

    The purpose of these cards is to provide feedback and recognition to employees who have provided exceptional service. While there may not be a specific reward tied to filling out the card, it serves as a means for customers to express their appreciation.

    Could a specific Premier 1K member excessively write many of these cards without reason?

    It's unlikely that a specific Premier 1K member would excessively fill out these cards, as it wouldn't be practical or reasonable to do so. Companies typically rely on a diverse range of feedback from various customers to evaluate employee performance.

    Overall, while my concerns are valid, organizations usually have mechanisms in place to maintain the integrity of their feedback systems and ensure that they are used for their intended purpose.

  3. コロナ後やっとプラチナまで戻りましたが、平民にはこのような封筒は届きませんでした。

  4. Happy New Year!
    I would like to express my gratitude as well for this year.

    You may already be aware of the Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred, but here in Okayama, due to the nature of the Red Cross, we received contact from the director of the Okayama Red Cross Hospital. It appears that staff from the same hospital will be dispatched to provide medical assistance. It is a tremendous responsibility, and it is something that town doctors like us could hardly imagine.

    And then, there was the airplane accident on top of it all. Personally, I tend to think about things probabilistically, so initially, I interpreted it as rare natural disasters and a rare accident happening two days in a row by chance. However, as the full details of the accident have become clear, it turns out that the aircraft that collided with the JAL plane was on its way to Niigata Air Base to transport supplies for the Noto Peninsula earthquake disaster relief.
    If one thinks simplistically, without the earthquake, the airplane accident would not have happened. It's rather disheartening to think of it as not two separate events but as one interrelated event.

    I apologize for expressing such pessimistic thoughts, which are out of character for me, but I earnestly hope that this year will be a year where "all's well that ends well."
