Tuesday, May 30, 2017

SFO on May 24 (pre-Polaris experience)


ぢつわその直前にもシンガポールへ出かけたんですが... SFO/HKGにBoeing 777-300ERの新造機でシン・ポラリスシートがお目見えしており,家人が既に体験して「すげーイかった♪」と自慢するから,往路だけわざわざ香港経由で飛んでみました。まもなくSFO/HND線にもこの新型シートがお目見えするでしょうか,ご参考になれば幸いです。

Aゲート側のフードコートにウェンディーズが入店したのです。 ワンワールドやセカンドクラスのスタアラメンバーw等,SFOではみそっかす扱いな航空会社が寄せ集められているゲートですが,ウェンディーズがあるのがステキ。画面右端に婦警さんが写ってますが,ここ,ユニフォームのおまわりさんがひっきりなしにハンバーガーを買いに来るの。おまわりさんの腹がなぜベルトにかぶさるほど大きいのかが如実に判る場所です。ユニフォーム&口髭フェチの私には見逃せないスポットになりました。(笑)





ポリスを眺めながらウェンディーズを食べ終わって,まだまだ時間があるから第参ターミナルのセンチュリオン・ラウンジへ移動しました。 ...メッチャ混んでる。最近は誰でもプラチナカードくらい持ってるようで,驚くほどの混雑。空席が見つかったのは...ここ。
でも...隣にカップルがいて,リラックスしないでエキサイトしてます。なんと,こんな公共の場所で口を吸い合ったり甘い息づかいまで聞こえて来るではありませんか。きっとフランス人です... ←偏見



「ミュンシェンへ飛ぶんですか!? 僕,使うと思います!!」と,近くにいた太目でブロンド(←ここ重要w)の機長(金の4本線なユニフォーム)に声をかけました。僕の下手糞な南独逸訛りに苦笑しつつ「フランクフルトより乗り継ぎが効率的だよな」って答えてくれましたが... FRAって言われて,しまった女神様たちに遭えなくなるかも。でもMUC線,もしスケジュールが良かったらイスタンブールへ通うのに使うかも... と浮気心を出していました。

94番ゲートの大騒ぎをもっと見ていたいですが,Group 1(または,なんちゃってPreboarding)で早めに搭乗して,取材wに勤しまなくてはいけないので,通路のななめ反対側にある95番ゲートへ。



  1. obaKoba-sann,

    Each person owns various favorites.
    However, I think the most valuable aspects that create an admirable business class seat are as follows;

    #1 enough space for passenger’s extremities

    #2 straightforward passageway approach
    I know some passengers (including you?) have firm preferences for their seats where they don’t need to be seated near side of somebody, and where they have direct aisle access from each seat. A lot of carriers make efforts to hold a great balance by having a few separate seats and some seats additionally where passengers can sit in a row.

    #3 lots of solitude
    This might give the impression alike as #1, although it’s not the same.
    There are a lot of solo seats which seem disclosed without the presence of shields, barriers, and so on.

    I’m looking forward to know how good UA’s new Polaris services are !

    denki best

    1. Hello Yamada-Denki (a.k.a. Best-Denki who used to be acquired recently) sensei,

      #1. sorry sir… I misread as “extermites” who is a specialist of bug killer. (LOL) But yes, indeed. Sakippo is always important to everyone, especially men in LGBTQ.

      #2. In my humble opinion, passengers pay extra for privacy and extra spaces. That’s why the Suite Class by SQ is so demanded, hence people are gazing that service enviously. In contrast, United introduced slightly better business class compare to themselves' previous versions. But the economy seats became 3-4-3 abreast. Former equipment B777-222 main cabin has 2-5-2, then converted to 3-3-3 by FAA's order. This means, if you pay enough you can certainly enjoy wider space with acceptable privacy. (You still have to keep your fingers crossed to avoid chatty attendants) However, if you sit in the dark and completely packed main cabin, you will be treated just like a chicken which is ready to process for KFC.

      #3. There still be an option if you prefer loneliness even if you sit in main cabin. Just pretend you cannot speak English at all, and having autism or an Asperger disorder simultaneously. But please be advised before you do these. If you did it too much, you will be punched heavily then pulled out like a potato sack or baby seal on the isle to be brought out from the aircraft.

      As a conclusion, The Polaris(sm) by United is a significantly modified service for these days, after the sequential mergers and acquisitions happened in the States. But it anyway won't beat highly rated Asian carriers at all – such as SQ, EK or NH who keep being awarded by Skytrax or something similar.

      Nevertheless, as a 2.2 million mile flyer (will be 2.3M this year) at UA, I am very happy about this movement, but I guess the degrading starts soon or already started. There are no small pillows any more (or upon request), or PJ's are only given upon request, no customizable ice cream sundaes, etc... instead, there will be no chance to see Echizen-jellyfish on someone's blog unless otherwise he recycles old trolls. (LOL)

  2. obaKoba-sann,

    I have to admit I made some mistakes.

    "This might give the impression alike as #1," → "This might give the impression alike as #2,"

    "I’m looking forward to know how good UA’s new Polaris services are !" → "I’m looking forward to knowing how good UA’s new Polaris services are !"


    best denki

    1. Yamada-Denki sensei;
      Whatever I understood what you meant because I scored only 690 by TOEIC. Grammars, details and nuances won't be read carefully. (LOL)
